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[] Jaffe blown away by God of War 3 Iga_Bobovic
[] Fable II to get downloadable content Iga_Bobovic
[] Shaun White Snowboarding (Wii) Eurogamer Review 7/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Age of Empires: Mythologies - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Microsoft - The Wii doesn’t even have online Really? Iga_Bobovic
[] de Blob wins big down under Iga_Bobovic
New FFCC: Echoes of Time Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] The Last Remnant gametrailers review Iga_Bobovic
[] What would Aonuma change in OOT? The iron boots, me and Aonuma see eye to eye! Iga_Bobovic
Nintendo Power news Up, up in the butt Iga_Bobovic
[] Final Fantasy XIII: more pics of Snow Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo Dominates in Australia "Wii and DS AU sales figures will blow your mind" Ravenprose
[] Sonic Chronicles 2 nearly confirmed Ravenprose
[] ECA boss talks used game sales They are not bad for the industry Ravenprose
[] Bonus Round: Nintendo Online Services Michael Pachter rules! Ravenprose
[] PlayStation 3: Two Years Later Iga_Bobovic
Harvest Moon: Welcome to the Wind Bazaar more screens, art Iga_Bobovic
RIZ-ZOAWD - more art Iga_Bobovic
[] Game pirate takes cash, buys boob job for wife Iga_Bobovic
[] Monolith Soft has ideas for Disaster 2 is ready to make a new Baten Kaitos Iga_Bobovic
[] Sony - The Wii is great…but the EyeToy is better Okay... Iga_Bobovic
[] Prince of Persia Trailer Ravenprose
[] IGN Last Remnant Video Review Ravenprose
[] IGN The Last Remnant Review 5.3 Ravenprose
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[] New Mushroom Men Video Ravenprose
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[] Prince of Persia IGN Review Wow a 9.3! Wait a second it is reviewed by Hilary "Oscar Worthy" Goldstein Iga_Bobovic
[] TrackMania DS Eurogamer Review 8/10 Nice Iga_Bobovic
[] Banjo-Kazooie Eurogamer Review 5/10! Ouch Iga_Bobovic
[] Sonic and the Black Knight - preview Iga_Bobovic
[] Marble Saga: Kororinpa - preview Iga_Bobovic
[] Aonuma won’t quit Zelda until he betters OOT Newsflash: Majora and Twilight > Ocarina Iga_Bobovic
[] Suikoden Tierkreis - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Wii breaks 7 million in Japan Iga_Bobovic
[] ELSPA Sales Awards UK (November 08) Iga_Bobovic
[] Angry Video Game Nerd: CD-i Part II Zelda CD-i, Vader in crying Iga_Bobovic
[] Valkyria Chronicles GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom new video Iga_Bobovic
[] Afrika new Japanese TV commercial Iga_Bobovic
[] Tenchu 4 announced for the PSP Iga_Bobovic
[] Shantotto in Dissidia : Final Fantasy Who? Iga_Bobovic
[] Summon Night X : Tears Crown scans Iga_Bobovic
[] Dragon Quest IX new female characters Iga_Bobovic
[] The Godfather II: new screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] Fallout 3 DLC Revealed Editing tools and new content in '09. Iga_Bobovic
[] Gamers Not Addicts Clinic says problem mainly social, not psychological. Iga_Bobovic
[] Grand Theft Auto IV's PC Multiplayer Modes Same modes, but now with support for up to 32 players. Iga_Bobovic
[] Halo 3: Recon Name Changed Now with more acronyms. Iga_Bobovic
[] Hacked on Xbox 360: A Victim's Tale Plus, seven tips on how to avoid the same fate. Iga_Bobovic
[] Fixing Square's RPG Machine Just buy a DS Iga_Bobovic
[] The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Video Good to Be Bad Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] PowerUp Forever Video Infinite Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] No PS3 Price Cut Sony responds to rumours. Iga_Bobovic
[] PlayStation 3: The Year Ahead A Sony suit answers IGNs questions about the PS3, Home, and the future of the PSP. Iga_Bobovic
[] LocoRoco 2 IGN AU Review Happy happy joy joy: the game. How can you resist? 8.8 Iga_Bobovic
[] Devil Survivor Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Harvest Moon Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] New DS Bundles for Black Friday Does your blood run Mario Red? Iga_Bobovic
[] Boingz IGN Review Play with a dildo Iga_Bobovic
[] Carnival Games Mini Golf IGN Review The lowest score wins, right? 3.5 Iga_Bobovic
[] Shaun White  (Target Edition) IGN Review A great example of how to handle the Wii version of a multi-platform game. Iga_Bobovic
[] The Top 10 Games That Might Make You Whack .. ...your Friends in the Nuts Iga_Bobovic
