GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] EA Tiger Announcement UPDATE Moore says EA will stick with El Tigre. aspro
MW2 Eighth Week Atop UK Charts Brits love shooting innocents. news aspro
Nippon Ichi: PS3 Support Assured CEO says PS3 will see more support. news aspro
Silent Hill SM AG review 94% impressions gamingeek
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth - review 4/5 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Red Steel 2 - more details news Iga_Bobovic
Dragon Quest VI - more screens media Iga_Bobovic
A guide to getting fit on the Wii Quick tip: turn it off and go for a run. editorial Foolz
Bioshock 2 one week long 1up exclusive editorial impressions media Foolz
[] Project Needlemouse confirmed to be downloadable The Greek said so news Iga_Bobovic
Heartbreaking Fails  When bad moments happen to good games editorial Iga_Bobovic
More celebs that look like video game characters hahahaha editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] THQ signs new eight-year WWE deal But must pay WWE/Jakks $33.2m. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Dragon Age Ostagar DLC tomorrow Warden you like revenge? news Iga_Bobovic
[] Dragon Age expansion for March? Pulled retailer listing reckons so. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Plants vs. Zombies for iPhone this month PopCap says so via Facebook message. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Mass Effect 2 does have New Game+ Or you can just go back in after the end. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Two new titles from Mistwalker in 2010 A "blockbuster" and an iPhone game. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Gears of War now available on Xbox Live Download directly via Games on Demand. news Iga_Bobovic
[] LEGO Indy 2 demo on PS3 and 360 Top men. news Iga_Bobovic
[] People Can Fly trademarks Bulletstorm Could be title of Epic/EA project. news Iga_Bobovic
[] EA to shut down a load of old servers news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Darksiders 8/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Man buys virtual space station for $330K Real money in the game Planet Calypso news Ellyoda
[] Castlevania: ReBirth - review 8.5 impressions Ravenprose
[] Grinder gets a crossbow, destructible vehicles news Ravenprose
[] SEGA thinks Nintendo could drop Wii price to $80 and still make money news Ravenprose
[] Nintendo estimates 3m Wii's sold in December in N And NSMBWii nearing 4m news Iga_Bobovic
[] Dark Void Demo demo available tomorrow on Xbox Live and Thursday on PSN news Ravenprose
[] Capcom discusses Darkside Chronicles sales hardcore games, Monster Hunter 3, and more news Ravenprose
[] Attack Of The Movies 3D For Wii news Ravenprose
[] Monster Hunter 3 distributed by Nintendo in Europe due out April news Ravenprose
[] More secret characters in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom? rumor news Ravenprose
[] Nintendo Had A Very Happy Holiday 3 million new Wii consoles sold news Ravenprose
[] Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Arcade Stick Now Available For Preorder media news Ravenprose
[] Efron's 360 addiction shame revealed "It's either me or the Xbox" - Hudgens news Iga_Bobovic
[] Matt Hazard PSN/XBLA out this week Side-scrolling action parody. news Iga_Bobovic
[] WOW nearly out of woods in China Sources say fine agreed, Lich King soon. news Iga_Bobovic
[] MOH has multiple playable characters A few MOH details ahead of previews. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Protoss mini-campaign in SCII: Wings Terran part of trilogy expands horizons. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Sony tackling MAG beta troubles Offers advice on connection errors news Iga_Bobovic
[] DAO Return to Ostagar delayed No word on a new release date yet. news Iga_Bobovic
[] PlatinumGames teases new game Update: countdown delayed until Feb. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Fictional Seinfeld Frogger score beaten Real man raises laughably high bar. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Game prices will fall, predicts EA The future is downloadable content. news Iga_Bobovic
