DJ Hero Developer Still Open, Suffers Layoffs
“will continue [their] strong partnership with Activision,” news
The men who made Zelda Alttp
Huge old interviews about the creation of a masterpiece. editorial
3DS Heroes of Ruin trailer
Don't bother with this, it's just a teaser media
Irem turn an April Fools Joke into a real game
Doki Doki Suikoden Home Lounge news
Namco Bringing Paper World to Wii
But it may not come out or be anyway near completion media news
Latest Project Cafe rumours
Nintendo wants to launch with a big first person shooter title? news
3D Pokedex Coming to E-Store
Only has info on 16 Pokemon, get more through various means. news
1UP's Review of Red Faction: Armageddon
"A-" "an enjoyable third-person shooter" - No Longer open-world. impressions
EA Denies Claims of Original Madden Programmer
Antonick alleges that EA has cheated him out of two decades worth of royalties. news
Japanese Want NGP More Than "Wii 2"
Retailer surveyed over 2,200 of their customers. news
1UP's DIRT 3 Review
"A-" "hard pressed to find another racing game that has the amount of content, refinement, and fun" impressions
3DS E-Shop lineup confirmed
See what games you will be able to buy in Japan news
Konami E3 conference TOMORROW AT 8PM EST!!!!
One million troops! You will be sucked! news
Michael J. Fox Will Voice Final Back To The Future Ep.
Entire series is $19.99 from Telltale's store. news
Kojima Answers Questions About ZOE & MGS Compilations
Kojima seems to really love Mega 64. news
EA Launching Online Service to Link and Sell Games
Competing with Steam? Ask MS about that. news
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robio (14s)
I can't wait to play this game....still haven't gotten to it.
That top 100 developers list is a joke, as most top 100 lists usually are. Sony Santa Monica #4? No....they are good but not THAT good. Treyarch on there but not Bioware? LMFAO.
Fox engine looks bland.
I'm down for that one as well. Finally I'm going to be able to play MGS2.
*ahem* I mean... Peace Walker.
It looks green.
How did 2D Boy get ranked at number 2? They've made 1 game! Is there a second one out there that I don't know about?
TR trailer was awesome, even being CGI and all.
Top 10 is also filled with iOS devs.
Maybe it's my mood talking, but I couldn't possibly be less excited for Soul Calibur V... IT. LOOKS. EXACTLY. THE. SAME.
Namco's doin' nothing interesting.
Konami is porting everything rather than doing anything new.
Squ-Enix is all but dead.
Sony doesn't seem to be too far behind.
It looks as if the entire industry is hinging on Nintendo, Capcom and Western Developers now. Maybe it's time to give gaming a rest once and for all?
I think the only thing that would cheer me up right now is a new Disgaea game. C'mon SEPTEMBER ! ! !
So it would appear that Sony is not going to have their freebies up by this weekend after all. It may have been expecting too much, but I really think that would have lessened the amount of heat and pressure they're going to have to deal with at E3. They got all their services up and running, so that's saying something, but that's not nearly enough time for people to forget. Got to admit this'll make for a fun presenation from them next week.
I still feel terrible. Watched the X-Com trailer to cheer me up and it looks like a crazy shooter, what the hell is that.
Journey, WOW!
Anyone who picks up Dead or Alive Dimensions: Obviously on the 3DS the first thing you are going to look for is just how well done the 3D is in this game --BUT-- you also have to turn the 3D --COMPLETELY-- off and take a gander too! Without the 3D on, the game becomes a 60 fps --BEAUTY-- and you won't believe that you are holding a Nintendo portable. Yeah, it's THAT good! Try it for yourself!
Has anyone been able to access to PSN Store? I've been getting error messages every time.
Just have to keep trying, it gives erroer every other time, but I have managed to get my 4 free games 2 PSP 2 PS3 and my free mouth of plus. Make sure after getting your free month to go account management and shut off auto renew!
The store is a mess right now.
I finally got into the store and selected my two games. But then that's it. It all sort of disappears and there doesn't seem to be any downloading. It just says in the instructions to go to the XMB (which I had to look up what that was - was calling it the main navigation too hard?) and play the game. I have to admit I'm at a loss.