GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Nintendo Download: 12/21/09 Smash Bros and Ninja Gaiden - BOO YAH news robio
Last Window Screens Hotel Dusk Sequel media aspro
FF13 Sells 1.5 M in 4 Days. Moved 250K systems, news aspro
The Industry Needs Nintendo editorial Iga_Bobovic
Castlevania Rebirth screens and trailer media gamingeek
Silent Hill Shattered Memories Kombo 8/10 review gamingeek
Anti-Video Game Stalwart Shuts Shop Suck it! news aspro
[] EA's Planet MULE Returns For free! news aspro
Huge Jump on EA Stock Calls Prompted by rumors of buy-out? news aspro
Tri-Ace's Resonance of Fate Hands-on Developed in JP for the west. impressions aspro
DQ9 Best Selling DQ Ever Amazing. news aspro
[] Tales of Graces - even more costume DLC media news Ravenprose
[] Are Games Like Rock Band Dumbing Down Music? media Ravenprose
[] Bayonetta IGN review! 9.5! Best action game ever. Not from Gonintendo. impressions Dvader
[] Atlus teases brand-new project media Ravenprose
[] Geoff Keighley talks ratings and celebrity appearances at Spike TV VGAs news Ravenprose
[] Aonuma discusses realism, scale in Twilight Prince and how it relates to Zelda Wii news Ravenprose
[] Ubisoft considering creation of JRPGs continues work on casual DS titles news Ravenprose
[] Pachter - Take-Two lacks discipline when it comes to major franchises news Ravenprose
FFCC: Crystal Bearers Review impressions Ravenprose
[] SEGA of America - Holiday card media Ravenprose
[] Violent Content May Influence Youth Violence Says National Campaign to Stop Violence news Ravenprose
[] Obama responds to kids that ask for video games for Christmas news Ravenprose
[] Dark Void Zero - more screens, art media Ravenprose
[] OFLC rates Castlevania: Rondo of Blood for VC! news Ravenprose
[] RUMOR: Nintendo looking at AMD Fusion APU chipset for future hardware news Ravenprose
[] SEGA temporarily drops the price of select VC game for 500 Nintendo Points instead of their usual 800 Points. news Ravenprose
Take2 Stocks Dive Selling Jack of all Games division. news aspro
[] Ninty Trying New Outreach to JP Consumers Placing information kiosks in stores. news aspro
California Still Center of Game Development Take that Canada! news aspro
[] Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer Wow media Iga_Bobovic
[] Gaijin discusses their choice of WiiWare for Bit.Trip, franchise success, and possible disc-based future news Ravenprose
[] Animal Crossing- next bit of DLC helps you stay warm in the Winter media news Ravenprose
[] Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes - new trailer media Ravenprose
[] Etrian Odyssey III - more art, details, website up media Ravenprose
[] Skip cancelled development on a MotionPlus sports title news Ravenprose
[] Jools Watsham talks Rayman DSiWare, Pop Island, and DSiWare in general media Ravenprose
[] Lost in Shadow - preview impressions Ravenprose
[] Harvest Moon: Animal Parade - review impressions Ravenprose
[] Hidden Gems of 2009 editorial Ravenprose
[] Flowerworks - review impressions Ravenprose
[] EA won't talk about Atlanta studio rumors news Ravenprose
[] James Cameron talks Avatar: The Game media Ravenprose
[] High Voltage gets new development director news Ravenprose
[] FFCC: The Crystal Bearers - review Ravenprose
[] Worst Game Names of 2009 editorial Ravenprose
[] English teacher uses home-made Earthbound board game to help Japanese students learn the language news Ravenprose
[] Shiren the Wanderer - preview impressions media Ravenprose
[] Mom calls cops to get her kid to stop playing video games news Ravenprose
[] Take-Two sells off Jack of All Games news Ravenprose
[] Seven best videogame manuals of all time editorial Ravenprose
[] FFCC: The Crystal Bearers - taking pictures media Ravenprose
[] EGM return to happen in March digital content explained news Ravenprose
[] Ron Gilbert: Devs can learn a lot from adventure games editorial Ravenprose
[] Endless Ocean 2 - tentative Aussie release date news Ravenprose
[] DSiWare sales (rough estimates) news Ravenprose
[] Pac-Man is 1% more recognized than Mario in U.S. says Guinness World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition. Hell yeah! news Ravenprose
