NGamer hands on with the new Wii RPG
Instead of button-mashing clichés, Pandora’s Tower champions strategic finesse.
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty?
1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise.
1Up Reviews Mass Effect 3
"A" "great blend of shooting-and-talking that the first game strived for". editorial impressions
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 Planned for Wii U
GDC: Epic to show UE4 demo behind closed doors?
Force Feedback Sticks in Next Gen?
University project hopes so, but lets be realistic. news
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gamingeek (4m)
From GAF:
"To clarify on what was said, it was more along the lines of Nintendo tweaked the Wii U to make sure it can run UE4.
which would explain the recent bump in specs... and apparently Nintendo is still tweaking the hardware. So it could get even better."
Yeah this looks great. No question. Really makes me wish Nintendo had some kind of achievement system. A game like this is really created for bragging rights.
Nahhhhh it's got to be an original game. Nintendo has already thrown a couple remakes on the 3DS. That's okay during year one when the system is getting its legs, but now its time to lay off of that and start developing some new games.
Nintendo to 'Dreamcast themselves' with Wii USays Pachter
People have been saying this since 2001 when Microsoft got into the games industry and Nintendo released the Gamecube. Keep on predicting it, maybe one of these console cycles it will come true.
You guys are going to need to help me though my ME3 withdrawal. We need some interesting topics.
I wanna check that out myself. Let me know if its worth it.
My God, do they ever stop talking? There's like a running commentary throughout the whole game.
Isn't it free?
Did you see this Irish guy? He's unbelievable.
This Ninja Gaiden London footage is good but if it wants to be just like the riots then Ryu needs to break into a cheap sports retailer to snag a pair of Reeboks
Just read this after making my suggestion.
The CEO should be fired?
What are you folks playing this week? Me? ME...
Mass Effect 3, easily my GOTY, so far. I'm certainly in love with the ME universe again. Very modest improvements, combat-wise, and a great improvement story-wise. This one has "Epic" written all over it. I haven't even touched multiplayer yet!
Did my first bit of gaming in months today. I've been sick and was on codeine so was too dopey to do work or practice the piano so I decided to play a game when the football finished. Orange Box happened to be in the PS3 so I played a bit of Portal. I'm playing the last level (discovered that cake was a lie and trying to make my escape)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Spent what time I had this weekend with Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. I got to give it to the group in charge of developing Rune Factory. As stale and typical as Harvest Moon has gotten, the Rune Factory group continues to evolve this series and has come up some utterly bizarre plots.
Also picked up a copy of Child of Eden on the cheap, so I'll be playing that when I get a moment (in like 20 minutes or so).
Probably just a stat for the galactic readiness. They definetly could have done more with that system.
I was playing ME3, now I have to play that iOS game, ugh. ME3 is not just a game, it feels like the end of a TV show you fall in love with. You dont want it to end, you dont want the journey with these characters to come to a close but it must. Games rarely hook me in that way, as you know I have never put much into the story of games, I have enjoyed them but rarely have they ever made me feel for them emotionaly. What a franchise, to me it is the franchise of the generation.