Gaming Tech to Watch in 20093D gaming, brain computer interfaces, OLED screens, Wii MotionPlus, the DSi, Windows 7, 48-core GPUs and more. The future is... soon! Iga_Bobovic
Funcom Posts LossStill busy with several MMO Iga_Bobovic
Global Agenda Ready for Closed BetaInnovative game architecture combines fast-action character creation and personal interaction on a massive scale, eliminating geographic and server Iga_Bobovic
BattleForge Free MusicJust five weeks until March 24th launch of epic action RTS and fantasy gamers are gearing up to play online with Iga_Bobovic
EVE Online Retail DetailsExtras include exclusive new ship, 60 days of free game time, instant war access and Iga_Bobovic
Evolution of Dual ScreenThe Nintendo DS was among many two-display systems in the company's history. Here's a look at the early Iga_Bobovic
Sorry GG I love Platinum Games and all and the game looks like twisted, gory, and solid fun it's just I have limited funds and right now there isn't a game I really want to swap out to make room and buy in it's place plus the whole black & white thing just isn't winning me over. Right now I have Street Fighter IV, Halo Wars, Star Ocean 4, Resident Evil 5, and a PS3 that I'll be buying in the next couple of months so my funds are pretty much all tied up right now.
Simple skip Star Ocean 4 and Halo Wars. Problem solved
Umm ... no.
So why do still own a Wii?
Because like I've said before I have it to play Nintendo games and the VC mostly. I do pick up the occasional 3rd party title as well.
That's it, you are on the "wrong" list, together with Hamster.
Oh noes! Whatever shall I do?
You shall worship the devil and kill kittens and try to destroy the universe together with you partner in wrongness hamster.
Posted some good pics in the HOTD thread. This game looks great, so its such a shame that it has frame pops. If it were a rock solid 30... oh how I wish. I hope SEGA's president backs up his words and makes a Condemned motion plus game. Bludgeoning fools with a 1:1 4X4 would be absolutely badass.
“I think [the casual mindset has made it tough on hardcore gamers], especially from the Western publishers during the first year or so of the Wii’s life. However, going forward I think that the Wii is going to be a very good place for hardcore gamers to be. If you think about Condemned for instance, in hindsight Condemned would be a great game to play with the Wii remote. [The game] is all about melee combat and brute force, and using the [motion controls] to [attack] would be awesome. Ironically, it could have translated very well. Condemned was built from the ground up as a very high-end audio-visual experience, though, so that’s why it’s appearing on the PS3 and 360 systems. But I do think going forward there is very much a place for the hardcore gamers on the Wii and there’s a big opportunity for publishers to take advantage of that because we’ve seen the success of Resident Evil on Nintendo platforms, and I believe that will continue. But I do also believe that a lot of Western publishers are only looking at the Wii for casual and family gaming, and I think that’s a mistake – I think there’s a lot more opportunity there on the Wii. The Wii isn’t just about Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic; it’s about so much more.” - Sega of America President Simon Jeffery
Oh shit, so SEGA took their cue from RE Wii sales? So we passed the test and SEGA rewarded us? Not Capcom? LOL.
Oh shit, so SEGA took their cue from RE Wii sales? So we passed the test and SEGA rewarded us? Not Capcom? LOL.
Capcom blows my mind. They had a lot of early success on the Wii and what'd did they do? They started porting everything they could. Sure that Monster Hunter game is coming one of these days, but their first two big games were million sellers. . . so what do they do? Port, port, port, crappy port. . . it's ridiculous.
Just finished "The Last Remnant" demo. Now I know it isn't the best to judge a game after half an hour of playing but damn is this game mediocre. I mean it was optimized great but besides that...BLEH!
However I shall soon have a PS3 but the 360 will still be my baby.
There's nothing worse than the death of a child. How many times has it died so far?
Yes it is very sad when that happens. It has happened twice. The first was the DVD drive's lens croaked and I opted to just purchase a new Arcade unit instead of taking the time and money to fix it. My Arcade unit just recently RRoD on me but the fix is free so it's in getting repaired and should be back pretty soon. I still have my first one which has been filling in while the second one is away. At least with it I can keep up with the stuff on Marketplace like videos and demos and I can play my XBLA games. I'm definately chomping at the bit to get my other one back so I can finally start playing some Street Fighter IV plus Star Ocean 4 and Halo Wars will be out real soon so I'll really want to dive into those.
