GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Jet Set Radio Wii: See the game that never was Life is cruel media gamingeek
Triforce Symbol On US Dollar Bill Zelda Runs The New World Order ;) editorial aspro
Stardock May Drop PC Support Boss is sick of Windows Live. news aspro
RE5 alternate edition pics Added content, mansion pics media gamingeek
Activision UK "MW2 Not A Rip-Off" Activision responds to the 55 quid price. news aspro
[] NSMB Super Guide details Pioneering game mode: Wii demo play gets a new name impressions news gamingeek
Rocket Knight adventure is back! Made by Climax, coming to PSN/XBLA and Steam news gamingeek
[] GameInformer reveals Epic Mickey It's a Wii exclusive news Iga_Bobovic
[] LBP PSP coming to US next month Sony UK targeting "similar time frame". news Iga_Bobovic
[] MS enabling vidcap for all 360 games? Working on it, says report. news Iga_Bobovic
[] UK Chart: Goal-pie for FIFA 10 Second biggest UK launch ever. news Iga_Bobovic
[] DJ Hero date set for Europe Loaded for late October. news Iga_Bobovic
[] NCsoft addresses Aion server issues "The rhino is upon us," says top dog. news Iga_Bobovic
[] PSPgo nudges hardware up 120 per cent Performed to expectations, says Sony. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Getaway, Eight Days were halfway there And not canned. Sony living on a prayer? news Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo clamps down on sales of R4 Encourages gamers to grass up sellers. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Previews DUST 514 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Retrospective: Steambot Chronicles editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands-on Football Manager 2010 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Super Happy Fun Time II The wackier highlights of TGS 2009. editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Venezuela to outlaw violent video games and thus all of the country's problems ended news robio
[] Beyond Good and Evil retrospective remain in the minds of those who remember their time at Jade’s side with pride, satisfaction and, perhaps, just the tiniest touch of boyish infatuation. gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare 2 Infamy Trailer media Foolz
[] Tekken 6 video Alisa Bosconovitch (and others) trailer media Foolz
CoD4: Modern Warfare 2 mission names news Foolz
Monster Hunter 3 Consideirng removing fee and adding wii speak for western release news Foolz
First look at guitar hero van halen Literally. There's just a pic of the CD and box. media Foolz
[] Sony says it's best if they win the console wars and that Nintendo doesn't take enough risks news Ravenprose
1up Tales of a Rocket Knight Noob editorial Ravenprose
[] EDGE mag reviews Demons Souls 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Assassin's II video: Weapons, Da Vinci media gamingeek
[] Nintendo Minute: 10.06.09 only two first-party Wii games from now until the end of the year? gamingeek
Rocket KNight pics, 8 pics one click media gamingeek
Reggie video interview Explains lack of euro price drop media news gamingeek
Sin and Punishment 2 details from 1up impressions gamingeek
[] First details of Epic Mickey adventure and exploration news gamingeek
Christmas Carol being developed by Charles Cecil For Disney. Details inside impressions news gamingeek
[] Activision did not want modern warfare They held Infinity ward back and kept them away from consoles news gamingeek
[] Visceral Games working on Jack the Ripper game news gamingeek
Nintendo is the worlds best company Pfft, Business week fanboys news gamingeek
[] PSP Go UK price drops £25 in a week Retailers slashing prices news gamingeek
[] PSP sales off to a slow start news gamingeek
[] XBW Fable 3 impressions impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer WiiWare impressions Round up from the London event impressions gamingeek
[] PSP rentals coming? news gamingeek
[] NSMB all the modes, all the chaos Kotaku preview impressions gamingeek
[] Gameinformer Mickey video interview Spector talks furry love media gamingeek
[] Dead Space Extraction Game zone review "It successfully takes every element that made the original work and presents it in a new and exciting way that perfectly realizes the strengths of its platform." impressions gamingeek
