EA interview - Dead Space extraction
Challenges from a hardware standpoint but there were bonuses that we got from moving to the Wii
FACT: Wii Cures Parkinsons Disease
Ali to return to ring after playing Wii Sports
Gamecentral Halo 3 ODST review
"What was meant as a fun but inessential budget game has become a more cynical exploitation of the Halo audience."
PSPgo features built-in interactive ESRB guide
you know, so parents can monitor what their kids are playing
Zombie Panic in Wonderland trailer, screens
lots and lots of screenshots
Resident Evil 5 Director's Cut?
Jill actress says she recored new voice work for RE5DC
BlazBlue Update/Sequel Announced
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift features new characters and more.
1up review TMNT SMash up
B- " you get a good Ninja Turtle fighter using a proven engine"
DS Extraction Aussie Nintendo review
"Dead Space Extraction is an extremely enjoyable game"
Skateboarders Become Neon Tetris Blocks
YouTube video proves some ppl have too much money and time.
XBLA Hits $5 Games
Street Fighter II, 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures, and Brain Challenge
WiiWare Game No-one Cares About Will Use Motion +
Rage of Gladiator, Punch Out clone.
PAL Nintendo download Friday
Tales of monkey island 2, you me and the cubes and more
Third DLC Release Coming for Red Faction
New mode featuring walkers from the single-player campaign.
Photos of Dante's Inferno $200 Cheque
Includes warning, "This check is as real as the consequences of cashing it"
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travo (7m)
it HAS to be, something about those are too good
*checks link*
Here's Natsume's page about Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expedition. - http://www.natsume.com/games/AK/index.html . You can check out a video on the gameplay there too.
The graphics aren't quite up to par with their game on the PS3, Afrika. That being said, I did watch the video, and it might not be horrible. Looks like a cute fun game. No heavy lifting here, pretty much like Pokemon Snap was. The exception is this game is not on rails. I'm actually putting this on my radar. I enjoy these kinds of games and it should hold me over until that diving in the ocean game comes out.
I've not been about. Life was being a bitch and didn't want to come here being a depressed arsehole all the time so thought I'd wait till things cleared up and come back as just a regular arsehole.
EO2 Does look nice, can't see those pics from work so will check them out at home. I goolged some though. V impressive.
Anyone pick up Metroid Prime trilogy?
We are all depressed A-holes.
If I copied your behaviour I would never be here.
Jesus the PS3 wand, the freaking design, shape, button placement. What a rip. Come on, no one can now deny that Sony copy controllers.
I'm looking forward to some new Sony quotes about how they're not copying anyone lol
"We're certainly not interested in Gimmicks."
- Kaz Hirai0 E32k6, right before showing off Eye of Judgement.
You're all depressing A-holes. There's a difference
I find it so weird the way these motion controllers are apeing the Wii controller evolution in terms of reactions. Its deja vu.
First you get all the philosophy babble "The controller is a barrier to gaming" etc etc. Then you have the tech demos which no one wants to play. Then you have people imagining how things would work.
Then you get the retrofitting of existing titles with motion control - RE5 special edition?
I have a lot more respect for MS with Natal as its actually something new, even if the PS wand will have more applications. They've taken ball on stick concept and literally sat there with a wii controller, finally decided that nintendo got it right in the first place and just shaded it black.
There is so much more to the design of the wiimote other than motion control. The seperate pieces, the handle shape, the large central button, the concave B button, the IR on the end of the remote. It's like a Nyko version of the wii remote, shaded black.
It's just that I've read that all games should be compatible with the wand through DL patches. Seems strange they'd re-package the game just for the wand is all.
After some interwebbing, it seems there's likely to be some new content, but doesn't look like loads. Definatly DLC stuff.
Seems to be extra content yeah.
Awesome GG is here. So what did you think of some of the new trailers. FF was amazing I thought.
No time to watch stuff.
Updating now:
PS3 Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Edition
- 1 x PlayStation3 in Ceramic White
* Lightning faceplate 250GB HD (120GB)
- 1 x Final Fantasy XIII
- 1 x DualShock 3 in Ceramic White
- 1 x Net cable
- 1 x AV cable
- 1 x USB cable
- Price: Yen 41.600 (EUR 311 / USD 459)
EDIT: Shite, picture links didn't work.
PS3 games to use the motion controller in 2010:
- Ape Escape
- Echochrome 2
- Eccentric Slider
- Sing and Draw
- Champions of Time
- Motion Party
- The Shoot
- Tower
- Flower
- Hustle Kings
- High Velocity Bowling
- EyePet
CLICK PICTURE (Motion Controller, Bild: Impress Group)
CLICK (Sony: 'MOTION CONTROLLER* FOR PLAYSTATION®3 TO BECOME AVAILABLE IN SPRING 2010 * Motion Controller is a tentative name.')