Oh shit, so SEGA took their cue from RE Wii sales? So we passed the test and SEGA rewarded us? Not Capcom? LOL.
Capcom blows my mind. They had a lot of early success on the Wii and what'd did they do? They started porting everything they could. Sure that Monster Hunter game is coming one of these days, but their first two big games were million sellers. . . so what do they do? Port, port, port, crappy port. . . it's ridiculous.
Yay! Lets hammer Capcom with Wii rage!
Archangel3371 said:
Jesus GG. How many times are you going to post those same HotD Overkill pics? I guess it's appropriate given the title of the game is 'Overkill'.
Well it's because I am playing the game now and comparing what I'm seeing on screen to the good screens, the badly compressed screens I've seen and I'm very sad that firstly, my Wii has red and green dots all over the screen and secondly that the game has frequent frame pops. That's why I'm looking at screens man.
Dvader said:
Angel = me with a 360 instead of a PS3
So you're both jerkwads?
I am an asswad.
Archangel3371 said:
Yes it is very sad when that happens. It has happened twice. The first was the DVD drive's lens croaked and I opted to just purchase a new Arcade unit instead of taking the time and money to fix it. My Arcade unit just recently RRoD on me but the fix is free so it's in getting repaired and should be back pretty soon. I still have my first one which has been filling in while the second one is away. At least with it I can keep up with the stuff on Marketplace like videos and demos and I can play my XBLA games. I'm definately chomping at the bit to get my other one back so I can finally start playing some Street Fighter IV plus Star Ocean 4 and Halo Wars will be out real soon so I'll really want to dive into those.
Oh so you kept the hard drive from your old unit and attached it to the arcade? Did you ever get your 120gb drive yet?
7th Dragon (9/8/8/8, 33 points): If RE5 is Japan's big million-selling blockbuster of the week, then 7th Dragon is the game that all the diehards will buy instead. "I get a definite Etrian Odyssey vibe to the game, which plays out pretty dramatically story-wise," one reviewer said. "From the simple gameplay to the 2D map, you'll like this if you're into traditional RPGs."
The exterior may look modern, but this is a very traditional, perhaps even oldschool, RPG at its core. "From the limited save points to the way monsters get a whole level stronger in every new land, a lot of this will remind you of the great RPGs of bygone days," one wrote. "You're free enough that you may be unsure what to do next at times."
Despite this, most reviewers praised 7th Dragon's high degree of freedom and refined gameplay system. "I like how it's made to be as stress-free as possible, with (for example) speeding up battle by holding down the A Button. I also like how you have the freedom to choose your own quests and dragon-hunting expeditions, although I wish there was a way you could always check the quests you've accepted."
FFXIII Demo Details Divulged
Play as Lightning, Snow and the funkalicious Sazh very soon.
After Square Enix head Yoichi Wada vaguely suggested two weeks back that Dragon Quest IX's multi-month delay could affect the release date of Final Fantasy XIII as well, gamers on both sides of the Pacific were understandably a bit up in arms. As far as FFXIII director Motomu Toriyama is concerned, however, everything's still right as rain with the game's schedule.
"Development is currently proceeding along smoothly for a 2009 launch," he told Weekly Famitsu magazine earlier this week. "The demo went gold right on schedule last December as well."
What about that demo, however, the one slated to packed with the first run of CG movie extravaganza Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete (due out April 16 in Japan and America)? According to Toriyama, the disc will be "about an hour long" and "include the basic elements of the full game's battle system, but even that will be enough to make you want to play it several times through." Storywise the demo will be divided broadly into two sections: one starring rebel leader Snow, and another featuring heroine Lightning and the afro-styled Sazh Katzroy as they fight together.
Speaking of that funky sidekick, Toriyama expressed some measure of surprise to the massive response Sazh has received so far from FF fans. "I suppose the fact there's never been a character quite like this in previous FFs had a pretty big impact on gamers," he said. "Sazh has a very bubbly personality; he's extremely expressive and a bit of a comedian character-wise, so he's the type who sticks out. He's got the most lines out of anyone in the game, and his voice actor's a veteran in the field, so we're giving him a lot of leeway to ad-lib as he likes."
