Wii U to 3DS VC play comes with a price, some restrictions
RUMOR - transfer your U VC games to 3DS
Illumiroom just a 'research project' at this time
Doesn't explicitly link to next-gen Xbox
COD Wii U statement: We aren’t dating next gen platforms yet
"We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned."
SEGA and Gearbox Being Sued Over Aliens
False advertising claims, suggest the plaintiffs.
polygon.com news
Analyst says Wii U feels like Dreamcast revisited
Believes in Nintendo, company won't die
Ubisoft says AC IV's content will stave off franchise fatigue
from yearly installments
Tom Towers Reviews Dyad
3/5 "Of course it’s reductive to try and analyse Dyad..."
laserlemming.com impressions
Mighty Switch Force: U update complete, date coming soon
Rebalanced audio levels Improved headphone support New file compression; now 40% smaller..."you're welcome, hard drive!" ....and a playable bonus character: PIXEL PATTY!
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Square cutting bait on PC (I got my physical copy for $31 today -- thanks Foolz)
I'm just going to leave this here. Happy Saturday everyone:
+1 ad infinitum.
Question is: does he feel the same?
I'm thinking about turning this weekend into an "All Fantasy Weekend."
Just played quite a bit of Guardian Heroes and re-downloaded Odin Sphere, Grim Grimoire, Might and Magic: CoH, Dungeon Fighter and Puzzle Quest.
I'm close to the end of BioShock: Infinite, but the game still freaks me out whenever I play it, so I may take a break from it this weekend.
Oops: Forgot Castle Crashers... You CAN'T forget Castle Crashers!
I'm trying to beat the 4 kings.
Shadow of the eternals, pc and wii u. Pretty nice if this runs on U.
Check the scans from Mikami's new game
No worries. Nintendo most likely sent that message via owl.
Why wouldn't it? The Wii U can handle fire effects. lol
Free hooker day?
Is the Sly Cooper Trilogy worth it? I missed out on those games back in the day.
So Luigi's Mansion is amazingly awesome. I tried online and it seems like its a blast, the problem is trying to set up a game with randoms is a pain. Nintendo there is a thing called matchmaking, LEARN IT. I should just press a button and tada be in a game.
We definetly have to do a LM night,