[] Top Ten Overhyped Games of 2009 editorial Ravenprose
[] Top 10 game franchises that need to be resurrected editorial Ravenprose
[] Guitar Hero DLC Christmas Rock & Celebrity New Years Rock Track Packs news Ravenprose
[] Ubisoft releases new, official wallpapers/avatars/ forum sigs for Red Steel 2 media Ravenprose
[] Project Needlemouse How-To Guide humor editorial Ravenprose
[] Tales of Graces - gameplay montage media Ravenprose
[] Dark Void Zero heading to DSiWare this January trailer, footage, hands-on impressions media news Ravenprose
[] SEGA - no plans for more Shenmue and Project Needlemouse news in 2010 news Ravenprose
[] Hudson Brings the Party "Funny Party Game 100 Roaring Laughter" comes in 2010 news aspro
[] Ars Technica Review GH:Van Halen Don't Jump into this House of Pain impressions aspro
[] THQ Settles with WWE/ Jaks Pays out $32 mil news aspro
[] NGamer review scores Crystal Bearers gets 84% impressions gamingeek
1up review Bayonetta A impressions gamingeek
Rondo of Blood classified for VC Castlevania is back gamingeek
[] Guardian Heroes retrospective Awesomesauce read gamingeek
[] Capcom backs out of Q1 2010 All major games delayed because they're chicken gamingeek
[] Bioshock 2 preview CVG plays the first few hours impressions gamingeek
[] Dead Space 2 interview In Space no one can eat ice scream gamingeek
[] Critical Reception: The Crystal Bearers "an interesting offering with some great concepts." gamingeek
Opinion: Majora's Mask not the best Zelda editorial gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing City Folk $20 At Gamestop.  BUY BUY BUY gamingeek
Spyborgs $13 in Canada Go archie go! Yoda, buy it twice! gamingeek
Dead Space 2 direct feed pics media gamingeek
Bioshock 2: 13 new pics media gamingeek
[] Next Bit.Trip game entitled Bit.Trip RUNNER news Iga_Bobovic
[] Role of Sonya Blade in the Mortal Kombat movie was Cameron Diaz?! news Iga_Bobovic
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Gay Gamer review impressions Iga_Bobovic
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Bitmob review impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Video Game Art - “Childhood Friends” media Iga_Bobovic
[] Did you know...Wario and Waluigi homages in Wind W Oh wow news Iga_Bobovic
[] Daikaishu Ultra Coliseum DX - more screens WTF? media Iga_Bobovic
[] The Secret World interview editorial media Foolz
[] Splinter Cell: Conviction multiplayer Hands-On impressions Foolz
[] Dark Void Zero: First Look and Hands-On impressions Foolz
[] 12 Minutes of Mass Effect 2 unfortunately it probably features GS' comments media Foolz
Latest Nobunaga Game Coming to 7th Gen Did not see this coming. news aspro
[] Mass Effect 2 has more teletubby sex I told you it's the same as all their other games! news Foolz
[] God of War Collection: the future of BC? Ie. no more bc. editorial Foolz
[] White Knight Chronicles video preview impressions media Foolz
[] Narbacular Drop interview editorial Foolz
[] Tropico 3 eurogamer review 7/10 impressions Foolz
[] Reflection Missile eurogamer review impressions Foolz
[] Bioshock 2's Jordan Thomas interview editorial Foolz
[] Crackdown 2 interview editorial Foolz
[] Resonance of Fate Japanese battle tutorial media Foolz
[] Trauma Team voice acting featurette editorial media Foolz
[] Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot intro media Foolz
[] Capcom Issues Earnings Warning Is delaying releases to avoid MW2 launch in JP. news aspro
GoldenEye: Stil the best FPS ever editorial Ellyoda
Level 3 - Xmas Special! Level 3 celebrates Xmas with old reviews! media darthhomer
More AE Details From RE5 Producer news aspro
PS4 Will Not Use Cell As Aspro predicted. news aspro
[] Assasins Creed 2 DLC was part of main game Culled for profit - Curses Ubirip! news gamingeek
34 FF14 pics in one click media gamingeek
[] Media Create sales Finally Japan numbers of FFXIII news Iga_Bobovic
[] Final Fantasy XIII The Truth cinematic media Foolz
[] Divinity II: Ego Draconis Lands of Rivellon Vignette media Foolz
[] Wings of Prey debut trailer PC only...could be good then. media Foolz
[] MLB 2k10 pitchers v hitters editorial media Foolz
[] Zombie Driver launch trailer media Foolz