F.E.A.R 2 Banned in Australia ANOTHER ONE!? darthhomer
[] Personal Trainer: Cooking Review Better than Left 4 Dead! Foolz
[] New Zelda Movie fan trailer gamingeek
[] Sonic Unleashed (Wii) GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Left 4 Dead GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Bayonetta: new screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] Fragile new screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] WoW: The Wrath of the Lich King IGN Review Bringing the battle back to Azeroth in Blizzard's second expansion. 9.0 Iga_Bobovic
[] The Godfather II Video Families Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] 50 Cent Talks Blood on the Sand Iga_Bobovic
[] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 IGN Review 7.2 Iga_Bobovic
[] Street Fighter IV screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Dead Space DLC Impressions What's good and what's not. Iga_Bobovic
[] Prince of Persia IGN UK Review Much better than the Hilary Review Iga_Bobovic
[] PlayStation 3: Home-ward Bound Iga_Bobovic
[] Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Guide Be master of glyphs and bosses with our in-depth walkthrough. Iga_Bobovic
[] Top 10 Videogame Turkeys Let us celebrate magnificent videogame flops. Iga_Bobovic
[] Adult video game maker calls out industry "Why have ESRB ratings when no one will allow ‘Adult’ rated games?" Ravenprose
[] Gamespy Castlevania Judgement review 1.5 stars out of 5 Ravenprose
[] Top 15 Most Bizarre DS Games Ravenprose
[] Ys Being Re-translated for DS Ravenprose
[] IGN Reboot: Luigi's Mansion For Wii, DS "Why Nintendo should give Mario's cowardly brother another mansion to explore" Ravenprose
[] NGamer - review scores Sky Crawlers 88% nice Iga_Bobovic
[] Marvelous Entertainment - midterm results/forecast See the expected sales of LKS, Rune factory, etc. Iga_Bobovic
Monster Games producing new game for Nintendo Top Secret - EXITEEE? Iga_Bobovic
[] Yakuza 3: new video gamingeek
[] Asian Aquanaughts Holiday has English option! Import it now, or face GG fury gamingeek
Hope for HDTV upscaling? Toshiba has new tech for SD signals gamingeek
[] Capcom shares hit five year high Chop till you drop responsible? LOL gamingeek
[] Rare talk avatars So they planned for minigames? gamingeek
[] PSP2 Processor being worked on? Will it allow you to jack into the matrix? gamingeek
[] 360 sales double in Japan Last Remenant still leaves console lagging gamingeek
[] Gaming graveyard Where canned games go to die gamingeek
[] Dreamcast 10th birthday gamingeek
[] Resistance 2 review Suprisingly, unsuprising gamingeek
[] Stormrise screens SEGA total war devs gamingeek
[] Ninja Blade videos gamingeek
[] Uh oh, bad news for FFXIII. Delays? 360 version hasn't been worked on gamingeek
[] PSP vs DS The Gamasutra sales showdown gamingeek
[] Ubisoft profits slip Endwar bad, Shawn White Wii good gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing selling big in Japan gamingeek
FF XIII Interview Will make Edge happy? gamingeek
[] Star Ocean the Last Hope screens gamingeek
[] Suikoden Tierkreis screens Konami DS game gamingeek
[] RE5 screens gamingeek
[] Japanese hardware sales - Nov. 17th to 24th DSi > DS Lite in sales Ravenprose
[] The internet has Shenmue fever Fans plan to mass email Sega requesting a sequel Ravenprose
[] Capcom: WiiWare file sizes too small for Bionic Commando Rearmed/SF2 HD Remix, still hope for SFIV Ravenprose
[] Why adding 3D graphics to games was a bad idea Opinion Ravenprose
[] Sonic Unleashed Eurogamer Review Wii version 6/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Sonic Unleashed Eurogamer Review The HD version 4/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] FRAGILE G-station TV programme special Please come to Europe Iga_Bobovic
[] 428-preorders jump after perfect Famitsu score Reviews do matter Iga_Bobovic
[] Broken Sword DS announcement soon So says point and click legend Charles Cecil. Iga_Bobovic
[] The Trader's Dilemma Iga_Bobovic
[] Reading Aloud Play Wii - screens series of WiiWare picture books Iga_Bobovic
[] Mikami - Resident Evil 5 will "just cause me stres "I won't like it, because it's not going to be the game I would have made," Iga_Bobovic
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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 12:29:00
Foolz said:
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:

