1UP Reviews Rock Band Blitz
B+ "...a welcome addition to the home of any rhythm game fan".
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Vader, Japan. Nao
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V-Sync for PC; Better Stability for all!
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'I had a go on an early build of the game, using both a Pro Controller and the GamePad, and it seemed like a world away from the PS3 version.'
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7/10 "Wonderful sense of humour that permeates pretty much everything"
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Spector discusses some ideas for a DuckTales game
"That a duck can be Indiana Jones, basically. That's what I'd want to keep. I think the DuckTales TV show did a pretty good job of that"
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What hardware do I buy THIS game on?
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Video content.
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I thought there were games that looked better than MGS4 when it released, obviously Crysis but also Dead Space and....I think there was one or two more. It wasn't anywhere near as jaw dropping as MGS2 was for its time. To somebody that only owned a PS3, like Vader, obviously it would seem much more impressive.
Then you also have to consider the games with graphics mods on PC that make them look in some cases insanely better than the "normal" game, like GTA 4, Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs, etc.
I'm actually starting Sleeping Dogs tonight I think...looking forward to it! I downloaded the texture mod, I wonder how much it will improve it?
No I'm serious. I'm enjoying the game a great deal. Typically if I don't like a game, I don't sarcastically compliment it. Usually I just call it a raging piece of shit and then move on.
The last time I seriously sat down to try and play Sonic CD was on the Sega CD. I honestly couldn't tell you if it is good or not. All I remember is SONIC BOOM, SONIC BOOM, SONIC BOOM!
I really fuckin hate Bayonetta. Wish the game would end already. I'm at Chapter 14, playing this level that's a very bad approximation of a spaceshooter ala starfox. It's terrible, and not only that but you get taken to the start of the level practically every time you lose (even if it's the level boss). I can't stand this kind of stupid inconsistency with checkpoints. Makes it come across as a game made by amateurs, which I know is not true but it's still very bad.
Also can't stand the gratuitous f-word swearing in the cutscenes for effect. And how many more times have I got to fight that stupid blond bimbo. Should have stopped playing this trash many days ago.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
...but... but... the space harrier music and everything...
Guess this is one we'll disagree on, Bugsie... I fu..dgin' LOVED Bayonetta!
I played that about ten years ago on my SEGA CD. Which is about the last time I think my Sega CD reliably worked.
I had trouble navigating it. Predictably.
I did not bother watching the MGS trailer. Kojima said it is target video, so it's not worth looking at. I'm not into the forward looking guesswork stuff. Same goes for all the U stuff and Watch Dogs from Ubi. I just don't care until it's released.
I'm - a - still gonna try and finish it. I guess I liked it well enough for the most part to get this far. But the random difficulty spikes, the inconcistency with the checkpoints, and the inane repetition (how many times more have I got to fight red and blue claw guys, or the blond bimbo?) really got to me and are spoiling what could have been a mostly pleasant experience. Also sometimes the slowdown is just crippling, and I'm playing the 360 version which is supposedly night and day compared to PS3 in performance. I dread to think what that would be like
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm awful at Bayonetta, but I do like the game.
Really, Leo? Who's being hyperbolic here?
Sounds to me you more than anyone is insisting nobody say a damn thing.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileLOL what is the devil horn game?
Are you talking level design cause Sonic CDs level design is insane and atrocious. Its like the entire dev team was on LCD when they made it. 10 year olds can come up with more competent levels. The levels are a jumbled mess of platforms, roads that go nowhere, random shit in random places. One of the later levels is like 10 loops all intersecting and you have to find this one small exit in this sea of crap to get out. The bosses are pretty terrible too and that is saying a lot cause Sonic bosses are average to begin with.
There are things to like, the time travel aspect is interesting. The crazy level design does lend it self to exploration. And its still Sonic but I would say it is easily the worse of the 16 bit Sonics.
Just to show you guys, look at this Sonic CD level map, its complete madness.
That's why it's awesome!
Sonic & Knuckles is the worst of the 16-Bit Sonic games. Still a good game, though.
I find it disturbing that my cats don't freak out about teh kangaroos when they come into my yard. I can see the Australian cats not caring, but the american cats should be wiggin out. What gives?
What have you guys been playing?
I am on a gaming sabatical. I've played some Cyber Speedway (Saturn), Dirt to Daytona (GC), Cruis'n USA (N64), Red Dead Revolver (PS2) -- there is no association between the characters in RDR and RDRedemption, just to clear that up --, and Paper Mario.
I am hoping Paper Mario sticks. I've played it for 3 hours before, re-started it over the weekend.
You didnt see the gameplay footage in the other video, it shows 3 more minutes of Snake sneaking around, getting into a jeep and calling in that helicopter. Fine maybe in daylight and such it doesnt look as good, so what. NO GAME ON CONSOLES LOOK LIKE THIS. Period. I have been playing games on modern consoles for 6 years now, I have played basically every best looking game out there.
There is a CLEAR difference from how this MGS game looks, how Watch Dog looks and EVERYTHING else we have been playing for 6 years. Can it look better, everything can look better, the point is almost nothing does.
As for MGS4 if you and Yoda dont think people were freaking out about that game, remember the first trailer how everyone said it was impossible on the PS3. The reaction was huge, everyone was talking about it. Same with MGS2, it is considered one of the greatest moments in E3 history.
OK, this is it: The number one most exciting/mindblowing/memorable/your-superlative-goes-here moment of any E3, ever (except for maybe the first time I descended the escalator at the 1997 Atlanta E3 and realized, holy crap, I want to do this stuff for a living). It's the epic Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty reveal trailer from E3 2000, the grandaddy of all tentpole E3 announcements since time immemorial. Remember how incredible this was, nine years ago?
So yes I did go crazy how other MGS games look cause they are usually graphical showcases. MGS2 and MGS4 were windows into what second gen graphics on each respected console was before the console even launched.
Liquid Crystal Displays?