Video games improve adult brain power
"When I finished, I forget what (brain) age I was, but I was much younger."
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SupremeAC (9m)
I want the original but I dont have XBL.
Most sources say it is. They've tracked it by the artists cv. Dont know if its still being worked on though.
Castle of Illusion brings back fond memories. Godamn that game needs to be on VC now, along with World of Illusion.
This is from last year:
Could Warren Spector's Junction Point Studios be at work on a title about Disney's seminal Mickey Mouse?
Gamasutra has seen concept art and information that indicates a title codenamed "Epic Mickey" may be in development at the Austin-based, Disney-owned developer.
Concept art from early versions of the game that we viewed showed mockups of the potential game's environment, including pencil sketches of cities assembled from junk.
Another sketch included a surreal seashore invasion scene, in which machines wearing the faces of the Seven Dwarfs deposit old-fashioned renditions of Disney characters onto the beach with mechanical hands.
Though the kooky environmental concepts, with visible large cogs, gears and even a large fork that serves as a building's awning, are somewhat reminiscent of Disney's Toontown Online MMO, the images -- particularly the cloud-stained seaside painting -- have a distinctly shadowed, steampunk vibe.
This information ties up with an early 2008 report from EGM Magazine columnist Quartermann that noted: "Word is that Spector's new Disney project will be a platformer looking to compete with a certain pesky plumber. And who's big enough to take on Nintendo's star? Only the mouse himself!"
Providing more background, this summer, Spector mentioned on his own Junction Point weblog: "My team and I have been working hard on our own and (get ready for the cool factor to go way up) in collaboration with folks from Disney Feature Animation and Pixar."
Junction Point itself is wholly owned by Disney since its acquisition in 2007, giving it the potential to use leading in-house IP in its games, including that of Mickey Mouse.
Deus Ex co-creator Spector has never provided further information on his current project. But around the same time as the summer's weblog comments, Spector noted at the Game Education Summit that "one hundred hour games are on the way out", and that he was "so tired of making games about guys in black leather carrying guns."
However, it's unclear whether the style of the concept art or the game's working title will fully carry through to this Junction Point project's conclusion -- or, indeed, exactly how far into development it is. Gamasutra will update with more information as it becomes available.
You know it's funny, most people when they think about Disney games they instantly go into "this sucks" mode. But when you look back on it, as long as you ignore the movie tie-ins there's a pretty good history of quality games with the Disney name on it. Duck Tales, Mickey Mousecapade, Castle of Illuision, Kingdom Hearts, and a good number of others.
I think it's fair to say that when Disney is supervising a game with their property and isn't just a cash in game, they're about as protective of their characters as Nintendo is.
Epic Mickey!!!!!!!! SOLD!!!
My god that pic of the Disney World theme parks on a boat! I want to ride that version of the Tower of Terror.
I love Disney, that concept art looked too good to be true. But if it ever does get made I am there day one.
FF14, I forget this game exists, looks pretty. They need to make an MMO that can be finished in a reasonable amount of time. Also one that can be played offline. It's the damn commitment to a monthly fee and the fact that you need to spend all your time on it that keeps me away. I much rather have something like PSO than an MMO.
White Knight 2 is coming out, thats nice... I WOULD LIKE TO PLAY THE FIRST ONE THOUGH.
I am now the proud owner of Madworld. Told you I would get it when it was cheap. Am I out of the dumpster now.
Nope. The Wii version is going to be like the Strong Bad game and released in 5 chapters, and the XBL is a prettier version of the original.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Well then I'll DL the XBL version, but much later on.
*De Ass*
Tell me about it with JRPGs. Waiting for localisation is a killer. They need to just get some translators working on the project whilst its being made rather than doing it for japan and leaving everyone else hanging.
If you wait they will probably release the whole thing on disc eventually like Sam and Max. Sam and Max has bad tech issue though, frame rate related and 2-D over 3D for graphic adventures please.
"Not since Shaq Fu have I seen such a stunningly stupid concept. Post-apocalyptic Disney world is the type of garbage some marketing exec would dream up.
*Shrugs* As with Kingdom Hearts, it might turn out to be decent game just because of the caliber of the people assigned to the project.
Also, as with every game that is A) not a minigame collection or B) not named Mario, Zelda or Metroid it will be interesting to see what type of reception it finds on the Wii.
Hell, the marketing alone will be fascinating. 'Come visit Disney World's rotting corpse! Goofy needs a arm and eye and yours will do just fine!'."
...because it's on the Wii.
If this was on the PS3, he would have created a topic about it of his own.
How can anyone NOT think these look incredibly cool?!
Cool? That's frightening! WTF happened to Goofy! Little kids will be pissing their pants in fear! Epic fear, that is!
Yeah, I rolled my eyes when I saw that he posted. Did anyone consider that this could actually be Kingdom Hearts. Wasn't there supposed to be a keyblade war? I really hope that this is something different though.
Oh and I also want Castle of Illusion on VC. As well as Chip and Dale, another great Disnet game.
Shaq Fu
He's still got it.
This coming from the mutha-fuckin'-jackass that pretty much replied to each and every topic on the GGD this morning...
Hey Leo, I chose Madworld over SF4. Your thoughts.