I'm ready for sonic to ditch the whole speed gimmick for good and just go for an all out classic 3-D platformer feel like a banjo 64. The speed sections on most 3-D sonics involve pushing the stick forwards and watching what happens, mostly. They should get concentrate on getting the basic mechanics of control right and make a traditional 3-D platformer.

Yuck! 3D Sonic sucks, but turning Sonic into a slow Banjo-like plaformer would be even worse. It wouldn't even be a Sonic game then! Sorry, GG, but that's an awful idea. A great idea would be to not have any Sonic game in 3D. . . ever. 2D Sonic games is where it's at. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure prove this to be true since they are the only fun Sonic games to come out since the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive originals (IMO).

What about the DC 3d Sonic?

I thought they both sucked.

The VG Press

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 12:56:51
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:

Well I don't really care about running really fast and occasionally reacting. I just want a good game and I love 3-D platformers. Sonic has the character, he has the visuals, he just needs a persistent gameworld.

That's fine that you don't like the speed thing, but it just wouldn't be a Sonic the Hedgehog game to me without it.  I agree with you on the 3D Sonic games; they're really just interactive movies for the most part, but in the 2D Sonic Rush titles, you're reacting all the time by doing combos and tricks to build you're Rush meter so that you can go even faster! It's intense which is why I love those games.

I guess Bioware should just make a home console Sonic RPG/platformer. That would work for me.

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 13:15:28

i wish i could play the new Prince of Persia, it looks totally sick.  i love the art-style and i think i would really like the game.  ubisoft montreal should have been working on this from the beginning instead of wasting their time and ours on the beautiful garbage that was assassin's creed.

on a happy note... ii will get a hands-on with Little Big Planet today as I am visiting my friend who has a PS3.  so excited Laughing


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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 13:48:31

Sorry to say but after 3 prince of persia games I am totally burnt out and wont touch another one for a good amount of time.

More screens

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:04:25

PSP vs DS. Yikes

The NPD Group graciously provided Gamasutra with a corresponding top 5 software list for the Nintendo DS.

Each title in the PSP top 5 is a third-party title and, moreover, not exclusive to the PSP. While the GTA titles each started out exclusively on the PSP, they were each later ported to the PlayStation 2.

Conversely, the titles on the Nintendo DS list are all published by Nintendo (i.e first party titles), and most of them are exclusive to the system.

Furthermore, the best-selling PSP title still has lesser sales than the fifth best-selling title on the Nintendo DS.

In fact, the Game Informer article elaborates on the scale of Nintendo DS software sales, explaining that 20 games have exceeded 1 million units in sales; by comparison only the three PSP titles shown above have sold over 1 million units in the United States.

Through a greater number of titles and greater per-title unit sales, the Nintendo DS has moved twice the volume of software that the PSP has in its lifetime

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:14:49

Good news for people with older consoles or a large dvd collection in standard definition.

Toshiba is doing something about the problem of scaling up the 480p picture to 720p or 1080p HDTVs so it wont look like crap. About time a fricking company addressed the issue and made it known. They have made a new range of products that concentrates on upscaling an SDTV signal so it doesn't add jaggies and lose sharpness and so your Xbox or Wii or Dreamcast or dvds wont look like crap on an HDTV. The new tech is called Resolution +

If you go here:

It shows an admittedly exagerated example of the difference between the scaling and no scaling. If you're playing a Wii on an HDTV I pity you. But their new range of TVs called Rezga ZV are designed to adress this (released on 1st December). If, god forbid, my big SDTV craps out and given that the stores here are phasing out CRT and SDTVs, I will be looking into this line with mucho interest.