[] David Guetta leaks DJ Hero 2 Musician presumably wants a rewind news Iga_Bobovic
[] EA details Dragon Age expansion Awakening in March on all formats. news Iga_Bobovic
[] DS is Europe's best-selling console Wii's a record breaker too, says Nintendo. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Interview: Metaplace's Raph Koster The MMO legend on the now-defunct Metaplace and the future of virtual worlds. editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands-on SBK X impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] In Theory: Is this how OnLive works? editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Live Interview Darksiders' Joe Madureira Taking your questions at 3pm GMT. media Iga_Bobovic
[] Duke Nukem fan-film gets first trailer' media Ravenprose
[] Man sells Mom's Wii for booze, cigarettes news Ravenprose
[] IGN Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary editorial Ravenprose
[] Borderlands: Mad Moxxi eurogamer review 8/10 impressions Foolz
[] Last Ranker vids Jump Festa 2010 trailer media Foolz
[] Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam NEXT PLUS Japanese TV spot media Foolz
[] Square Enix Kingdom Hearts piano behind the scenes editorial media Foolz
[] Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep winter trailer media Foolz
[] Bayonetta GS review 360 version 9.0, PS3 8.0 impressions Foolz
[] Monkey Island Chapter 4 pics media Foolz
[] Boy stabbed to death over game of Tony Hawk Definitively proving nobody should play Tony Hawk games news Ellyoda
[] Capcom wants to be done with Western Devs. But cant cause there are too many games to make. news Dvader
EA making new NBA Jam! for the Wii ESPN with their awesome gaming coverage, what? news Dvader
[] Bayonetta EDGE mag review media gamingeek
[] Zelda Wii WILL release in 2010 news gamingeek
[] Iwata talks next portable "highly detailed graphics, sensor to read the movements of people playing." news gamingeek
[] Alan Wake screens Lets see you all buy this over Shattered Memories media gamingeek
[] Sony - God of War 3 only possible on PS3 gamingeek
[] Naughty Dog not interested in PS3 wand For 3rd person games news gamingeek
[] Dead Space 2 images media gamingeek
Zangeki no Reginliev screens blood and destruction media gamingeek
[] Definition of Desperation? *The* Tony Hawk will be your XBL friend if you buy the game. news aspro
[] Nintendo Sells 3 Mill Wii's in Dec. How is that even possible? news aspro
GT5 - 900 Cars Pricing still up in the air. news aspro
Michael Jackson PS3 Bundle Naturally... Wait, WTF!? news aspro
[] Amazon Now Offering Cheap Xbox Live Subs 12-month subscriptions for $34.99 news Ravenprose
[] Customizable vehicles in SEGA All-Stars Racing news Ravenprose
[] Jools Watsham would love to do Dementium Wii, looking into DSiWare/WiiWare news Ravenprose
[] Okamiden - impressions impressions Ravenprose
[] Nintendo talks cloud gaming, social gaming, and future predictions news Ravenprose
[] Western-developed Final Fantasy project possible says Square-Enix news Ravenprose
[] Nintendo shares rise with positive Wii sales news news Ravenprose
[] Spec Ops: The Line eurogamer impressions impressions Foolz
[] Star Trek Online exploration trailer media Foolz
[] God Eater  Japanese overview trailer media Foolz
[] Dragon Age Origin: Awakening debut trailer media Foolz
[] Gut Reaction: GS editors give their first impressi GameSpot editors give their early thoughts on the retail Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII. impressions Foolz
[] Spec OpsL: The Line First Impressions impressions Foolz
[] GameStop - preorder Zelda Wii tomorrow! Ya'll better hurry before all da preorders sells out!!! news Ravenprose
[] The Press Room Episode #42 Beware zombie Walter Cronkite editorial impressions news Ellyoda
Button Lag in PES? Konami says disable your firewall. news aspro
[] Castlevania collection headed to Wii? Including SOTN?! gamingeek
Endless Ocean 2 releases 5th Feb in Europe HOOCHIMAMA! gamingeek
[] Natal loses chip - 360 hardware bears load Software emulation replaces hardware chip gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 2 coming to Steam Bargain price? gamingeek
[] Capcom Europe response to French boss We commit to multiformat games gamingeek
