Gradius Rebirth gets upgrade
Big update improves everything - re-download now news
Calling Out The Casual Gamer: You're Geeks Too!
Comparing fans of Farmville vs. Harvest Moon editorial
Gamestop Pre-order bonus for new Harvest Moon Game
Not of SteelAttack, but an actual pig doll news
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We have to have, you know, official content
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThis is basically what you need in order to get review copies for basically anything, I've found. You need to not only prove you have an audience, but also prove that you can provide stellar exposure to a persons content.
The PSN stuff on GAF is a great example - Kassatu (spelling?) always makes sure that the weekly PSN thread is always worth checking out.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFine. There. You better appreciate it too, because that 90 seconds it took was excruciating.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI could see it, but that would be a stand-alone price. If Natal doesn't come bundled with something it's not going to be nearly as appealing. For people to buy this game it needs to have a damn good game with it AND come in at a reasonable price. That handball game that was shown in demos certainly isn't going to cut it.
So awesome, thanks. Now everyone go back and read all the reviews.
I hope I can join in your guys' discussions now!
I need a lot of catching up to do!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
congratulations. hope you get many hours of enjoyment out of it. don't forget to give us your code and add all of ours.
what games did you get apart from animal crossing?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Why aren't the forums working?
Yo, I need the link for that splitting program.
So you were just messing with us again!
HJ Split
EDIT: And . . . done! Bowser's ass has been officially kicked by Luigi! Now only 60 more stars to get for 100% completion!
Just a momentary lapse, boards wigged out for a moment.
So who's getting Lost winds Winter of the Melodias on Monday?
That would be me. Unless of course something else spectacular shows up on Monday on th VC like Harvest Moon 64, but that seems unlikely.
Wow, neogaf has another Sinterklaas is racist discussion.
Seriously some people have way too much time.