1UP Reviews Rock Band Blitz
B+ "...a welcome addition to the home of any rhythm game fan".
1up.com impressions
Experience Resident Evil's Raccoon City at Universal Studios Japan
Vader, Japan. Nao
Darksiders II Patch Detailed for all Platforms
V-Sync for PC; Better Stability for all!
justpushstart.com news
Sonic Racing Transformed looking rough on Wii U?
'I had a go on an early build of the game, using both a Pro Controller and the GamePad, and it seemed like a world away from the PS3 version.'
Tom Towers Reviews A Virus Named Tom
7/10 "Wonderful sense of humour that permeates pretty much everything"
robotgeek.co.uk impressions
Spector discusses some ideas for a DuckTales game
"That a duck can be Indiana Jones, basically. That's what I'd want to keep. I think the DuckTales TV show did a pretty good job of that"
FF XIII Versus Will Not Be at TGS
Tweets the game's producer, Shinji Hashimoto.
gematsu.com news
1UP asks the hard question about multi-platform gaming...
What hardware do I buy THIS game on?
1up.com editorial
RUMOR - Will Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes hit Wii U?
Article is in German.
wiiux.de news
Assassin's Creed III - Naval Battles Were Almost Dropped
Video content.
youtu.be media news
The Press Room Episode #128
Yoda and Foolz with Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2, Papo & Yo, Awesomenauts and more...
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
Lightning Returns: FFXIII revealed. ONLY play as Lightning.
Near real time combat. Countdown timer to end of world
1up.com news
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I actually BOUGHT the circle pad pro, but never even bothered with RE... I heard the aiming was off using it (somehow) anyway! I use the default controls, which are just like the old tank controls, and it works fine! I haven't tried the gyro controls or using the buttons to turn, etc. Gonna sound like a cop-out but you really just use the controls that suit you the most!
I can't decide who I'd rather bone....Silvia Saint or Alexis Texas?
Black is awesome and it looks better than 90-95% of the Wii's library.
No one going to post about their movie collection in the thread?
Yeah, I won a couple of those battles by just a few seconds. The stress of those has put me off RTS for life.
David Cage is becoming Molyneux + Jaffe. His interview with gamasutra is hilarious.
No I went with classic RE4 controls. But if you are in a rotating chair use gyro, it works amazingly well.
You spin in the chair to look left and right?
More to do quick turnarounds. You can look left and right by simply moving the screen a bit but to make a totall rotation while aiming its easier to simply spin the chair. Its fun too.
My Skyrim review is up. Darksiders 2 review will be done tomorrow.
That would be amusing to watch.
What the hey? Don't you just press like X and back on the stick for a 180?
Saw this in the video thread from way back when.
Vader, did you see them all?
I only saw Goonies GG.