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 only $7 On XBLA today only. news aspro
[] TRU Sale:  buy 1 get 1 half-off starting after Christmas news Ravenprose
The D-Pad's Last Stand A button-less handheld from Nintendo is in our near future. editorial Ravenprose
Crispy Gamer's First White Elephant Gift Exchange editorial Ravenprose
[] DSi XL heading to Australia as well news Ravenprose
[] Japan - Q1 Wii releases confirmed thus far news Ravenprose
[] GT awards: Best DS Games, Most Innovative game editorial media Ravenprose
[] Videogame face-off: NSMB Wii vs. Mario and Sonic editorial Ravenprose
[] Phoenix Wright WiiWare - more footage media Ravenprose
[] Need or Speed: NITRO DS gameplay Videos Ravenprose
[] XSEED - Happy Holidays card media Ravenprose
[] Atelier Lina - another scan media Ravenprose
[] Alice in Wonderland - Wii, DS screens media Ravenprose
[] Capcom blog updates news Ravenprose
[] Metacritic - Top 20 games of the decade Ravenprose
[] GameFly: Year End Sale news Ravenprose
[] Interview: Playfish editorial Ravenprose
[] Nintendo Wii: Your New Home Lie Detector? editorial Ravenprose
[] The Kingdom Hearts 'unofficial' Snuggie media Ravenprose
Prinny 2 Screens Hey d00d. media aspro
[] Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes - more screens, art media Iga_Bobovic
[] Top 10 Santa Cameos editorial Iga_Bobovic
Zelda: OoT fan-orchestration finally finished media Iga_Bobovic
Video Game Art -  Pitfall Cover Art media Iga_Bobovic
[] Red Steel 2 - dev studio pics media Iga_Bobovic
Drunken women stabbed boy, 13, over Xbox news Ravenprose
[] Sonic All-Stars allows you to enable/disable A.I. 'rubber-banding' in multiplayer news Ravenprose
[] Victor Ireland hinting at change in VC policy? rumor news Ravenprose
[] Aonuma wanted to do Link's Crossbow Training 2 but Nintendo wanted Zelda Wii instead news Ravenprose
[] Chrono Trigger composer shares a free song for the holidays media Ravenprose
[] Namco Bandai's holiday card media Ravenprose
[] The sexiest game babes of 2009 editorial Ravenprose
[] Cave Story not releasing until 2010, more details news Ravenprose
[] New 'green' game cases - Wii version media Ravenprose
[] Zangeki no Reginleiv - online lobbies media Ravenprose
[] Today's Euro WiiWare/DSiWare updates news Ravenprose
[] La-Mulana - WiiWare playtest media Ravenprose
Intel Larrabee in Next Ninty? Using this chip would make it a beast. news aspro
Valkyria Chronicles 2 Screens Lots of screens. media aspro
2009 Japanese Sales Totals No awards for Nintendo, but they dominated sales. aspro
[] Amazon deal - A Boy and His Blob $19.99 news Ravenprose
[] 3D Realms CEO Vows Duke Nukem Resurgence in Next Few Years news Ravenprose
[] Prince of Persia LEGO Real toys, not a game. news aspro
[] New GTA at E3? That's what EEDAR thinks. news aspro
[] Harsher flight rules may ban portable gaming on planes news Ravenprose
2009 Cosplay Competition Held in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region media aspro
[] Last Uncracked Problem in Gaming Beaten! BBC News Proves They Know Nothing About Gaming news aspro
JP Mega Man 10 Trailer media aspro
Spong's Year In Review Goes through the year chronologically. editorial aspro
[] Stock Analyst Riffs on Music Games Pachter says Activision has "given us too much value". editorial aspro
[] Capcom - Euro release schedule news Iga_Bobovic
[] Lufia DS - more details, character art media news Iga_Bobovic
[] Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom - Jump Festa trailer media Iga_Bobovic
[] What if the theme from Final Fantasy had lyrics? Wow media Iga_Bobovic
[] The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourlgass manga news Iga_Bobovic
The Best 30 Games of the Decade better than Vader's list editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] The LONGEST videogame Preview of ALL TIME! (FF13) I can't believe I almost read all of it! impressions phantom_leo
When a Million Sales Is Not Enough Expect fewer games. editorial aspro
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Country: UN
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 07:15:55
Batman is 18 pounds at zavvi again.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 07:42:14

