GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed Rayman Legends confirmed for Vita Rayman for everyone! gamingeek
[] [REVIEW] LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Wii U) "What took me by surprise was how different it was from the previous Lego Batman game and how similar it was to LEGO City Undercover." impressions gamingeek
From Xbox One to Xbox None The risks of an internet-required gaming console gamingeek
[] We Were Pioneers With The Super Mario Bros. Movie John Leguizamo gamingeek
[] Next Yakuza game unlikely on Wii U, not hitting 3DS Unconfirmed translation gamingeek
[] Jonathan Blow Criticizes MS’s Claim of 300k Servers Calls It A Lie! gamingeek
Nintendo researches GPGPU powered cloud computing Oh Magical Cloud, save us gamingeek
Xbox rumors postmortem: What was right what was wrong and what was missing gamingeek
[] Xbox One: A flawed plan, well-executed   Analyst Nicholas Lovell argues that Microsoft is chasing a 1990s-era plan for set top box domination in an era that has long since moved on. editorial gamingeek
[] The Making Of: God Of War gamingeek
[] Xbox One cloud provides CPU  and storage capacity of three consoles gamingeek
[] Watch Call of Duty: Ghosts at 60FPS gamingeek
Rumor: PS4 would have blocked second hand games Still might, a system is in place but Xbox One reaction put them off? gamingeek
[] Xbox One is not region free gamingeek
[] GungHo: making Puzzle & Dragons gamingeek
[] Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai - more screens gamingeek
[] Report: Xbone is Region Locked 360 left it up to the publishers. news aspro
Xbox One costs 600 Euros, launches December 5th Says Euro retailer gamingeek
[] Shenmue voice actor teasing Shenmue 3? gamingeek
[] Rayman Legends Vita trailer gamingeek
[] Sonic Lost Worlds Debut Trailer gamingeek
RARE dev says DK64 needed the expansion pak  To avoid a game-breaking glitch- this forced RARE to include the memory expansion for free gamingeek
[] Xbox One cloud is 'one area console has advantage over PS4' says Avalanche tech lead gamingeek
[] The super core guys, they will buy everything,'  says Microsoft gamingeek
[] Legacy of Kain reference spotted in new AMD driver New game? gamingeek
[] Wolfenstein: The New Order preview The Reich stuff? impressions gamingeek
[] The Evil Within and the return of survival horror Can I play with madness? gamingeek
[] Bethesda : images The Evil Within gamingeek
"If all you want is gaming, you'll still pick us" Microsoft says gamingeek
[] Nagoshi Yakuza 1 & 2 HD on Wii U is "an experiment" We're back to test games gamingeek
[] Xbox One pre-orders break Blockbuster records gamingeek
[] Destructoid review Fuse 4/10 impressions gamingeek
[] IGN review Fuse 6.5 impressions gamingeek
[] European 3DS eShop update: Zelda Oracle of Ages  and Oracle of Seasons - more gamingeek
[] CVG Review Insomniacs' Fuse 6/10 - "Fuse is like four dull cover-shooters transposed on top of each other" impressions gamingeek
[] Conker's Bad Fur Day creators get together  for Director's Commentary over a decade after release gamingeek
[] In Theory: Can the Xbox One cloud transform next-gen gaming? Or has Microsoft got its head in the clouds? gamingeek
Polygon review Insomniacs' Fuse 6.5 - "Boring enemies and repetitive encounters hurt Fuse in multiplayer and alone" impressions gamingeek
Sony to stream E3 conference on PlayStation Vita Perfect for airport Wi Fi gamingeek
[] eBay Germany Takes a Swipe At Xbox One Suggests Wii U As Viable Substitute gamingeek
[] Finally, it's here: UK games download charts are ready In a world first, the UK has been the first games market to produce an accurate download chart gamingeek
[] Will the PS4 limit pre-owned games as well? Now attention turns to Sony - gamingeek
[] Curiosity: Oh, so THAT'S what was inside the Cube! Peter Molyneux - WOW gamingeek
[] Infamous Second Son PS4: Newer images Worth checking out media gamingeek
[] Phil Harrison: "we do not use Kinect to spy on you" gamingeek
[] Kinect Xbox One surveilance may be unlawful  Say German and Austrailian critics gamingeek
Ace Attorney 5 and Monster Hunter 4 N.Direct coming A 3DS Capcom lovefest for Japan gamingeek
[] Tales of Xillia : new images gamingeek
[] Rayman Legends Vita includes Wii U touch levels Using the rear touchpad gamingeek
Animal Crossing: K . K. and Friends tribute album Listen to a sample gamingeek
[] Sessler's Something - Xbox Ones' Messaging mess And Nintendo's Let's Play policy gamingeek
[] Square-Enix discusses the importance of 'regionality' with sales, examining AAA titles gamingeek
MS applies for TV achievements patent news Ravenprose
Shinen working on two Wii U games - summer reveal Probably FAST sequel - "Will unlock more of the Wii U’s power" gamingeek