Toshiba’s new upscaling technology enhances standard definition content to near high definition quality.

With upscaling, you’re not limited to watching only certain channels or DVDs to see the difference in picture quality. Images will be richer, sharper and clearer every time, on any channel or DVD, meaning everything you watch will be astonishing

For the Regza ZV TVs and the F50 and G50 series
of Qosmio laptops, upscaled via Resolution+ technology, images are brought to life by enhancing edges of images and increasing the sharpness and focus of the texture.  

The XDE-500 DVD player, which incorporates the new XDE (eXtended Detail Enhancement) technology, upscales standard DVDs from 480i to 1080p resolution. However, what makes the player truly unique is its three additional video processes which improve detail, colour and contrast of the image.  

If you go here:

You get a video explaining XDE tech for the DVD player.

Introducing Toshiba's new groundbreaking upscaling DVD player, encompassing the new XDE (eXtended Detail Enhancement) technology. The XDE DVD player provides more than just upscaling. It takes DVD picture quality to a whole new level.

By enhancing video and detail closer to the HD (High Definition) experience, XDE technology lets you enjoy your existing DVD collection in a whole new way

Toshiba's XDE technology includes three additional video processes to deliver sharper, cleaner images with richer, more vibrant colours and contrast.

Edited: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:22:12

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:40:12
The regza ZV tv line uses the Cell processer which Toshiba co-developed with Sony for the PS3 Grinning LOL, good to see it being used. Do you remember when terrorists could use the emotion engine to launch scud missles?

Utilising the well-oiled muscle of technology built on Sony’s powerhouse Cell processor, Toshiba has this week unveiled its new Regza ZV series, which, according to the Japanese consumer electronics giant, is imbued with upscaling capabilities pushing close to HD quality.

Specifically, the Tokyo-based manufacturer claims its new ZV series delivers near high-definition (HD) image quality from standard definition (SD) sources by scanning and upscaling through Toshiba’s Spursengine, which uses a Cell processor algorithm.

Boasting Full-HD panels with 1920x1080p resolution, the flat-screen LCD Regza ZV television line will also include 100Hz picture processing through Toshiba’s Active Vision M100 HD technology, which doubles the overall image refresh rate and provides 5:5 pulldown sequencing.

Initially rolled out at the IFA show in August of 2008, Toshiba is pushing its Regza ZV range as being able to provide improved on-screen imagery whether upscaling straight from DVD discs or from incoming TV signals.

Other contributing specifications of note include 10-Bit colour processing, dynamic contrast ratios of up to 30,000:1, an integrated digital Freeview tuner, advanced audio courtesy of NICAM Stereo and SRS WOW, three HDMI slots, Component Video, S-Video, and PC input.

An added bonus for gaming addicts is the inclusion of Game Mode technology, which apparently exists as a direct channel specifically for two-way communication between the Regza and any connected games console. Associated benefits include reduced lag, improved response times and a smoother overall gaming experience.

Set to be available at the close of November in dual sizing flavours of either 42-inch or 46-inch, the new Regza ZV comes with a glossy black finish, a swivel stand, and a price ranging from £900 GBP through to £1,200 GBP.

Fuck me, look at this statistic. This is why HD pisses me off:

"There are around 42 million high definition TVs across Europe, but only 1% of the programmes that are watched are viewed in high definition, according to a report by Toshiba." So it craps up everything SD, which is 99% but okay, the 1% you use it for which is basically an HD Console at this point, yeah that will look good. Otherwise it costs a shitload more for not just Blu-ray players or HD boxes, but paying higher prices on discs or monthly subscriptions or even over here, satellite installation etc.
Edited: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:53:24

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:26:16
Anyone read that FFXIII story? Basically the game will launch on PS3 in japan. But in Europe and America as far as I know, the deal is to have a simultaneous 360/PS3 launch. The problem is that the 360 version hasn't had one line of code done. They are finishing the PS3 version before even getting started on the 360 version and given Blu-Ray, the transition, it might be even more prolonged. Given the simultaneous launch it means that Western PS3 owners may face a long wait while the 360 version is getting ported.