SteelAttack said:
It has some Django, though. So at least part of the soundtrack is jazz.

Okay. It's not as bad as I remember. First off, this is the first time I've played it on a large HD screen, and it looks quite good.  My character has no body other than his arms, but that is par for the course.

The weapons are not as weak as I remember them.  One niggling aspect that I hated at the time and is still the same though is the level "design"  in this first level there are so many ways to get in and out of a room I am finding myself walking around in circles.  A level map would help.  But hey, it's not as awful as I remember it, but still nothing blows me away other than the graphics.  I'll keep playing. 

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 10:43:18

Archangel3371 said:

Well no Spyborgs for me. I went over to Future Shop and they didn't have any there. I wonder if they just advertised this to lure people in. It's a trap! I did end up getting Resident Evil Zero for the Wii so it wasn't a total bust. Nyaa

Sounds like it WAS a total bust. Nyaa

robio said:

gamingeek said:

This is Vaders tree.


Are you sure that's Vader's tree and not actually Vader himself?

This is Vader


aspro said:

Foolz said:
That GTAIV at number two is quite disgusting.

Did HL2 not make the list? LOL

Not my list. the Orange Box was a great value, but Half Life 2 by itself, viewed through the cold gaze of history, doesn't cut the top 20. I probably gave it a 9 at the time I played it, but it doesn't hold up.

Holy shit at that list. When did reviews start sucking? I say when Kasavin left gamespot, what year was that?

aspro said:

SteelAttack said:
LOL Bioshock...Fuck you.

I mean...I'm quoting vader. LOL

Bioshock.  C'mon guys.  Really? I mean if you had not heard music from that era before, or had not read Ayn Rand you might think it was amazing, but it was schlock, utter schlock. Taking the stuff they stole, the gameplay does not stand on it's own.

Hell yeah! Aspro! Sing it proud. Nyaa


aspro said:

SteelAttack said:
It has some Django, though. So at least part of the soundtrack is jazz.

But hey, it's not as awful as I remember it, but still nothing blows me away other than the graphics.  I'll keep playing.

There is a map, but yeah nothing that blows you away other than the graphics/setting.

In fact, it tends to get a bit repetitive when you get into the later areas, because the game starts tossing in variants of the same enemies you've already played against. The process of getting through the game also has a very lather-rinse-repeat kind of progression to it. You keep going through these areas over and over again until you've beaten it, and that's about it. That'll take at least a few hours, but once you're done, you probably won't want to go back to it.

I find it a decent game like Dead Space but nothing like the super best game ever deserving of a position in the best games of the decade list. In fact I would cut out half the crap on that metacritic list. Especially the sports games.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 11:12:39

Nice to see Chinatown wars pick up GT DS game of the year.

Hmm, stiff competition from Zelda and mario and luigi 3.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:47:59

Ravenprose said:
EDIT: Fixed! That's much better now. Happy

This Christmas card pleases me.  Still, shame they had to use the Sunshine Islands characters, but I shall overlook that in the spirit of the holiday season.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:15:17

SteelAttack said:

aspro said:

SteelAttack said:
LOL Bioshock...Fuck you.

I mean...I'm quoting vader. LOL

Bioshock.  C'mon guys.  Really? I mean if you had not heard music from that era before, or had not read Ayn Rand you might think it was amazing, but it was schlock, utter schlock. Taking the stuff they stole, the gameplay does not stand on it's own.

I'm not particularly attracted to jazz, and have never been interested in Rand's babblings. Without those elements, the game stands on its own as a competent, well paced action game with lots of room for experimentation using plasmids. It's not without faults, but it's far from garbage.


Yeah I never read any of Rand's works nor do I really know what they were about. I never was much of a reader. Also being pretty much a steadfast metal head I really loved Bioshock. I found it to be an incredibly fascinating game.


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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:16:29

The VG Press

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:25:49

We finally have Japan numbers

01. / 00. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix) - 1.501.964 / NEW
02. / 01. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) - 567.890 / 1.933.827 (+32%)
03. / 03. [NDS] Friend Collection (Nintendo) - 165.575 / 2.089.946 (+62%)
04. / 06. [NDS] Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver (Pokemon Co.) - 111.454 / 3.339.872 (+49%)
05. / 08. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) - 92.561 / 1.201.258 (+44%)
06. / 13. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Threat of the Invaders - Fire / Blizzard (Level 5) - 71.085 / 808.000
07. / 09. [WII] PokePark Wii: Picachu's Great Adventure (Pokemon Co.) - 70.750 / 191.920 (+23%)
08. / 11. [NDS] Professor Layton and the Flute of Malevolent Destiny (Level 5) - 54.128 / 496.000
09. / 07. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable 2 (Sega) - 50.466 / 411.565 (-32%)
10. / 00. [PSP] Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos (Namco Bandai) - 49.728 / NEW