[] Natal: New promo video Releases Winter 2010 - Are you excited? gamingeek
[] Star Trek Online IGN Hands On set phasers to boredom impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Supreme Commander 2 IGN Preview That's Supreme and not super impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] CES 2010: Microsoft Brags Over 2009 news Iga_Bobovic
[] MAG Beta Frontlines Report A few editors lock and load on Zipper's battlefield. impressions news Iga_Bobovic
[] Hypebuster: Heavy Rain Cutting through the gloss to bring you the hard word. editorial impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] CES 2010: 3D PlayStation 3 Playable news Iga_Bobovic
[] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 Review 7.0 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Mytran Wars IGN Review 5.8 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] DSiWare IGN Reviews Trajectile, Hell's Kitchen, and Animal Puzzle Adventure impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Dragonology IGN Review 7.0 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo Says Wii Has Recovered still cautiously optimistic news Iga_Bobovic
[] Level 3 - Episode 157! User Reviews Galore! impressions darthhomer
[] Mommy's Best Games' Nathan Fouts interview I thought Mommy's best game was Wii fit? editorial Foolz
[] Trials HD BIG pack eurogamer review 9/10 impressions Foolz
[] Supreme Commander 2 Eurogamer preview impressions Foolz
[] Overgrowth indie pack trailer media Foolz
[] Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth gameplay media Foolz
[] BackBreaker GT exclusive on field trailer media Foolz
[] Bayonetta GT review 9.0, higher than Darksiders! impressions Foolz
[] MX vs ATV reflex GT review 6.8 impressions Foolz
[] Darksiders GT review 8.4, not the face Leo, not the face! impressions Foolz
[] Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers GS review 5.5 same score they gave Disaster! impressions Foolz
[] Tatusnoko vs. Capcom GS preview impressions Foolz
[] Darksiders GS review Was that Leo I just heard ejaculate? impressions Foolz
100 Games in Cupcakes Try to guess the game each represents Ellyoda
[] MS annouces Game Room for 360 A virtual arcade with avatars media news Dvader
[] Microsoft CES Live Blog Natal will make 2010. news aspro
[] Shadow Dancer NLife, VC review Owns other Shinobi games impressions gamingeek
[] Krome Studios making MS Game room Thanks Aussies! gamingeek
[] PSM3 review Darksiders - 7.7 "the sense of awe and discovery pales in comparison to Link's adventures." impressions gamingeek
[] Little Kings Story developer post mortem VGPress GOTY *wink* gamingeek
[] 3rd Party Publishers React To Deflating Wii Bubble GG you are going to love this!! editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] A look ahead into 2010 - Wii Edition editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Lufia DS - more screens, art What say you Robiot media Iga_Bobovic
[] Halo: Reach to be biggest seller in 2010 and the rest of teh list editorial news Iga_Bobovic
[] GoNintendo and GameDaily's top 20 Metroid songs yeah metroid editorial media Iga_Bobovic
[] Pizza Delivery Boy - first trailer, fact sheet a videogame not a porn movie media Iga_Bobovic
[] Nier due out in spring in the US Nier = kidney in Dutch news Iga_Bobovic
[] Crackdown 2 twice as tall as predecessor Ruffian scaling new heights and depths. news Iga_Bobovic
[] God of War III dated for Japan March date a clue for Europe? news Iga_Bobovic
[] Greenpeace: Nintendo most eco-unfriendly Not just content with destroying the gaming industry, Iwata goes on to destroy our planet news Iga_Bobovic
[] Bayonetta's UK launch trailer Now with added La Roux. media Iga_Bobovic
[] New games on WiiWare, DSiWare and VC Shinobi! Stunt Cars! Art Academy 2. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Sony dates Heavy Rain for Europe End of Feb for PS3 exclusive. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands-on Star Trek Online impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Natal being treated as new console gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive 5 coming to PS3? gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 2 images - Gosh media gamingeek