And as for the chocobo chick who hangs out around Sazh and apparently has taken up residence in his 'fro (really)? "He got a pretty huge response too, so we're considering having him appear more often in the game than we originally planned. I'm negotiating with the battle-system team to see if I can't make him part of battle presently," Toriyama added with a laugh.
Silent Hill Remake Wii Bound?
Climax rumoured to be bringing original to Wii and PSP.
UK developer Climax is believed to be at work on a Wii and PSP remake of Silent Hill, Konami's 1999 PlayStation classic that still stands as one of the survival horror genres' high water marks.
Although neither Konami nor Climax were able to comment, videogaming24/7 is carrying the rumour, stating that motion controls, unsurprisingly, will be a feature of the Wii version.
Any such remake would correlate with details on Climax's official site, which state that the company is working on a Wii and PSP game for Konami. Another project for Konami, slated for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is also listed, though the identity of this game remains unknown.
Climax has previously worked on the Silent Hill franchise to good effect, its PSP title Silent Hill Origins earning a healthy 8.0 when reviewed at the tail-end of 2007.
Which is a mite better than the 7.0 that Silent Hill: Homecoming, the fifth instalment proper in the series, earned when reviewed by IGN UK yesterday.
Perry backs up PSP2 claims
After claiming that PSP2 is in the works and will drop the UMD disc drive, Acclaim's Dave Perry has moved to back up his comments.
"I hear Sony FINALLY has the PSP 2. And thank goodness, they've removed the stupid battery-sucking UMD disc drive. I'm excited!" he said yesterday in a Twitter post.
While Sony wouldn't comment on Perry's claims, the Shiny Entertainment founder later elaborated on his comments.
"I've been (for a long time now) calling on Sony to move with the times," he told GameDaily. "I love the PSP, I just wish they'd learn from the mistakes and move forward. I'm really tired of new versions being baby steps, or more color changes. I can't reveal my sources, but you can be certain there's no UMD, which means fully digital online device, and you know I know people."
Perry also told Kotaku: "I spoke to a developer who is working on it right now. I know this developer is already working on it, so that means they have a prototype. That would sound like a fall release to me."
Perry speculated that as the PSP was repositioned as a "fully digital online device", Sony would keep retailers interested in backing the handheld by initially selling games for the system on memory sticks.
For backwards compatibility purposes, current PSP titles would be made available via the PlayStation Store, he also suggested.
A man looking to collect on a debt broke into the house of 60-year-old woman in Brazil's Federal District, holding her hostage for ten hours on the business end of a Sega Light Phaser.
The Light Phaser, the light gun that shipped with the Sega Master System, must be fairly common in Brazil, considering how incredibly popular the 8-bit console was in the country—it was one of Sega's strongest markets.
Fortunately, the man released his hostage, unharmed, after negotiating with police (and brandishing a pair of actual deadly knives). "Unharmed" means we can all laugh about it now! In fact, heroic tipster Gustavo even gave us a free joke: "Of course he would not be able to hurt his victim - we can see that the gun was NOT plugged into the console." ROFL!!
Yeah GG I just kept the old 20 GB HDD and swap it out. I still haven't picked up the 120 GB HDD but will likely bite the bullet real soon.
What's this red and green problem you're having with your Wii? Didn't you get that fixed before or was that a different problem? Can you get this problem fix by Nintendo now?
PSP2 being fully digital? That's kind of cool, though they better plan on releasing their games in stores as well. People like their hard media way too much.
You shall worship the devil and kill kittens and try to destroy the universe together with you partner in wrongness hamster.
Posted some good pics in the HOTD thread. This game looks great, so its such a shame that it has frame pops. If it were a rock solid 30... oh how I wish. I hope SEGA's president backs up his words and makes a Condemned motion plus game. Bludgeoning fools with a 1:1 4X4 would be absolutely badass.
“I think [the casual mindset has made it tough on hardcore gamers], especially from the Western publishers during the first year or so of the Wii’s life. However, going forward I think that the Wii is going to be a very good place for hardcore gamers to be. If you think about Condemned for instance, in hindsight Condemned would be a great game to play with the Wii remote. [The game] is all about melee combat and brute force, and using the [motion controls] to [attack] would be awesome. Ironically, it could have translated very well. Condemned was built from the ground up as a very high-end audio-visual experience, though, so that’s why it’s appearing on the PS3 and 360 systems. But I do think going forward there is very much a place for the hardcore gamers on the Wii and there’s a big opportunity for publishers to take advantage of that because we’ve seen the success of Resident Evil on Nintendo platforms, and I believe that will continue. But I do also believe that a lot of Western publishers are only looking at the Wii for casual and family gaming, and I think that’s a mistake – I think there’s a lot more opportunity there on the Wii. The Wii isn’t just about Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic; it’s about so much more.” - Sega of America President Simon Jeffery
Oh shit, so SEGA took their cue from RE Wii sales? So we passed the test and SEGA rewarded us? Not Capcom? LOL.
Capcom blows my mind. They had a lot of early success on the Wii and what'd did they do? They started porting everything they could. Sure that Monster Hunter game is coming one of these days, but their first two big games were million sellers. . . so what do they do? Port, port, port, crappy port. . . it's ridiculous.
Jesus GG. How many times are you going to post those same HotD Overkill pics? I guess it's appropriate given the title of the game is 'Overkill'.
Angel = me with a 360 instead of a PS3
Indeed. It's kind of spooky.
However I shall soon have a PS3 but the 360 will still be my baby.
There's nothing worse than the death of a child. How many times has it died so far?
One of the site's forefathers.
Yes it is very sad when that happens. It has happened twice. The first was the DVD drive's lens croaked and I opted to just purchase a new Arcade unit instead of taking the time and money to fix it. My Arcade unit just recently RRoD on me but the fix is free so it's in getting repaired and should be back pretty soon. I still have my first one which has been filling in while the second one is away. At least with it I can keep up with the stuff on Marketplace like videos and demos and I can play my XBLA games. I'm definately chomping at the bit to get my other one back so I can finally start playing some Street Fighter IV plus Star Ocean 4 and Halo Wars will be out real soon so I'll really want to dive into those.
Yay! Lets hammer Capcom with Wii rage!
Well it's because I am playing the game now and comparing what I'm seeing on screen to the good screens, the badly compressed screens I've seen and I'm very sad that firstly, my Wii has red and green dots all over the screen and secondly that the game has frequent frame pops. That's why I'm looking at screens man.
So you're both jerkwads?
I am an asswad.
Oh so you kept the hard drive from your old unit and attached it to the arcade? Did you ever get your 120gb drive yet?
Famitsu reviews
(RE5 one in the forum thread)
7th Dragon (9/8/8/8, 33 points): If RE5 is Japan's big million-selling blockbuster of the week, then 7th Dragon is the game that all the diehards will buy instead. "I get a definite Etrian Odyssey vibe to the game, which plays out pretty dramatically story-wise," one reviewer said. "From the simple gameplay to the 2D map, you'll like this if you're into traditional RPGs."
The exterior may look modern, but this is a very traditional, perhaps even oldschool, RPG at its core. "From the limited save points to the way monsters get a whole level stronger in every new land, a lot of this will remind you of the great RPGs of bygone days," one wrote. "You're free enough that you may be unsure what to do next at times."
Despite this, most reviewers praised 7th Dragon's high degree of freedom and refined gameplay system. "I like how it's made to be as stress-free as possible, with (for example) speeding up battle by holding down the A Button. I also like how you have the freedom to choose your own quests and dragon-hunting expeditions, although I wish there was a way you could always check the quests you've accepted."
FFXIII Demo Details Divulged
Play as Lightning, Snow and the funkalicious Sazh very soon.
"Development is currently proceeding along smoothly for a 2009 launch," he told Weekly Famitsu magazine earlier this week. "The demo went gold right on schedule last December as well."
What about that demo, however, the one slated to packed with the first run of CG movie extravaganza Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete (due out April 16 in Japan and America)? According to Toriyama, the disc will be "about an hour long" and "include the basic elements of the full game's battle system, but even that will be enough to make you want to play it several times through." Storywise the demo will be divided broadly into two sections: one starring rebel leader Snow, and another featuring heroine Lightning and the afro-styled Sazh Katzroy as they fight together.
