GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] New Grand Theft Auto announced! It's a board game. Fun for the whole family! Iga_Bobovic
Sonic Chronicles screens Iga_Bobovic
Top 10 Mario Power-ups Hana-bi # ichi Iga_Bobovic
[] New Fable 2 images gamingeek
[] DC Universe online interview gamingeek
[] Tales 2 Wii screens Avalon code DS looks better? gamingeek
[] Wii and PC dominate Euro charts gamingeek
[] EA cans Take Two takeover bid gamingeek
[] Batman Arkham Asylum screens Unstrap your utility belt gamingeek
[] Peter Moore canned Dreamcast gamingeek
[] Microsoft fires Ring of Death whistleblower gamingeek
[] Arc Rise Fantasia One CG Screen gamingeek
Will Wright on casual gaming The most important thing happening today gamingeek
[] EA may go after Ubisoft So sayeth the analyst gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Force Unleashed review 7/10 "delusions of granduer" gamingeek
[] Eidos lose $176 million Will Lara's breasts keep them afloat? gamingeek
[] Motorstorm 2 demo video gamingeek
[] Skate 2 images gamingeek
[] Rise of the Argonauts images gamingeek
[] Race Pro images gamingeek
[] NPD Analysis from EDGE online What is selling and why? gamingeek
[] Castlevania Dracula's Curse headed to VC gamingeek
[] Saints Row: Gamespot hands on gamingeek
[] Streetfighter IV trailer gamingeek
[] Fracture trailer gamingeek
[] Disaster CGI trailer Will it be your Day of Crisis? gamingeek
[] Shining Force Feather DS screens Better than PSO? gamingeek
[] WOW Wrath of the Lich King : the release date November 13th, 14th and 18th Iga_Bobovic
[] EA responds to Spore DRM uproar Pirates respond by sending it on its way to becoming the most pirated game ever. Foolz
[] More Phantasy Star Zero screens Dvader look here! At my penis! gamingeek
Yakuza 2 pics 6 bigguns for ya gamingeek
[] Star Wars: Force Unleashed Gametrailers Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Fire Emblem DS - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Phantasy Star Zero - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Gears of war 2 dev video gamingeek
[] Brothers in Arms HH video gamingeek
[] Sony teasing a mysterious product Video within gamingeek
[] Yakuza 3 screens gamingeek
[] My Sims Kingdom Wii screens gamingeek
[] Phantasy Star Zero out in December If you speak Japanese gamingeek
[] My Sims video presentation gamingeek
[] Nintendo employees generate $1.6 million each They print money gamingeek
"Microsoft were completely fixated on Sony" Peter Moore speaks again gamingeek
[] 360 Euro Price cut to £129 Arcade pack gamingeek
[] Levine is not really working on Bioshock 2 gamingeek
[] Tenchu 4 gameplay videos Sneakily watch them gamingeek
[] Force Unleashed Wii tutorial video Learn how to waggle gamingeek
[] Third Sonic trailer Unleashed gamingeek
[] God of War 3: Getting dialogue right gamingeek
[] SEGA to announce new Dragon RPG On the 26th September gamingeek
[] Avalon Code new screenshots Apparently better than ToS2 Iga_Bobovic
[] Dead Space Weapon Preview Dead Space = Hires magnet Iga_Bobovic
[] Wipeout HD Wiped Gameplay Iga_Bobovic
[] Gears of War 2 Developer Diary: Touch the Sound Iga_Bobovic
[] Fable II: The First Three Hours Saving the world is top priority. Iga_Bobovic
[] The Force Unleashed IGN Review 360-PS3 versions Iga_Bobovic
[] Looking Back at EverQuest Developers dish nostalgia, advice Iga_Bobovic
[] BioWare Austin Talks MMO Gameplay Lead combat designer Damion Schubert. Iga_Bobovic
[] Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Screens Get tangled up in these pics. Iga_Bobovic
[] Diablo III Coming Out Before StarCraft II? Blizzard weighs in on the rumors Iga_Bobovic
