Exlcusive GTA: Chinatown Wars Content on PSP
new missions and a new character
pspworld.com news
Avatar video dev walkthrough
Wii version built from the ground up by Ubisoft Montreal
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Monster Hunter Tri Officially Ditches Friend Codes
pay-to-play fee still up in the air
mtv.com news
Australia Only Gets Edited Version of Left 4 Dead
Toned down version refused classification
oflc.gov.au news
History in Videogames - A Closer Look
History IN not history OF
criticalgamer.co.uk editorial
Oblivion Sequel Tipped?
Novel spills the beans, "bridges the gap to the next game."
1up.com news
Moron Claims iPod Will Eclipse Nintendo
And Sony too! (for handheld gaming)
electronista.com news
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gamingeek (49s)
Because it was purchased, not rented. It's no longer theirs.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYep, if I want to hack my Wii and fill it with tentacle porn, that by God I will do it! FREEDOMMMMM!
Ever heard of PC's?
The Internet enables child pornography. DESTROY THE INTERNET!
Well, I guess you're right about one thing. There's no such thing as online gaming on PCs...
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOh well whatever I think hacking and pirating is wrong and I love seeing those that do so get what's coming to them and that's all I've got to say about that.
Moving right along to what I've been playing lately, I recently went back to play a little bit of an old favourite of mine, Lost Planet. It's still a lot of fun online. I have also been playing Halo 3: ODST, excellent game. I have finished it on Normal, Heroic, and am now near the end on Legendary. They did a really good job with the campaign mode and the action can get pretty intense. I can't wait to see how Reach will be like so I'm definitely looking forward to the online beta to start up early next year. It should be a blast.
I've been playing me some Uncharted 2. Goddamn it is a great game.
I've also been playing me some Sonic Heroes. Goddamn it is not a great game.
Still playing Metroid Prime Trilogy. I'm on my second playthrough of the original, with the Fusion suit. I'm nearly half way done with Prime 2 and 3.
I also played Wario Land Shake It! for about an hour (that's three hours total since I bought the game last July). I'm done with it. It's just not fun to play. Shaking the remote sucks! The game doesn't recognize light shakes, which I would've been fine with. Nope, you really have to shake the hell out of it to get it to work, and that feature alone destroyed all of the fun for me. I'm glad I only paid $20 for it.
Hokuto No Ken, Sengoku Basara X, and Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi.
And some Brawl plus DOA4.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
You truly are...
The King of Niche Nerds.
Also playing Red Faction (PS2) while I wait for UC2 to arrive. RF1 hold up well. Very well.
Here is my joke for the day. Of all the NBA coaches who is the most bulimic?
Chuck Daly.
also before going to sleep every night i played some Advance Wars 2 on the GBA (been playing it on my DSLite strictly speaking)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
super robot taisen og saga hentai
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNo wonder we get lot's of visitors that do nothing and leave!
Batman: Arkham Asylum is the Game of the fucking Year as far as I'm concerned. OMFG is this game awesome. Just an incredibly well paced, polished action/adventure game the likes of which we don't get nearly enough of.
Finished Halo: ODST on legendary, also an awesome game. It still doesn't have the WOW factor that Combat Evolved had but I think its the best Halo since then. Its not all that different and it doesn't seem to be a big factor that you're playing as a normal guy instead of cyborg boy, but its very well made and feels more inspired than 2 or 3 as far as the campaign goes.
Stopped playing Little Kings Story awhile ago and need to get back to that. Its a solid game but also one that I kind of lost interest in for some reason.
Thats about it for me lately. Looking forward to Brutal Legend, Assassins Creed 2, and Modern Warefare 2 for the rest of this year.
Nintendo and Sony continue to not impress me on the whole. Nintendo more than Sony. Somebody show me Retro Studios new game before I pack up the Wii. Oh Demon Souls looks good on PS3 too. Too bad I sold my PS3.