G4 Silent Hill Shattered Memories gameplay Is that a dead bear? media gamingeek
G4 RE Darkside Chronicles interview media gamingeek
G4 Red Steel 2 interview Out by march media gamingeek
[] Ninokuni video intro media gamingeek
Atlus' Demon Soul's Wiki Launches On eve of release in US. news aspro
[] Aussie Aussie Aussie 20% off 360 Controllers Oi Oi Oi! news aspro
Guitar Hero Heads To iPhone Decline of western civilization hastens. news aspro
Price Drops Abound on 360 GTA4, SF4, L4Dead news aspro
[] Ubisoft buys Trackmania dev Uh oh. :( news Foolz
[] Call of Duty trademarked for film Well, maybe we'll get another District 9 out of it I suppose. news Foolz
[] Little Big Planet PSP release date 17th of Novemeber news Foolz
New 360 wireless rumour Only $99.99 news Foolz
FTC Ruling might affect reviews Eidos screwed news Foolz
Tell Capcom how you want RE5 Alternative version On-rails, on-rails, on-rails, on-rails news Foolz
Ausssie Game industry still growing Yet still not producing anything even close to the quality of Freedom Force editorial news Foolz
Wii Fit + 1up Review A- impressions Foolz
Band hero preview Band hero? wtf impressions Foolz
[] Final Fantasy VC gameplay media Foolz
[] Dragon Age Living world featuerette media Foolz
[] F1 2009 Fuji trailer media Foolz
[] Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Launch Trailer media Foolz
[] New Super Mario Bros Wii 1up Preview impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] New Super Mario Bros. Wii IGN Hands-on Finally! A bit of playtime with the single player component! Check out some new tidbits in our write-up. impressions Iga_Bobovic
Sarah Palin signed 360 on eBay for $1.1 milllion if this gets sold I'm killing myself - love Robio news robio
[] Update your Twitter and Facebook on the 360 in case you're a tool and need to do so news robio
[] Atlus ready to make the jump to HD systems Atlus is hiring - good sign for the PS3 news robio
[] New Character for Sonic & Sega All Stars Racin Yu Suzuki is proud. media darthhomer
PSN Content now on Sony is handling digital download right news robio
New Super Mario Wii as Hard as Contra DAYUUUUUUUM!!! impressions robio
Tony Hawk: RIDE trailer Now with Mii's media robio
[] IGN review Afrika and it sucks impressions robio
[] Call of Duty MW REFLEX Wii interview " this is a full, 100% complete version of Modern Warfare" gamingeek
[] Critical Reception: Atlus/From Software's Demon's This week's edition of Critical Reception examines online reaction to the PlayStation 3-exclusive dungeon crawler Demon's Souls editorial gamingeek
[] Arkham Asylum was almost a Rhythm game No, seriously! news gamingeek
[] EEDAR: 37% of Wii games go unreviewed news gamingeek
[] "PSP Go will fail miserably" Says Chips MD news gamingeek
[] Afrika Screens media gamingeek
[] Natal price to be cut over time Like a console news gamingeek
Four new PS3 games uncovered A ninja game, a survial horror etc news gamingeek
[] Crystal Bearers hits Europe in Feb 2010 news gamingeek
[] FFCC Crystal Bearers: tons of screens and art media gamingeek
[] ABC News: Metroid Trilogy is Citizen Kane editorial media gamingeek
[] No More Heroes 2 video interview SUDA on gametrailers media gamingeek
[] Gameinformer remove "Wii exclusive" from Epic Mick Game multiplatform? news gamingeek
[] Visceral's Jack the Ripper game Rumoured info: taking the viewpoint that Jack the Ripper was actually a good guy editorial news gamingeek
[] Nintendo canned Overkill developers game But Headstrong are making another Wii game news gamingeek
[] New Prince of Persia game in development Here we go again news gamingeek
[] Magna Carta 2 Hands On Amazing RPG returns, hopefully w/ better voice acting. news aspro
[] THQ Releases 1st Biggest Loser  Game Based on reality TV weight loss show. news aspro
Gay Tony achievements No DVDA achievement? Lame, but i suppose it makes sense. editorial news Foolz
Biblical Striptease Game Do you really need a description? The Virgin Mary looks even better in HD. editorial news Foolz
[] Demon's Soul GS Review 9.0 impressions Foolz
[] Need for Speed Nitro pics An Escort? WTF? This isn't Colin McCrae... media Foolz
[] Lego Rock Band pics media Foolz