[] Want to Be Among The First to Play Gears 2? We tell you how. Iga_Bobovic
[] BioWare's Cinematic Design How the developer is pushing narrative boundaries Iga_Bobovic
[] Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway Trailer War never has a good outcome. Iga_Bobovic
[] Bethesda Blog: Fallout 3 Speed Run The folks at Bethesda blaze through a finished product. Iga_Bobovic
[] DC Universe Online Hands-On Beating up Brainiac's thugs. Iga_Bobovic
[] Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Direct-Feed Watch as Iga battles against Dracula's finest. Iga_Bobovic
[] Iga on Ecclesia Iga_Bobovic
[] First Matchman Screenshots First Matchman Screensh Your mom is wrong, playing with matches is fun Iga_Bobovic
[] Pokémon Platinum Hands-on New Pokémon, Giratina's original form, an upside-down world and more. Iga_Bobovic
[] Happy Anniversary, Animal Crossing! Nintendo's "communication" game celebrates six years in the States today Iga_Bobovic
[] Potpourrii IGN Review Looks like someone vomitted in their Cheerios. Iga_Bobovic
[] Deadly Creatures Developer Diary Video Life as a bug can be scary. Iga_Bobovic
[] The Force Unleashed IGN Wii Review a 7.8 Iga_Bobovic
[] Strongbad 2 IGN Review Point and click free or die. Iga_Bobovic
[] Ubisoft Hosts Shaun White Snowboarding Contest Create your Own Board Designs, winning design will be featured in the game Iga_Bobovic
[] IGN Pure Review       8.6 darthhomer
[] David Jaffe sued over GoW. The Adventures of Own: Owen's Olympic Adventure... lol. Dvader
[] Tatsukono vs Capcom details 70% complete, new character gamingeek
Pokemon Platinum breaking sales records Still printing money gamingeek
[] Luminous Arc 2 deluxe set Pics and info gamingeek
18 Yakuza 3 pics High Def 70's suits: Glorious gamingeek
Resistance 2 pics Looks like Krull gamingeek
Moore: Xbox 1 dropped because of hard drive It killed them on cost gamingeek
Google buying Valve? The Inquirer reports gamingeek
[] Nintendo conference(s) happening Late September and early October gamingeek
[] SEGA's Dragon RPG heading to DS? gamingeek
[] SEGA Tokyo Gameshow lineup gamingeek
[] Level 5 has shocking announcements in September Watch out on the 26th gamingeek
Hell freezes over 360 outsells the Wii in Japan Iga_Bobovic
Rare is outdated, consumers don't care so says Peter Moore Iga_Bobovic
Disaster: Day of Crisis gameplay compilation not looking bad Foolz
Disaster: Day of Crisis trailer Actually kinda awesome Foolz
ID: Rage held back by 360 Game has been changed to work gamingeek
[] Study finds game forumers... ... more politically involved gamingeek
[] Gay Group Awards companies Microsoft, EA and Gamestop on top gamingeek
[] 97% of US teens play videogames gamingeek
[] Dead Space updated hands on Plus screens gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 details gamingeek
[] Sim animal DS and Wii screens gamingeek
[] Rune Factory Wii screens gamingeek
Tenchu IV screens Some old, some new gamingeek
[] Wind of Nostalgia DS screens gamingeek
Harry Potter and the Half Blood prince preview Gamepro gamingeek
CV Judgement screens gamingeek
[] CV Judgement impressions Like Soul Calibur Legends but better gamingeek
[] Sim Animals cuddles trailer gamingeek
[] Deadly Creatures developer walkthrough gamingeek
[] Konami unveil Suikoden DS game gamingeek
[] IGN Nintendo Podcast gamingeek
[] More Tatsunoko vs Camp-com screens gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods 09 Eurogamer review "Very, very good" gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Wii Screens! About fricking time gamingeek
[] Ace Prosecuter Screens! Edgeworth does his thang gamingeek
Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues Sven says that he is working on it Iga_Bobovic
[] Tatsunoko vs Capcom for Wii confirmed. Monster Hun OMFG!!!!!! Punk Rebel Ecks
[] IGN Samba de Amigo Review 7.5 Ravenprose
[] Sonic 2 in HD! ...Well the tech demo at least! Vader just creamed himself. Punk Rebel Ecks
[] De Blob IGN Review Game Informer can go to hell Iga_Bobovic
[] IGN Nintendo podcast summary Lightsabers more fun on Wii gamingeek
[] Teaching Halo to think AI lead designer interview gamingeek
[] Condemned 2 ads banned by the ASA Brutal ads are too harrowing gamingeek
[] Moore on 360 "Things Break" It was taken out of context gamingeek
[] Microsoft defend Rare against Moore Don't diss our boys, bitch gamingeek
20 Motorstorm pics Vehicles showcased gamingeek
[] Mirror's Edge demo to hit PSN and Live next week! Edgecrusher does news! edgecrusher
[] Skycrawlers trailer gamingeek
Yakuza 2 review 1up say it's damn fine gamingeek
[] Retail expects surge in 360 demand Behold the power of price cuts gamingeek
[] Sonic Unleashed Wii screens gamingeek
Castlevania Order of Eccelsia screens A sword as big as the screen! gamingeek
[] Konami event impressions round-up gamingeek
[] Giant Lego Mario Your wildest dream come true gamingeek
[] DQ IV videos gamingeek
[] Smackdown 2009 videos gamingeek
[] Sam and Max images gamingeek
[] MLB Superstar images gamingeek
[] Boogie Superstar trailer One for the girls gamingeek
Yves Guillemot interview Ubisoft boss spills his guts gamingeek
G4TV video review DragonQuest IV gamingeek
[] U.S is having October 2nd Nintendo event Coincides with Japan date gamingeek
[] Disaster Trailers It gets better every time gamingeek
[] Sam and Max season 1 trailer gamingeek
[] Nintendo's Wii patent challenged Reuters reports on Hillcrest gamingeek
[] Molyneux: PS3 still needs a defining game MGS4 not good enough? gamingeek
[] Timesplitters 4 platforms undecided Power to the people! You can vote. gamingeek
[] Gears of War 2 Weapons documentary gamingeek
Activision wants the Houser Brothers For naughty GTA fun gamingeek
[] Marvelous to show 2 new Wii games And one new DS game at TGS gamingeek
[] New Crappy Low Res Scans of King of Fighters XII And it STILL looks great! Punk Rebel Ecks
[] Solja boy talks about Braid. A must see! Dvader
[] 4 new Far Cry 2 videos. Dvader
[] Another de Blob Review A 9.0 people, buy it Iga_Bobovic
[] Mega Man 9 DLC for Wii Oct. 6. $2 for protoman. Other versions probably the same. Dvader
[] Mega Man 9 official release dates! Wii Monday,. then PS3, then 360. Dvader
[] Mega Man 9 IGN Review Clean out your fridge Iga_Bobovic
[] First GTA: Chinatown Wars info Looks ugly Iga_Bobovic
[] Little Big Planet is gold! Get two free DLC costumes at launch. Dvader
[] Monster Hunter 3 site opens Iga_Bobovic
Kirby Super Star Ultra - site open Iga_Bobovic
[] First GTA: Chinatown Wars info Cell shaded Iga_Bobovic
[] Chrono Trigger - Euro boxart Finally in Europe Iga_Bobovic
[] Cursed Mountain Story Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] Dead Space Preview Iga_Bobovic
[] Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion Debut Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] Red Alert 3 Exclusive Talent Remix Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] Quantum of Solace Exclusive Level Design Doc Iga_Bobovic
[] Saints Row 2: new video Iga_Bobovic
[] Blue Dragon Plus in 2009 Iga_Bobovic
[] Top 10 Things IGN Want's in a KOTOR MMO How about not being a MMO? Iga_Bobovic
[] Prince of Persia in December Release date announced by Ubisoft. Iga_Bobovic
[] Halo 3 Title Update 2 Coming Next Week Iga_Bobovic
