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Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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Hey Archie can you tell me more about Fallout 3? What is the main story/characters?
How exactly does combat work? You have a FPS perspective? Is there an rpg aspect to the combat and how does that work.
"They came in their thousands for Monster Hunter 3. If there was a game of TGS 2008, one that people travelled to see, then this was it. Queues stretched for between three and four hours in waiting time and had to be capped early in the day – many, of course, using the delay to catch up on their Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G.
It was hard to miss the system-selling potential of the series when a line of PSPs waited patiently to play pretty much the same thing on a Wii, and it was certainly noticed by the SCE executives who made the short walk over from the Square Enix booth to marvel at the hubbub.
Few non-believers will be swayed by the basics of Monster Hunter 3. This is a straight series installment that concentrates on the core experience while playing around with some of the Wii hardware’s possibilities. Most notably, it’s quite beautiful. Capcom may have leaped to the forefront of Wii development if the long draw distances and lighting are anything to go by, despite the company’s insistence that the demo featured incomplete visuals. "
"Many are hoping that Monster Hunter 3 will be a turning point for Wii in Japan. Not in terms of sales, but in terms of perceptions among Japanese consumers, who still look on PS2 as the last great ‘gamer’s console’. The huge popularity of the title during TGS, and the very favourable feedback Capcom has had from fans and the press, suggests it may just have a chance."
Interesting. I think that 3rd parties haven't really strived to create a core gamers market on the system at all. If there had been sustained support of decent core games from big franchises than you would have a stronger market on the system receptive to these games. Instead everyone sort of side stepped the console, taking a wiat and see approach and now it's too late considering that big games take two years to make. The platform change is strange, it would be like a DS system seller had it's home console debut on PS3.
I hope Monster Hunter 3 comes out in North America. I've never played any of the games in that series, and it looks really cool on Wii.
Any word on if that game will use MotionPlus?
Still busy with Zack & Wiki, won't buy a new game until I am finished with that game, also playing Brawl! I am in trophy collecting mode, so I can play both easily!
The next game on my list is either: de Blob, Bloombox or World of Goo! Oh Endless Ocean is also somwhere on the list, so Animal Crossing is not nearly at the top of my list. Maybe one day I will get it cheap, but not soon!
P.S. I answered here because it is easier to type on my laptop.
P.P.S. I think Leo is proud of me!
Well that's why I buy the other games first, so I have a gradual progression from great to godly. I will buy Animal Crossing the week before gaming dies!
Anyway the main story is that your father suddenly leaves the vault where you have grown up in and you set out to find him and find out why.
Yes it's in a first-person perspective but you can also change it to third-person perspective ala Oblivion. I only played it in first-person mode so I don't how well the other way plays out. Oh yeah there's definately an RPG aspect to it. Every time you go up a level you get points that you can allocate to stats to tailor-make your character. Weapons have their own characteristics for accuracy and damage based on type and range and raising certain stats on your character will improve your handling of these weapons. Also weapons degrade after use and will decrease their stats and will ultimately break. Fixing them is easy though where all you need to do is find a similar weapon and combine them. How much you can repair them towards 100% depends on how high you build up your repair skill, naturally.
There's a large cast of characters in the game especially if you take the time to do all the side quests which will take you a long time to complete. Some big named actors such as Liam Neeson lend their voice talents to the game which is pretty cool.
EDIT: Oh yeah and then there is V.A.T.S. which allows you to pin-point specific bodyparts for differences in damage potential depending on what kind of armour they have on. It's not unlimited as it has a meter and different weapons use up various amounts of the meter. It does recharge itself and you can extend the meter by upgrading certain skills.
EA says Nintendo is responsible for two thirds of Wii software sales, which makes creating successful third party games a bit tough
“For those of us making console games, that’s a challenge that we certainly have to contend with. …but there’s no question that having the lead platform be a platform with two thirds of the unit sales occurring to the first-party owner is a really unusual thing. We haven’t seen that since prior to the [original] PlayStation. We’ve got work to do on the Wii.” - EA CEO John Riccitiello
I can very much see Nintendo releasing a "Wii +" which is a souped up Wii with a bunch of new features at 2010 with third parties running on board. I mean think about. Even if third parties started to make big AAA Wii games they couldn't be out until late '09 at the possible earliest.
I am! I have a microphone now!
One of the site's forefathers.
Can I call you PEKs on air?
Also Dragon Quest X on Wii.
...I told you people that these games take time to make. After Square-Enix got done releasing Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant they could use this as their next big project.
One of the site's forefathers.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMEGATON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess it makes logical sense that the wii would be where the next DQ is at. Forget 9 lets go straight to 10.
Its friday going into saturday right? As of now I am good.
Holy shit!
Dammit Vader, funny pictures are my job! You took my job
I am not sure if you are joking, but DQ9 looks freaking awesome.
Zack and Wiki style puzzles in dungeons for DQX! Please make it happen, but doubt it!
We can do Saturday night (Melbourne time), or we could also do Sunday night (again, Melbourne time).
It's too late in the dev cycle.
Yes, but if you get ACrossing sooner then we could all play together and the game lasts forever. Leo would be even more proud of you for buying it.
I prefer to harass forumers and force them to type!
VAT is Value added tax in the UK. They could have just had you stopping your father and asking him why he was leaving before he left. Game over. What's the music like? I'm trying to establish how much this has in common with one of my favourite games: oblivion.
According to Nintendos charts 1st party accounts for 1/3, not 2/3. And using proportions and percentages doesn't paint the whole picture, because in terms of actual units sold, there has been more 3rd party software shifted on Wii then even the 360. It's just that 360 has clustered sales in a few big titles, whilst wii game sales are spread about. It makes it more of a sure thing developing a big 360 game. But you would say that the cost risk can be lower on wii and the potential audience larger.