[] DJ Hero's full 93-traclist revealed news Foolz
[] Alpha Protocol officially delayed news Foolz
[] Valve to resubmit 2 Left 4 Dead Versions to the OF Unconfirmed whether or not one of the versions will just be the original. But tha'ts unlikely given that they already tried that. news Foolz
[] Demon's Souls gameplay media Foolz
[] Uncharted 2 Videos media Foolz
[] No More Heroes 2 videos media Foolz
[] Fairytale Fights preview impressions media Foolz
[] NCAA Basketball 10 videos media Foolz
[] Tekken 6 Lots of videos media Foolz
[] Layoffs Hit Activision's 7 Studios news Ellyoda
[] League of Legends Reveal Two New Champions impressions news Ellyoda
[] Alpha Protocol Delayed to 2010 news Ellyoda
[] David Bowie To Be Featured in LEGO Rock Band Hopefully this does not become another Cobain fiasco news Ellyoda
[] Lawsuit Filed Over PS3 Firmware 3.0 Problems PlayStation 3:  Latest update damaged consoles, Blu-ray drives, lawsuit claims. news Ellyoda
[] Runes of Magic Hits Million Mark Again Now more than 2 million registrations. news Ellyoda
[] PopCap Games Secures $22.5 Million Investment Investment led by Meritech, includes angel investors Larry Bowman and John McCaw. news Ellyoda
[] Codemasters to use Morpheme Agreement reached with NaturalMotion news Ellyoda
[] Monolith Does Super Robo Xenosaga and Disaster developer working with Namco Bandai on next Super Robot Taisen. news Ellyoda
[] Activision Unveils Full DJ Hero Set List Vanilla Ice vs. MC Hammer? This is truly epic. news Ellyoda
[] Metal Slug Returns on PSP New entry promises PSP-level visuals and ad-hoc play. media news Ellyoda
[] Forza Motorsport 3 IGN Review One of the best racing games ever made. impressions gamingeek
[] Dragon Age: Fear the Broodmother impressions media gamingeek
[] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Hands-on with the Sidearms impressions gamingeek
[] 360 gets is own PS style home Leak news gamingeek
[] Bayonetta demo on PSN news gamingeek
[] Lost Winds 2 out tommorrow on Wiiware news gamingeek
Sengoku Basara 3 Wii bundle in Japan media gamingeek
Max Payne 3: Debut trailer Unofficial teaser media gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare 2: New images media gamingeek
[] Ryo from Shenmue in SEGA racing He's on his motorbike media gamingeek
[] Wii sales triple in Japan post price cut news gamingeek
[] Rabbids go home webblog Inside the wii remote media gamingeek
[] Retro Studios didn't accept Hyper Mode It took Tanabe a year to convince them news gamingeek
[] Tales of Graces to have DLC news gamingeek
Capcom Resident Evil T-Shirts up for sale Ever wanted to pretend you were in the R.P.D? news gamingeek
Sin and Punishment 2 mag scans media gamingeek
[] Even More EPIC FFCC Crystal Bearers screens Screw you Steel! media gamingeek
[] Atlus Launches Halloween Contest Nice prizes. news aspro
Reggie: "No Hardware Shortages" Nintendo will keep shelves stocked. news aspro
[] ODST Does $125 Million Pachter:"Pretty good for an exp. pack" news aspro
[] SimAnimals dev walkthrough impressions news Foolz
Two pound dumbbells for your wii-remote Now people might have a point when they say waggle is tiring news Foolz
[] Magna Carta 2 Battle System dev diary media Foolz
[] GTA Liberty City Stories trailer media Foolz
[] Demon's Souls GT Review impressions media Foolz
[] Brutal Legend Eddie Riggs interview media Foolz
[] Lucidity gameplay media Foolz
[] Lots of Froza 3 videos media Foolz
[] Uncharted 2 GS Review 9.5 Flop. impressions Foolz
[] FIFA 10 GS Review 9.0 impressions Foolz
[] Former Halo devs develop new studio Downloadable games news Foolz
[] U2 Reconsiders Rock Band project The day we have a 40 minute discussion on it on the podcast is the day I leave. Foolz news Foolz
[] Dragon Age gets DLC on day one It's full cream, baby! news Foolz
[] Left 4 Dead 2 classified in Australia Sans decapitations and dismemberments, as opposed to its original form where you could sans body parts news Foolz
[] The Press Room Episode #31 Podcast of the Podcast: The Podcastening editorial impressions media news Ellyoda
Oddworld "Oddbox" revealed, Digital Distro info Strangers Wrath & Munch's Oddyssey coming to PC. FINALLY. news darthhomer
Forza 3 1 up review A- impressions gamingeek
