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I find it hard to believe they were only making $50 profit, when its based on Gamecube tech which they were making a profit on even after sales plummeted and they were selling it for $99.
Remember, most people were expecting Wii to cost about $150, until they got wind of the $600 tag on the PS3 and realised they could go higher. There's no doubt in my mind they could have made a console close to 360 level for $300. Hell you could buy a 360 for $300 at launch. Without a HDD, sure. But its still a 360.
Nothing is a garantee, but consider the Gamecube and you can probably guess where it will end. And about the 50 profit, that article was pure BS, they did not consider shipping, marketing and assembly. Wii is made to make Nintendo money plain and simple, they calculated this way to be the best. And than there is the Blue Ocean Stategy. The Wii is designed like it is for a reason. Not just cheap price for the consumer, but also for the developer.
Oh yeah cause the 360 and PS3 don't completely destroy the wii's game library...
The Wii is great, I want it to be in the present rather than the past already. The wiimote works, time to make it work with games of today.
HOLY SHIT @ Wii News! And this is just BEFORE Nintendo's conference.
Man this really does make my Birthday (which is today) magical!
One of the site's forefathers.
I'm pretty sure that the "Wii HD" is just going to be a slimmer Wii with HD technology. I mean tons of developers are FINALLY releasing games on it and it wouldn't be wise to cut support (especially for motion plus supporters). Plus the console is selling like hot cakes and as the PS2 proved their is potential life.
I'd personally absolutely hate if the Wii HD was basically a PS4 with a Remote. We already have 2 out of the 3 consoles forcing developers to push tech. Why do we need all of them?
One of the site's forefathers.
What has that to do with my argument?
Go Punk! How old are you? 19?
I don't think if the Wii was more powerful that it would be that much harder to develop for but that would be something you'd have to ask the engineers the designed the system otherwise anything is just a guess.
I'm having too much fun with "The Witcher" right now to care.
That would make sense due to devs originally thinking that the Wii was going to be a Gamecube 2.0 and that the PS3 was going to be the PS2 Reloaded. Now that the Wii is suceeding we see this trend being reversed.
One of the site's forefathers.
Actually it is. More tech means more possibilities and therefore bigger team and longer development process. That is if we only take into account power. Than there is computer architecture, multi-core development is lot trickier than programming a Gamecube. You have things like physics that require engineers to model, motion capture that requires cameras etc. Sure making it a little more powerfull would not really do anything, but where exactly do you put the boundry? Unless you know the design process, this is difficult to judge. And useless, because in the end sales matter most for a company.
You got it backwards. Usually more tech = easier to create a game. This is why developers often do console to PC ports even though they sell bad (usually) because they are so easy to program with the high specs.
I do agree on making a more "powerful" game. But with an exception of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Crysis I have yet to play a next-gen game that could've have been equally good on the Wii.
One of the site's forefathers.
Cause you said "no sales, no games". Clearly the PS3 and 360 dont have the sales of the Wii and yet their game library is way better. Sales will not impact the quality of games. Nintendo is nintendo, they know their stuff. What they need is third party support and if you have not noticed they get the second rate stuff cause all the main stuff is coming out on the other two consoles. Why, cause their console is a dinosaur that is not compatible, that is why.
Yeah, but in that case they do not fully use the PC. And the code is probably not optimised, but because the PC is so much more powerfull it can run it fine anyways. With more tech I meant things like all the extra stuff you have to do. Like making grass, before you just put a green texture there. This is the reason development cost have risen and continue to rise.
Another more important way to make it easier is the development tools. Making it easier to create a game, that could help too.
Good fucking God at the Phantasy Star Zero trailer. Seriously these graphics just shit on the PSX and N64. Take away the pixelazation and put in some more solid models and you have Dreamcast game!
One of the site's forefathers.
Ohhhh AhHHHH, nice.
Yes, but I spoke about Nintendo and not Sony or Microsoft. Look at the freaking Gamecube, tell me why did it not sell? Everyone was expecting 360 and the PS3 too win, that's why they got all the games in the beginning, now that the Wii is obliterating the competition this is slowly changing. Look at the news, why do you think there is lot's of Nintendo exclusive's here at Insert Coin? More and more wii games are announced. If Nintendo would have gone with the HD-path. It would not sell and therefore no one would switch support. So therefore No sales = no games.
More like the developers invested millions upon millions onto next generational tech and the Wii came out of absolutely nowhere and now that it is a success they have to create new games from scratch which takes 2 to 4 years.
The screenshots do not do justice. Just look at the Dragon/Desert scene.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah that's true but game development has pretty much adopted to the multi-core aspect no. I don't know for sure though so I'm just asking. Plus it might also make developing a little easier depending on if they used the specs were closer to either of the other systems because if you know how to develop on one then developing for another similar one shouldn't be too difficult kind of like how it's easier to develop on a 360/PC version. Also you don't need to develop a game that fully utilizes multi-core either. Then you have to take into account what kind of developmental tools and support a hardware manufacturer provides. Oh yeah I know sales are what matter but I couldn't really see that much of a difference in sales if they had a $299 system. You could even possibly say that there may have even been more sales in that regard due to people who may have wanted a little more on the Wii. I believe that the thing is selling alot not only because it is cheap but also because it is different. The games probably would have been the same aside from looking better and the likelyhood that there possibly would have been fewer assuming the probability of longer development times. I don't think it would have anything drastic but who knows as ultimately this is all speculation. Personally I would loved the Wii to have been closer to the other two consoles in the main compartments such as CPU, GPU, and RAM. I think they could have achieved this to a satisfactory level so as to bring the console in at a $299 price-point.
Its getting a few its still missing out on all the big ones. Please dont even try to make it seem like Nintendo is getting more third party support than PS3 and 360, its not, its just getting different support, garbage bottom scraps support. Everyonce and a while one company may try to make something nice but thats like a miracle. HD should have nothing to do with the types of games the Wii is getting, it should be the remote that makes the difference, that is what should be leading to new games. HD would enhance that experience.
The only issue is money, Wii sells great cause its cheap, right, thats basically all you are saying. Well as time goes on tech gets cheaper and I am sure Nintendo could make a hell of a lot more powerful console and sell it at the same price as the Wii right now. Obviously they shouldn't do that at the moment but in two or so years I think its the right time. They can keep their price point but they dont need to be so far back in tech.
Nintendo should go back to N64 level tech for their next machine. Sell it for $25. Really, who wants their shit to have the best tech possible?
Personally, I love the fact that most Wii games don't come in true widescreen which leaves me with bars on the sides of my screen. I also like that I'm out of storage space. Why ruin a good thing?
The only problem is that certain games on the Wii actually manage to look like mid to high level Xbox 180 games. Simply going back to N64 tech would erase this problem completely.