Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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Archangel3371 (8m)
I can't, couldn't and wouldn't support it now, knowing what I know...
I was oblivious to the type of person Orson Scott Card was 'til I read Ask's topic in the GGD, and now it's something I cannot forget.
Don't you mean Angry_Beaver? I am surprised no one has made that topic here!
Yeah. You're right. It was Beaver. I dunno if I want to discuss it further. I am sooo upset after hearing about all this, especially after reading a lot of his books, and wanting to read more of them. I can't support a person like Card knowing what I know now, and it wounds me even more that I was oblivious to it up until now!
Updating . . .
. . . and done!
It is. It's really quite impressive.
That's because despite all the problems they still needed to give 9/10 so that they didn't break the embargo.
Did you try toulouse lautrec and phallic image?
What's going on? Orson Scott Card? Shadow Complex?
Apparently the story Shadow Complex is based on is written by a right wing nut case that is lobbing against gay rights. In fact SC is about a soldier being sent into to stop a left wing revolution in the US.
I know its a tricky subject but its a game and I assume Mr. Card already got paid whether or not you buy the game.
Ah! That explains it then. For me personally let's just say I listen to and enjoy Ras Kass's Nature of the Threat despite, so if Shadow Complex is a great game I'd probably play it. But I have no 360! So I can not buy it in protest al lthe same!
Nope, didn't show up.
I dont think anyone cares. He did say before though that people should ask for it and that there was no reason for not to work on the platform. Changed his tune a bit. I think it has more to do with demographics and what games sell where.
And no I'm not confusing the quote with SFIV.
That's what I was thinking last night. Two developers have said now that because of the Conduit they are doing fully customizable controls. Even if the actual game was a letdown, its high profile media campaign and superb control scheme have left an impact which is making the controls of FPS better. And when the other consoles get these controls the developers will use their wii experience or base their control schemes off other FPS games on Wii and it will benefit all console shooters.
If you actually look back, you can see the evolution of IR FPS controls (hiccups and all) with a few landmark games (in control terms). Metroid Prime 3 was the first to get it right. MOHH2 is really the real pioneer and still is. Conduit is like the final result of perfected controls.
The only guy to be surprised by the PS3 slim! You may not have been living under a rock in Utah, but without internet in country Australia is close enough!
Just doing a few updates I have to leave.
Anyway reading the Natal article on how it might work with FPS.
Whether Natal controls will work seamlessly with other enthusiast favourites also remains to be seen. Shooters, for example. Can you point and shoot with Natal? Does it track the direction of your finger, and thus mirror the infra-red beam element of the Nintendo Wii controller? Bearing in mind how popular the machine is with FPS fans, it's not surprising that this is the number one question I am consistently asked about Microsoft's new tech and, until now, all I could do was shrug pathetically and speculate.
For the shooting game example, Tsunoda reckons that pointing won't work, but that you could position your arms as they would be when carrying, say, a shotgun. Which is all well and good, but assuming that Natal can't pinpoint the movement of your fingers, it's never going to know when you're pulling the virtual trigger. Some other mechanism would be required, and perhaps the intuitive nature Microsoft wants would be lost in some alternative kind of implementation.
Natal is going to do amazing things for the Xbox 360, and I daresay that there will be a very cunning way in which it is integrated into Halo: Reach. But it does have its limitations. In respect of direct pointing at the display, both the Nintendo Wii remote and, I suspect, the PlayStation motion controller will have the better of it. Both are built around the concept of being handheld wands, similar to TV remotes, and thus pointing is the most natural thing to do with them. Natal will need to find its own way. Outside of gaming the 'pointing requirement' isn't quite so stringent - there's nothing to stop an on-screen hand being mapped to your own appendage, and it's here that interface navigation will feel much more authentic and easier to get to grips with in comparison with the usual controller.
After reading this and the comments from the guy at Blizzard it kind of looks like that while MS may have made a cool toy, it'll be the hardest one to implement into games. Then again that may not necessarily be a bad thing. I think one thing that we've all learned from the Wii is that not every genre needs to work with motion control. Of course, what the Wii has also taught us is that FPS are a natural fit for it, so yeah... MS probably screwed up.
Looks like PS3 will be the best system for FPS bizaarely. Great graphics and IR controls. Need the camera and the gubins though.
I think if Natal was to use some form of pointer tracking you would need to have a controller designed around pointing to point at the natal sensor. It wont be controller free gaming then, it will be a new controller plus Natal on top, plus the normal 360 controller.
I was really getting excited for the new Brownie Brown game on the horizon. For those not in the know Brownie Brown is pretty much made up of the key people who made the original Secret of Mana games (and later the remake of the first one). Safe to say that one of the reasons why the later Mana games have sucked so much is because they were not a part of it. They also worked on Mother 3 (and have reportedly pushed Nintendo to let them do a DS port of it for NA - god bless them for it) and Blue Dragon DS. So they're a pretty decent handheld developers.
Unfortunately as I did some homework on the game I'm suddenly much less excited. It's based on a PC game called Livly Island which was pretty much a funky kind of pet sim. You raise, feed, and take care of funky looking pets. It has a bit of an Animal Crossing vibe to it though as you're constantly buying new clothes, furniture, accessories, and the like for the pet. But at the end of the day it's still a pet sim.... damn. Concept art and screenshots looked good too. What a disappointment.
Holy crap:
And it's the third game, Corruption, that brought about the most internal debate. Originally, Wikan says, Prime 3 was meant to fully explore the idea of Samus as bounty hunter -- to let her freely explore the galaxy around her, to take on sandbox-like missions, to put you in full control of her ship itself and find yourself on multiple planets.
That was something, he says, Retro "invested a fairly significant amount of time in", despite internal concerns that it detracted from that other essential Metroid-ism of Samus's essential alone-ness, but it was Tanabe that finally decided it "just wasn't going to tie the game together," that it was "a neat trick but not something that's going to do we want it to do," and so brought it down again to a more personal level with Samus's "hyper-mode".
Will this be Retros next game now the trilogy is complete?
I don't think PS3 will have many FPS with pointer control. It's easy for developers to include a WM+, but 2 Wands and PS Eye? Don't think so.
I don't know if at the end of the day either system will be the definitive console for FPS based on their controllers. I'm just not sure people are going to throw down $50 or more for a new controller at this point in either console's lifespan. The Wii and Guitar Hero proved that people will throw down big bucks for a new controller if the idea is novel enough and if there is a killer app with it. But even Nintendo showed they didn't have complete confidence when they launched MP. I mean, they bundled it with 3 different games and that was just an add-on. I got a feeling that both will sell to about 10% of the console's ownership and will only see games sporadically developed for them. Both good ideas, but terrible timing for their launches.