[] Resistance 2's Opener See the introduction video Iga_Bobovic
[] Mirror's Edge Dated Coming this November. Iga_Bobovic
[] Animal Boxing Videos Iga_Bobovic
[] Dokapon Kingdom details Learn more about random events and occurrences in the upcoming party RPG. Iga_Bobovic
[] Take Control of the Conduit Map your favorite control configuration as a selectable scheme in the game. Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo Power Nomvermber 2008 Oboro confirmed for NA Release! Oh and other stuff too! Punk Rebel Ecks
[] Armature Interview the guys who left Retro Iga_Bobovic
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now Do not pay attention to the news below Iga_Bobovic
[] Majora’s Mask Manga Heading Stateside Soon Woot? Ravenprose
[] Scans of Treasure's Bleach Fighting Game Yet another Wii game announced a few months before release Punk Rebel Ecks
[] Madworld sequel? To use Motion Plus? Foolz
[] Yahoo: Sony is in trouble. Their look at this holiday season. Dvader
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores.. They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it! Foolz
[] The Games of Fall 2008 To complete the list Iga_Bobovic
Wario Land Shake interview The animation and music Iga_Bobovic
Wario Land Shake interview The beginning Iga_Bobovic
[] New Resistance 2 cutscene video. Ooohh ahhhh Dvader
[] Konami trademarks Metal Gear Solid Exsistence. Probably some SE or movie. Dvader
[] Monster Hunter 3 interview Translated gamingeek
The Rise and fall of japan A 1up feature gamingeek
The 1up Show Yakuza, Spore and Commandos gamingeek
[] 360 didn't outsell Wii in Japan Famitsu miscounted the numbers gamingeek
De Blob could go to other platforms But be very different gamingeek
[] GTA DS: More screens Looking cool gamingeek
[] Nintendo Power hints at suprises Big winter games coming gamingeek
[] Tatsukono Vs Capcom: screens Yes, more pics inside gamingeek
New Monster Hunter 3 screens GG is on the case gamingeek
[] Miles Edgeworth Perfect Prosecuter Screens this good should be illegal gamingeek
Tomb Raider Wii preview and screens gamingeek
Marvelous to unveil exciting project From a charismatic creator gamingeek
[] In depth Armature interview Ex Prime devs to have 11 employees gamingeek
[] Must read Madworld preview Chuck body parts into a dumpster gamingeek
[] Fable 2: five images gamingeek
SUDA's Silver Case coming to PSN A PS1 classic: pics inside gamingeek
[] Customising your Avatar An Xbox Live video gamingeek
[] Naruto Wii video A beat em up? gamingeek
[] White Knight Story trailer No gameplay footage though gamingeek
The 10 Worst Enemies In Gaming History Cheep Cheep = Angelina /jolie Iga_Bobovic
[] Far Cry 2 Exclusive Multiplayer Hands-On Game modes, weapons, and blood diamonds Iga_Bobovic
[] Tricia Helfer as Black Cat in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Iga_Bobovic
Suda 51, Mask de UH and Sakurai speak You listen Iga_Bobovic
[] Megaman 9 Video Review Iga_Bobovic
[] PC Games of Fall 2008 Iga_Bobovic
[] Fable 2 Achievements Revealed How to get your thousand points. Iga_Bobovic
[] Xbox 360 Games of Fall 2008 Iga_Bobovic
[] L.A. Noire Update Exclusive no longer? Iga_Bobovic
[] The PS3 Games of Fall 2008 Iga_Bobovic
[] DS Games of Fall 2008 The 25 DS games you should have in your backpack Iga_Bobovic
[] First Look: Shaun White Snowboarding DS Something to play while riding the ski lift Iga_Bobovic
[] Wario Land Shake IGN Review Buy it Now Iga_Bobovic
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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:12:45
edgecrusher said:
But I liked Adventures more than Wind Waker so blow me bitches).