[] Red Dead Redemption images media gamingeek
[] Designing for Immersion Retro, Cavia, Visceral and more talk gamingeek
Euro Nintendo Friday updates Shadow Dancer!!!!! gamingeek
[] Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth IGN review impressions gamingeek
[] Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon Hands-On, Screens media gamingeek
[] Media Create Dec 28-Jan 3 Mario still at top news Iga_Bobovic
Ninty Hosting Mario Tournaments JP only so far. news aspro
RE5 AE Site Updated Office lady Shiva. news aspro
[] EA confirms hiring of NBA Jam creator news Ravenprose
[] Final Fantasy XIII eurogamer hands on impressions Foolz
[] Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Eurogamer review 8/10 impressions Foolz
[] MLB 2k10 pitchers v hitters II media Foolz
[] Death by Cube trailer media Foolz
[] Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond bloopers media Foolz
[] Bayonetta Console Comparison media Foolz
[] Game Room Hands-on impressions news Ravenprose
[] Super Street Fighter IV ultra combos footage media Foolz
[] GT FFXIII import preview impressions Foolz
[] Splinter Cell Conviction Co-Up update impressions Foolz
[] Sydney gamers take to the streets over gaming cens Taking it to the streets! news Foolz
Criterion tweet pointing to new SSX? "Crash FM off-air today. DJ Atomika is off riding the Peak 3 Jam." news Ravenprose
99 Nights 2 Gets Launch Date Spring. news aspro
Mercedes Gets GT5 Cover Is there a cover curse? news aspro
Dead Space Creator Now Activisioning Leading new studio. news aspro
[] More Mega Man Media CES hands-on video. media aspro
[] Little Kings Story Interview Cubed 3 gamingeek
[] Duke Nukem Forever may still live Never give up hope! news Ellyoda
[] Ron Jeremy: Games a "Bigger Negative Influence" than porn news Ravenprose
Monster Hunter Tri Hands-On Impressions impressions Ravenprose
[] Playing Gran Turismo 5 At CES In 3D!!! news Ravenprose
[] Alleged Unfair Work Conditions at Rockstar San Die San Diego, a whale's vagina news Ravenprose
[] Super SFIV FightStick Tournament Edition S Hands-on impressions media Ravenprose
[] Wives vs. Rockstar San Diego  Not good news for Red Dead Revolver news Iga_Bobovic
[] Death by Cube Ready To Kill Xbox LIVE media news Ravenprose
[] SEGA talks Mature Wii game sales thinks Nintendo could help out with supporting Mature games news Ravenprose
[] Netflix CEO says service will hit Nintendo eventually news Ravenprose
[] Nintendo done with Metroid Prime Trilogy shipments Get it now before it's sold out! news Ravenprose
[] Marvelous talks Little King's Story DS possibilities news Ravenprose
[] Animal Crossing City Folk DLC So awesome - The Fedora chair gamingeek
id Is Hiring Lotsa jobs. news aspro
[] NVidia Tegra 2 - video demo the technology allegedly used in the DS2 media news Iga_Bobovic
The 15 best Zelda songs media Iga_Bobovic
[] CES 2010: BioWare Talks Mass Effect 3 news Iga_Bobovic
[] Wings of Prey IGN Review The console take on IL-2 makes its way back to the PC. 8.3 impressions Iga_Bobovic
Real Life Dragon Quest Bar Opens In Japan.  Why do all the cool things happen in Japan? news aspro
[] Borderlands: Mad Moxxi IGN Review 6.0 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Army of Two: The 40th Day IGN Review Shanghai's been slated for fun co-operative demolition. impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Heavy Rain Dated for North America Get ready for an experience this February. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Only 15 Percent Of Gamers Purchase DLC 43 percent of gamers aren't even aware of additional content. news Iga_Bobovic
[] CES 2010: BioShock 2 Multiplayer IGN Hands-On Ten players fight for the Big Daddy suit. Only one gets that rivet cannon. impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces IGN Review 8.0 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] CES Game Room Master Gameplay (Off-Screen) media Ravenprose
[] CES Game Room Video Tour (Off-Screen) media Ravenprose
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Country: GB
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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 13:58:09

