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Thanks a lot raven, like your residents and your house is cool too. I didn't know you could put stuff on top of the fireplace.
I miss the paths though, I dont know how to get around without messing your grass up. Hope you like the Doll I left.
I'll just post these for the sake of it.
New Super Mario Bros Wii - 7
Uncharted 2 - 9
Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising - 8
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time - 7
Borderlands - 6
Brutal Legend - 7
GTA : Episodes From Liberty City - 9
Forza 3 - 9
PES 2010 - 7
Mario and Luigi : Bowsers Inside Story - 9
Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter - 5
Might and Magic: Clash Of Heroes - 9
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - 5
Lost Winds: Winter Of The Melodias - 8
Tekken 6 - 7
Ju-On The Grudge - 4
Uncharted 2 Review - http://www.edge-online.com/magazine/...-among-thieves
Forza 3 Review - http://www.edge-online.com/magazine/review-forza-3
new super mario bros wii 96%
wii fit puls 91%
a boy and his blob 80%
dj hero 88%
muramasa: the demon blade 85%
spore hero 75%
wwe smackdown vs raw 2010 83%
drawn to life the next chapter 70%
ghostbusters 73%
ju-on: the grudge 51%
kingdom hearts 358/2 days 69%
super star wars trilogy 86%
you, me, and the cubes 80%
spaceball revolution 78%
tales of monkey island: chapter 3 82%
magnetis 73%
sexypoker 11%
learning with the pooyoos: episode 1 65%
artstyle: intersect 85%
2-in-1 solitaire 61%
yummy yummy cooking jam 57%
my sims camera 68%
"It's clear even from spending 10 minutes with a 25 per cent complete Okamiden that it's extremely solid already. There are no problems with fiddly controls or awkward structuring. Everything feels natural and organic, an effect emphasised by the still-unbelievable consistency and authenticity of the hand-painted style. Really, it's the looks that make you fall in love with Okamiden - not just the staggering beauty of the in-game graphics, but the lovely cut-scenes too, showing little puppy Amaterasu pawing tentatively at Kuninushi after a long fall, or a troupe of dancing penguins that turn up to introduce a new Celestial Brush power.
At the moment, on first impressions, Okamiden reads like a loving tribute to Okami rather than an attempt to further the concept. New design lead Kuniomi Matsushita's reverence for Clover's work is evident in his fidelity to the original game's iconic look and dungeon-driven structure. But it's not a soulless facsimile; there's already enough life and character in the adorable new protagonist and the world he inhabits to make Okamiden seductive in its own right."
Never too late to start!
I had a subscription to EGM from 1991 through 1995. It was a good mag during the 16-Bit era. It's cool that the magazine's founder is resurrecting it, "Wise Fwom Your Gwave!"
They used to be cool, but now they are crap. Should have stayed dead and taken 1up with them.
I had a subscription when I was in college during the late 90's during the 32/64 bit era. Good magazine back in the day, but pretty much went to hell afterwards. So guess congrats to them for coming back, but I don't plan on picking up an issue again.
Yay EGM, how do I get free copies?
Woah. EGM is back, cool. I haven't purchased any magazines in quite some time but out of the current selection EGM was pretty much my favourite. I think I'll have to pick up this copy just for the special reason that it symbolizes their rebirth. That and it does have Mass Effect 2 on the cover.
Forza 3 is getting fantastic reviews I can't wait to pick it up next week along with Tekken 6. Next week is going to totally rock.
It's being brought back by Steve Harris, who was the original owner who sold the magazine to Ziff Davis.
Little is known about the new format, but he has said that this won't be just a re-incarnation of EGM in it's most recent format. Jame Meilke (sp?) is consulting, but not actively writing and none of the old EGM staff I listen to are involved (Crispin Boyer, Chris Johnson, Trickman Terry, Dan Hsu, Shane Bettenhouse (sp?) and so on).
It's a safe assumption that they'll bring back multi-person reviews, but besides that who knows.
Thanks. Yeah, I used to put the pictures that animals would send me in AC Wild World on the fireplace. It's too bad they removed those pics in City Folk.
I don't care about the grass anymore. It's too much of a hassle. When you come over to my town, feel free to run amuck; just try not to destroy my flowers.
I like the doll very much, thanks. But I thinks its watching me, though. *shivers*
An oil-cooled Xbox 360, huh? They should have used peanut oil, so they could fry up some corn dogs while they game.
I wanna see him hot swap on that thing!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile(If you want to be in on all inside jokes please join the vgpress podcast every saturday night/sunday morning. End shameless recruiting)
So since Dvader hates me these days apparently and can't be bothered to reply to my questions, I'll ask again: When is the Best Buy deal and does it count for all games regardless of system or price?
If you were on the podcast he would have told you.
There you go, Edge.
Thanks bro!
You know what happens is that you got lost in Animal Crossing talk. As soon as I see AC talk start in the forums I immediately go to the bottom of the page, if the talk is still going on I go to the next page. You were in the middle of that so I skipped over you. Sorry.