Bizarre Creations: There Will Be Blur
Developer stands by their new franchise. news
New Goldeneye interview
Interview with Activision's Dawn Pinkney about Goldeneye news
Feature: All About GameStop
How the giant retailer got where it is. editorial news
Sony Patent Uses 3D for Multiplayer Without Splitscreen
Two people in a room, watching same full size screen see different images. media news
Tactics Ogre PSP remake confirmed for U.S. release!
Let Us be Joyful Together!!! news
SF4 Comic-Con panel happening now. SF vs Tekken!
Now is 3pm EST. SF vs Tekken announced. news
World's Cheapest 'Laptop'
Indian human resource development minister unveils $35 touchscreen device aimed at students. news
G4TV preview Goldeneye
"a solid shooter on well designed levels, with classic James Bond villains as the players." impressions
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Recently Spotted:
Arc Rise Fantasia
I'm really enjoying this. It won't win any awards or anything, but it's a really good, nostalgia-inducing throwback to the good ol' days of playing JRPGs. I like this much better than Dawn of the New World, which was a very disappointing sequel to Symphonia, which is a crying shame since that game was so memorable when I played it on the Cube.
XBOX 360
I just started this up and I really like it. It's fun. Doesn't do anything new but like Arc Rise Fantasia, it's also one of those nostalgia type of games.
Dragon Quest IX
I'm fitting some time to play DQIX while I exercise on my bike treadmill. I love this game, of course.
Come to think of it, I'm playing a lot of nostalgic games! These are all new yet familiar kind of experiences I guess. But I'm having a blast with them.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Lately I have not been feeling it at all when it comes to games. I haz lots of moniez, but nothing can interest me right now. Monster Hunter seems to much of a time sink, not feeling NMH2, will wait when it's cheap. Vader totally blew me off with Galaxy 2, Capcom vs Tatso, meh.
So after reading Robio's blog about 1000 Wii points that are burning his pockets. I realized that I was neglecting the VC and Wiiware. Yeah, some short games would be nice. So I bought 3000 Wii points and the CC Pro. I downloaded Nyxquest, because I heard good things about it. Platformers are always welcome. I wanted to download Cave Story, but could not find it. Is it released in Euroland?
So of course downloaded Super Metroid and after hearing yesterday Vader and Yoda talk in the E3 podcast about DKC, I just wanted to play DKC2. So I downloaded that one too.
First of course Metroid
Holy pixels batman. Wow, HD is making my beautiful game look ugly. Hmm the CC Pro is not working that well. When I go from left to right quickly. Sometimes your thumb just briefly touches down. Not a huge problem normally, but in Metroid you instantly crouch and loose all forward momentum. Bit annoying that, next game please.
DKC2. Wow, at this game. The graphics what happened too them? Fuck you HD, you overrated piece of shit. New tech to make things look worse. Fuck that. The game plays beautiful. The level design is awesome. The first level you see bananas in the air, just out of reach. You jump, get in a invisible barrel and it blasts you through all the bananas. The game is filled with hints like this. It is awesome. Oh and the music, oh my god at the music.
DKC2 how I have missed you. I have not played this game for years, but I picked it up and played with zero adaptation problems at all.
Nyxquest is just beautiful. Nice art-style very Greek. Nice music also Greek. It is pure platformer with some puzzle elements. sometimes you control your character and objects at the same time. It can be tricky, but everyone that likes platformers buy it. Well worth the 10 bucks. Everyone that hates platformers, buy it too, just because.
*goes away whistling a DKC2 tune
Oh my GOD
Twas I.
Tekken vs SF, meh. If it was SF vs Mortal Kombat I would be there.
Namco brawler. Sort of reminds me of Goldenaxe.
Sort of in like the way the old Clash of the Titans compares to the new one.
New Goldeneye doesn't have the elegant simplicity of the old game, but it has new tech, new AI, destructible levels, more cinematic, mo-cap etc etc. It is literally like how you would make a modern Goldeneye. Sort of reminds me of Call of Duty, only with stealth.
New pics in the thread
Yeah, ugly, but it was my first and I just do functionality, not aesthetics, for the most part at least, I did add the little flowers and grass path around it, and a pool, but the latter also works as an emergency escape from the roof, much like the large window downstairs which leads to a ditch outside, so from the outside you can't get in but from inside you can break the glass and get out safely. Not that all this is ever necessary....
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Hey look at this, its the Avengers all lined up:
Cause he is Captain America
He throws a shield! Come on, a shield... a shield... shield. Yeah he kind of sucks.
Ugh. They couldn't find a lamer actor?
Edit: Oh well, a lame actor for a lame super hero.
Yeah that actor does brash and cocky. He is not Captain America at all. They should at least have an older actor with a bigger frame.
Agreed. The double jump platforming looks really simple, even archaic compared to SMG.
Read the story on Twitchfilm. This guy didn't even audition, he was approached and was so enthusiastic they just signed him up.
You guys are avoiding the classic cartoon thread like the plague.
Here's the skinny: They are making a new THUNDERCATS, and critically acclaimed animation house Studio 4C is making it.
They made these among others:
And a sequel series to the popular Avatar TV series is in production, set 100 years after the first series.
Go to the thread for the details
Did some more updates. A few more De Blob 2 pics.
In the new video he talks about how Nintendo never listens to him. Is it a coincidence that Nintendo is the most successful, I think not.
Well I haven't been playing anything since Tuesday. I went out of town visiting family and just got back today. Now I'm trying to get caught uo with everything I've missed since.
Street Fighter vs. Tekken announced? Holy shit! Hooray! That's awesome.
Sorry to hear about that car accident Leo. It's good to hear that things will be fine though.
There's a whole topic devoted to SF vs Tekken and all the other new fighters in the Forums. Lots happened over the weekend.