robio said:

gamingeek said:

After Capcom's French boss let slip that the company are concentrating on PS3 and Xbox 360, Capcom Europe has released a statement confirming its commitment to making multi-format games.

"Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software," reads the statement.

As we reported
yesterday, Antoine Seux - Capcom's French chief - moaned to Gamekult about developing games for Wii on the back of poor sales of Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.

F off.

If all Capcom is going to give the Wii is games like Spyborgs and light gun games then fuck em.  Seriously.  I'm thrilled that we'll be getting TvC and will pick it up day one.  If that game tanks, then fine stop developing for the Wii. But if they insist on bitching about games that no one wants failing to sell then they can just take a leap.

LOL no one wants TVC either. How niche is that game? It features a million Japanese Tatsukono characters from the 70s/80s no one in the mainstream has ever heard of.

If Capcom expects any kind of sales from this LOL.

You know what game could have had sales potential? Crystal Bearers ticked all the boxes in terms of being a big franchise, great trailers, graphics looked flashy, would sell to the mainstream if it came anywhere close to Zelda. Unfortunately they made a mediocre game.

These execs get on my wick, they expect average games to sell well like Conduit or the most artsy niche games like Madworld to sell millions. Or half ass everything on rails and then complain again. I just read on the Capcom boards that Darkside is outselling Bionic Commando, yet when that game fell flat at retail they didn't blame the platform.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 14:07:46

Iga_Bobovic said:

robio said:

gamingeek said:

After Capcom's French boss let slip that the company are concentrating on PS3 and Xbox 360, Capcom Europe has released a statement confirming its commitment to making multi-format games.

"Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software," reads the statement.

As we reported
yesterday, Antoine Seux - Capcom's French chief - moaned to Gamekult about developing games for Wii on the back of poor sales of Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.

F off.

If all Capcom is going to give the Wii is games like Spyborgs and light gun games then fuck em.  Seriously.  I'm thrilled that we'll be getting TvC and will pick it up day one.  If that game tanks, then fine stop developing for the Wii. But if they insist on bitching about games that no one wants failing to sell then they can just take a leap.

TvC did not sell that well in Japan, so what makes you think it will sell well in the West? The Tatsunoko brand is much stronger in Japan than in the West.

I'm hoping that the Street Fighter brand will help carry it.  Plus, it's actually a good game so that should count for something as well.  I don't think it'll be a million seller, but it deserves to do respectable numbers regardless of where half the line-up comes from.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 15:14:59
will get TvC as well, and i will get it at launch price as well which i rarely do these days unless it's to show my support.  if i like it a lot i may even get the hori arcade stick for wii so that will be an added £35-40

it will sell like ass but those who say the wii doesn't have hardcore games are just a bit confused about the definition of hardcore games.

i will not get extraction or darkside chronicles ever, not even from the hobo bin for a fiver for both.  nor will i get any other on-rails shooter for a very long time.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 16:47:51

gamingeek said:

Natal: New promo video Releases Winter 2010 - Are you excited?

R U?


Yes I'm excited. I think it will be very cool.


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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 17:45:44


Do me a favour guys, if you play Wii on an HDTV via components leave your settings on 480p widescreen but on your TV set it to 4:3.

Tell me the difference in sharpness and clarity between that and 16:9.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:06:13
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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:07:46


5TH feb europe Grinning

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:11:57
i don't like the look of the new prince game.  i understand they were disappointed in the sales of the previous game but i thought it looked stunningly beautiful and was hoping for more with that kind of art/graphic style.

at least there's red steel II


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:14:55

bugsonglass said:
i don't like the look of the new prince game.  i understand they were disappointed in the sales of the previous game but i thought it looked stunningly beautiful and was hoping for more with that kind of art/graphic style.

But it looks like the old games only with uber graphics. Which is good right?

I think those are target renders or something though.

Red Steel 2 is going to bomb because of cel-shading.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:53:28

PS3 guys, how good is the upscaling when playing PS2 games?

Check these pics:

Looks pretty good to me, if softer.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:57:40

bugsonglass said:
i don't like the look of the new prince game.  i understand they were disappointed in the sales of the previous game but i thought it looked stunningly beautiful and was hoping for more with that kind of art/graphic style.

at least there's red steel II

Yup. I also liked the PoP revamped art style.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:59:17

gamingeek said:

PS3 guys, how good is the upscaling when playing PS2 games?

Check these pics:

Looks pretty good to me, if softer.

I wouldn't know. My PS3 does not play PS2 games.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:02:00

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

PS3 guys, how good is the upscaling when playing PS2 games?

Check these pics:

Looks pretty good to me, if softer.

I wouldn't know. My PS3 does not play PS2 games.

Oh shoot I forgot about that. No support in Europe either.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:10:48

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

PS3 guys, how good is the upscaling when playing PS2 games?

Check these pics:

Looks pretty good to me, if softer.

I wouldn't know. My PS3 does not play PS2 games.

Oh shoot I forgot about that. No support in Europe either.

I think only vader here has a PS3 which can play PS2 games

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:
i don't like the look of the new prince game.  i understand they were disappointed in the sales of the previous game but i thought it looked stunningly beautiful and was hoping for more with that kind of art/graphic style.

But it looks like the old games only with uber graphics. Which is good right?