Blow yourself you self fellating pig beast!

Banjo is 10 X Mario 64? Ahahahahaa. Classic shit Grinning

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:21:57

Well, she looks hot. I like her. Much better than GG's hairy ass.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:50:41
steelattack said:

Well, she looks hot. I like her. Much better than GG's hairy ass.

This ass launched a thousand ships. The sailors were appreciative. I crunched the champagne bottle between my cheeks.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:16:25
darthhomer said:
foolz said:

Umm so the PSN has no good or interesting games?

There's plenty of interesting and good games on there.

Are we talking stuff that you can only get on PSN though?

edgecrusher said:
foolz said:

Umm so the PSN has no good or interesting games?

Ha...why do you ask? Sure it has good games.

I needed some sort of list  of good games available only on PSN, for an upcoming blog. But then I realised my XBL example was on PC as well LOL, so I think I may just skip the examples.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:17:13
gamingeek said:

This ass launched a thousand ships. The sailors were appreciative. I crunched the champagne bottle between my cheeks.

Oh I bet you were the hottest piece o' ass on deck, ye scurvy seadog. LOL

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:31:28
steelattack said:
gamingeek said:

This ass launched a thousand ships. The sailors were appreciative. I crunched the champagne bottle between my cheeks.

Oh I bet you were the hottest piece o' ass on deck, ye scurvy seadog. LOL

6 months at sea will make anyone look sexy. Like that picture of Edgecrusher you posted last week.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:13:05
gamingeek said:
bugsonglass said:

I loved Yakuza so much.  I preordered the sequel for £15 which is a steal for a brand new game.  GG i think you should get and either get a cheap deal ps2 with your piggybank change or see if you can find a PS2 combatible PS3 as I know you want one of those Nyaa

I'm just one of those gamers that has a limit on the machines he will own per generation. If I could get PS2 backwards compatibility in a PS3 then fine, but as a standalone console, another console with no room to be put. No. And I can't own more than two consoles a generation, simple as. Are there any comparisons between yakuza and shenmue at all?

bugsonglass said:
gamingeek said:

Skycrawlers Anime review

This has made me want this so badly.  Oshii is probably the director who best caters all my obsessions with the themes of AI/cyberspace/cyberpunk/robots etc and his has at times been as great and thought provoking as the writings of William Gibson or Riddley Scott's Blade Runner.  Thank you so much for this gg.

... *hugs Ghost in the Shell DVDs* Happy

I was left bewildered by Ghost in the Shell 2 and I had to watch the first film several times before I grew to like it. He's a strange one Oshi. I think I prefer Katsuhiro Otomo of Steamboy fame. Or Satoshi Kon of Paprika and Tokyo Godfathers. Have to eventually pick up Perfect Blue as well.

I see where you're coming from in terms of number of consoles though i have to say the ps2 has been immense for me as besides the wii, i have neither of the other new consoles and thanks to the ps2 i have even until now got quite a few games (new and old) to play.  but i don't think i'd have got one now if i didn't already own one, especially if i had bought a new and expensive box.

There are a few comparisons between shenmue and yakuza in how you run around a semi-freeroaming town going from one fight to the next.  it's got rpg elements too like experience making you stronger and teaching you new moves and money which you use for health items or sometimes to progress with the story.  the story in yakuza is very good i think even if it's badly tarnished by the appalling translation and voice work.  it's criminal and it's beyond me that they would do that instead of just adding subtitles.  the fighting is even if not too deep, extremely satisfying and some moves you can just never get enough of.

Paprika looks right up my alley, I think i will be checking it out very soon.  Thanks.  Also came across Tekkonkikreet which looked interesting.  have you seen it?


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:19:03

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:33:09
iga_bobovic said:
edgecrusher said:
Go back and read most reviews if not all of them and I guarantee most reviewers were also saying Banjo is the better game.


Well I am not seeing Banjo in the top 10, I do see Mario 64 though.

I also see GTA4 and Tekken 3.  I said READ the reviews.....not the numbers. Mario being the first of its kind of course means it would get crazy scores. It was also the GTA of the era.

From IGN:

"There's no denying the fact that Banjo-Kazooie borrows from Mario 64 in more ways than one. Both games are extremely cute 3D platformers with a variation of the same story, a near identical control scheme and a strikingly similar theme of levels. Mario collects stars. Banjo and Kazooie collect jiggies. Mario has a butt-stomp. Banjo and Kazooie have a beak-stomp. Banjo doesn't just copy Mario 64 though, it expands upon the game."

And what's this?

