Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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robio (6m)
Holy shit No More Heroes 2. TGS wins the world.
Soul Calibur is good as a game, but there's too little to do. I miss having all the extra shit you can unlock.
Everyone's reaction.
I haven't been on the site since I replied to GG, did he reply back, did I start a war, what has happend since then?
Really? I thought there was alot of things to unlock in SCIV. There's a boatload of characters to unlock, pretty much almost all the fighters in the SC series. There is a bunch of artwork to unlock. There is tons of armour, weapons, and accessories to acquire. Fantastic create-a-character mode and also a very good online mode that plays really good. I easily found it to be the best game in the franchise.
Surely though that can't be the reason you're so angry with Namco and Project Soul.
Seriously what is it with the Wii this month timeline? Sin & Punishment 2, Main Tales of... game, Treasure Bleach game, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Punchout Wii, Trace Memory 2, new IP, Endless Ocean 2, and now No More Heroes 2?
If this keeps progressing the Wii might turn out to have an actual solid line-up compared to the other two consoles by 2010!
Even though I enjoyed No More Heroes and found it to be highly replayable it definately had its faults. If they fix the games camera angles, enemy attack patterns, the graphics, deepen the combat, have the motion of the remote actually matter when you do finishes, fix the God-awful super modes, and be more fun to "fuck around with" then I have no doubt that No More Hereos 2 will be a solid game.
One of the site's forefathers.
Sega is back!!! Bayonetta holy crap!
Sweet. I can't wait to check out the vids on Bayonetta as I really liked the pics I've seen on it.
Yep SEGA finally realized what made them so good in the console space to begin with. Have other developers make their games.
Banjo bitch! How Nuts & Bolts SHOULD'VE looked like!
Who's with me!?
One of the site's forefathers.
So true about Sega. lol
No way! Nut's & Bolts looks a hundred times better.
Technically yes but not by style.
Oh and for No More Heroes news!
One of the site's forefathers.
Mei Ling and Ocelot are so awesome in MGO!
MS keynote coming, http://kotaku.com/5060861/tgs-opening-keynote-liveblog-square-enix
I meant style too. I prefer the patchwork look of Nut's & Bolts.
New Halo 3 expansion shown, Halo 3 Recon.
Sonic and the Black Knight trailer
Okay, WTF is with the soft rock music in all the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog games? Not only does it feel completely out of place, but it sucks major ass too!
Sony conference happening, translation at gaf here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=338193&page=2
EDIT: Or not.
Indeed, a sequel to an enjoyable, but flawed game, are often the most exciting!
Meh, I wish I could get excited about RE5. I'm actually more excited by Halo 3 Recon which is surprising since I'm really not much of a Halo fan. I'll probably rent both when they come out, though.
Monster Hunter 3 looks pretty cool.