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:29:56

i share the sentiment that HD/blu-ray etc is unnecessary and not worth the premium price.  i think most people do except they're being forced to buy HD sets because everything else is being phased out.  next they'll start trying to phase out DVDs and DVD players.

i hate it when new technology is shoved down people's throats by dirty tactics when there would otherwise never be the demand for it.


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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:44:43
bugsonglass said:

i share the sentiment that HD/blu-ray etc is unnecessary and not worth the premium price.  i think most people do except they're being forced to buy HD sets because everything else is being phased out.  next they'll start trying to phase out DVDs and DVD players.

i hate it when new technology is shoved down people's throats by dirty tactics when there would otherwise never be the demand for it.

I dont mind the  better tech, what I don't like is the hidden cost and aspects they don't tell anyone about. All the adverts tout these resolutions and crystal clear quality etc. What they don't advertise are the extra costs to actually get HD content viewed on it, or the fact that it will make most of what you currently watch look actually worse than on a normal standard TV. Unless you are a tech head, most people buying these sets have no clue. They get an HD set then wonder why nothing looks that great.

Even with this new Freesat service launching next year, you get a handful of free channels, but you have to pay £80 for a satellite dish to be installed and then several times as much for a decoder. Literally the only thing me and my family/friends use HD for is for consoles. It's like I paid all this money for two HDTVs just to play 360 games and have everything else look like crap. And then shops just phase out CRTs because they are bulky, even though they typically have a faster response time, less laggy picture and no ghosting like some plasmas and LCDs. And you can't pick up a decent SDTV over here, it's all HD so you have no option once your set breaks down but to "upgrade" to a worse looking SDTV picture on an expensive HD set. Maybe if I had a PS3 I wouldn't be nearly as POed about it, with Blu Ray movies and gaming. But the price at launch was astronomical and it's still too expensive considering I have two consoles already. It's a sad state of affairs when I feel like I would rather have a cheap, great upscaling dvd player than a more costly BluRay player whose scaling isn't as good and where the discs cost a 3rd more in store.

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:11:48
Wow did they ever do an excellent job with the Super Street Fighter II HD Remix. The graphical upgrade is really sweet and the remixed soundtrack is also very well done. I've only played through it once with Ryu so on medium difficulty so I don't know all the little tweaks and balances they made with the different characters and core gameplay shape up but it all seems very nicely tuned. Off course online play with human opponents will really put it to the test. I don't think I played this version before which would be strange because I thought I played them all but Ryu's ending seemed like it might be different and new for this remix which is cool.


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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:12:11
That Toshiba XDE-500 is getting some rave reviews on the amazon page here

Some are saying, why bother with Blu Ray when this can make some modern movies look almost as good. One guy says that there is a big compatibility problem with 4:3 aspect dvds. Interesting. This is a good value player too, only £90-100. And the Regza f50 and g50 seem to be great too on user reviews here
Edited: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:20:59

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:28:08
Archangel3371 said:
Wow did they ever do an excellent job with the Super Street Fighter II HD Remix. The graphical upgrade is really sweet and the remixed soundtrack is also very well done. I've only played through it once with Ryu so on medium difficulty so I don't know all the little tweaks and balances they made with the different characters and core gameplay shape up but it all seems very nicely tuned. Off course online play with human opponents will really put it to the test. I don't think I played this version before which would be strange because I thought I played them all but Ryu's ending seemed like it might be different and new for this remix which is cool.

Dittoooo. I started playing it yesterday and played a few matches with HiResDes. Let's punch each other tonight, lol.

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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:40:16

SteelAttack said:

Archangel3371 said:

Wow did they ever do an excellent job with the Super Street Fighter II HD Remix. The graphical upgrade is really sweet and the remixed soundtrack is also very well done. I've only played through it once with Ryu so on medium difficulty so I don't know all the little tweaks and balances they made with the different characters and core gameplay shape up but it all seems very nicely tuned. Off course online play with human opponents will really put it to the test. I don't think I played this version before which would be strange because I thought I played them all but Ryu's ending seemed like it might be different and new for this remix which is cool.