[] Shin'en - Wii U has enough power for years to come "You need to treat the Wii U differently because of a very different and in our view more accessible architecture. There is a lot power to unleash in the Wii U" gamingeek
‘Wii U Specs Fit Perfectly Together’ - Shinen 'GPU Several Generations Ahead of Current Gen' gamingeek
[] Sonic Lost World boxart gamingeek
[] How The Big Three Described Their Consoles From NES to Xbox One gamingeek
[] Official PR - Rise against the deadly six in Sonic Lost World Exclusive Wii U Colour Powers can be controlled with the Wii U GamePad by tilting, touching, aiming and more gamingeek
[] PS4 and Xbox One's AMD Jaguar CPU examined The AMD Jaguar CPU that lies at the heart of both PS4 and Xbox One may not be the gaming beast we had expected gamingeek
[] Square Enix's three-step plan to recovery gamingeek
[] Nintendo's E3 US Best Buy locations for demos Go hands-on with it gamingeek
[] IO Interactive - Managing director leaves  (director on upcoming project also leaving) gamingeek
[] Xbox One data collection: 'From a legal perspective transparency is key,' says lawyer gamingeek
[] Xbox One pre-orders ahead of PS4 at some retailers UK: although PS4 enjoys post Xbox spike gamingeek
'Halo Bootcamp' listing for PC spotted possibly a third-person shooter gamingeek
[] Kojima teases new Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer lots of gameplay, no explosions media gamingeek
[] PS4 dev: Sony mandates Vita Remote Play for all games Except for titles using the PS4 Eye gamingeek
Crytek teases a return to the tropics  with supposed Crysis 3 DLC images media gamingeek
Itagaki promises Devil's Third is still in the works This dude is still alive? gamingeek
[] The Elder Scrolls Online hands-on gamingeek
[] Rein Calls Bullshit on EA PC vs next-gen consoles claim "The article said 'highest-end PCs currently available' which isn't even close to true, it's miles away from true." gamingeek
[] Xbox One Reveal Delivers Viewership record  Numbers for Xbox gamingeek
[] Blizzard pushes the Titan project back to 2016 gamingeek
[] Rayman Legends Vita screens gamingeek
[] Sonic: Lost World – Taking a Page From Mario Galaxy IGN interview: Whisp-based “Color Powers” gamingeek
[] Ubisoft opens official blog Henceforth all Ubi related bitching happens here gamingeek
[] SEGA Spectrum "A new world of entertainment." Just what is SEGA up to? gamingeek
[] Mighty Switch Force U seeing update this Thursday New character, audio and smaller file size gamingeek
[] Miiverse browser version update - create new posts From PC - Follow people gamingeek
[] Double Fine's Game is Massive Chalice A tactical strategy PC game on an epic fantasy timeline from the creators of Psychonauts, Brütal Legend, and Iron Brigade! news Nintyfan17
THE FALL OF GAME REPUBLIC Former Capcom icon Yoshiki Okamoto opens up about the collapse of developer Game Republic gamingeek
[] Killzone: Shadow Fall is playable after- -downloading the first level and menu gamingeek
[] Tales of Xillia Limited Edition Announced For U.S. Automatic upgrade for those who preordered news Mondo Zappa
[] Fire Emblem devs talk Western release, series future Tiny feet, Wii U chances, Advance Wars return gamingeek
[] Gamespot: GTA publisher talks next-gen used games "If Microsoft has figured out a way to tax used games, then we should get paid, too." Zelnick said. gamingeek
[] Sony Won't Answer Questions About PS4 DRM and Used Games.... yet gamingeek
E3 Insider website lists Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U Keep pretending it doesn't exist Activision, like every Wii/u COD gamingeek
Rayman Legends shines brighter with new lighting, stealthy gameplay Multiple levels detailed, including a Wii U-exclusive outing gamingeek
Rayman Legends - more screens gamingeek
[] Genius Sonority has short-term 3DS plans wants more Denpa Men, interested in Wii U gamingeek
Why demand for Animal Crossing merch is rising OPINION editorial gamingeek
[] Far Cry 4 coming Q1 2014, Rainbow Six headed to Vita? Rumor: AC3:L headed to PSN/XBLA gamingeek
[] Pikmin 3 screens gamingeek
[] New Killzone Shadow Fall developer diary released gamingeek
Pachter: PS4 and Xbox One to sell out at launch PS4 $349/ X1 $399 gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Reviews Insomniac's Fuse 5/10 "For the most part it's just OK" impressions aspro
[] Double Fine To Announce Something Today "Excited about announcing something new tomorrow! Not a sequel or a port," Schafer said. Something new. I might even put on new underwear." news Nintyfan17
[] PS4/Xbone install base could 'double'  Ubisoft: current-gen's first two-year sales gamingeek
Devil’s Third development progressing smoothly Samurai Warriors 4 coming 2014, and other random game updates gamingeek
