PS3 Outselling 360 by 10% This Year (Worldwide)
Global sales defy US patterns. news
1UP Reviews Call of Juarez
"C-" "a woefully clumsy jump into being urban and edgy" impressions
Norway Killer Credits Modern Warfare 2 for Training
"part of my training-simulation" news
Chinese Couple Sells Their Kids To Fund MMO Habit
Kids went from $500 to $4,600. A good deal news
Sequel to Marvel Pinball Coming Soon to XBLA, PSN and PC.
Ghost Rider table already announced news
The Press Room Episode #99
Foolz, Yoda, Homer and Akinator. Lots of Akinator. editorial impressions news
More Details on PSP -> PS3 Conversion Process
PSP Engine, is a sort of emulator/operating-system hybrid that runs on the PS3. news
Epic is Very Interested In the Wii U
Another positive meaningless endorsement news
Capcom Admits Ultimate MvC Was Going to be DLC
Not a great week for Capcom PR. news
Nintendo Incurring Loss on 3DS Hardware
Nintendo taking a loss on hardware?! Someone call Satan, hell has just frozen over. news
Iwata Wishes They Had Dropped Price on Gamecube
"they had a chance that they did not utilize" news
1up: Why You Should Want Xenoblade
"For one, the game is often stunningly beautiful" impressions
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travo (7m)
Wow I have another awesome quote, from South Park
Stan is visiting a doctor because the music he liked before sounds like shit
Doctor: Or dear, I think I know what that is. You see Stan, as you get older things that you used to like start looking and sounding like shit and things that seemed shitty as a child don't seem as shitty. With YOU, somehow the wires had gotten crossed and everything looks and sound like shit to you. It is a condition called "being a cynical asshole".
Steel do you agree with this medical explanation?
How concerned do I have to be about being a good citizen? I'm really freaked out about stealing anything or hurting anyone who doesn't attack me first.
Unreal Tournament on PC:
You can only imagine the kind of world that is online multiplayer for a 12 year old game. It's like going to Mardi Gras.
If nobody's sees you, you can do whatever you want with no consequences.
If you're seen then the guards will come and ask you to pay a fine and take al the stolen items.
If you refuse they will attack you.
Or something along those lines. I might be confusing some behaviour with Oblivion, it's been a while.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
I remember that is exactly how it went down in Oblivion. I may be playing too carefully.
Quick Impressions:
Catherine: So much more than "Q-Bert with tits." This is a Puzzle Game mixed with the highest quality anime you'll ever see in a game! The puzzle portions have you scaling a never-ending tower of blocks, representing (I think) the nature of man and his relationship with women and other men. You just have to play it to see what I am talking about! The anime sequences have you watching the story, receiving and answering text messages. The story and gameplay deviates according to your answers, so what you say really matters! One of the coolest things about the game is: Certain Questions that you Answer have those Answers uploaded and then Tallied with everyone else's. You get an interesting look at the nature of all of the rest of your fellow male gamers! First Question was: "Is Marriage a New Beginning or an Ending in your Life?" You'd be surprised what most people said! You'll have to play the game to find out!
From Dust: Behold the Awesome power of Iga! Lead and Protect villages of Followers as they re-discover the secerets of an ancient, lost tribe. You re-populate Totem areas, build villages, make more villagers, and repeat until reaching the Gate to the next area. At first, you start off weak, only able to move water and earth. You empty lakes, you build land bridges; you do what you have to for your people to survive. Mystical Powers are there if you can reach them. Repel Water is essential in stopping Tsunami's that regularly occur in the game. Mystical Totems allow you greater powers, such as the ability to Gelify all the water on the screen for a minute's time. Perfect for those few, extra PRECIOUS seconds you need to have your Shaman return to your village before a wall of water envelopes it! As you progress, you can shift Lava to build walls of Earth, etc. Be careful with your Godly powers though, as using Lava near a village to build a wall also tends to set nearby trees, fields, villages and VILLAGERS on Fire! AWESOME game to experiment with and ENJOY!
Any word on a PS3 price cut anytime soon?
Nothing than just rumors. I've read from several analysts that say they don't expect the PS3 to drop in price much more than it currently is, and instead Sony will continue to offer bundles with extra value. Their sales have been strong enough so I don't see any reason why they'd need to drop their price unless they roll out a new version of the PS#, which once again is just another rumor.
One thing that has baffled me about Sony's PS3 strategy is how they feel the need to keep releasing new versions of the system with bigger hard drives, thus keeping the system much more expensive than it needs to be. With Microsoft, they screwed themselves over by using custom drives in the 360, forcing themselves to do this. But Sony has the luxury of letting people upgrade their own drives with standard PC drives, which are much cheaper and offer more bang for the buck. So why bother with constantly coming out with bigger built in drives? IMO they would have been better off keeping the standard drive at 60 gigs and letting people upgrade themselves, while being able to lower prices much better. They could be selling PS3 at the Wii's price right now if they did this.
Cool shit man. Cool fucking shit.
So here's a question for everyone planning on getting Wii 2 at launch.
Assuming most of the games coming out this holiday and beyond are going to make it to the Wii 2, supposedly with some very innovative and cool enhancements in the controls area as well as audiovisuals that at least match PS3, 360, and PC...will you get them as they release on current hardware, or will you wait for them at Wii 2's launch?
I think this is something that tends to happen at every console launch, but moreso than ever with Wii 2, with maybe the exception of the Dreamcast, since Wii 2 is releasing well before new hardware from anyone else, and well before the full transition to new hardware standards.
So say things like Batman: Arkham City are going to be superior on the Wii 2....will you wait for that version, or go for what's immediately available this year?
That shit is going to be worth a kidney and a lung when it launches here. It'll be a cold-ass day in hell when I pick up a system day one.
Why are Capcom putting out Code Veronica after RE4? Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around? Is anybody here getting the HD versions? I think I'm gonna hold off for now.
Probably because the RE4 one looks much better (given the source material). They probably did not want people to get Code Veronica and go, "looks like shit" and then not get RE4.
"Square Enix and Eidos Montreal confirm Human Revolution has gone gold in advance of release next month on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC."
Uh, yeah... I should hope so.
Box art revealed. YELLOW case. Nintendo is making a mess of clean, orderly uniform game shelves:
We are talking about Capcom here, they probably flipped a coin or spinned a bottle or something
Anyone who buys this probably isn't too concerned with having a clean and orderly game shelf. They're probably more concerned about learning to tie their shoes and not having an accident before they can get to the potty.