Behold the Zelda Twilight Princess texture pack
High resolution textures added to Dolphin aided Twilight Princess
Wii U online plan still suspect with less than 4 weeks to go.
The lack of any solid mic options for Wii U leaves players cold. editorial
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (A-) Review
Zero Escape could be one of the most absorbing handheld games you'll ever play. impressions
Feminism as Fan Service? Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 Review
Say THAT three times fast. impressions
RUMOR - More Nintendo items revealed for Scribblenauts Unlimited
- Tingle - Triforce - Ocarina
Final Fantasy by Any Other Name Plays Just as Sweet in Bravely Default
1up: Despite the title, Square Enix's latest import release is pure, classic Final Fantasy.
Tales series producer Hideo Baba weighs in on PS Vita
"Itβs hardware that I want to become more and more exciting."
60 FPS Wonderful 101 trailer download
Right click, save as for Kamiya's Wii U game in 60 Frames per second media
Eurogamer writer quits after article on game journalists is altered...
due to legal action. Incredible stuff here. news
Leaked GTA5 Promotional Indicates Spring 2013
So, sometime between March and *May*. news
Assassin's Creed III suffers from A.I, camera, graphics issues
And gameplay issues
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I started playing Xcom yesterday, and played for 5 hours straight. Fucking game is awesome.
GG you should pick it'd like it.
I loved the original, haven't been tracking the new one at all.
You would do what Daffy is doing in the gif.
My super mind is telling me I would not play this game.
Lazy FTW
Little Inferno first impressions - World of Goo devs
Day 1 purchase. I've given the 2-D Boy devs a lot of crap in the past because I think they've spent more time furthering an agenda rather than actually making games, but they're talented. No question about that. If this is half as addictive as World of Goo, it'll be well worth the buy.
I cannot wait to play fact I probably would have started that one instead if I had it, but I haven't picked it up yet.
Weird move to me that square is licensing unreal4 for their third party games. I thought they were in the midst of making this beautifull next gen engine. I remember seeing some screenshots from it and it looked gorgeous.
It must have to do with how much easier and cheaper unreal4 is making game development. I hear the engine streamlines and simplifies a lot of previously labor intensive and long development processes and coding work. I think this overall will be a huge help to the industry going forward (if it's not all over exaggeration of course)
It got a 10/10 from eurogamer?!?!??!?!?!
They did the exact same thing last gen...they created that White Engine thing or whatever the fuck it was called for Final Fantasy, then used Unreal Engine 3 for everything else. Doesn't make much sense to me...why create your own thing just for ONE franchise?
Cause Japan is weird.
Ehhh I watched the Smart Glass video and mostly I'm unimpressed. I have to say about it all who cares? Do I need that or really want it? It takes away from the show, game, sports , music because you focus on other stuff instead of what your watching or playing or listening to. It's perfect for the short attention span crowd that always as to be texting or surfing on their phone while doing anything else up to and including taking a shit. For me ? No thanks, I would rather enjoy what I'm doing and not have my attention split all over the place so I can't even think.
And long may they keep doing that.
Anyone of you in US still looking for a Wii U preorder? Walmart has their bundle back up right NOW. You can order Pikmin as one of the required games in the bundle which because its not shipping Until March or later will knock 60 off the top of the bunle price when it ships. So if you've been bummed you missed a Wii U GO NOW.
I have it just sitting in my cart, taunting me.
Damn fiscal responsibility!
Well a couple things you can do to bring the price down, Order Pikmin they can't charge you for it until ships Spring 2013 at earliest. Then get pr controller and return it for 50 taking cost down to 349.96 plus tax shipping a little less than $400
It's a very tempting offer. And the fact that I can't swing it shows how bad my financial situation is.
Yeah if you have to think about, it's a general rule don't do it ....