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Well Edge, you do know that Wii owner's are too stupid to walk around an interactive enviroment. We need a "guided and cinematic" experiance (aka FPS-lite) in order to understand these ridiculously complex hardcore-type games.
FU, EA! God, I hate this gen!
Cmon Steel......really, who would want more of THIS?
I haven't played MGS, but doesn't mo-cap take care of those problems? For instance the mo-cap in COD WOW on Wii was the same across all the versions and looked pretty neat most of the time. Depth of field was done in Starfox Adventures as was heat distortion and even games like the Conduit are using it on Wii today.
"The aforementioned attitude, when possessed by the publishers and developers, denies excellent games to over half the market. This attitude is one of the biggest problems, if not the biggest, and I'm sick of it. I have interests, too, you know, and if you're going to give my interests the finger when no harm would come to you, then I'll give you the finger for doing so."
"If third parties would actually put good effort into Wii games, we would probably be seeing things that surpass Ninja Gaiden's graphics. But as long as you don't care about what gets put on the Wii and as long as third parties aren't even trying 99% of the time, your graphics complaint is moot."
Bravo right there, that whole post. The thing that hurts my brain is that gamers like you who chose the Wii as their main platform are the ones who bet on the winning horse. And software support has always gone to the most popular platform to reach that audience.
How is wanting quality games, wanting the system to be like the PS3 and 360? No, I want the Wii to be like the PS2 or GC, or Xbox, with quality games with new control and new mechanics. Your porting point is a little off to me. When I see Ubisoft putting out Shaun White across all systems at the same time or Activision doing a Wii version of COD WOW at the same time. And not a belated port a year and a half later. The problem is that like Beaver said, it's an afterthought. They should have planned and allocated resources for this around 2007-ish. If it were such a monumental job to do a Wii version of a multiplatform game than these examples wouldn't exist.
And here we are again talking Wii econmics. Being kind you would say that it costs half as much to make a game on Wii. Using publishers estimates you get a figure of a Wii version costing only a quarter or one third of a big game (EAs words). You have a $40 million budgeted Lost Planet game selling the same as Umbrella Chronicles on Wii which using estimates cost 1/3 as much to make. This is where sales and budgets come into the equation. As does the list of ever growing million selling 3rd party Wii titles. The frigging list jumped from 12 to over 30 in a few months between march and december last year alone. Financially there is no excuse.
Sorry Dvader that came out the wrong way. It wasn't meant as some kind of dig. What I mean about being 'selfish' is that you want your games a certain way on a certain system and other people want their games in another way on another system. So what gives your wants priority over the huge chunk of blue in this graph?
The guys in blue won the bet, the guys in blue have spoken and said this is how I want my games. So why should there be this massive inbalance in the content distribution? I agree with you, instead of ports you should be seeing more original great games. But you aren't and side projects alone dont fill a gamers stomach.
Well since when has Resident Evil been about arming yourself to the teeth and running about in a over the shoulder camera blasting guys? Since when did RE become an online co-op game? The point I'm trying to make is that the experiments you speak of, these are the things that move game design forward. RE4 was a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge experiment for the series, they had 4 versions before they finalised what RE4 became. GTA 3 on PS2 was a huge experiment, taking Metroid into the first person was a huge experiment, FFVII was a huge experiment. Game design evolution only moves forward when this experimentation happens. The key is to do it well and don't **** it up. The Wii shouldn't be used as training wheels for the motion controllers of PS4 and Xbox 720.
Your fear about devs just fitting a franchise to the wii is exactly what happened with Umbrella Chronicles and now Dead Space. There it is, realised in bold stark terms.
Uh, I wish this were true but I plugged my Xbox through components into my HDTV. It looked as asslike as Wii. Did you see it playing upscaled through a 360?
Stop making sense you bastard when we need to rant, this is the longest discussion we've had on this site. Anyhow I remember N'Gai of Newsweek writing an article about this and talking to Reggie. Reggie turned his own question around on him and asked "What do you think it would take for developers to start putting their content first and foremost on Wii?"
And N'Gais answer was something like "When they don't have any other choice". It's sad that something like an economic slowdown and developers closing or shunting off staff becomes a catalyst to do the smart thing in the first place and NOT put all your eggs in one expensive basket.
Okay that is replies up to page 6.
This is getting into the whole design vs technology debate. I think that new hardware can move game design forward but also that forwarding design isn't dependent on new technology. Get what I mean? REmake > RE4, Mario Sunshine > Mario Galaxy.
Didn't the Force Unleashed reviews say that it was 100% accurate? With motionplus it really would be more than that though, stabbing, parrying etc.
I saw them. I know its all about preference in art etc but I like Fable 2's visuals over Crysis etc. And I haven't played MGS4 but that game has a certain style like NGaidens character models have that to me, benefit least from a next gen makeover. I like how it looks on PS2 and cube. Chunky, arcadey, colourful. MGS4 draining the colour actually puts me off.
And now I have caught up with all the new posts. Wow, there is much to comment on between here, the forum and new news everyday I actually can't keep up. On another note it's great to see Aspro, Beaver and Phantom active and all us old guys sticking around too. I've really enjoyed this place for the past few weeks especially and Yodariquos technical updates keep getting better too.
At least is not a port, or even worse a fighting game (I am looking at you Igarashi). Man can't stop laughing, very comical situation. Man developers are stupid sometimes.
I really like lightgun games but we are reaching saturation point here. Okay if HOTD or Time Crisis or Virtua cop sequels are lightgun games, but converting everything to on rails so they can bang it out in a year? Noooooooooooooooooooo
RE4 sells 1.5 million, Chop Till you Drop is the answer. Develpoers RULE. And will they put in (proper) Wii remote telekinesis? All signs point to no given the "guided camera". I want to guide their head into a wall.