[] 32GB White Wii U, Rechargeable Wii Remote Battery  And 2550mAh GamePad Battery Announced news gamingeek
[] Screen, video - Rain gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing: New Leaf - event calendar first NA DLC, exclusive patterns gamingeek
Precursor Games Interview: Wii U’s horsepower benefits of episodic games, Cry Engine 3, and more gamingeek
[] SEGA's 3D Series pretty much confirmed 3D Sonic, Altered Beast gamingeek
[] Why Wii U demos at E3  are unlikely to hit eShop “(Demos) are held to the same testing and standards as final games - so it can result in some fails before a demo is ready for the eShop.” gamingeek
[] New Super Luigi U file size revealed 1.5gb gamingeek
[] Japan getting official Wiimote quick-charge set 6 years too late gamingeek
[] IGN teasing news on smaller, exclusive Wii U title next week Isn't only on Wii U but is exclusive? 3DS? gamingeek
[] Insider's Look at QA on Halo Multiplayer Crybaby cries. editorial aspro
[] Capcom: No Resident evil 7 at E3 gamingeek
[] Lego Batman 2 Nintendolife review - 7/10 "If it wasn’t for LEGO City Undercover, LEGO Batman 2 would easily be the pinnacle of the LEGO games series." gamingeek
[] Spector - Underestimate Nintendo at your own peril "And, really, how many times have people written Nintendo off?" gamingeek
[] John Carmack (on PS4/XB1) "I won't recommend one over the other at this point" gamingeek
[] PS4 and XBone conferences 'strongest in years' The Dorrito Pope hath spoken gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 4 trailer gamingeek
[] Freedom Wars Vita screens gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney 5 : new trailer gamingeek
[] New Super Luigi U : long trailer gamingeek
[] Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 2GB review 90/100 "...quicker and cheaper than both the top-tier single-GPU cards of the previous generation." impressions aspro
[] Director Gets Rights to El Shaddai from Publisher So there may be a sequel. news aspro
[] The 90′s Arcade Racer screenshots running at 60 FPS on Wii U media gamingeek
[] Video: New Rayman Legends Wii U  Stealth Stage Sneaks Into View gamingeek
[] Sony brings in Morgan Stanley, Citigroup  to consider division split gamingeek
[] Amazon lists FIFA 14 on Xbox One and PS4 for £89.99 Foolz, would you pay that? gamingeek
[] New Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies screenshots gamingeek
[] Some Wii Services Being Halted on June 28th No more Nintendo channel, Wii news, weather etc gamingeek
[] Avalanche defends Xbox One’s reveal pitch talks up connectivity features gamingeek
[] Killer is Dead Videos gamingeek
[] Naughty Dog not changing their engine for PS4 PS3 engine for PS4 gamingeek
[] Former Vigil dev talks Darksiders 3 ideas wants Vanillaware to do a 2D installment gamingeek
Animal Crossing: New Leaf devs explain  how the series makes everyday tasks fun gamingeek
[] Precursor defends Dyack, discusses plans  if Shadow of the Eternals funding fails gamingeek
Last of Us first review. The Citizen Kain of gaming. "may also prove to be gaming’s Citizen Kane moment – a masterpiece that will be looked back upon favourably for decades. impressions Dvader
[] Space Invaders: The Blast from the Past that Still Inspires Nice read on Space Invaders' impact and influence. editorial bugsonglass
[] Project X Zone Gets A Demo In North America Next Week via the eShop Mondo Zappa
[] The Legend of Zelda: Oracle... Out TODAY for U.S. 3DS. $4.99 apiece thru 6/20/13! news phantom_leo
[] IGN Plays: State of Decay "The Zombie Game You've Always Wanted." media phantom_leo
All 3 Sonic titles in the exclusive deal will be out this year Nintendo Germany says gamingeek
Alternative E3 event 'EToo' taking place in London Sponsored by Sony. FREE FOR ALL TO ATTEND with Pre-Registration. Taking place at The Loading Bar in Soho. news phantom_leo
[] Mamorukun Curse Graces Playstation Network Next Month! For all the Shooter Fans among us... All three of us! news phantom_leo
[] Dark Souls 2 Coming March 2014 So Sayeth an E3 Sign! You now have 9 months to live! news phantom_leo
[] Oculus Co-Founder Dead at 33 Run over by car being pursued by police. news aspro
[] New Trailer for Sony's Rain enemies are ghostly creatures media Mondo Zappa
[] Neogaf the documentary Lots of Pachter. news Dvader
[] Sniper Elite V2 - Wii U footage gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 4 - commercial gamingeek
[] Mighty Switch Force 2 - new details gamingeek
[] 8 amazing Nintendo facts and secrets gamingeek
[] New Killer is Dead Videos Gigolo Missions, Tatoos that come alive, you know...Suda51 stuff! media Mondo Zappa
[] Shin Megami Tensei IV Sold Through 80% Of Its Shipment sold 188,562 copies in its first week Mondo Zappa
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Thu, 30 May 2013 10:59:16
Dvader said:

