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Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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It's definately worth $10, but no more than that, IMO.
Come to my town in Ac.
In all fairness though it did get really good reviews it's just something that isn't my cup of tea.
Simple. Get professor Layton for $10, Rogue Galaxy for $7 and Sly Cooper 2 for $3. Best value!
Me too. De Blob is awesome.
This should cheer you up:
Ha! That's probably what made him sick.
Played Bioshock for about 3 hours, HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Like OMG! It is so engrossing, I am actually creeped out by it, a game hasn't made me uneasy in years, this though is creepy to the max. The world these guys created feels so real, its as if it could exist, incredible job creating this underwater world. Most creepy moment so far, I picked up this new power, which was on a desk, a screen pops up to explain it to me, I turn around and a dude is standing right behind me just staring at me, creepy. The sound is some of the best I have ever heard, they use it so effectively to freak you out.
Its definetly not an all compat FPS which is what I like more than the Killzone type, it has plenty of areas to explore, secrets to find, and most importantly it has all sorts of new powers to keep things fresh. I keep getting new toys to play with every few rooms, I hope it keeps it up. Gunplay does suck though, man how hard is it to get gunplay in a FPS to work correctly so many games do it fine. Clearly the focus is on plasmids and other means of combat which is fine by me, I love coming up with interesting ways to kill things.
Still early on, I have not seen a Little sister outside of a cutscene yet, not sure if I should kill them or not. If you kill just one you lose one of the endings right? Maybe I should get the no kill one out of the way now so that when I play on hard I can kill everything and get uber powerful.
Could it get repetitive, FPSs often do so yeah maybe but so far its doing a great job of keeping things fresh and interesting. I can see why it got so much praise.
Some people gained a lot of trust points for reccomendation, from now on I listen to the guy in the dumpster and the hamster.
Yup. If you kill just one, you get a 'bad' ending.
You'll really like it. It's a fantastic game, though it falls apart at the end. I will not say why, but when you get there, you'll know what I mean.
It's a Wii game. They had to make it look casually appealing in some way.
Holy SHIT!
Not as useless as online co-op.
One of the site's forefathers.
Virtua tennis or EA's tennis game, what's the general consensus? I'm learning towards Virtua.
Monster hunter G - is it only online? Or is there and offline option too?
Thanks, you caught me late though. I downloaded the Rhythm Heaven demo and played through both games about 6 times each. Nailing that last shot in the built to scale game is so satisfying.
Yes, it tells us you're an ASS. Hobo trash eating asshole! Why was everyone born assholes? Don't make me refer you to the thread!
This is asshole kingdom and Dvader is its chief, damned soul.
Yeah, if anyone missed it, watch the trailer, it shows off the motionplus tech. I think they've wii-fied the look for sales. Virtua Tennis may be better if you like realism, it has motionplus support too.
Sudden urge to drown Hamsters.... rising.....
Not even a Wiimake, a port of the PS2 game. With pay to play online.
In the full version, after you get a gold in a particular game, at some random point you are presented with the opportunity to get a 'perfect' at it. i tried that one so many times only to mess it up at that very last one. pissed me right off.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I love that actually. I did the built to scale perfectly apart from the very last shot and I was like: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Ahahahahaha! Awesome.
Updating now, think I'm almost done.
You assholes thought I was mad when you didn't buy Endless Ocean or De Blob? Well that's nothing compared to how fucking angry I'll be if you don't buy Little Kings Story! That makes it like five or six AAA reviews.
Closing Comments
For a game that bears gameplay similarities to some proud forebears , Little King's Story is shockingly original in execution. There really isn't another RPG out there quite like it – and in an increasingly stale strategy-RPG market, this is a game that renews the category for us. It's compelling and complex, deep and rewarding, surprising and above all entertaining. There are few other games on the Wii that can really share that much praise in a single sentence, so that's an achievement unto itself. It does have drawbacks – for all the polish, Little King's Story still has occasional gameplay quirks and shortcomings. But my god man – this is fine gaming. Ignore the box art , look past the cutesy presentation – Little King's Story is an enormous tale wholeheartedly worth exploring.