What a Ten Year Long Civ II Game Looks Like
If it's a sim, Earth is in trouble.
theatlantic.com news
Is the ‘Tomb Raider’ Reboot Sexist?
Remember when Lara had confidence?
vglounge.com editorial
The Press Room Episode #118
More games than E3 in this jumbo edition of The Press Room.
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
Iwata says Wii U may have a hard drive?
Confirms you can use external hard drives
U Gamepad Almost Went Screenless
Iwata said they were considering dropping the screen due to cost.
telegraph.co.uk news
Minecraft 360 Patch incoming TODAY (6/15)
Various bug fixes. NOT Adventure mode and Gameplay improvements.
playxbla.com news
MS Hosting Secretive Event on Tuesday
Some say it's XB related, some say tablets.
cmswire.com news
Combat Details For Dragon Quest X
Speed and character weight to be key factors
rpgamer.com news
Gamers Allow Themselves to be Bullied
By the companies they love.
laserlemming.com editorial
Ni No Kuni Preview
More in common with Dragon Quest 8 than you would think. THAT got my attention!
1up.com impressions
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travo (6m)
I heard the first compelling argument for the Wii U yesterday.
If Mrs. Aspro wanted to use the 360 while I wanted to continue playing Super Mario Galaxy 3 (the only Wii U game I can see wanting) then I could keep playing it on the small screen.
It's not the controller I'd use for regular play, but if that came up it would be useful. (It would be optimal for me if the pro-controller was the deault and the gamepad was something I could buy additionally for $120 or so for the times I did want that functionality).
Maybe Sony will get their ass in gear and make that work on the Vita. It kinda already does with the PSP, but that was only for select games and the PSP did not have the guts to make it work that well (and you can't do it with a game in progress).
I don't think so. I think GG was talking about USB memory sticks, not USB connected external hard drives. You can get gigantic USB memory sticks these days anyway, more than you need. That's what I do on the 360.
Thanks for the updates GG and aspro. Some new interesting bits of info there
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I don't know how they do ports from the PC, you'd think they would take from the lowest settings and build from there but it seems like they try to port from the highest settings. Remember Half Life 2 came out on Xbox 1 and while good, it was definitely poor compared to the PC game. But I remember it looking a lot better than THAT screen.
I think it also has more to do with physics and things, than just the visuals. On the PC they just have so much room in all areas to push the limits beyond just the visual aspects. Its a shame, as someone who likes playing on PC, that there aren't more games these days that are really build to take advantage of PC on every level. The consoles have definitely been holding PC gaming back for the last 5 or 6 years...simply because games need to be multi-platform.
I think most of the multi-platform games on the Wii U will let you just use the Pro controller. Possibly even some of the exclusives. The amount of games they really use the screen in a smart and important way, like ZombiU, are likely going to be few and far between. For most games on the system I see it being used as a cool secondary function that you can use, but not nessesary at the same time. Nintendo's pushing the Pro pad pretty hard which kind of gives me this impression. Like they're saying "Hey, you can use this system just like an Xbox if you want."
Talked about this in the podcast (Leo's story from yesterday). This to me, is the most disturbing story of the week. Disturbing, because it pretty much assures that THQ is not in good hands:
Jason Rubin Determined to Ruin Saints Row
Bonus Content:
If third parties really optiomized the Wii U and not just the stuff they do for the PS3 (build for 360, port to PS3), I could totally see getting multi-plats on the Wii U until the next gen consoles come out (using the pro controller). I mean, if they really did look better on the U as opposed to the curent HD consoles, why not? That's what I did with the XB and Dreamcast.
Wait and see I guess.
Yeah, just use an external drive.
I'm pretty sure there are many threads with highest settings PC screens that's why this lowest setting thread is so funny.
I think they said USB drives, I thought it was any USB connected storage device, but now you mention it, they might mean memory stick.
I played Saint's Row 2 for a few hours. I remember it being mostly a GTA clone that took itself slightly less seriously and did away with the social commentary. Did it obtain a very overt sense of humour in its 3rd iteration?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Not gonna say I told you so.
GTA = Social Satire. Saints Row = Self-Referential humor. I liked all three, but to answer your question fully, yes.
Pikmin 3 not online, saw that coming. I bet Mario isnt online either. Hey Nintendo if your game has two players it SHOULD BE ONLINE. As simple as that. Zombiu is that online?
Going to give Arkham City another try.
That's DRM I could support.
Good marketing strategy.
As far as Accomplishments go. I don't think anyone has to worry about whether or not they are required. In all likelyhood a developer will include them, especially if it's a port. The real question is whether or not they are a part of a unified system.
Games should be fun enough for me to want to play them for the sake of fun and enjoyment, not for building up my virtual gamer stats/profile. I'm an old school romantic that way![Nyaa](/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-tongue-out.gif)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I see them as a side game, an encouragement to experiment with the game in ways I otherwise would not.