11. / 17. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
12. / 18. [WII] Taiko Drum Master Wii: Dodon to 2 Yome! (Namco Bandai)
13. / 00. [NDS] Pen 1 Grand Prix: A Penguin's Trouble Special (Konami)
14. / 20. [NDS] Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Nintendo)
15. / 10. [PSP] Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam Next Plus (Namco Bandai)
16. / 21. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
17. / 05. [PSP] Naruto: Shippuden Narutimate Accelerator 3 (Namco Bandai)
18. / 14. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (Konami)
19. / 04. [PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Square Enix)
20. / 16. [WII] Samurai Warriors 3 (Koei)
21. / 02. [WII] Tales of Graces (Namco Bandai)
22. / 22. [NDS] Powerful Pro-Kun Pocket 12 (Konami)
23. / 29. [NDS] Stitch! DS Rhythm and Ohana Adventure (Disney Interactive)
24. / 27. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
25. / 32. [NDS] Tamagotchi no Narikiri Channel (Namco Bandai)
26. / 00. [NDS] Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS Ore ga Boss! Saikyou Family Taisen (Takara Tomy)
27. / 24. [WII] Momotaro Railway 2010: Sengoku Ishin no Hero Daishuugou! no Maki (Hudson)
28. / 31. [WII] Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Nintendo)
29. / 15. [PS2] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (Konami)
30. / 28. [NDS] Metal Fight Beyblade: Bakutan Cyber Pegasus (Hudson)
31. / 26. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (Konami)
32. / 38. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Square Enix)
33. / 36. [NDS] Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou: MM Town de Miracle Change (Konami)
34. / 33. [WII] Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes W (Namco Bandai)
35. / 43. [NDS] Doraemon Baseball 2: Nettou Ultra Stadium (Namco Bandai)
36. / 42. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
37. / 35. [NDS] Monster Busters (Namco Bandai)
38. / 44. [NDS] Cooking Mama 3 (Taito Corporation)
39. / 40. [WII] Karaoke Joysound Wii DX (Hudson)
40. / 00. [NDS] Poupee Girl DS (Alvion)
41. / 25. [PS3] Assassin's Creed II (Ubisoft)
42. / 00. [NDS] Dear Girl: Stories Hibiki - Hibiki Tokkun Daisakusen! (ASCII Media Works)
43. / 37. [WII] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (Konami)
44. / 39. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP the Best) (Capcom)
45. / 00. [NDS] Fresh PreCure! Asobi Collection (Namco Bandai)
46. / 48. [WII] Animal Crossing: City Folk (Nintendo)
47. / 00. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo)
48. / 30. [PSP] Tokimeki Memorial 4 (Konami)
49. / 12. [360] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Square Enix)
50. / 00. [WII] Minna ga Shuyaku no NHK Kouhaku Quiz Kassen (Nintendo)

00. / 00. [ALL] Weekly Software Sales (All Publishers) - 3.945.539 / 62.864.962 (+82%)

NDS - 21
WII - 16
PSP - 7
PS3 - 4
360 - 1
PS2 - 1


PS3 237,086
Wii 191,915
DSi 95,227
PSP 79,194
DSi LL 75,241
DS Lite 12,879
Xbox 360 8,965
PSP go 3,260
PS2 2,982

Wow at NSMBWii numbers it actually increased in sales with respect to the previous week. This game will have the same legs as its predecessor. Which is number 16 on the list.

PS3 did very well thanks to FFXIII and PS3 + FFXIII bundle. Wii was very close and will probably win 2009 all thanks to a certain plumber. And lets not forget the DS. It is already the most sold game console of all time and it keeps on selling. It will outsell the PS2 worldwide very soon.

The VG Press
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:32:12

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:39:34

darthhomer said:

I forgot some of you guys live in the future.


More pics of Christmas 09 in City Folk, including a sneak peak at SteelAttacks and his daughters living room. As well as improved snowmanbuilding skills.

Don't forget tonight, Jingle appears to deliver gifts. Hunt him down in different outfits to grab special one night only Jingle furniture. Grinning

Edited: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:40:24

Country: GB
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:49:02

Did anyone watch this?

Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer

What are your thoughts? It's a motionplus sword slasher where you chop appendages off huge creatures. 1up says its on rails, but that's the first and only time I have heard that. Hope they are wrong.

