Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11
Elin doesn't get half, some Irish guy does.
sportbusiness.com news
Will Wright talks Wii
Says its a toy market, talks Nintendo investment in software
gamedaily.com editorial
Sneak Peak at Warner Bros FPS
Video here including American Idol's Randy Jackson
bigdownload.com news
Max and the Magic Marker review
The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds.
thehanafudatimes.com impressions
Y's Vs Legend of Heroes Date Set
RPG titans join forces. Should be amazing.
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You can buy Supercomputers if you have enough cash.
Wow check this one out
IBM ROADRUNNER Supercomputer. I can do 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) calculations per second
Fuck playing games, weather forecasting, nuclear fusion simulations and quantum physics calculations FTW.
Fuck Final Fantasy 13. Behold the power of Square on the Wii bitches!!!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah $3-$6
How about
I bet it will have cities
Btw stop acting like a 13 year old. You'd take everything on PS3 if publishers and devs had unlimited funds to make everything in the top possible quality which would be stupid because then if they had such unlimited funds they could make everything for PC (or said supercomputers) so that they would be even better games and if and if and if, hello, return to the the real world please, the Wii has games worth playing, deal with it or don't, just grow up. Did you constantly whine and cry last gen when devs didn't make all games on the original Xbox but instead favorited the PS2 for most everythiing or what? And what exactly are you doing here, port/remake begging or something? What's your point? Software is king, certain (many) people like Wii (or PSP, or DS) games and so have and enjoy the system, where exactly is the problem that deserves such heated debate? What's your goal with this? The generation doesn't start when the Move is launched, many people already have settled on system choices, and even you have settled on PS3 instead of bother hooking up your PC in the living room for some top tech couch gaming, why are you so angry others may settle on even lower tech hardware, as long as they enjoy the games on it?
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
the problem here is that you seem to think that that is nintendo's fault and they should be blamed and not square or all the other 3rd party developers who refuse to make real games for what still is the leading console in sales
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm joking around like I always do. Stop taking yourself so seriously on an indie videogame board. Have a drink and a laugh.
My word.... its a joke!!!
And Nintendo is to blame; they designed the console. I'm happy Square didn't put FF 13 on the Wii. Much like I'm happy I didn't bang the fat chick in 8th grade.
Unless you need an HDMI with an optical audio input, since MS didn't put one of the back of the console. Their optical inputs are ON the cables, so if you use a normal HDMI cable of the $5 variety you can't use an optical audio cable.
Which sucks if your stereo doesn't support HDMI, as then you can't get true Dolby Digital sound.
When I was playing this, I was thinking that the developers had to watching all the priase Uncharted gets and be saying to themselves,"...so how is their game different from ours?"
TWU in no way measures up to UC overall, but it sure is pretty and it does pretty much the same things as UC, but UC feels so much better -- I think it is the character animations. Also Lara chr model is an ass. They could have just had a disembodied female ass floating around on the screen for you to control - because that is all you see.
I stopped playing this one because I am not a fan of level puzzles, but I'll finish it this year.
Are you on Ritalin?
Why are we all talking about Dvader?
I will chime in:He is a paradox, wrapped in a complex foreskin.
MY foreskin.
Yeah, that goes for everyone on the personal preference thing. People ramming it down our throats that because they hate or like something - that makes them right about it or whatever. This is getting kinda old now and lame.
6 hrs is par for the course on FPS these days. It feels like you're lining up Steel like excuses already as to why you'll get it 14 months from now at Hobo price. I know you too well!
You're not helping. TBH Edge your posts have been very penis like in all this, but so have everyone elses. And it's me saying it so you know it to be true. Not helping.
Just saying, in a debate which is already thorny, escalating things with pics of people urinating on a console and then following up with Pony pics. NOT
Screw this discussion, its over as far as I'm concerned. Tomorrow I hope we move on.
They may not be helping, but they sure are funny.
Internet law on posting jokes.
1. It must be clear its a joke
2. It must actually be funny
Skylock would say:
"In the context of how the pics were posted it would seem more like the kind of thing posted on the System wars board."
Then Edge would be suspended and come here to tell us all about it.
I miss my foreskin.
And cue Yoda's gif of Grandpa Simpson walking in then walking out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Yeah. Quite frankly, TR: U is an improvement over Legend and Anniversary, and the strenght of the games is the platforming element, compared to a game like Uncharted where platforming is weak, but excels at combat and action set-pieces.
However, on the visual field, things are lacking, even when compared to the older first Uncharted title, and animation is horrendous. I don't know why I keep playing TR games considering I hate their puzzles.
The fuck?