Dittoooo. I started playing it yesterday and played a few matches with HiResDes. Let's punch each other tonight, lol.

Unfortunately I need to renew my gold membership plus my current modem is on the fritz so I have to take it in and get it replaced. Hopefully I can get this done this weekend.


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Fri, 28 Nov 2008 20:00:28

back from having played and watched about 3 hours worth of little big planet.  platformers being my favourite genre i was pretty certain i would enjoy this game and sure enough i did.  i played a few levels at the beginning but got bored with the tutorial nature of them (there is nothing much to the controls to take tutorial levels - you jump and you latch onto/pull item) so i asked my friend to move ahead to where he was at with the single player campaign ... so we played a few of the mexican levels (one where you have to rescue someone from prison, one with mine carts, another one with caves and rollercoaster type things etc).  It was all very enjoyable, while the platforming is nowhere near as precise or tight as a dedicated platformer (like a mario game) the puzzle elements complement for it rather nicely.  also the physics add quite a bit to it (everything feels heavy).  also thinking about the scope of the game (with levels being made by users daily) it makes for a rather amazing prospect.

one aspect of it which was far from amazing was online multiplayer.  at one point a message came up from another friend who has the game to join and play together.  we tried a few levels and it was some of the most laggy online i've ever experienced (and my experience is the wii and ds which is notorious for being laggy ... this was way way worse).  my sackboy would disappear and appear a couple of seconds later god knows where ... he would sink into the level, or into objects etc ... in a word it was a mess.  i'm inclined to think it was the connection but it really was unplayable.

overall ... if i had a ps3, i'd jump on this game with both hands.  as it is, i wouldn't buy a ps3 just to play this and MGS4 (though i previously toyed with the idea)


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Sat, 29 Nov 2008 04:54:13
Ravenprose said:
Foolz said:
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:

I'm ready for sonic to ditch the whole speed gimmick for good and just go for an all out classic 3-D platformer feel like a banjo 64. The speed sections on most 3-D sonics involve pushing the stick forwards and watching what happens, mostly. They should get concentrate on getting the basic mechanics of control right and make a traditional 3-D platformer.

Yuck! 3D Sonic sucks, but turning Sonic into a slow Banjo-like plaformer would be even worse. It wouldn't even be a Sonic game then! Sorry, GG, but that's an awful idea. A great idea would be to not have any Sonic game in 3D. . . ever. 2D Sonic games is where it's at. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure prove this to be true since they are the only fun Sonic games to come out since the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive originals (IMO).

What about the DC 3d Sonic?

I thought they both sucked.

If only I had some sort of blacklist I could add you to! Nyaa

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Sat, 29 Nov 2008 05:12:03
gamingeek said:
Dvader said:

The press is smoking crack. There is no way the 360 version is worse than the Wii.

Go to youtube, watch comparison videos yourself, it is night and day, its as different as Sonic to werehog.  Any person that says the Wii version is better is freaking delusional.

And wow Black Knight is looking great. Seriously Sega shouldn'y have bothered with the Wii version of Unleashed if that is what they put out (sadly it will probably still sell more than the HD versions, they are much better served making specific Wii Sonic games from the ground up.

Are ye mad man? I aint into sonic enough to trawl through videos Nyaa From what I've read the 360/PS3 versions have slowdown and this horrible hubworld, the werehog levels seem worse because there are more mindless enemies to slog through and the controls are convoluted.

Sonic Unleashed - Wii to 360 review scores compared

Xbox 360

* GamePro (60/100): “I love Sonic because his speedy style of platforming is fun, and Sega should have just developed a game around that and left everything else out.”
* Game Informer (60/100): “As much as I disliked lumbering through levels as Sonic’s hulky Werehog, I disliked hunting through the hub worlds looking for coins even more. Sega, if you really want to fix Sonic, the first thing you should do is stop trying to fix him.”
* 1UP (C): “Ultimately, this simply isn’t the fresh start Sonic fans were so desperately hoping for … but at least it’s not as execrable as the last two efforts.”


