High Voltage to Announce More Wii Games
High Voltage to Announce more Wii games in the "near future"
Punk Rebel Ecks
Sony and Universal Pictures to release a "PoP Mach
Games, Movies and More - at a Vending Machine!
David Hasselhoff Red Alert 3 commercial
Because Archie is too lazy to post it himself
EA: Solution if your key is only has 19/20 chars
Brute force hack your activation key
Broken Pixels Episode 20
Episode 20: The gang takes Peter Perfect's phallus-mobile out for a ride, in a racing game made for your grandparents.
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SupremeAC (7m)
Just wondering, how many other people are getting Times New Roman as the default font here? I'm on a different computer than before and having the same result, it's suppossed to be Georgia?. It looks ugly to me, I hate this font.
Yeah, that explains you, but where is Leo and his weekly VC topic he always used to post? Where is Vader's LBP epic thread he promised? What happened to Bugsy, did we lose him?
What the hell? I clicked quote and it gave me the HTML? Didn't Phantom used to post the VC thing in his blog? You would have to go to your profile to see the blogs. Phantom posted the Valkyria Chronicles thread in the forum. Bugs may have got lost in transition, or could be having tech trouble. I get blank pages here on like half of the clicks I do.
GG Opera is your friend, IE your mortal enemy. Switch over!
Crap, I have to send my laptop off for repair, it will be at least 5 days including returns. Have to arrange collection next week. At least it will stop the damn thing crapping out. Last chance to watch hasslehoff videos I suppose.
Cursed Mountain screens
Looks nice enough
The new Red Alert commericals try to be internet memes so bad that they fail miserably and aren't really funny at all.
Although after watching it I do kind of want to buy the game... touché.
The newer Cursed mountain screens look bad compared to the older ones. Must be bad captures or compressed or something. That video is quite old, from leipzig I believe. My net connection is like crap at the moment.
Agreed. I'm going to stick with Opera as my primary browser for now on.
That sucks. Just use the Wii Opera Browser, GG. It works great with this site.
I'm getting Times New Roman too, but I'm fine with it. I use that font on every paper I write for college, so I'm used to it.
No GG for a week, nooo!
Iga, I decided to play LBP last night than make a post, sorry.
Today i wont have much time either as I am watching election coverage all night.
So I take it you will fill in for GG?
I guess... I really dont care for news during this time, its all about playing. But I'll fill in.
Damn you! RE is my news!!
Did you guys read the Lit interview? It sound very interesting, a horror and puzzle combo!
I read the article about Lit in Nintendo Power. I don't think it's for me.
You are wrong, stop thinking dammit
This effects me more then you!
One of the site's forefathers.
i'm here. was stranded without internet for 3 days and prior to that i was working on my first coursework assignment for my university course. also work is another big time wasting arsehole.
have done little gaming, mainly played space invaders extreme or geometry wars in bed every night before falling asleep. i need the christmas break now!
the new site looks sweet, well done guys. thanks for the hard work... i love how the editor now has the smilies table!!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
One of the site's forefathers.