Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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robio (9m)
That's another reason why I don't like it, actually. The original F-Zero was a racing game, not a car-combat game. I don't like car-combat games. That's also why I never liked the Wipeout series. I should be able to play the game as a pure racing game if I want to, but, as you has said, I can't beat GX that way. Combat should be optional in F-Zero, not mandatory, IMO.
It is optional, when playing the wussy difficulty. The awesome-O difficulty means you have to barge your way to victory. Hell sometimes they nudged me of the track.
Do not compare F-Zero to WipeOut. WipeOut has weapons in F-Zero you have none. You use your driving skills to kill and maim your oposition. See that sign pointing down on a hovercar with Rival writen above it? Rival = Next Victim! I actually managed to win without killing anybody, but you will need cars with higher boost ratings. Try Octoman and his Deepclam, or the mighty typhoon with Draq (the purple guy). Or finish the first story mode mission on very hard to unlock Rainbow Phoenix.
F-Zero combat should be optional in real life too, it would solve all sorts of problems.
So my copy of Warioland Shake It came today and I've just beat the 3rd Area....this game BETTER get better.
One of the site's forefathers.
So there's a new RE5 trailer.
Vader Freakout? Confirmed - Wesker's in there.
This is why all systems need HD.
Why was the N64 too late.
Ugh compare this to the 360 version.
Banjo Kazooie needs the Megaman 9 effect.
One of the site's forefathers.
Namco have officially lost me.
Reports are suggesting that Tekken 6 is all but confirmed for the 360, the PS3 won't be recieving vanilla T6, but the new expansion, and that the game is coming out in FALL 2009.
If this is true, Namco can go fuck off.
Gigi and Vader need some makeup sex STAT. Hot and sweaty.
Its boring.
Sony kill me:
"As previously discussed we aren't making any price moves this holiday season. In my opinion, we have the best line up of any PlayStation generation going into this holiday and consumers will be very receptive to it," Seybold stated."
LMAO.......oh yeah, MUCH better than, say, 2001. When the PS2 had Twisted Metal Black, Red Faction, ICO, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid 2, Final Fantasy 10, Onimusha, Gran Turismo 3, etc ALL EXCLUSIVE to PS2, which was a cutting edge console for $300 at the time.
"The $399 price point is simply too steep to entice the casual and mainstream markets, regardless of how great Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet may be," he stated.
Vader'll be in the mood after the RE5 trailer. Trust me, he's going to FREAK OUT.
Oh man that Resident Evil 5 trailer is totally freakin' awesome. I can't wait to get this game. Thankfully there's plenty to keep me occupied until then.
A 360 version of Tekken 6 certainly wouldn't surprise me. I sure hope it indeed turns out to be true because that would definately rock.
Knowing Namco, it's more than likely.
But while I'm angry at Namco, PROJECT SOUL CAN GO FUCK OFF.
Well I just beat the first world and it is pretty fun...but that's just it it is PRETTY FUN. And PRETTY FUN isn't worth my time when their are plenty of EXTREMELY FUN and AWESOME games that I could be playing especially for games that I pay for. And don't get me wrong it is like I said it IS on a level of fun but I think 90% of the enjoyablity comes from the "freshness" aspect of it being a high production 2D console game...which means the graphics. Case and point, replace the sprites and visuals of that of Super Paper Mario or typical 2.5Dism and you have yourself an average game.
Seriously what is Gaf on? I mean reviews sorta were discouraging but after reading the impressions on the site I was like "Oh I guess this game is great." And what do I get? A platformer that has the level design as if it were made for a preschooler with just having its "moments" in gameplay that are usually only due to the motion controls. I mean this game is kind of tricky. It has the input of a modern platformer however it contains the design of a platformer made 20 years ago. I mean Bonk II surpasses this game in complexity and depth design. I mean I'm glad I brought it because it is sorta fun and I'm happy to support 2D games on consoles, but I'd prefer to pay somewhere around $20 instead of $50.
Stop it your post is making this console generation look bad.
@ Treasures Interview - "That said, he's hoping more people find out about Dynamite Headdy -- it hasn't sold nearly as many units as the others -- as it holds a special place in his heart because it was a game he personally worked on. So you heard the man. If you're a Treasure fan, buy it."
I think it is possibly due to Dynamite Heady being nowhere near as polished as Gunstar Heroes and Sin & Punishment and becoming a impossible frustrating turd of game during the entire second half of the game. Really good game but REALLY inferior comapred to Treasure's top-tier games.
One of the site's forefathers.
OMG TITTY FUCK AWESOME SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WESKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Umm alrighty then. Why are you angry at Namco and Project Soul? I thought Soul Calibur IV was an excellent game and Tales of Vesperia is the best game in the series.
Sega video stream of awesome!
Could it be?...IT IS!
87 Exclamation marks! A NEW RECORD!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMS keynote going on!!
Too much news, overload!
Really? Awesome! I can't wait to see all the content MS puts up on Marketplace for their "Bringing It Home" initiative. I just really love all these big gaming events.
Apparently the MS keynot is like a lecture at the moment, 1up is hating it. The speaker is taking a 10 minute break, seriously... lol.