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Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
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Foolz (9m)
When I went to LA, 16 C was considered cold. I laughed in their faces with my British gait.
Pussies, try living in russia. The temperature can be 39 degrees C in the summer and -68 C in the winter.
Requiem For The Hardcore
“They (core) obsess over games before they’re released and then often savagely rip apart the very thing they were so eagerly anticipating. They argue passionately about the most minor of details, and they demand to be catered to by developers.” - Forbes’ Chris Morris
"With 'Spore,' we were intentionally not targeting the core gamer. Almost all of our testing was with Sims players and casual or nongamers. … I'd much rather hit that broader group." -- Will Wright
I'm still looking forward to playing Spore on Wii.
"I think people are going to be very surprised when they hear what I'm working on. I'm sure a lot of the hardcore folks are going to be up in arms and I'm really looking forward to getting into that discussion with them. I don't believe I'm compromising on my gameplay ideals at all. [But] any artist who doesn't want his or her work in front of the largest audience possible is nuts." --Warren Spector
Oh snap! Warren "Deus Ex" Spector's gone casual too?
"I think [Nintendo] will be the first to tell you they have not expanded gaming households, but they have expanded the number of people in the household who are playing. The core consumer … represents a smaller percentage of users--but the lion's share of the revenue dollars--but the growth is coming from the casual consumer." --Kathy Vrabeck, president of Electronic Arts Casual Entertainment division.
Hardcore gamers still on top (revenue wise), but for how long? Is it the begining of the end?
I'm sure glad I'm not one of those sad hardcore gamer types who hangs out in message boards and complains all the time. 
"The hardcore is completely safe. They are less relevant to major publishers, but they are more relevant to independent developers." -- Warren Spector
Whew! They had me scared for a minute there.
Even more wonderful industry opinions in the full article!
Here is my opinion of hardcore gamers. Fuck off.
He's working with Disney. No joke. He is.
Yeah, I know. I was joking around.
No, I just started reading through the posts. And I'm not lying to myself, I really do hate F-Zero GX. However, I do love the old SNES F-Zero and the F-Zero games on GBA. Sega ruined the 3D version. I still haven't played F-Zero X on N64, though.
Yeah, I've heard about those Mario & Luigi Superstar games. There's one on DS too right? I haven't finished playing Paper Mario: TYD, so i doubt I'm going to buy another Mario-styled RPG anytime soon.
I played a little bit of Far Cry Wii on a free rental, and I thought the controls kind of sucked (jumping by flicking the Nunchuck up? WTF? ), especially when compared to Metroid Prime 3. Besides, in the podcast, Matt compares the controls of BiA Wii to Red Steel; that's not a good thing coming out two years later.
Superstar saga is my favourite mario rpg (i have played both Mario and Luigis and the 3 Paper Marios but not the SNES one). so inventive, so much fun.
I respect F-Zero more than I love it. It puts me in my place and makes me realise how much i have to grow as a gamer
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yes, but Mario and Luigi is even more fun. The battle system is much better in my opinion and you do not have to level up, if you manage to avoid all the attacks.But I can give you seven reasons why you should buy SuperStar Saga. See below.
I never knew I was a "hardcore gamer" until I heard the term on a message board when I first started coming to sites. Before that, the term hardcore either meant porn, or someone who's into hardcore music.
All I knew was that, I was a big fan of games like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and Perfect Dark. I was a GAMER. I liked playing great games.
Honestly the whole segmentation of gamers into different groups these days annoys me.
Posted some juicy stories.
Tecmo LOL, now that's how to buy journalists. Someone do a Quagmire joke.
Dude you can tell just watching the videos that GG posted that it controls like Red Steel. The gun's all jerking around yet the screen doesn't move.
Pfft, Gearbox should be ashamed of themselves. Really...why even do this if your not going to make an effort? Fucking stupid.
Spoken like a man. Fuck this hardcore shit.
BIA Double time interview
"The devs explain why it's shit"
Wendy Koopa is hot. I'd bang that shit.
From the Fatal Frame preview in Tuesdays updates:
"When we heard that Fatal Frame was coming to the Wii, we were excited about the pointer being used to control your torch. But that's not quite how things have turned out. Instead, you use the Remote's tilt function to manoeuvre the beam. Though this initially seems disappointing, after a few hours with the game, it makes perfect sense. The light would be wobbling all over the place if Tecmo had used IR control, and the relatively slow movement suits the game's funereal pace.
Similarly, the Camera Obscura would be too easy to use if you simply had to point and shoot. Using the Nunchuk analogue to move left and right and the Remote to move up and down might feel clumsy, but that's clearly a deliberate design decision to increase the tension."
Gearbox only pretended to make it, it was ported by demiurge. The interview is total crap man:
"The result was an engine that delivers a visually compelling Wii title with technology flexible enough to be used by Demiurge in future Wii projects."
"Having small development teams means everyone's time is in high demand. We had managed to keep the team intact up until the end of the project, when we made the mistake of ramping down too quickly. As soon as we submitted to Nintendo, we reduced the team size.
The result was that members of the team ended up bouncing between projects towards the end of Brothers in Arms: Double Time as the game came back from submission and required more work. We had to shift resources to make sure we had the coverage we needed, which added to the distraction of submitting and then regaining the staff to respond to results.
We took the gamble and lost here, and the lesson we learned is to give the project lifetime its proper due in all aspects, including submission and staffing. "
4. No long range development plan at the start.
The overall development effort "went right," but from a scheduling and planning perspective, the development production staff got lucky. This project was fueled by excitement about bringing the Brothers in Arms property to the Wii. The pre-production technical due diligence was in the spirit of "relax, everything will be juuuuust fiiiiiine." "
"From the first day of the project, we were brimming with ideas on how to use controls, the UI, and all the features that separate Wii from other platforms. In fact, we couldn't turn off the ideas. We didn't set a feature lockdown date, and as a result we were still tweaking the control scheme long after we should have. This left a lot of pieces feeling chaotic and unfinished right down to the wire. "
Or how about this?
3. Shifted development team before game approved.
Having small development teams means everyone's time is in high demand. We had managed to keep the team intact up until the end of the project, when we made the mistake of ramping down too quickly. As soon as we submitted to Nintendo, we reduced the team size.
The result was that members of the team ended up bouncing between projects towards the end of Brothers in Arms: Double Time as the game came back from submission and required more work. We had to shift resources to make sure we had the coverage we needed, which added to the distraction of submitting and then regaining the staff to respond to results.
We took the gamble and lost here, and the lesson we learned is to give the project lifetime its proper due in all aspects, including submission and staffing. "
They sent the game in deciding it was good enough when it was total crap, and Nintendo told them it needed more work so they got back together and did a few things...that's what this tells me.
Again....shame on Gearbox for handing over the franchise to these guys and not doing it themselves. And a visually compelling Wii title? Dude it looks like an average PS2 game! Compare that to MGS3.....
I wonder which game will be better, SH5 or Fatal Frame 4... my money is on FF.
Wait, they're planning on using the BiA DT engine with more Wii games?