Sakaguchi Focused Entirely on Last Story
Oh and building this LEGO Mech (pic). news
THQ & Sony Pictures Enter Deal
Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy licenses only. news
Namco Bandai make the most money from Wii
Details of platorm specific info here
Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing - New Tracks/Cha
Akira/Jacky, Bonanza Bros and more! media
Aussie Nintendo review Crystal Bearers
Rough around the edges, but I can't recommend this enough if you're looking for something completely different in an adventure game. impressions
Trailer for new PSN TV show, The Tester.
A reality show about becoming a Sony tester. WTF. WTF. Seriously WTF. No really WTF. Why? WTF. (I'll watch it) media
Namco, Not SEGA, Now Yuji Naka's Pub.
Sonic creator will focus on Nintendo games.
Mass Effect 2 Puchase Incentives
Price cuts, free controllers - they want you to BUY! news
No more used games for Walmart and Best Buy
If you were even aware they were in the secondary market news
Ubisoft gives No More heroes 2 the finger
With less marketing than the first game
Wow, click this now. Nintendo UK site
Does a cool web trick to make it Endless Ocean 2 specific
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Japan Review Check: Dragon Quest VI, Reginleiv Plus: What did Japan think of MadWorld?
A pretty busy week for game reviews in Japan -- here are the highlights from this week's issue of Famitsu magazine:
- Dragon Quest VI (9/9/8/8, 34 points): Square Enix's latest RPG, a remake of a game originally released 15 years ago in Japan, is already a big hit over there, with a million copies shipped to stores and sales moving along very briskly.
Overall Famitsu had few serious issues to complain about. "It's a remake, but not just a remake," one editor said. "It's fully tuned for the Nintendo DS, so it feels totally fresh as you play it. There's nothing I can call 'astounding' in the added features, but being able to chat with party members at a touch of the B button is kind of a nice experiment."
Other reviewers had "the impression that the battles have been made just a tad easier for the casual-gamer crowd," although that wasn't enough to affect the scores much. More serious quibbles: no robust online functionality, the lack of a full monster-catching system (a part of the original Super NES game), and some small issues with menu navigation.
- MadWorld (8/7/8/8, 31 points): Nearly a year after its US release, Platinum Games' monotone gorefest finally hits the nation of its birth. "The monochrome visuals, combined with a US-style comic-book feel, really help to build a unique game setting," wrote one reviewer. "It won't appeal to everyone, but it's definitely attractive. The stages are pretty simple in design, but there's a ton of little gimmicks to play around with -- I like the humorous touches, too."
Other writers were a bit harsher. "The graphics can be hard to make out at times, but they're definitely striking and beautiful," one said. "Despite that unique exterior, though, the game's a very basic action title -- and a really gory one, too, so how much you're up for that may decide whether you like this or not."
- Zangeki no Reginleiv (8/7/7/6, 28 points): Sandlot's latest game -- a Wii first-person action title where you swing weapons to take down gigantic fantasy enemies -- sparked a difference of opinion among Famitsu's review crew. All of them agreed, however, that the game isn't as polished as it could be.
"There are tons of weapons to choose from, and I like how that opens up a variety of playing styles," wrote one. "The problem is that no matter how you set things up, wrangling with the camera is pretty tough. The game works pretty well with Wii Motion Plus, but it takes a while to get used to first." Another review was more direct: "The camera and gameplay have issues, bits of the game seem a little unfinished, and overall I can't say it's a very fun experience."
"Just heard a rumour that you may be interested in: Nintendo are going to announce a new platform at GDC. Some devs have already started work on it."
An anonymous source just heard a rumor. Nice.
Wow, this:
Has turned into this:

"Tournament of Legends is still a fighter but High Voltage has traded in historical realism for a more colorful backdrop pulling inspiration from Greek and Roman mythology. The original art style felt overly restrictive, Matt Corso, Art Director for High Voltage explained to me. The team decided to be more creative and pursue a style inspired by Ray Harryhausen's Clash of the Titans."
Oh look. Scribblenauts hit a million sales. . . hmmmmm now who was it that predicted that. . . let me think. . . I believe it was the same person who also predicted EA Active would do a million.... hmmmmm I keep forgetting who that was.
Look out Patcher. 2 predictions out of 100 right. I'm already better than you!!!!
It was me!!!!!!!!!!
Did Drawn to life not get a million WW too?
Now lets see if Tatsukono sells what you said. 500k right?
My official prediction was 400K to 500K and I stand by it.
Oh and just a note about T v. C, it's tracking very similar to the way that Darksiders did (slightly better than the PS3 version, but not as well as the 360 version) if you look at how it's ranked on online retailers like Amazon and Gamestop. Now, Darksiders was of course multi-platform so it's going to outsell it by a considerable margin, but breakdown aside, I think that it will end up at around 50% to 60% of Darksider's combined sales.
There are no official Darksiders sales yet, but that article about how THQ was disappointed suggests that it hasn't hit a million copies, though it may be close. Anyway that's where my logic is coming from on this one.
God I can't wait to see what happens. Angry Sonic fans are the best to read.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThat sucks. Were these guys ninjas, how did they not wake anyone up if they were inside your home.
Oh crap, they probably cast a level 3 stealth spell.
Never change.
Also, sorry to hear about the robbery GG. Here's hoping you can get some of that stuff back.