[] Halo Planned 'At Least' Six More Years impressions gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 2: New Details Revealed impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Lost winds 2 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Wii Fit storms japanese chart news gamingeek
Left 4 Dead 2 screenshots media gamingeek
'Rocket Knight Exclusive Debut Trailer media gamingeek
18 pics of Final Fantasy XIV Mostly cutscenes but a couple of gameplay pics media gamingeek
Fragile confirmed for Q1 in Europe As well as Rune Factory Frontier news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 Wanna Play trailer media gamingeek
[] COP The recruit NL impressions "thoroughly impressed at what the developers had managed to squeeze out of the DS" impressions gamingeek
Tales of Graces downloadable content confirmed Also has DSiWare minigame impressions gamingeek
[] Shadow Walker details impressions gamingeek
[] Harvest Moon Twin Villages scans media gamingeek
[] LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias [UK] review IGN 9.1 "one of the best Wii games full stop." impressions gamingeek
[] Rabbids Go Home IGN preview "Rabbids Go Home could be a very rewarding adventure for Wii owners when it hits store shelves next month. " impressions gamingeek
[] Japanese hardware sales - Sept. 28th Wii price cut sees it level pegging with PS3 slim gamingeek
[] Wii version of NBA2k10 is same as PS3/360 minus co sure, but will it be post-patch? editorial news Foolz
[] Gender and homosexuality in games impressions Foolz
No plans for Layton Wii Sadface news Foolz
NBA 2k10 already being patched media Foolz
Chinatown Wars trailer media Foolz
[] Mario and Sonic at the winter olympics trailer editorial media Foolz
[] Bayonetta clocktower gameplay editorial media Foolz
[] Tekken 6 Baek Doo San trailer editorial media Foolz
[] The Last Guardian Story mechanics interview editorial media Foolz
[] Lef 4 Dead 2 videos editorial media Foolz
[] Forza 3 GT review And videos editorial impressions media Foolz
[] Left 4 Dead 2 Scavenger Mode editorial impressions media Foolz
[] Classifying online games in Aus They classify them?! editorial Foolz
[] Beatles Rockband outsells GH5 news Foolz
[] Software sales rebound GS quotes Pachter. news Foolz
[] TimeSplitters dev crafting new IP In the words of Darth; "FUCK YEAH!" news Foolz
[] Rockband hits iPhone, iPod touch this month 20 tracks, then of course DLC news Foolz
[] Halo 3: ODST drops 2.5 million Reach confirmed as preqeuel news Foolz
Epic Mickey - Wii Exclusive GameInformer Reconfirms it news robio
[] Halo 3 online with the gamertag JesusDiedLOL Take a wild guess lol media Ellyoda
Activision Closes Spiderman Dev Shaba the Shut. news aspro
Metal Gear Solid PSP Demo TGS demo is now available. news aspro
[] Forza Motorsport 3 Crazy multiplayer action media Foolz
[] Lead and Gold Exclusive Mine Raid trailer media Foolz
[] Vince Zampella interview media Foolz
5th Cell to make an XBLA game news Foolz
[] Eminen/Jay-Z DJ Hero tracks revealed Rain Man is strangely absent impressions news Foolz
[] Rabbids video preview impressions media Foolz
[] Star Wars Clone Wars: Republic Heroes GS Review 4.5 "great VA, great production values" (that parts a joke btw. It sucks all around.) impressions Foolz
[] Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Take a look at the voiceovers and production values media Foolz
[] Naruto Shippuden Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 Signature moves trailer 4 media Foolz
[] A Boy and his Blob boss battle gameplay Now that's a mouth full...yum. media Foolz
[] Brutal Legend vs The Competition Doc Never-before-seen footage of a secret strategy meeting with Jack Black and Tim Schafer media Foolz
[] Wii Fit Plus Chicken Suit gameplay. media Foolz
[] Bayonetta PS3/360 comparison impressions media Foolz
[] Magna Carta II preview impressions media Foolz
[] Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles Boss battles and other gameplay impressions media Foolz
[] World of Warcraft rated in Australia 5 years after release news Foolz
[] IGN's A Boy and his Blob Review 7.6 impressions Ravenprose
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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 03:00:07

