Megan Fox Will Kick Your Ass At Mortal Kombat
Also, the interviewer is an idiot.
Tekken 6 Released October 27th; Pre-Order Details
Exclusive Samurai Pack, Also Bundle With a Wireless Arcade Sticl
GT5 London Street Circuit driven.
With a car that will make you spray your shorts. GG did you see it?
Rumored PS3 Firmware 3.0 Details Emerge
New features said to include grief reporting, rep, and patch background downloads.
High Voltage on Conduit art style
" We opted for big screen popcorn entertainment with high quality production values. Some may criticize our choice"
Conduit Cheat CC review
"while The Conduit doesn't end up being the Wii's Halo 3 or Killzone 2, it is a pretty good game that will likely be very appreciated by anyone who only owns a Wii "
Conduit Everyview review
"it is a solid shooter with a great visual and audio design and has the best controls of any Wii FPS thus far."
Gamespy Conduit review
3.5 out of 5 "Great, highly customizable controls; fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes; nice graphics."
Crispeygamer Conduit review
"High Voltage's fine efforts show that all it takes is polish and dedication to craft a solid adventure experience for Nintendo's console."
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Everyone does it now. Banks, ISPs etc.
It's worst when you call a phone line then spend 7 minutes listening to an automated message directing you to the website, where the option you want isn't availible or its just not working.
You remind of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry returns the jacket for spite.
The only reason I'm contemplating picking up Conduit is out of curiousity because I've been watching it for so long. I really need to get a rental service going.
I do feel that the reviews are really questionable and hard to gauge. On the one hand you have sites lauding it because its a decent game, or because it's this standout effort from 3rd parties (that deserves an extra nod because of that). Then you have these reviewers on this backlash anti-hype trip, or people with a beef against the console or the control method.
And then you have these ass-ish reviewers comparing the game to other titles not even on the same system and complaining about it. I wish that more reviews would just judge it based on what it is and not what it isn't. As soon as you see a review referencing how other systems can do better graphics or comparing it to epic shooters which wii owners can't play, I really can't get a decent impression of what the game is really like.
They said 2-3 days to get the labels (they no longer send boxes
) and 2-3 weeks for the repair. Damn.
Gamespot Conduit review mainly says how it has great controls, great visuals, but is generic.
Technically, The Conduit is one of the finest looking games available for the Wii. Highly detailed enemies swarm the screen, tossing grenades and peppering you with fancy weaponry, and the game is able to run smoothly despite the chaos. Guns create a brief burst of light on walls as the bullets streak by and explosions illuminate the screen, leaving death in their wake. As fine as The Conduit performs technically, the lousy art makes it an eyesore at times. The levels blend together because they all have the same drab color scheme and no memorable landmarks. The enemies could have been ripped from any number of science fiction stories and are based on an unimaginative insect design that would be impossible to pick out of a lineup. It's a shame the art direction couldn't have matched the impressive technology because what could have been a visual showcase for the system is now just a model for wasted potential.
Wasted potential is the main theme for The Conduit because its technical prowess is overshadowed by misguided design decisions pasted onto a generic science fiction universe.
Guy watch this trailer:
It's for Anno, I think the PC version but ignore that, it's the animation of 2-D static images with motion blended in that looks pretty beautiful to me. It has nothing to do with the game I might add, but its lovely to watch.
It's got good reviews, it's a platformer which is a genre we all love, it has Kid Icarus like visuals and its on Wiiware. So..... why has no one bought it yet?
BTW, the same goes for Swords and Soldiers.
KORE gang
Then there are also some magazine previews (scans):
Also some screens from February (beta version):
i bought icarian. it's not as good as reviews make it out. it's sort of like lost winds but not as nice. it's a solid 8 game though. i'm sure i will finish it which is more than i can say about a lot of other games i have
yeah i have S&S too. i played the first three levels. kinds nice but i didn't get into it. graphics remind me of the lost vikings though which is nice
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah, that's what I was told by several people before mine RRoD last summer, but Microsoft sent me a shipping box anyway. I don't know if it makes a difference ordering online or not, but I gots a shipping coffin--er, box. I kept it too just in case my console breaks again . . . which it probably will.
Icarian or rather NyxQuest is not available in America yet. That's why I don't have it. And I haven't picked up S&S yet because I just don't have the time to play it at the moment. I'm not one for creating a backlog.
Yeah Icarian its not available here. But Lost Winds kind of left me with a bad taste, as if I paid for the first level of a full game and I bet that is what this game feels like.
I wonder if there's a degree of fear of failure too. I mean the one other game he did this decade was Zone Enders. Never played it myself but it got a good enough reception, but it was nowhere near the legendary status of the Metal Gear games. He's been talking about MGS4 being the last Metal Gear game for a while, but more and more just keep popping up. He's either is a perfectionist who still doesn't think he got it a right, an addict, or scared to try something new.
I thought Lost Winds was an 8. The Icarian reviews have given it an 8 too so it meshes with you.
S&S doesn't look like my sort of game. I'm still making my way through World of Goo and I dont feel like splashing cash at the moment.
I got this weird email from MS today. The woman on the phone said she would send shipping labels but the email sounded like I have more hoops to jump through and have to arrange all this crap myself.
I thought you liked it? I felt it was good length given the price.
He's like Miyazaki, he teases us with false retirements.
If so, then that sucks. Microsoft sent me out a large box, which contained return shipping labels, foam pads, and just enough packing tape to seal the box. I was actually impressed.
They ran out. Seriously.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYes, my initial implementation was not scaling well in a spot. With more and more total posts, the counter for how many comments each user was getting slower and slower to execute. The comment count is now a column that gets updated with each post rather than calculated on the fly. While it's a slower day so far so I can't really tell the effect, I like the improvement.
BTW: Regardless, you can all stop posting the 500 Internal Server Error in the Official Bugs Thread. It means the server's overloaded; there's an error page telling you that.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileUmmm... Mine. Sorry 'bout that.