We are just getting a title which is probably going to be Sonic the Hedgehog 4. I would be shocked if we get one picture of the game. There is nothing to be angry about.
By the way, I picked up Twilight Princess again, but this time for the Wii. I missed my old Cube version and regretted ever since I traded it.
I hope the Wii-mote controls, the widescreen, and playing on the right-side gives it a breath of fresh air. I loved this game so I hope it was worth it!
And sorry to hear what happened, GG. I hope everything becomes okay. Take care, man.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell, you can't suck all the time.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThis'll cheer you up!
"THQ is rolling out the sequels in fiscal year 2012, with releases planned for Saints Row 3, a Darksiders sequel, and a follow-up to the Wii-exclusive hit de Blob.
During the THQ investor call today, CEO Brian Farrell continued listing off upcoming games after outing a new Red Faction title and Homefront for release during fiscal year 2011, with three more sequels planned for release during fiscal year 2012, which runs from April of 2011 to March of the following year.
A new Darksiders title is a no-brainer, consider the success the first has seen, especially during one of the busiest post-holiday seasons in recent memory. The Saints Row series of Grand Theft Auto-inspired games is also a big breadwinner for the company, so fans can expect to see Saints Row 3 as well.
The biggest surprise for me is a follow-up to de Blob, which remains one of my favorite titles on the Nintendo Wii even now, after a year and four months of new Wii titles have come and gone. I didn't think the game had done well enough to warrant a sequel, but I am tremendously excited to learn otherwise.
Now I realize the Darksiders fans will be the most vocal in the comments section, but can I get a little de Blob love?"
I think they can still appeal, but it's looking good for now!
As you know I only do blog posts every six months, so when I do them they better be good, right?
After four and a half awesome years I’ve decided it’s time to move on from IGN. Before any speculation starts as to why, let me get this out of the way. I am in fact female, the baby ISN’T Matt’s, and I am at least partially concerned that I’m long overdue (by 27 years). Once the kid drops I’ll let you know. Until then, I carry this bun in the oven, my feminine features hidden by the outward appearance of an overweight nerd that loves writing about games.
In all seriousness I’ve loved every minute of my time here at IGN. I’ll be staying within the industry (and on the press side here in LA), so feel free to track me down and make fun of my typos or claim that I hate Nintendo any time.
I was an IGN superfan LONG before I ever started working here, so (corporate world willing) I’ll still drop in and chat on the boards whenever I can. Oh, and no Gear podcast is safe. FOX security better be ready to pull me out mid-show. It’s happening. Tech Fetish!
Oh, and I feel like I should wrap up some loose ends on my blog, so here we go:
Dino Island wasn’t a complete failure. Maybe more info on it will surface later down the line.
Dr. Z comes with me. That is, until FOX legal sues me for taking an original IP I created while at IGN. Crap… that’s sort of true. Maybe Dr. Z won’t come with me…
Phil, our esteemed IGN Stars guy and feature guru for the entertainment side, should from here on be known only as Butters. Please keep the magic going. You are all in my heart.
Avatar sucked, and everybody is wrong.
Should our suit-wearing superpower companies approve, I feel a storyline is needed between El Gringo Primo and Gruesome Greggy. Greggy, I’ll be at Mania (god willing). Bring Primo your best!
Wii Fit made me thin. Doritos made me fat again.
Altoidyoda is the best user in IGN history. It’s true.
Console wars are stupid. Just sell out like me and buy every system.
Fran is an idiot. He uses too many hair products.
High Voltage, 5TH Cell, DreamRift, and Capy Games all deserve your money. These guys starve to give you amazing games, so support them. Also, Renegade Kid too, and not just because Jools said to say that. Seriously, go buy Moon.
Peer Schneider is a super human, and can exist in 12 places at once. This is true, and the reason for IGN 64’s unfathomable success. He also runs with German efficiency.
Seriously FOX… Dr. Z is coming with me.
I’m thankful for every reader I’ve ever had. Thanks for helping make a dream come true.
Tell Mom I was on the internet.
It seems like IGN is destroying its Nintendo channel because it feels it needs to go a more casual direction. This anonymous post on their boards clears things up:
While IGN faithful and Wii owners alike are still trying to recover from the pain of what felt like a knife in the back with the recent Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast 60 and Matt Casamassina's "Nintendo is Lazy" column, even harsher pains might be ahead if certain rumblings from behind the scenes are to be believed.
Rumor has it that talk is ongoing within IGN Entertainment to take a drastic new route with it's Wii and DS channels by adapting a "casual" approach to Nintendo news. A source who works close with IGN Entertainment told me "They (IGN) are reading the writing on the wall. Now that Nintendo has changed their approach to developing games, they feel there is not a large enough hardcore following to keep the Nintendo side unchanged. They see Yahoo's Wii specific gaming site now getting twice as many clicks as theirs, and they want those casual clicks". When asked what changes this casual approach to Nintendo news would actually bring, he shook his head and replied "Lets just say it is as bad as you can imagine".
Movements are already being put in place for this change, With the sudden departure of Matt Casamassina being the first of many. "I don't think you will be seeing Craig, Bozon, or the others around for much longer. I'm hearing a whole new cast is being brought in for the Wii and DS channels." another source told me.
No word yet on when this change will fully take place.