Found it.

Miami is very vague...

BUT WTF NINTENDO. 4-8pm on wed and 4 hours on saturday?! How do you screw this up so badly. Now I am going to have to wait in line or some crap cause its only available for 4 hours. Seriously. Damnit!

Rip your shirt off, grease yourself up and walk menacingly towards the front of the line. You'll get in.

bugsonglass said:

So my Mario U arrived today and I still have no flippin' U.  WTF Amazon?  It was supposedly dispatched almost a month ago.  And the system won't even let me report it as missing yet.  Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Dvader said:

This is guy is right on the money and awesome

All about Nintendo and how they will be just fine in the future. His giant slow elephant analogy is perfect. LOL

Quite funny, Mario Kart Wii sales > entire Halo series? That is insane.

Neogaf had a 50 page thread about the buttonless GC pad LOL

I was playing more Arkham City last night, finding Mr Freeze. Actually enjoying it a bit more. I think first time through the environment is quite busy and the detective mode is not really very good at identifying critical objects all the time. So you waste a lot of time looking about and stuff. Seeing how I played the section before I knew what I was doing and just got into a groove.

Edited: Thu, 30 May 2013 11:08:58

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Thu, 30 May 2013 11:35:35

New sku

White Wii U 32GB

Nintendo has confirmed a new Premium SKU for its Wii U console. The system will be released in white with 32GB of internal memory — a configuration which was previously only available in black. It launches in Japan on July 13th for 31,500 Yen (that's about $312 / £206).