Speaking of that funky sidekick, Toriyama expressed some measure of surprise to the massive response Sazh has received so far from FF fans. "I suppose the fact there's never been a character quite like this in previous FFs had a pretty big impact on gamers," he said. "Sazh has a very bubbly personality; he's extremely expressive and a bit of a comedian character-wise, so he's the type who sticks out. He's got the most lines out of anyone in the game, and his voice actor's a veteran in the field, so we're giving him a lot of leeway to ad-lib as he likes."
And as for the chocobo chick who hangs out around Sazh and apparently has taken up residence in his 'fro (really)? "He got a pretty huge response too, so we're considering having him appear more often in the game than we originally planned. I'm negotiating with the battle-system team to see if I can't make him part of battle presently," Toriyama added with a laugh.
Although neither Konami nor Climax were able to comment, videogaming24/7 is carrying the rumour, stating that motion controls, unsurprisingly, will be a feature of the Wii version.
Any such remake would correlate with details on Climax's official site, which state that the company is working on a Wii and PSP game for Konami. Another project for Konami, slated for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, is also listed, though the identity of this game remains unknown.
Climax has previously worked on the Silent Hill franchise to good effect, its PSP title Silent Hill Origins earning a healthy 8.0 when reviewed at the tail-end of 2007.
Which is a mite better than the 7.0 that Silent Hill: Homecoming, the fifth instalment proper in the series, earned when reviewed by IGN UK yesterday.
After claiming that PSP2 is in the works and will drop the UMD disc drive, Acclaim's Dave Perry has moved to back up his comments.
"I hear Sony FINALLY has the PSP 2. And thank goodness, they've removed the stupid battery-sucking UMD disc drive. I'm excited!" he said yesterday in a Twitter post.
While Sony wouldn't comment on Perry's claims, the Shiny Entertainment founder later elaborated on his comments.
"I've been (for a long time now) calling on Sony to move with the times," he told GameDaily. "I love the PSP, I just wish they'd learn from the mistakes and move forward. I'm really tired of new versions being baby steps, or more color changes. I can't reveal my sources, but you can be certain there's no UMD, which means fully digital online device, and you know I know people."
Perry also told Kotaku: "I spoke to a developer who is working on it right now. I know this developer is already working on it, so that means they have a prototype. That would sound like a fall release to me."
Perry speculated that as the PSP was repositioned as a "fully digital online device", Sony would keep retailers interested in backing the handheld by initially selling games for the system on memory sticks.
For backwards compatibility purposes, current PSP titles would be made available via the PlayStation Store, he also suggested.
Sounds like PSP2 really is in the works then.
Nintendo has revealed a brand new controller for the Wii but has "no plans" for a European release, a spokesperson told Eurogamer.
It looks like the old Classic Controller with added legs (hand-grips) and shoulder buttons. Essentially, the Pro looks more like a PlayStation pad.
Specifically, the Pro gains 32.5mm vertically, 10.3mm horizontally and 29mm in depth. Fatty.
There's no word on whether this will head West nor how much the Pro will cost. We'll check with Nintendo.
But we won't hold our breath, as the GameCube Wii Controller never made the move outside of Japan.
The Light Phaser, the light gun that shipped with the Sega Master System, must be fairly common in Brazil, considering how incredibly popular the 8-bit console was in the country—it was one of Sega's strongest markets.
Fortunately, the man released his hostage, unharmed, after negotiating with police (and brandishing a pair of actual deadly knives). "Unharmed" means we can all laugh about it now! In fact, heroic tipster Gustavo even gave us a free joke: "Of course he would not be able to hurt his victim - we can see that the gun was NOT plugged into the console." ROFL!!
Hmm, let me try it.
EDIT: Okay, underline doesn't work for me either (Opera 9.63)
That looks like it fixes my main problem with the current Classic Controller: difficult to hold.
Thankfully, Nyko has already fixed this problem two years ago with a $5 clip-on hand grip. It works perfectly too.
Yeah GG I just kept the old 20 GB HDD and swap it out. I still haven't picked up the 120 GB HDD but will likely bite the bullet real soon.
What's this red and green problem you're having with your Wii? Didn't you get that fixed before or was that a different problem? Can you get this problem fix by Nintendo now?
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