"Another Take

It's quite simple: Banjo-Kazooie features the best graphics we've seen on the console, it one-ups Mario 64 in terms of gameplay, it sounds astounding and it may just be the most clever title we've ever played. This is not only worthy of a perfect score, but it's possibly the best game for Nintendo 64 and the greatest platform game ever made. If you own a Nintendo 64 and don't buy this game right now then you are depriving yourself of the very best the console has to offer. At this point in time, we're not sure if Super Mario 64 2 can outdo Banjo-Kazooie. Well done, Rare."
Mario and then some. Banjo-Kazooie control tight and the ability to use specific characters for certain situations enhances gameplay."
From Gamespot:
"Mario 64 was a revolutionary game. It redefined what people expected from a platform game. Banjo-Kazooie follows in the footsteps of Mario 64. It doesn't stray too far from the formula, but it makes the logical progressions you would expect Nintendo to make.
The gameplay in Banjo-Kazooie follows Mario, but Banjo and his bird have a lot more moves than Mario ever had. "


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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:39:55
edgecrusher said:
iga_bobovic said:
edgecrusher said:
Go back and read most reviews if not all of them and I guarantee most reviewers were also saying Banjo is the better game.


Well I am not seeing Banjo in the top 10, I do see Mario 64 though.

I also see GTA4 and Tekken 3.  I said READ the reviews.....not the numbers. Mario being the first of its kind of course means it would get crazy scores. It was also the GTA of the era.

From IGN:

"There's no denying the fact that Banjo-Kazooie borrows from Mario 64 in more ways than one. Both games are extremely cute 3D platformers with a variation of the same story, a near identical control scheme and a strikingly similar theme of levels. Mario collects stars. Banjo and Kazooie collect jiggies. Mario has a butt-stomp. Banjo and Kazooie have a beak-stomp. Banjo doesn't just copy Mario 64 though, it expands upon the game."

And what's this?

"Another Take

It's quite simple: Banjo-Kazooie features the best graphics we've seen on the console, it one-ups Mario 64 in terms of gameplay, it sounds astounding and it may just be the most clever title we've ever played. This is not only worthy of a perfect score, but it's possibly the best game for Nintendo 64 and the greatest platform game ever made. If you own a Nintendo 64 and don't buy this game right now then you are depriving yourself of the very best the console has to offer. At this point in time, we're not sure if Super Mario 64 2 can outdo Banjo-Kazooie. Well done, Rare."
Mario and then some. Banjo-Kazooie control tight and the ability to use specific characters for certain situations enhances gameplay."
From Gamespot:
"Mario 64 was a revolutionary game. It redefined what people expected from a platform game. Banjo-Kazooie follows in the footsteps of Mario 64. It doesn't stray too far from the formula, but it makes the logical progressions you would expect Nintendo to make.
The gameplay in Banjo-Kazooie follows Mario, but Banjo and his bird have a lot more moves than Mario ever had. "

So you are now using Gamespot review to strengthen your point? I can post many more reviews, that actually know what they are talking about. Banjo scored lower than Mario for a reason, the reason being Mario > Banjo. I already explained in my earlier post why Mario is better than Banjo!

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:45:07

Well you used gameranking's or whatever it is so why not? So they don't know what they are talking about because you disagree with them? Matt from IGN and the 4 guys that reviewed it and gave it a gold award at EGM back when the mag was in its hey day obviously don't know what they're talking about either.

But whatever...this is a pointless chat.


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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 18:21:52

It is a pretty pointless argument. How old are these games? Fun to read though Happy

But lastly, Edge didn't you prefer sunshine to galaxy?

As Perry Mason would say: case closed. Nyaa

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 18:45:38
iga_bobovic said:

No the collection was the point of the game. In the 2D mario's your mission was to get to the end and not to collect everything. Super Mario 64 was mission based. Race the turtle, defeat a boss to get a star. There where some boring 100 coins collecting ones. Banjo you were dropped in a level and you hand to collect 100 notes and 10 jiggies. Then you had to be transformed by Mumbo and to do that you had to collect hte skulls. And you had the red feather, golden feathers and all the other collecting.

Mario 64 extemely hard to know where to go? What? For every star there is a description what to do. Most of the stars do not require any sorts of exploration. In Banjo you are often dropped in a world and you have to search for the things yourself. So if any game is hard to know where to go it would be Banjo.

And yes Banjo has weak platforming. Most if not all of the jumps are easy to make and if you fail you just try again. There are hardly no bottemless pitts in the game. All of the levels are sandbox like levels. There is no level in Banjo like tick tock clock or Rainbow ride. These level are pure platforming that put all you platforming skills to the test. Some of the levels in Mario 64 required long jumps, triple jumps and wall jumping. There is no contest in pure platformig Super Mario 64 >> Banjo.

