Mississippi library adds videogames
$13,000 worth of games to be in the public library
joystickdivision.com news
Gundam 30th Anniversary Collection
Wii, 360 and PS3 will include all PS2 games.
andriasang.com news
Nintendo Power Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Full review text
shshatteredmemories.com impressions
SunSoft Returning to Western Game Development!
Bringing Blaster Master Back With It!
1up.com news
1up review Zelda Spirit tracks
" exceeds its predecessor in every way"
1up.com impressions
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He likes to do things the hard way.
What's the deal with the funky avatars?!
What funky avatars?
The man must be hallucinating again.
The assamassina avatars!!!
Did you delete your save file before it had time to send the items? Maybe you have to open your gate for the items to be sent. Damn it sucks.
It didn't work. I just got off the phone with them, they have none of my details. WTF? So the guy on the phone says to create a new account. I try online and it says the email is already in use. Yeah, because its me fuckers! So I check my email spamguard and find the password reset there. But that doesn't excuse the mancunian dolt on customer services.
I got Arkham asylum, Fable 2, GTA IV Liberty city stories and Boom Blox Bash Party.
Zavvi is awesome, mirrors edge is £8, DMC4 is £12, Borderlands £18 etc.
Leo is in love with Matt you see, so they are there to make him happy.
I know, there are some sick prices there, the liberty city episodes disc is half price too. PS3 games are rock bottom too.
Updating now.
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Again – but this time with Natal functionality.
As long as I can play the game with the standard controller, then I will most likely buy the game. But if I have to play the game exclusively with Natal, then they can shove it back up their asses.
But it might work like that Natal fighting game demo. Stand and fight, biyatch.
Hells No!
But you can kick to do a kick. Van damme stylee!
Ey gads my eyezzz!
At the time yeah, nailing like a 40 hit combo whilst your friend sitting next to you sat helpless was hilarious.
Jean Claude van Damme has a Fedor mancrush
Oh please have a Killer Instinct 3 in the works and while you're at it bring out 1 & 2 on XBLA.
And Raven.