Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11
Elin doesn't get half, some Irish guy does.
sportbusiness.com news
Will Wright talks Wii
Says its a toy market, talks Nintendo investment in software
gamedaily.com editorial
Sneak Peak at Warner Bros FPS
Video here including American Idol's Randy Jackson
bigdownload.com news
Max and the Magic Marker review
The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds.
thehanafudatimes.com impressions
Y's Vs Legend of Heroes Date Set
RPG titans join forces. Should be amazing.
andriasang.com news
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SupremeAC (4m)
They have another pretty quality line up of games this year, and I don't think they are making money on the hardware yet, so I'd guess they would be hesitant to drop the price. This newer model is going to save them some money on manufacturing (or they wouldn't be doing it, and since the slim they have been heading in the right direction on the hardware (money-wise).
Who knows?
It was transport related and not crane related. And we were doing out job properly! it is not my fault that your country is filled with inbred naggers that ask retarded questions and make things much harder than necessary.
The Edgecrusher in the flesh. I liked you better when I didn't see you with a Pats cap on.
Nice pics, where is that GameBoy at, the Nintendo store? I need to visit NY.
^Oh those pics are you Edge? Right on. And you got to meet a sponge.
From IGN's review of Yakuza,
"Yakuza 3 is a blast.
A blast where my first playthrough clocked in at more than 20 hours and I only completed 11 percent of everything there is to do in the game"
And yes, I will continue to pillory reviewers when they say things I disagree with and hold them up as paragons of wisdom when they say things I agree with.
Wow, Edge looks like a badass motherfucker. Just like I pictured him.
Oh, he's the one on the left.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
The fuck?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I bought FFXIII at TRU, came with a $13 gift card. Next week they are giving a $20 gift card with GoW3. That means I can get GTA: Episodes for almost nothing. Hobo for the win. If you are paying full price for any game you are doing it wrong.
Now I know a bunch of you will ask, why did you get FFXIII instead of *insert random game here*. It's all because of FFVII. That game was such a monumental event and such a memorable experience for me that I still buy every FF game hoping that it can match the magic of that title. FFVII was one of the first RPGs I played fully, it was my first FF game, it opened my gaming tastes to include RPGs. I know all the haters and the talk that it is a poor RPG or whatever. I don't know what the hell they are talking about, maybe the battle system was simplified, I don't care. No Final Fantasy game has a world, characters or music as memorable as FFVII. FFVII also had tons of variety, had a HUGE world to explore with loads of secrets, it was so much more than just the normal RPG.
When FFVIII hit I was all over it and I loved, in many ways I like it even more than FFVII. People don't like FFVIII, again I say whatever. They say the junction system sucked, I enjoyed it. It had one hell of a story and once again another great world to explore. The card game was fantastic.
FFIX comes out, the return to it's roots as many called it. This game did nothing for me. I struggled to even finish it. I didn't connect with any of the characters. Didn't care for the battle system. It was my first disappointment with a FF game.
FFX looked like a return to the futuristic look but it was a game that I was again disappointed it. It was a great game, it had all the makings of a great FF game except that it removed the world aspect. It removed exploring and that bothered me so much. So another disappointment.
In comes FFXII, a love and hate game and fall into the love side. I think this is the best FF game since FFVIII. I think the change in the combat system was a bold move and one that made things fresh again. It had huge open areas to explore so that aspect I loved returned. The characters and story were a but on the meh side but the gameplay kept me going. Sadly I lost my save file when I was at the very end and I have not recovered from the pain of that, I have yet to finish the game but I will play it again one day.
Maybe I like crappy FF games, I don't know. I recently played FFVI, so many peoples favorite. Sure it was an excellent game but better than FFVII, are you freaking kidding me. And so I buy FFXIII cause I still want to experience that magic I had with FFVII. I know this game will probably fail but I know when I start it up and that Final Fantasy menu music comes on for a little while I will feel that sense of wonder I had when I first started FFVII. And I will start the journey with all the hopes and dreams of matching one of my all time favorite gaming experiences.
First of all never apologize for liking FFVII. It was a great game. I've never quite understood why there are so many people who dislike it. I suppose a good bit of it was the backlash it got when the series went from being of a niche favorite to a mainstream success. It was arguably the best of the series. It was also the last one I genuinally liked.
VII's biggest flaw was the characters. I never found any of them likeable at all. But the story was great, and I think it's ending was the best of the series. But Zell was the single most irritating character the series ever produced. . . until Wakka came along yah?
IX just sucked. It tried to be the throwback and it nearly was a throw away.
But it was X that eventually killed my interest in the series for good. In my mind that's where the developers started to care more about the FMV rather than the game. It was Square's declaration that they'd rather make Final Fantasy movies rather than games, and that's something that I think has only gotten worse.
Good luck with the new one. Hope you enjoy it. Honestly even if I had a PS3 I wouldn't play it though even if it was free and I was given a dollar to play it.
Amazing HD, fluid graphics, a bit hampered by the camera, but the world it envisions is a unique one!
I don't know why but the whole Technology meets Magic meets the Anti-Magic Empire meets a Strong Female Lead meets Protect the Children...
...it all reminds me of Final Fantasy 3 (SNES) and that's a VERY good thing! I would ABSOLUTELY L-O-V-E to see the story of Terra retold with modern graphics and High-Definition!
One thing I LOATHE about JRPG's is how towns get bigger and bigger and bigger as the game progresses. By the time I get to the obligatory "capital city" and a 24 screen wide, 2D map unfolds around me and I see 112 wandering NPCs whom I invariably have to question to find the next cave with the next key to get to the next tunnel which leads to the next kingdom so I can get thrown in the dungeon by the evil magistrate... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
...it makes me want to turn off the game then and there!
Bring on streamline...! Make the world a straight line but make it fantastical and mysterious, let me focus on the character's nuances and engaging battles...
Well, whadaya know... I just described FFXIII!
I may just do that. I do have enough money so I may get it for that deal.
But I have to get the inferior 360 version... oh well.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
They are fast.
They are fluid.
They give a whole new meaning to Active Time Battle.
Vanille has a strange accent? So what? Hope is an angry young man? If you saw what he saw during the first half-hour of the game, you'd be upset too! They are the Vahn and Penelo of the game (although HE looks more like Tidus and acts more like Cloud)...
Lightning is the quiet and composed Soldier Woman with a mysterious past. Sooo much better than a prissy Summoner! Terra potential right here!
Yes, Sahz has a Chocobo chick living in his hair...! NOT a big deal. The chick is cute. It isn't overbearing. HE isn't stereotypical or an over the top, Eddie Murphy knock-off. He is the 'every-man' of the game and I QUITE like him! He is the ordinary contrast to the extraordinary Heroes.
Snow is big and Doofy (kinda like a Waka) but is humbled BAD in the first half-hour of the game!
ALL the characters are the most HUMAN of Final Fantasy characters so far. Their mannerisms, even their portraits in the status screen, ALL look like stills and expressions of real HUMAN beings!
The first Fal'cie confrontation and its aftermath... Wow oh wow!
Just the imagery and the use of colors alone...!
Sometimes their stuff actually gives me chills.
First the fate of the people Snow was attempting to protect in the City, then the Fal'cie... Wow!
Some moving stuff in there!
This is why I still love FF games, the imagery is incredible. It poops all over what WRPGs do. I have never played a WRPG that has ever had as beatiful and imaginative a world as the ones in Final Fantasy.
The first page is about starting and quiting a game, so it explains it. Then it says in a different font:
"HINT: To remove a disc, touch the eject button after quitting the game."
Never knew I could do that! Thank you Square!