I could make more point on the mechanical design, but I think this is enough for now.

P.S. DKC series better than Mario World and Yoshi's Island? No, just no.

Collecting was the point of the game? Maybe if you did the collecting missions (which Mario 64 had as well) but no the point of the game was just like Mario 64 to complete a tasks and missions in the 3D world. All the coins and what not did was help lead you there so you don't get lost and scratch your head like Mario 64.

Also the descriptions in Mario 64 were as plain as all hell. "Defeat the centipede monster!", "Release the Serpent!", "Find the Golden Ring!". Okay where the fuck are these things and how do I complete these tasks. Yeah I admit that Banjo had some shit like this but it was a rarity while Mario 64 this was a huge share amount of the missions.

As for Bajo's platforming. Yeah try the 4 seasons level, pirate isle, halloween level, and the likes. Yeah I admit you got me in risk with dying and the tick tock clock but that's the shit that made Mario 64 so annoying. Not only did I not know where anything was but I could die too...easily. I LOVE that mountain peak level where I not only have to be precise to jump on that log while WIND is blowing on me but I have to do it with the crappy camera, hell same thing with the big/small level. Oh and did I mention that this is while I have to wander around the level mindlessly trying to figure out what to do.

Banjo>Mario. Evolution>The Original.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 19:18:37
punk rebel ecks said:
iga_bobovic said:

No the collection was the point of the game. In the 2D mario's your mission was to get to the end and not to collect everything. Super Mario 64 was mission based. Race the turtle, defeat a boss to get a star. There where some boring 100 coins collecting ones. Banjo you were dropped in a level and you hand to collect 100 notes and 10 jiggies. Then you had to be transformed by Mumbo and to do that you had to collect hte skulls. And you had the red feather, golden feathers and all the other collecting.

Mario 64 extemely hard to know where to go? What? For every star there is a description what to do. Most of the stars do not require any sorts of exploration. In Banjo you are often dropped in a world and you have to search for the things yourself. So if any game is hard to know where to go it would be Banjo.

And yes Banjo has weak platforming. Most if not all of the jumps are easy to make and if you fail you just try again. There are hardly no bottemless pitts in the game. All of the levels are sandbox like levels. There is no level in Banjo like tick tock clock or Rainbow ride. These level are pure platforming that put all you platforming skills to the test. Some of the levels in Mario 64 required long jumps, triple jumps and wall jumping. There is no contest in pure platformig Super Mario 64 >> Banjo.

I could make more point on the mechanical design, but I think this is enough for now.

P.S. DKC series better than Mario World and Yoshi's Island? No, just no.

Collecting was the point of the game? Maybe if you did the collecting missions (which Mario 64 had as well) but no the point of the game was just like Mario 64 to complete a tasks and missions in the 3D world. All the coins and what not did was help lead you there so you don't get lost and scratch your head like Mario 64.

Also the descriptions in Mario 64 were as plain as all hell. "Defeat the centipede monster!", "Release the Serpent!", "Find the Golden Ring!". Okay where the fuck are these things and how do I complete these tasks. Yeah I admit that Banjo had some shit like this but it was a rarity while Mario 64 this was a huge share amount of the missions.

As for Bajo's platforming. Yeah try the 4 seasons level, pirate isle, halloween level, and the likes. Yeah I admit you got me in risk with dying and the tick tock clock but that's the shit that made Mario 64 so annoying. Not only did I not know where anything was but I could die too...easily. I LOVE that mountain peak level where I not only have to be precise to jump on that log while WIND is blowing on me but I have to do it with the crappy camera, hell same thing with the big/small level. Oh and did I mention that this is while I have to wander around the level mindlessly trying to figure out what to do.

Banjo>Mario. Evolution>The Original.

Most of your criticisms agains Mario64 are things which I found quite inventive and which I felt mixed things up in a cool way and made the game altogether awesome and even more original and "far out".  Same as that level with the switches making the tide rise and fall, it took me many tries before i figured it out but it felt rewarding not frustrating.  i love both games but Mario64 is just too special whichever way we look at it.  Any criticism leveled against it is just insignificant compared to the amount of overall awesomeness packed in that one game.  I recently played it again on my DS and it's still amazing even by today's standards.  Like several people have said already, this is a pointless arguement in that both are great games which are a real joy to gamers, but i don't think to this day anyone can find much that is wrong with Mario64.