I think those are target renders or something though.

Red Steel 2 is going to bomb because of cel-shading.

i don't know.  for me it's not so good as i see it as a bit of a cop-out and a step back.  but maybe it will please the people who want a return to the style of the 3 last gen games.

with regards to Red Steel 2, i hear you and that's entirely possible.  it wouldn't be the first time something i like a lot is not very popular with the masses

Edited: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:35:52


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:42:18

gamingeek said:

PS3 guys, how good is the upscaling when playing PS2 games?

Check these pics:

Looks pretty good to me, if softer.

I do not know enough to put it into technical terms, but the difference is noticeably better.  The colors seem richer, the textures more defined.  I have one of the PS3s with the emotion chip though, no software emulation, so maybe that makes a difference.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:45:32

Yeah at first when I saw the Forgotten Sands pics I thought YES. Then when I looked harder I realised it reminds me too much of the 3 POP games I have already played (4th still shrinkwrapped).

Listen to them - the children of the net. What rumours they make

This is probably one to file under “rumour” for the time being but we’ve gotten wind from an anonymous source that Konami is currently working away on a Castlevania collection, which apparently will be released on the Wii and Sony PSP this year.

Details are predictably sketchy but it would appear that the disc-based compendium will feature all of the 8-bit and 16-bit instalments, and may even include the 32-bit Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

SotN is already available on Sony’s portable machine as part of Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles, but the Wii release would mark the highly-esteemed title’s debut on Nintendo hardware. Rondo of Blood – which is expected on the Virtual Console soon – is also thought to be a possibility.

Sadly our source – who obviously wishes to remain nameless at this point in time – is under the impression that it is unlikely that the two Nintendo 64 games will feature on the collection. The three GBA adventures – and the trio of monochrome Game Boy titles – are also likely to be absent.

With the Hideo Kojima-helmed series reboot Castlevania: Lords of Shadow currently in production it would seem that Konami is keen to exploit the groundswell of attention surrounding its evergreen franchise in as many ways as possible, and a compilation of all the classic titles would certainly fit the bill.

The aforementioned 360 and PS3 action title is due for launch sometime in 2010, and we’d imagine that this collection - if it truly exists at all - will either coincide with that date or serve as a bite-sized (ahem) taster for those gamers unlucky enough to have never experienced the Belmont Saga previously.

When we’re able to get official confirmation we’ll naturally let all you lovely people know

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:46:01

gamingeek said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:
So the game room rumour panned out. Anyone remember when I posted pics and details a couple of months back?


That's because your mind is too pre-occupied thinking about Burger Time.

I remember us talking about a Sony Home-like arcade a few months ago.  So is Rare working on all this XBL stuff? I know they make the avatars. 

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:53:44

OH. MY. GOD. That Castlevania collection thing would, BLOW. MY. MIND. I'd think it'd be really nice to have the N64 games in it but I also wouldn't miss them terribly if they are omitted.
Edited: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:54:35


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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:55:33

aspro said:

gamingeek said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:
So the game room rumour panned out. Anyone remember when I posted pics and details a couple of months back?


That's because your mind is too pre-occupied thinking about Burger Time.

I remember us talking about a Sony Home-like arcade a few months ago.  So is Rare working on all this XBL stuff? I know they make the avatars.

Here's what I posted, wow from October the 8th 2009

360 gets is own PS style home

Images and details have leaked onto the net for something called 'Xbox Avatar RetroCade', which looks strikingly similar to Sony's PlayStation Home.

Mentioned in a previously-secret consumer survey sent to
Joystiq, the "virtual Avatar arcade" could be called "Game Room," "RetroCade," "Classics LIVE" or "Tower of ROM." We like the last one.


It looks incredibly similar in concept to PlayStation Home's own arcade, though if the leaked survey's anything to go by it's not going to be free of charge.

The second survey question asks, "Which of the following names would most compel you to purchase the product?" indicating that the "Xbox arcade" might not be a totally free space.

We've contacted Microsoft for comment.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:56:33

gamingeek said:

Natal: New promo video Releases Winter 2010 - Are you excited?

R U?

Looks like utter shit to me. They talk about all the disciplines engaged in the development of it but no gamers.  No chip in the thing either... maybe it will come in under $100.

Edited: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 20:01:58

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