Torchlight II Preview
"more relaxed play-style is actually very engaging". impressions
Yakuza's Haruka is All Grown Up
She's going to be an idol in the next game. media news
The Press Room Episode #115
Game of Thrones, Minecraft 360, E3 predictions and more with Vader, Robio and Aspro. editorial impressions news
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate - details
It's a direct sequel to Lords of Shadow
Gearbox: Wii U Aliens: will have extra features
' The game will be the same on all platforms, except for the Wii U which will have extra features'
Wii U Star Fox/Metroid mash-up debunked?
But WAS a proposal at one point
You've Put Daytona in my Ridge Racer
Two great tastes, finally together. media news
Nintendo planning pre-E3 Wii U hardware reveal tomorrow
3pm PST/ 6pm ET news
The Press Room Podcast Episode #115 :
We can now pimp this out twice...which reminds me. I still need to listen! media
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SupremeAC (6m)
Yes this is shameless self promotion.
I just don't care about Sonic anymore man. Honestly, the last time I cared about Sonic was in the Dreamcast days.
The fuck is this?
A bald man.
How can you tell he's bald, assfuck?
The dude going to have a Mohawk?
Most of that team was layed off.
Is there a demo available? I looked on PSN yesterday and found nothing.
Bulletstorm was the first shooter that I enjoyed that much in a decade. The best part of it. . .aside from some truly creative dick jokes. . . is that it keeps getting better and better right up until the end of the game. Also, I don't know how many people are still playing it, but the multi-player was really good too. Lots of double team kills you get to try out. The sequel getting cancelled is one of the sadder things to happen to me in the world of gaming this year.
The game came down in price very quickly so it's possible that they pulled an "HotD: Overkill" and sold the bulk of their copies at a reduced price.
One thing that would have been bad about the sequel though is that Epic stated that thought they made a mistake by making the characters as vulgar as they were, and would cut back on some of the juvenille nature of the game if they made a sequel. What fun would that have been?
This video has entertained the crap out of me tonight. It's a Rifftrax video where they take clips from Megaman, FFX, MGS4, and some lame ass Sonic game and... well they do what Rifftrax does. And if you don't know what they do, you're lame..... okay fine here's a hint, they're the old MST3K guys.
We only comment on you and Sonic when we can make fun of your irrational love. If you're criticising it we can hardly do that can we?