The best of games for me are the ones which make me feel like a child, or like i'm on some kind of psychedelic trip.  Mario games do both.


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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 19:33:16
bugsonglass said:

The best of games for me are the ones which make me feel like a child, or like i'm on some kind of psychedelic trip.  Mario games do both.

Well this is especialy true for Galaxy. After playing the game I often wondered what the hell Nintendo was smoking.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 19:47:36
bugsonglass said:

I see where you're coming from in terms of number of consoles though i have to say the ps2 has been immense for me as besides the wii, i have neither of the other new consoles and thanks to the ps2 i have even until now got quite a few games (new and old) to play.  but i don't think i'd have got one now if i didn't already own one, especially if i had bought a new and expensive box.

There are a few comparisons between shenmue and yakuza in how you run around a semi-freeroaming town going from one fight to the next.  it's got rpg elements too like experience making you stronger and teaching you new moves and money which you use for health items or sometimes to progress with the story.  the story in yakuza is very good i think even if it's badly tarnished by the appalling translation and voice work.  it's criminal and it's beyond me that they would do that instead of just adding subtitles.  the fighting is even if not too deep, extremely satisfying and some moves you can just never get enough of.

Paprika looks right up my alley, I think i will be checking it out very soon.  Thanks.  Also came across Tekkonkikreet which looked interesting.  have you seen it?

Yakuza sounds pretty good. I have never heard of Tekkonkikreet. What is it?

I just read that Universal pictures are doing a live action Blood the Last Vampire film for release in March 2009 with a korean actress as Saya. Hmmm, could be crap.

Anyhow, I'm going to do some updates now so everyone back off for a minute! We need an update indicator light Happy

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 20:17:57
iga_bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

The best of games for me are the ones which make me feel like a child, or like i'm on some kind of psychedelic trip.  Mario games do both.

Well this is especialy true for Galaxy. After playing the game I often wondered what the hell Nintendo was smoking.

you know what's really amazing is that there is no way in the world ever that miyamoto ever used any kind of substances for inspiration, or even recreation.  the guy grew up in the country in a house without a tv.  his imagination is pure and wild and just totally his own.  i read somewhere that he came up with zelda from his memories of playing in the countryside as a child and discovering and exploring caves and the like  ... and he came up with pikmin by spending time in his garden.  what a guy!


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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 20:25:18
bugsonglass said:
iga_bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

The best of games for me are the ones which make me feel like a child, or like i'm on some kind of psychedelic trip.  Mario games do both.

Well this is especialy true for Galaxy. After playing the game I often wondered what the hell Nintendo was smoking.

you know what's really amazing is that there is no way in the world ever that miyamoto ever used any kind of substances for inspiration, or even recreation.  the guy grew up in the country in a house without a tv.  his imagination is pure and wild and just totally his own.  i read somewhere that he came up with zelda from his memories of playing in the countryside as a child and discovering and exploring caves and the like  ... and he came up with pikmin by spending time in his garden.  what a guy!

The funny thing is, Mario is not designed but engineered. Red and blue so you can see his arms moving. Cap because hair is difficult to do, sideburns to show ears, white gloves for hand etc.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 20:28:11

Done with the updates

Look at this, MS fired the RROD whistleblower:

According to Takahashi, he saw how "Xbox Live updates embedded in retail games could turn working consoles into worthless hulks". Delaware later went on to test games for Bungie.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2008 20:29:00
gamingeek said:

Yakuza sounds pretty good. I have never heard of Tekkonkikreet. What is it?

I just read that Universal pictures are doing a live action Blood the Last Vampire film for release in March 2009 with a korean actress as Saya. Hmmm, could be crap.

Anyhow, I'm going to do some updates now so everyone back off for a minute! We need an update indicator light Happy

i came across tekkonkikreet when i looked up paprika.  this is the description they had which sounded promising to me:

Treasure Town is magical but dangerous place. Black and White are flying street children who compete for territory and battle aliens and Yakuza gangsters. Based on the successful manga BLACK AND WHITE.


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