Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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Blow yourself you self fellating pig beast!
Banjo is 10 X Mario 64? Ahahahahaa. Classic shit
Well, she looks hot. I like her. Much better than GG's hairy ass.
This ass launched a thousand ships. The sailors were appreciative. I crunched the champagne bottle between my cheeks.
I needed some sort of list of good games available only on PSN, for an upcoming blog. But then I realised my XBL example was on PC as well LOL, so I think I may just skip the examples.
Oh I bet you were the hottest piece o' ass on deck, ye scurvy seadog.
6 months at sea will make anyone look sexy. Like that picture of Edgecrusher you posted last week.
I see where you're coming from in terms of number of consoles though i have to say the ps2 has been immense for me as besides the wii, i have neither of the other new consoles and thanks to the ps2 i have even until now got quite a few games (new and old) to play. but i don't think i'd have got one now if i didn't already own one, especially if i had bought a new and expensive box.
There are a few comparisons between shenmue and yakuza in how you run around a semi-freeroaming town going from one fight to the next. it's got rpg elements too like experience making you stronger and teaching you new moves and money which you use for health items or sometimes to progress with the story. the story in yakuza is very good i think even if it's badly tarnished by the appalling translation and voice work. it's criminal and it's beyond me that they would do that instead of just adding subtitles. the fighting is even if not too deep, extremely satisfying and some moves you can just never get enough of.
Paprika looks right up my alley, I think i will be checking it out very soon. Thanks. Also came across Tekkonkikreet which looked interesting. have you seen it?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I also see GTA4 and Tekken 3. I said READ the reviews.....not the numbers. Mario being the first of its kind of course means it would get crazy scores. It was also the GTA of the era.
From IGN:
"There's no denying the fact that Banjo-Kazooie borrows from Mario 64 in more ways than one. Both games are extremely cute 3D platformers with a variation of the same story, a near identical control scheme and a strikingly similar theme of levels. Mario collects stars. Banjo and Kazooie collect jiggies. Mario has a butt-stomp. Banjo and Kazooie have a beak-stomp. Banjo doesn't just copy Mario 64 though, it expands upon the game."
And what's this?
from Matt Casamassina
It's quite simple: Banjo-Kazooie features the best graphics we've seen on the console, it one-ups Mario 64 in terms of gameplay, it sounds astounding and it may just be the most clever title we've ever played. This is not only worthy of a perfect score, but it's possibly the best game for Nintendo 64 and the greatest platform game ever made. If you own a Nintendo 64 and don't buy this game right now then you are depriving yourself of the very best the console has to offer. At this point in time, we're not sure if Super Mario 64 2 can outdo Banjo-Kazooie. Well done, Rare."
Mario and then some. Banjo-Kazooie control tight and the ability to use specific characters for certain situations enhances gameplay."
So you are now using Gamespot review to strengthen your point? I can post many more reviews, that actually know what they are talking about. Banjo scored lower than Mario for a reason, the reason being Mario > Banjo. I already explained in my earlier post why Mario is better than Banjo!
Well you used gameranking's or whatever it is so why not? So they don't know what they are talking about because you disagree with them? Matt from IGN and the 4 guys that reviewed it and gave it a gold award at EGM back when the mag was in its hey day obviously don't know what they're talking about either.
But whatever...this is a pointless chat.
It is a pretty pointless argument. How old are these games? Fun to read though
But lastly, Edge didn't you prefer sunshine to galaxy?
As Perry Mason would say: case closed.
Collecting was the point of the game? Maybe if you did the collecting missions (which Mario 64 had as well) but no the point of the game was just like Mario 64 to complete a tasks and missions in the 3D world. All the coins and what not did was help lead you there so you don't get lost and scratch your head like Mario 64.
Also the descriptions in Mario 64 were as plain as all hell. "Defeat the centipede monster!", "Release the Serpent!", "Find the Golden Ring!". Okay where the fuck are these things and how do I complete these tasks. Yeah I admit that Banjo had some shit like this but it was a rarity while Mario 64 this was a huge share amount of the missions.
As for Bajo's platforming. Yeah try the 4 seasons level, pirate isle, halloween level, and the likes. Yeah I admit you got me in risk with dying and the tick tock clock but that's the shit that made Mario 64 so annoying. Not only did I not know where anything was but I could die too...easily. I LOVE that mountain peak level where I not only have to be precise to jump on that log while WIND is blowing on me but I have to do it with the crappy camera, hell same thing with the big/small level. Oh and did I mention that this is while I have to wander around the level mindlessly trying to figure out what to do.
Banjo>Mario. Evolution>The Original.
One of the site's forefathers.
Most of your criticisms agains Mario64 are things which I found quite inventive and which I felt mixed things up in a cool way and made the game altogether awesome and even more original and "far out". Same as that level with the switches making the tide rise and fall, it took me many tries before i figured it out but it felt rewarding not frustrating. i love both games but Mario64 is just too special whichever way we look at it. Any criticism leveled against it is just insignificant compared to the amount of overall awesomeness packed in that one game. I recently played it again on my DS and it's still amazing even by today's standards. Like several people have said already, this is a pointless arguement in that both are great games which are a real joy to gamers, but i don't think to this day anyone can find much that is wrong with Mario64.
The best of games for me are the ones which make me feel like a child, or like i'm on some kind of psychedelic trip. Mario games do both.
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Well this is especialy true for Galaxy. After playing the game I often wondered what the hell Nintendo was smoking.
Yakuza sounds pretty good. I have never heard of Tekkonkikreet. What is it?
I just read that Universal pictures are doing a live action Blood the Last Vampire film for release in March 2009 with a korean actress as Saya. Hmmm, could be crap.
Anyhow, I'm going to do some updates now so everyone back off for a minute! We need an update indicator light
you know what's really amazing is that there is no way in the world ever that miyamoto ever used any kind of substances for inspiration, or even recreation. the guy grew up in the country in a house without a tv. his imagination is pure and wild and just totally his own. i read somewhere that he came up with zelda from his memories of playing in the countryside as a child and discovering and exploring caves and the like ... and he came up with pikmin by spending time in his garden. what a guy!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The funny thing is, Mario is not designed but engineered. Red and blue so you can see his arms moving. Cap because hair is difficult to do, sideburns to show ears, white gloves for hand etc.
Done with the updates
Look at this, MS fired the RROD whistleblower:
According to Takahashi, he saw how "Xbox Live updates embedded in retail games could turn working consoles into worthless hulks". Delaware later went on to test games for Bungie.
i came across tekkonkikreet when i looked up paprika. this is the description they had which sounded promising to me:
Treasure Town is magical but dangerous place. Black and White are flying street children who compete for territory and battle aliens and Yakuza gangsters. Based on the successful manga BLACK AND WHITE.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu