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Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
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I actually saw some episodes of DoE. And that last paragraph sounds like something straight out of "The Swarm".
Nice GG, the best line ever is from Starcom
They are on a buggy on Mars, trying to outrun a sandstorm. The sandstorm is catching up to them.
Crowbar says: "Slim, can't you go a little faster?"
Slim answers: "Yes, I can. Get off and I will go a little faster"
Man, this show. There was this episode where they went to protect these sacred gems that turned out to be the eggs of a space dragon. Watching he show is like stuffing sweets into your mouth for 2 hours and then going to bed and having the most hilarious dreams.
LOL^ if it was a movie.
Spanish version of the DOE intro:
OMG OMG I forgot to mention there was this moment which sealed DOEarth fate as the most hilarious, brilliant, terrible show ever made.
In this episode: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nghKxrbLMxs Lothar's son karate kicks a huge rock into the face of a Stegosaurous.
Wow, you are right GG, I saw the scene where the Phantom calls upon the strength of 10 tigers, and he uses it to disarm the robots. Why did he not just smash them? And since when has the phantom got Bravestarr-like powers? I thought he was like Batman, no superpowers and all!
The only cool Phantom was Billy Zane's one.
He needs the power of 10 tigers. Tigers are about 4 times the strength of one man. So he gets the strength of 40 men. I think I know why, Lothar in the first few episodes of the series was just a normal guy. And Rick Gordon built him these gauntlets that when clashed together game him 10 times the power. So he came off a bit weak as a character.
After that they subtely phased out the gauntlets and made him naturally strong, whilst the Phantom is like an athletic ninja that becomes really strong when he uses his 10 tiger power. So I think part of it was to give Lothar more cache.
Thinking back, that film isn't bad you know. But now I'm on this retro kick, you know what I really want to pick up?
Rockstar Toronto doing Max Payne 3. Damnit. No Bully sequel then. But I think it's a shame that a team so rich in humour are stuck doing such a noire type project. They did do the Warriors though, which was okay-ish.
UK sales are interesting. Nintendo has always been the also ran here, game stores eventually even stopped selling cube games for instance. It's a good turnaround in that I hope the games will get cheaper like back in the day PS2 and Xbox games were on sale everywhere while cube games were so rare they were still full price.
Bah, stupid. And Phantom is a cross between a ninja and Tinky Winky. I need to watch Bravestarr, must find it on the internet. Strength of a Bear bear bear >> Strength of 10 tigers
I was starting to worry that I had fucked up Insert Coin. For a long while nobody posted.
Dolph Lundgren kicked all kinds of asses back in the day. And yeah, I must probably be one of the only 3 people that enjoyed The Phantom movie.
I think it was from when Hollywood got this weird urge to pump out obscure superhero movies.
Wow I found a episode of Bravestarr on Veoh.
The Good, the Bad and the Clumsy
I am watching it now!
Strength of a Bear bear bear.
Like the Shadow. Again, on reflection, not bad.
I got Showdown in Little Tokyo for my dad for $6 last week.
Ahh, Kristy Swanson. I used to have a crush on her.
I favourited it. I would rather watch Galaxy Rangers though.
Oh please have mercy Tinky Winky. Please do not hit me with that handbag of yours. Please, have mercy for I did not know what came over. The only thing that shall come over me in the future, shall be you, Lord Tinky Winky.
That dude was in Tales from the crypt DEMON KNIGHT. With Jada Pinket.
You bastard
The Phantom was invented in the 1930s. Teletubbies ripped him off in mockery!
Wrong sir, Tinky Winky was the Phantom all along. All bow down for Lord Tinky Winky. All pick up the soap for Lord Tinky Winky. May his wisdom penetrate our darkest holes!
Its funny because I really don't see any difference AT ALL between now, and 5 or so years ago, here in the USA. So I guess we've been in a recession since Bush "won" his 2nd term in Office, because nothing has changed at all in that time other than not as many homes being bought since anyone who can afford one already has one, while they're so overpriced that its not worth it for anyone who isn't rich, or at least has 2 solid incomes. Unless you want to buy a turd in a crappy area.
But I mean, Inflation has been out of control here for years, we've been getting ripped off on everything for years, and people have been just barely getting by for years. So this sudden talk of recession kills me. Recession seems to be another term for "we've hit the wall and ripped people off as much as we can".
I knew you'd like that one.
I didn't know it GOT cold in Aussie....what is "cold" to you guys?