New accessories have also been revealed. The Wii Remote is finally getting an official rechargeable battery, along with a "Fast Charge" dock. The battery and the dock will retail for 4,200 Yen (approximately $41 / £27) or you can pay 2,625 Yen ($26 / £17) for just the battery itself.

Speaking of batteries, the GamePad is getting an official 2550mAh battery pack which will boost its stamina up to eight hours, according to Nintendo. It will cost 3,150 Yen (about $31 / £20) when it hits Japanese store shelves.

Wii Remote Charger

Finally, Nintendo is releasing Nintendo Land in a bundle pack with a Wii Remote.

Nintendo Land bundle

There's no word on when these items will be coming to the west, but when we know, you'll know too.


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Thu, 30 May 2013 11:53:12

I don't understand where som of these companies are coming up with this shit when they say they think this new generation of consoles is going to be so much more successful than last gen. How so? Unless they are much cheaper, which given what Wii U costs doesn't seem likely, I don't see this happening.


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Thu, 30 May 2013 12:12:00
edgecrusher said:

I don't understand where som of these companies are coming up with this shit when they say they think this new generation of consoles is going to be so much more successful than last gen. How so? Unless they are much cheaper, which given what Wii U costs doesn't seem likely, I don't see this happening.

Microsoft said the same thing when the 360 launched.

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Thu, 30 May 2013 13:03:51
gamingeek said:
Dvader said:

Found it.

Miami is very vague...

BUT WTF NINTENDO. 4-8pm on wed and 4 hours on saturday?! How do you screw this up so badly. Now I am going to have to wait in line or some crap cause its only available for 4 hours. Seriously. Damnit!

Rip your shirt off, grease yourself up and walk menacingly towards the front of the line. You'll get in.

Actually he'd just look like half the guys in Miami.

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Thu, 30 May 2013 13:05:03
bugsonglass said:

So my Mario U arrived today and I still have no flippin' U.  WTF Amazon?  It was supposedly dispatched almost a month ago.  And the system won't even let me report it as missing yet.  Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Yeah I'm less and less a fan of Amazon as time goes on. The only thing it really seems to have going for it are the wish lists. Hopefully you get it tomorrow... or today.... damn time zones.

Edited: Thu, 30 May 2013 13:05:47
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Thu, 30 May 2013 13:22:01
bugsonglass said:

So my Mario U arrived today and I still have no flippin' U.  WTF Amazon?  It was supposedly dispatched almost a month ago.  And the system won't even let me report it as missing yet.  Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Just e-mail them anyway.

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Thu, 30 May 2013 14:07:38
Foolz said:
bugsonglass said:

So my Mario U arrived today and I still have no flippin' U.  WTF Amazon?  It was supposedly dispatched almost a month ago.  And the system won't even let me report it as missing yet.  Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Just e-mail them anyway.

I did this just now.  I hate it when a company puts you through long list after long list of FAQs before they finally and very reluctantly let you contact them.  Pisses me right off.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Thu, 30 May 2013 14:22:39
bugsonglass said:
Foolz said:
bugsonglass said:

So my Mario U arrived today and I still have no flippin' U.  WTF Amazon?  It was supposedly dispatched almost a month ago.  And the system won't even let me report it as missing yet.  Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Just e-mail them anyway.

I did this just now.  I hate it when a company puts you through long list after long list of FAQs before they finally and very reluctantly let you contact them.  Pisses me right off.

Incidentally, should I check out The Brown Album or the original first?

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Thu, 30 May 2013 16:40:10

Not going to lie, I'm sorta interested in this.

"There are over 100 characters to choose from in game, and TT Games are keen to ensure that each one behaves true to their comic book self and different from the others. We got to see The Hulk, Bruce Banner, Iron Man and Spider-Man in action, and true to their word TT Games have made them all play just as you’d expect. Spider-Man is armed with his web-swinging ability and spider-sense, Iron Man can fly and shoot repulsor blasts, and no-one smashes better than the Hulk"

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Thu, 30 May 2013 16:40:25
Foolz said:

Incidentally, should I check out The Brown Album or the original first?