A proper game like that with motionplus would be damned cool. Visuals look nice too.

Edited: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:54:03

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 14:04:36

gamingeek said:

It reminds me of this game:

Edited: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 14:10:48

The VG Press

Country: GB
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 14:20:15

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

It reminds me of this game:

I that was done with natal it would be sweet. Grinning

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 14:44:06

Does anyone know if I can get the retail discs of Fallout 3 added content and if they require a hard drive to play? I saw the discs online.

I wanted to get the extra oblivion stuff but its hard drive required. Sad

I dont really want to have to buy more fallout 3 but the main game seems short compared to Oblivion so I've thinking about it.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 14:44:43

gamingeek said:

Did anyone watch this?

Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer

What are your thoughts? It's a motionplus sword slasher where you chop appendages off huge creatures. 1up says its on rails, but that's the first and only time I have heard that. Hope they are wrong.

A proper game like that with motionplus would be damned cool. Visuals look nice too.

I still can't pronounce the name so I'm not going to bother researching anything on the game.

Country: GB
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:03:39

I'm thinking of getting MW2 and Halo ODST. Someone shout out a good price for me. PAL guys.

Also what's the best ODST review to read. Nothing too gushing, nothing too harsh.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:18:08

robio said:

gamingeek said:

Did anyone watch this?

Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer

What are your thoughts? It's a motionplus sword slasher where you chop appendages off huge creatures. 1up says its on rails, but that's the first and only time I have heard that. Hope they are wrong.

A proper game like that with motionplus would be damned cool. Visuals look nice too.

I still can't pronounce the name so I'm not going to bother researching anything on the game.

If you can pronounce Zangief, the word NO and Regis, it should be no problem.

Country: CO
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:20:57

gamingeek said:

I'm thinking of getting MW2 and Halo ODST. Someone shout out a good price for me. PAL guys.

Also what's the best ODST review to read. Nothing too gushing, nothing too harsh.

You sure about that? Both SP campaigns are short, they offer next to no replay value, and they are both games that revolve around their multiplayer elements, which you won't get to experience anyway.

Edit: From what I've read anyway. Ask Archie, he has played both games, maybe he has more insight on the duration of the SP affair.

Edit 2: And they're still EXPENSIVE. MW2 is still 60 everywhere.

Edited: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:31:22
Country: GB
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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:33:59

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

I'm thinking of getting MW2 and Halo ODST. Someone shout out a good price for me. PAL guys.

Also what's the best ODST review to read. Nothing too gushing, nothing too harsh.

You sure about that? Both SP campaigns are short, they offer next to no replay value, and they are both games that revolve around their multiplayer elements, which you won't get to experience anyway.

Hobo time confimed then. Thanks.

I want to play MW2 but I know it wont drop in price, ever, so I might as well get it at some point. After playing Hobo graphics COD on Wii through 2 games I feel like I might as well experience uber graphics COD eventually.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:50:56

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

I'm thinking of getting MW2 and Halo ODST. Someone shout out a good price for me. PAL guys.

Also what's the best ODST review to read. Nothing too gushing, nothing too harsh.

You sure about that? Both SP campaigns are short, they offer next to no replay value, and they are both games that revolve around their multiplayer elements, which you won't get to experience anyway.

Edit: From what I've read anyway. Ask Archie, he has played both games, maybe he has more insight on the duration of the SP affair.


Yeah I'm not to sure how much you'll get out of them if you don't play the multiplayer portions. Both single-player campaigns are excellent though and are about 6 to 8 hours. MW2's is a non-stop thrill ride while ODST's is a very interesting experience in playing as different group members portions with some nice storytelling via recordings you find. The mp portion of ODST can be played 2 player offline and is a blast if you dig fighting wave after wave of ever increasing foes but I don't care for splitscreen myself because I dislike sharing screen space. MW2 also has Special Ops which is a variety of missions that can be played by one or 2 players offline and it supposedly is very good and adds a lot to the game but I have yet to play it myself so I can't really comment on it.

I guess it really depends on price. Also ODST comes with an mp Halo 3 disc that gives you all the maps and the ability to play the complete Halo 3 mp experience without the original Halo 3 disk but it'll be pretty much useless if you don't play mp although I think you can also play it with friends offline. As for what reviews to read I'm not really sure. The best bet I think is just read a couple from the well known sites such as 1up, IGN, Gametrailers, and *gasp* Gamespot they should all be pretty accurate.


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