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:

I have a sealed copy of that one -- YAY!  But looks like a strategy RPG - I have not tried one of those before... Well, I'll give it a go, lord knows I have a lot of them.

I'm not sure what's more surprising, that you haven't played a SRPG, or that you didn't know what Fire Emblem is like.  The genre seems to fit your situation as well as anything, though I'm not as big of a fan of Fire Emblem as others here, it's still certainly enjoyable.

I buy a lot of SRPG for my wife, and I have enough on my plate game-wise that I leave it to her. I'm a JRPG player to the core -- I mean I don't hink I've even tried any of the WRPGs I have.

I'm going to start Fire Emblem in a little bit, thanks Dereyoda.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 04:34:07
Yodariquo said:
aspro said:

I have a sealed copy of that one -- YAY!  But looks like a strategy RPG - I have not tried one of those before... Well, I'll give it a go, lord knows I have a lot of them.

I'm not sure what's more surprising, that you haven't played a SRPG, or that you didn't know what Fire Emblem is like.  The genre seems to fit your situation as well as anything, though I'm not as big of a fan of Fire Emblem as others here, it's still certainly enjoyable.

I buy a lot of SRPG for my wife, and I have enough on my plate game-wise that I leave it to her. I'm a JRPG player to the core -- I mean I don't hink I've even tried any of the WRPGs I have.

I'm going to start Fire Emblem in a little bit, thanks Dereyoda.

EDIT: Now that I am playing Fire Emblem (DS) I realize I probably have played an SRPG before (if this is one). I played Gladius from Lucas Arts (PS2), which I think qualifies.

This is a fun game (FE).

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 04:34:47
Activision lay-offs.  This is not a good sign.
Edited: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 04:35:52

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 04:42:15
aspro said:

EDIT: Now that I am playing Fire Emblem (DS) I realize I probably have played an SRPG before (if this is one). I played Gladius from Lucas Arts (PS2), which I think qualifies.This is a fun game (FE).

 Yes, Gladius is one, and a fine one at that.  I got stuck at the last boss though Sad Same with Fire Emblem on the GBA, too.  Hrmph, this seems to be a trend.

Edited: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 04:42:40


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 04:52:52
Iga_Bobovic said:

From gaf

Look you can see Foolz spotting an Ico shirt back there.


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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 05:26:46

Epic Mickey sounds so awesome, day ONE.

Trenton, LOL  Yes Sony takes risks, like coping something Nintendo gambled with and succeeded.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 07:31:20

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:

EDIT: Now that I am playing Fire Emblem (DS) I realize I probably have played an SRPG before (if this is one). I played Gladius from Lucas Arts (PS2), which I think qualifies.This is a fun game (FE).

Yes, Gladius is one, and a fine one at that.  I got stuck at the last boss though Sad Same with Fire Emblem on the GBA, too.  Hrmph, this seems to be a trend.

don't remind me.  i played FE7 (the first GBA one) all wrong so even though i didn't lose a single character during my playthrough i relied so heavily on the "wrong" characters that there was no way i could beat the last level.  no way at all.

i started playing the DS one and went up to the level with the arena and my level up greed kept me trying there until i lost an integral character.  same thing happened to me the other day after starting the sacred stones.  it's such a great game though that i may just start again.

aspro buddy, i'm really sorry about your hand injury.  hope it heals really fast.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 07:52:16

bugsonglass said:

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:

EDIT: Now that I am playing Fire Emblem (DS) I realize I probably have played an SRPG before (if this is one). I played Gladius from Lucas Arts (PS2), which I think qualifies.This is a fun game (FE).

Yes, Gladius is one, and a fine one at that.  I got stuck at the last boss though Sad Same with Fire Emblem on the GBA, too.  Hrmph, this seems to be a trend.

don't remind me...

aspro buddy, i'm really sorry about your hand injury.  hope it heals really fast.

thanks  bugsy.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 08:04:20
Not to sound like a little bitch, but if you guys could ctrl-F to see if a story has been posted b4 you post that would save some of these duplicate stories.

To elaborate, search this page by pressing ctrl-F to see if one of the key terms in your story already appears.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 08:43:25

Don't like the triple post? Nyaa

Which reminds me. I was going to delete it, but I can only edit.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 08:56:39

Foolz said:

Don't like the triple post? Nyaa

Which reminds me. I was going to delete it, but I can only edit.

 Way ahead of you!

The VG Press
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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 09:52:07

Foolz said:

Don't like the triple post? Nyaa

Which reminds me. I was going to delete it, but I can only edit.

That's interesting, how many people here can't delete?

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Did some more updates.

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

To make the game possible for all consoles the levels would had to made with dumbed down mechanic in mind. This means if you want to have a simultaneous Wii/360/PS3 release all versions would have to be designed for the lowest denominator. In other words the graphics would be horrible compared to other 360/PS3 games and the controls and level design would not make full use of the Wii. A better option is to make two separate games, where the 360/PS3 version would be a more traditional platformer.

Also the painting controls could be the games unique selling point, look at Max and the Magic Marker. The fact that you can do these things simultaneously is one of the features of the game. With this feature it stands outside of the crowd. Making a more traditional platformer would mean that you can reach a larger user base, but the danger is that you lose your unique selling point and get lost in the crowd.