Oh man, that's like asking if a gorgeous girl is better looking in an evening gown or in sexy jeans and a t-shirt.

I really love both.  Personally I listened to the Adrian Younge production first.  It's very theatrical, full of retro fuzzy analog synths, 70ies horror/slasher influences and soul backing vocals.  It's wonderful.

The Apollo Brown productions do away with most of the 70ies horror influences and references and are like wonderfully amazing if somewhate understated hiphop productions (I'm told Apollo Brown is as highly revered as Dilla by some people).

Don't know what to say about which to try first but I'm very excited about you listening to both.

Edited: Thu, 30 May 2013 17:05:53


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 30 May 2013 17:10:36
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Thu, 30 May 2013 17:16:03

foolz, for comparison:  

Adrian Younge production

the equivalent Apollo Brown production:


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Thu, 30 May 2013 17:17:37
gamingeek said:
edgecrusher said:

I don't understand where som of these companies are coming up with this shit when they say they think this new generation of consoles is going to be so much more successful than last gen. How so? Unless they are much cheaper, which given what Wii U costs doesn't seem likely, I don't see this happening.

Microsoft said the same thing when the 360 launched.

And none of them even came close to outselling the PS2....or even the PS1?


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Thu, 30 May 2013 17:54:48
_Bear said:


lol, I got a good chuckle out of this.

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Thu, 30 May 2013 17:55:47


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Thu, 30 May 2013 18:28:45

Top 10 best selling games consoles, according to Wiki:

  1. Sony Playstation 2. 155 Million
  2. Sony Playstation.    102 million
  3. Nintendo Wii            99 million
  4. Microsoft Xbox 360   77 Million
  5. Sony Playstation 3   77 Million
  6. Nintendo NES          62 Million
  7. Super Nintendo        49 million
  8. SEGA Genesis        40 million
  9. Nintendo 64             32 Million
  10. Atari 2600                30 million

So very interesting....PS2 and PS1 were near monopolies....competing consoles weren't even close. This last generation was the most even saleswise since the Genesis/SNES days.....PS3 and 360 virtually deadlocked which isn't shocking seeing as they share 99% of the same games.

For how much of a success people remember the Xbox as, it only sold slightly more than the Gamecube. Xbox was #11 at 24 million, while Gamecube was #12 at 22 million....they both got destroyed by the PS2. Yet everyone thinks of Cube as a failure and Xbox as a great success...odd.

Dreamcast sold 10 million and Saturn sold 9 million...not much difference there.

So the PS2 era was:

  1. PS2 155 million
  2. Xbox 24 million
  3. Gamecube 22 million
  4. Dreamcast 10 million

PS1 era:

  1. PS 102 million
  2. N64  32 million
  3. Saturn  9 million

No wonder Sony was so arrogant.


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Thu, 30 May 2013 18:39:55
edgecrusher said:

For how much of a success people remember the Xbox as, it only sold slightly more than the Gamecube. Xbox was #11 at 24 million, while Gamecube was #12 at 22 million....they both got destroyed by the PS2. Yet everyone thinks of Cube as a failure and Xbox as a great success...odd.

That's always annoyed me, because realistically they both got steamrolled by PS2. Peception becomes reality - GC lost 3rd party support towards the end so message board gamers remember the xbox as a better machine. But the unit sales were similar.

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Thu, 30 May 2013 19:03:29

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Thu, 30 May 2013 19:18:51

LOL....what are the map packs going to be like for that Call Of Duty?

That Killer Instinct Xbox One rumor, I'm almost 100% sure that is the "great revival" Rare IP  that Microsoft keeps talking about. Simply because that is the only game in Rare's back catalog that I ever see them talking about, and frankly its the only one that they can really bastardise with KINECT SUPPORT!!! They are going to rape that IP and toss it in a sewer drain, mark my words.

Personally, I always thought that was one of Rare's most overrated titles so its kind of sad that is what they choose to have them work on above all else.


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