* IGN (72/100): “Sonic Unleashed is half great game and half tedious gimmick.”
* GameDaily (70/100): “A sequel with more speed and less gimmicks would make us happy, but for now, Unleashed is a step above the awful games that came before it. Good to have you back, Sonic.”
* Game Informer (65/100): “The Wii version has less annoying traits than the others and still retains all the usual mediocrity. The motion-control elements in the Werehog levels add an extra dimension to the action, and the hub worlds are entirely text-based and aren’t nearly as annoying. If you can stand the diminished graphics, the Wii version actually edges out the PS3 and 360 entries.”

I'm ready for sonic to ditch the whole speed gimmick for good and just go for an all out classic 3-D platformer feel like a banjo 64. The speed sections on most 3-D sonics involve pushing the stick forwards and watching what happens, mostly. They should get concentrate on getting the basic mechanics of control right and make a traditional 3-D platformer.

Most of the reviews you are comparing general Sonic Unleashed reviews with specific Wii ones. Only one place has actually reviewed both versions separately and that is GI, and they are crazy. If they thought having nearly twice as many werehog levels makes for better version than by all means agree with them. If they thought that insane amount of pointless waggling (its not like Zelda, in this you have to use two hands in rhythm, it gets extremely tiring) made combat more interesting then I cant agree with them at all. I for one think an actual hub world with exploration is better than a pointless text screen.

Another thing, your facts on the 360/PS3 versions are wrong. There is no slowdown on the HD versions, that was fixed in the final build, it runs smooth. Yes there are more enemies in the HD versions of the werehog levels  but I will take that over having more werehog levels.  The Wii version is horribly unbalanced in favored of the werehog. The Wii version is missing whole Sonic levels.

If you want more werehog and more boring sonic levels then the Wii version is for you. You want a more geniune Sonic Adventure (hub world, actual in game scoring system, unlockable items to discover, more levels) experience with better balance between the two charaters than the HD version is the one to get.
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Sat, 29 Nov 2008 05:14:02
gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:

I'm ready for sonic to ditch the whole speed gimmick for good and just go for an all out classic 3-D platformer feel like a banjo 64. The speed sections on most 3-D sonics involve pushing the stick forwards and watching what happens, mostly. They should get concentrate on getting the basic mechanics of control right and make a traditional 3-D platformer.

Yuck! 3D Sonic sucks, but turning Sonic into a slow Banjo-like plaformer would be even worse. It wouldn't even be a Sonic game then! Sorry, GG, but that's an awful idea. A great idea would be to not have any Sonic game in 3D. . . ever. 2D Sonic games is where it's at. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure prove this to be true since they are the only fun Sonic games to come out since the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive originals (IMO).

Well I don't really care about running really fast and occasionally reacting. I just want a good game and I love 3-D platformers. Sonic has the character, he has the visuals, he just needs a persistent gameworld.

This, you are the man GG, I want to put you in charge of Sonic Team.

Genesis sonic was not all about speed, I dont understand where Sega gets this idea. The Sonic game were excellent platformers, with huge levels and plenty of exploration in them. We have gotten pretty damn far from that.
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Sat, 29 Nov 2008 05:16:44
Ravenprose said:
Foolz said:
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:

I'm ready for sonic to ditch the whole speed gimmick for good and just go for an all out classic 3-D platformer feel like a banjo 64. The speed sections on most 3-D sonics involve pushing the stick forwards and watching what happens, mostly. They should get concentrate on getting the basic mechanics of control right and make a traditional 3-D platformer.

Yuck! 3D Sonic sucks, but turning Sonic into a slow Banjo-like plaformer would be even worse. It wouldn't even be a Sonic game then! Sorry, GG, but that's an awful idea. A great idea would be to not have any Sonic game in 3D. . . ever. 2D Sonic games is where it's at. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure prove this to be true since they are the only fun Sonic games to come out since the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive originals (IMO).

What about the DC 3d Sonic?

I thought they both sucked.

No you suck. *Runs and cries*

I personally loved the first two SA games and I am still hoping that Unleashed can be that long lost SA3 game I wanted.

EDIT: Bugs I responded in the LBP thread.
Edited: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 05:17:33
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sat, 29 Nov 2008 05:39:13
Foolz said:

If only I had some sort of blacklist I could add you to! Nyaa

I seem to be on a lot of people's blacklist lately. LOL

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