You guys probably posted some of these already.
Gametrailers videos
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3, Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Update Interview - Tons of new gameplay illustrates why this battlefield is just starting to heat up)
Crystal Defenders (PSP)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Japanese PSP Debut Trailer -The Final Fantasy-themed defense title is coming to the PlayStation Portable.)
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD -1- (G4TV.com: 'Final Fantasy XIII Offscreen TGS 2009 Gameplay Footage')
DOWNLOAD -2- (YouTube: 'Battle FF13')
DOWNLOAD -3- (YouTube: 'Video of Battle Sequence with Powerful Summons from Final Fantasy 13 - TGS2009')
Final Fantasy XIV (PS3)
DOWNLOAD (GameVideos: 'Final Fantasy XIV TGS 2009 Trailer')
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Wii)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Trailer - You never know what Layle might find in this wild adventure.)
Forza Motorsport 3 (Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD (Ferrari 458 Italia DLC Trailer - Would you like a Ferrari under your tree this holiday?)
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: 458 Italia Tribute Trailer - The folks over at Gran Turismo would like you to see their 458 Italia. Show offs.)
Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD -1- (TGS 09: Dark Carnival Gameplay (Cam) - The Zombie Apocalypse has spread from the Gulf of Mexico to the land of the rising sun.)
DOWNLOAD -2- (TGS 09: Freakshow Gameplay - Overwhelmed and outnumbered: these are the constant odds of a zombie apocalypse.')
Lost Planet (PS3, Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Episodic Trailer - Three episodes of CG goodness comes our way from TGS 2009.)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Trailer - Deal with the ghosts of the past to build a new future.)
MotoGP 09/10 (PS3/Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD -1- (TGS 09: Off-Road Gameplay - Keep that bike on course if you want to win!)
DOWNLOAD -2- (TGS 09: Tight Corners Gameplay - Master the curves and overtake your opponents!)
Okamiden (NDS)
DOWNLOAD (Okamiden TGS 09: Extended Japanese Trailer - Chibiterasu has fetched new footage to view from TGS.)
Red Steel 2 (Wii)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Combat Walkthrough - What better way to learn than to learn by doing!)
Splinter Cell: Conviction (Xbox 360)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Release Date Trailer - Splinter Cell turns into a numbers game at TGS 2009.)
The Last Guardian (PS3)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Trailer and Developer Diary - See the evolution of the latest creation from the minds behind Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.)
Yakuza 4: Heir to the Legend (PS3)
DOWNLOAD (TGS 09: Japanese Debut Trailer - The stage is set for the next chapter in the Yakuza saga.)
wow ... so little that is actually interesting. really love "the last guardian" though
ps3-mote is a blatant rip-off but is anyone actually surprised? at least they know from (nintendo's) experience that it is applicable to gaming. i have yet to be convinced about natal's applicability
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Right I'm burnt out on updates.
I'm sure I repeated something.
Yeah, Bugs, tons of stuff but only a few vids and screens interest me.
I feel burnt out on events, E3 then GC now TGS. And they all creep up on me then explode. I'd prefer it if publishers just spread it all out more evenly. Now I have to go look at this stuff I guess.
RE Darkside Chronicles trailer looks good. The IGN video runs badly though on this comp so I got frame hiccups all over the place.
It's a poor concession for no RE5 on the system but its nice to see proof of concept that it could be done with RE4 graphics. Looked exciting-ish. Will have to check out a better video somewhere.
Next up, FFCC
Okay finished watching it. The ragtime music jars with the proper orchestral soundtrack. Whoa though, its like they threw gameplay into a sack, shook the sack about and then threw the contents over the screen. My brain can barely process what is going on.
Okamiden looks cute. GRass is so pixellated though.
both this game as well as DS extraction look good and i think they'll be getting decent reviews (i'm guessing an average of about 7.5 - 8.0 out of 10) but i will not get them just to do my bid to show that i don't want every so called mature game those companies throw to the wii to be a rail-shooter. i may miss out on a couple of decent games in doing that but it's no great tragedy
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That list of free games that Sony is offering with a PSPgo for the upgrade program is kind of weak. Then again I suppose if you look at the entire library, there's not exactly a gold mine of offerings to choose from.
Rabbids just keeps sounding better and better. First day buy for me. Plus Ubisoft always gives good preorders for the Rabbid games, so I'm looking forward to seeing what we get. Red Steel 2 is also once again looking good. Glad that at least one 3rd party has nailed it on how to develop for the Wii.
And as one more present for Nintendo, Eurogamer gave a surprisingly high score for Extraction. Didn't see that coming. Still not really my kind of game, but possibly a rental at some point.