So in short the Wii and the HD consoles are different beast that require different kind of software. Look at Square, Wii get's Crystal Bearers and PS3/360 get's FFXIII. The HD consoles get Soul Calibur 4 super busty edition and the Wii gets Bushido Blade motionplus edition (okay I made this one up, Square make it now)

I agree we need a Silver surfer game.

However Broken Sword is a point and click game that was then ported successfully to gba with d-pad controls. COD4 this game that supposedly couldn't be done on Wii is being released very soon. Soul Caliber 4 and SFIV mind you could easily have versions done on Wii. There are many cases where a game can have a version, successfully adapted for the platform, RE4 is on mobile phones and a full GTA is on DS.

"This means if you want to have a simultaneous Wii/360/PS3 release all versions would have to be designed for the lowest denominator"

Wrong, as you said there are different versions of the same game with different features. Ghostbusters Wii vs Ghostbusters HD. Or COD World at War, the Wii version did not mean that the other versions became burdened with the lowest common denominator version or that the other versions were limited by what the Wii could do.

As for Mickey its USP is that it is Dark epic Mickey set in this forgotten lost world, that is the hook, its going to stand out either way.

Anyhow now we actually have more details on the game we can forget about this theoretical debate. I want to see it in motion.

Yeah I mentioned the possibility to make multiple versions of the same game. But if you go for that you might as well make two entirely different game. I mean you already have two teams doing one version each, why not make two completely different games that each take advantage of each platform? And you would have an added benefit that some people would buy both games. Like Epic Mickey for the Wii and Epic Donald for the 360/PS3.

And yes most HD games would be possible on the Wii with crappier graphics, but seriously I would rather have RS2 and Bushido Blade M+ then Soul Calibur 4 and CoD 4.

They should make different games, but the wii version would get buried as it usually does, even if it does put up over a million sales like COD World at war. The saving grace is the cost and Treyarch recentely said that it only took a team of like 24 people to port COD4 over. Where it takes over a hundred to do an HD game. I remember Capcom and Ubisoft both saying that RE5 and Ass Creed 2 had like 400 team members.  

But what I think is that now you have some sort of cross control compatibility like with M+ and the PS3 mote, developers can now do truly cross platform games by using stylised or cel-shaded graphics that can fly on all consoles with the same controls. That way Wii doesn't get left out with games like REd Steel 2 for instance and then they can make even more money bringing over a graphically identical/control identical version onto other platforms with a resolution boost.

If there is one thing I've learned over the years is that multiplatform developers want to make money and will whore out their games where its easy to do so.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 10:50:05

Did the updates. Happy

There are a ton of new FFCC pics which I'm about to painstakingly post in the forum. But I think this pic needs to be photoshopped so we can use it whenever something epic is announced:


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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 10:58:22
my demon's souls deluxe edition was dispatched a couple of days ago. now how long can it be until it reaches me from canada ... hmmm

i can't wait for it actually, really want to get stuck into it.  one of the few games i purchased at full price lately


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:06:24

You are a disgrace to the Hobo name Bugs.

This is looking epic.

FFCC Crystal Bearers : avalanche d'images

Damn, so many more good pics in the thread.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:28:47

Damn, Gametrailers No More Heroes 2 video is better than IGNs. The quality is still poor but this guy knows what he's doing.

The camera is quite impressive, the way the game frames the kills and slows down and blurs. Also there is a pixel tiger in the bottom right of the screen and a throbbing pixel penis in the top right LOL

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:29:20

gamingeek said:

You are a disgrace to the Hobo name Bugs.

This is looking epic.

FFCC Crystal Bearers : avalanche d'images

Damn, so many more good pics in the thread.

Nyaa  that i am.  while a true hobo at heart, i splash out every once in a blue moon on a gourmet meal.  demon's souls will be my christmas game.  i'm not getting ratchet or even uncharted 2 until they are the price of a takeaway vindaloo + plain naan bread!

crystal bearers looks really good.  looking less and less like a FF game i think is a plus


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:58:01

WTF? Uncharted 2.

Buy it. How else can I live vicariously through you?

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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 12:05:33

gamingeek said:

WTF? Uncharted 2.

Buy it. How else can I live vicariously through you?

i may buy it, but as a present as it's my best friend's birthday in november, (that way i get to play it too and i definitely don't have to buy it until it's platinum and cheap as chips)


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Wed, 07 Oct 2009 12:58:49

gamingeek said:

WTF? Uncharted 2.

Buy it. How else can I live vicariously through you?

I will buy U2 because there is no way Demon Souls can reach these godforsaken shores.

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