That whole trailer is realtime and puts to bed those "this game cant be done" complaints though. Looks sound. I am profoundly disappointed in this announcement though.
Yeah, great point. Sadly this is at the upper end in quality and effort terms 3rd party wise. Of course it ranks well below FFCC, MH3 etc etc. But what a disappointment.
Wow, just read the 60 comments attached to the IGN article.
Just posted the We Ski pics in the forum
Look at that snow detail^
The GAF Dead Space thread is hilarious:
Edit: on rails?
We'll pass it just like we did with Capcom!
Hey, maybe if enough people support it they'll let you control your legs next time!
On rails? All interest lost.
Play your favorite scenes from the HD version of last years mega hit in short, action-packed bites through an intuitive, revolutionary on rails set-up!
The Wii has a substantial user-base, not to mention cheaper/easier development, the 360 was getting better support when it had a 0 user-base, so why is a 30+ million user-base getting this sort of fucking treatment - it stinks I tell you, stinks.
Probably be a good game and all - not dissing that, just dissing this fuck-lazy approach by these twats."
Oh and CODECOW supposedly part of EA Redwood has said:
"Honestly I wasn't expecting to see such a big backlash on here. One thing to keep in mind is that the trailer released by the company is very short and doesn't show the entire game (duh).
At least my prediction about neogaf and the graphics has come to pass. I haven't seen anyone complaining about how it looks.
Ok I'm out before I get eaten alive!"
Just read that little piece with Inafune on Dead Rising 2 and it all sounds good. So far the little bit that has been shown on DR2 looks great and since Capcom is still working closely with Blue Castle on the game then things should be just fine. This is a very hotly anticipated game for me and I'm still quite faithful that it will turn out to be an excellent game.
Just read that piece on Microsoft and the motion-sensing technology. Sounds very cool. I'm definately looking forward to checking it out if and when this happens.
I hope there is zombie gambling option with zombie card dealers. Then when you lose you can pull out the baseball bat.
Oh hell yeah! Street Fighter IV is getting tons of great feedback from reviewers and consumers alike. My 360 should be coming back from repairs soon and I'm dieing to finally get to playing it. I'm also really excited for what this will mean to the revival of other Capcom fighting franchises especially Darkstalkers which is a huge favourite of mine.
Sure, like magic shows, comedy stand up, a zombie Celine Dion you can trash. etc.
Hello Everyone,
It gives me great pleasure in announcing that we will be bringing the Dead Space franchise to the Wii with Dead Space: Extraction.. This is not a port - it's actually a prequel to Dead Space and takes place the days before Isaac even arrives on the scene. Extraction features a new story, characters, mechanics and is created specifically for the Wii.
I'd like to introduce Steve Papoutsis who is Executive Producing Extraction. As the new GM of Redwood Shores Studio my job means I need to oversee all the games in development and pass the Dead Space torch on to a person I have worked with for over a decade. Steve was a Senior Producer on Dead Space and one of my most trusted people to carry on the Dead Space vision. This is not a decision I take lightly either, but Steve is an easy choice. He is one of the hardest working guys I know, a huge gamer and is an expert in everything Dead Space.
Steve did so much on Dead Space and was so integral to its success. He also has a core team of Dead Space people working with him, so this is the Dead Space team designing this game.
Steve is also an action/horror fan and a Wii fanatic. He is excited to put both of his passions together with Extraction.
The bottom line is Steve is the perfect person to bring the Dead Space franchise to the Wii. He and I still talk everyday like I do with the EP's of all of our products so if and when he has any questions it's easy for us to compare notes and brainstorm.
So please welcome Steve as the new EP of Dead Space: Extraction. The game already looks fantastic and he and his team are and have been kicking ass quietly on this product for months. I'm sure you will be hearing from Steve and his great team very soon. I couldn't be happier with them and the game and it's freakin' great to be bringing a new game like this to the Wii.
Development costs article.
Wow, that is really eye opening. Games now need to sell 2 million just to break even? Budgets are now regularly $40 million when $15-20 million was predicted all those years ago as scaremongering?
Spore cost so much it will take 5 years to make money back through expansions?
Wow, GTA IV cost Rockstar $100 million to produce, 1,000 people worked on the project, and it took three-and-a-half years to complete?
EA burns through $74 million for development each month?
That article was already posted yesterday by me. Shame on you GG! I might delete it, but now I will do the news!
I cannot believe this. I watched the Dead Space trailer thinking it was a brand new full RE4 style original Dead Space game for the wii. I was about to run in here and proclaim how excited I was that it was not just a port but a brand new game, and that is what the wii should be getting. It was going to prove my point perfectly.
And then it became a piece of fucking shit light gun game. ARRRGH!!!!
Do the guys at EA have any originality? I know if you are going to copy someone copy the best, and they did that with Dead Space making it a very RE4ish like game. But damn it you didn't have to copy RE on the wii. Next we will have Dead Space 2 with online co-op. Umbrella Chronicles for me worked cause the RE franchise has been around for so long that I like odd experiements with franchise, they tried pseudo light gun games before but it never worked, UC nailed it. But thats all it was good for, a fun romp through the RE series, a one time cool game set in the RE universe. DS has no franchise history, DS has no reason to even try this. Its stupid.
I wanted a brand new actual RE4 like Dead Space game for the wii, not a port that would be identical, a new game with a new story but it plays the same way with added tweaks to make use of the wii, that would be perfect. But noooooo, go to hell EA.
this is why knowing a game like world of goo was created by a team of ... two (with a third person doing the wii translation) is to me very heart-warming and hopeful
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