FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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robio (5m)
Silence. I must play Divine Divinity.
Don't you mean Divine Undivinity?
This talk of bad titles angers me. We must now talk about good titles.
Like the Prinny PSP game. Brilliantly titled game.
I got into the LBP beta, I am just going to copy paste what I wrote at GS:
What i have seen, what I have played is nothing short of a revolution. YOU HAVE NO IDEA until you start playing this game. I thought I knew what it would be like, you don't, its better than you think, its more expansive then I ever thought possible!
From the moment you boot up the game you are treated to a gorgeous intro. Even the intro credits is unlike anything you have played. LBP takes you by the hand from the moment you start with the best tutorials I have ever seen, its step by step without being boring, with an excellent funny narrartor. You start with learning how to control your sackboy, how to change his facial expressions and such, the charm of this simple little character is almost unmatched. I had this stupid grin on myself the whole time I was messing around with sackboy, and thats just the character you control. Before long you are in the tutorial levels which ease you into the platforming. Don't worry guys its good, its really good. It takes a while to get adjusted to the physics, its not exactly Mario like jumping but once you understand the physics it works great. The only negative I can come up with is that the three layers of depth can be a bit hard to manuever at times in certain cases, you will see when you play it, but I bet we will all get used to it.
So you play these tutorial levels which slowly gives you stickers and tools. The second level already had secrets pathways that lead to hidden items, switches you can only access through a sticker you gain in a later level encouraging multiple plays, so its deep, really deep. Every level is scored and has online rankings, when you are playing a level alone or with friends there is a score tab that tells you who has the next highest score , a simple touch that keeps that competitive aspect alive.
Once you finish the third stage the game opens up, I don't know how to describe it, imagine having access to infinite levels. Imagine stepping out into this world stage where you can go anywhere, see any level you want, I was in awe of how much content is out there. For sure a lot of them were crappy, some really short, but some are brillant already even with the limited tools we have. Part of the beauty is that you have no idea what you are going to get, one moment you can be in a level that is a simple race to a finish line, the next a cannon battle with a dragon, if you are unlucky enter a level which rick rolls you. Once again all these levels have leaderboards, you can rate them all, find more levels made by that author, its so easy to move around. I never went back to playing the in game levels, I just explored what everyone was making and its the most addicting thing I have played in a while.
Then there are the community aspects which blows away every single game on the PS3. Your in game menus have a list of all your friends online at the moment. With a touch of a button you could join or invite them into your game, from there your party will go from game to game under the direction of the host. You and a group of friends can play for hours just finding new levels, its always hilarious when you find something unexpected with four other friends. There was a bit of lag with four people, when that happens the game can slow down a bit, it is a beta, it did ran smooth most of the time. I was amazed at how simple it is to see everything your friends have made, what stages they like, and even how easy it was to share objects or levels with them.
I haven't even seen create mode yet, but I am sure its as easy and intuative as everything else in this game. I had huge expectations for this game, it shattered them. I did not expect this perfect community where there is inifnite possibilities in levels, in designs, in challenges. This is going to cause some major changes, this could be the future right here, self contained communities within these games that offer us endless possibilities in a certain genre. If it wasn't for having to be in class tomorrow I probably would have played all night.
Guys this is the real deal.
So yeah Crysis is awesome.
One of the site's forefathers.
Glad you got into the beta, Vader. LBP sounds like a very cool game! It would definately be up my alley. If only I had a PS3 . . .
Vader check out Bangai-O Spirits on the DS. I hear the level creater is intuitive there too. It might be the shoot-em-up version of LBP.
Cause it's shite.
Pikmin 2, Baiten Kaitos, even Fire Emblem Path of Radiance are quite rare in europe and go for high prices on ebay.
They are, holographic storage.
That de blob interview is good if only for the clean screenshots
Did some updates, now for tenchu
Getting screens from Degenki is like rubbing glass in my eyes. I hope someone is interested in this ******* game!
Looking pretty good to me.
Just be warned, that shit is DEMONICALLY HARD. Be prepared to di. Good game and all, but harder than anything you'll play on the DS.
A Vader freakout. Gotta love 'em.
I only if we had a guy interested in Ninjas and stuff
Ninja leason number 2:
There are two type of Shurikens.
The most famous one is the hira-shuriken:
These are constructed from thin, flat metal plates. These are the shuriken you usually see in the movies.
The other form is the bo-shuriken.
These are single pikes, they can be retangual or round in shape and their length is 12 to 21 cm (5-8 1/2 in). They can be either single pointed or double pointed (front and back). These cause more damage than a hira-shuriken, but it takes lot more skill to throw them effectively. They are not meant to kill, they are only meant for distraction.
For instance when in a sword fight one might throw a bo shuriken in ones face. Causing the opponent to block the incoming attack, opening him for a killer blow. Or some one might lose motivation to chase you if he has a 21 cm long pike sticking in his face.
What's a rick roll?
wow i didn't know about bo-shurikens.
insert-coin sure is educational!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Check out this awesome new game video, GG!
This is what is meant to "rick roll" someone. It's an internet trick. Here's more about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickroll
Anyone interested in the studio ghibli/level 5 DS game?
The animation in the game is all by Studio Ghibli.
- Level-5 's first 10th Anniversary product.
- There will be a book bundled with the game filled with information on various magic crests and spell recipes. This 'Magic Master' book is something that the main character in the game has, and the player will need to refer to from time to time while playing the game.
- There will be a console version of the game, but the hardware is not decided yet.
- They want the console version to offer something different for people that have already played the DS version, the selection of the hardware will be based on which is most suitable for this
A level 5 RPG! Interest rising! Gibli doing the animations? Oh holy crap! Holy holy holy crap. Interest level over 9000!!
Wow, you're starting to sound like Vader.