Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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SupremeAC (2m)
Gamespot strikes again
Strong Bad Review
Who the fuck is Strong Bad?
Do you ever sleep Iga?
I bet wildebeest anuses don't sleep at all.
Oh fuck off.
Character from Homestar Runner.
I bought Strong Bad and did the tutorial, already loving it. If you are fan buy it.
Iga, I wrote a pixeljunk Eden review, no score. Now go and guess.
Episode 18 of Nintendo Voice Chat is up - and makes mention that a new DS game will be revealed tomorrow on IGN. Supposedly, it's fun, according to Cassamassina (take that for what you will).
Do we still hate IGN Nintendo here?
Excellent review for Bionic Commando: Rearmed from IGN. I'm so pumped for this game. Less then 2 days away now. Woo hoo! At only 800 MS points the game is a steal.
I'm almost done with Hotel Dusk. I find it fun but it's not as good as people claim it to be. Too many times I find myself unaware on how to progress and walking around the hotel is just boring at times, not to mention the clunky movement (I can't even look at the 3D screen). And if you think it has too much talking then man I can only imagine when you play Phoenix Wright (coming out of Apollo Justice I thought that this game lacked a little text).
Also Darthomer that Podcast idea sounds awesome. We could have them over AOL messanger private chatrooms or something similar.
One of the site's forefathers.
I love Phoenix Wright, but in that game the text is the game. That game, the gameplay is to pick apart the text, plus its hilarious. This game the text is just a story, then you do a small action, back to story, solve a brain dead puzzle, more story. Story is ok but thats about it.
Eww, at the previous design.

GG's mock-up is close to what I came up with yesterday, so I'll scan it ASAP. Don't be expecting something like the previous thing i did.
IGN Nintendo is one the best if not best Nintendo site, but they can be very annoying and whiny in their podcasts. Plus I always have to look at the summary afterwards, because I can never pay attention for an full hour
I never thought of the game as you do, but I guess that's how it usually works.
From my experience this is the formula: Rachel calls and you answer it, walk around the hotel to find what to do next, have an event come up, try to figure out what the hell to do by going to every crook and cranny of the God damn hotel, find some item by solving a "puzzle" that pretty much solves itself (literally), walk around for an event, go to someones room and "interrogate" them. Time changes.
Multiply what was in the previous paragraph 3 times to cover a chapter and that's pretty much the entire game.
I really don't understand how this game gets its cult status. Even with games like Toe Jam and Earl and Star Ocean III I can see how they get their cult likings, but this game is just awkward. The only interesting thing I see about this game is its Western like character art-style, serious story, and the late 70's theme. I mean while these things are interesting I certainly don't see how these alone can tribute to the cult fanbase claiming the game to be "the greatest of DS game out there" or even "the greatest game of all-time"; especially with the awkward 3D gameplay and boring exploration. Different strokes different folks I guess.
One of the site's forefathers.
What's the point in having a "real life" Lara Croft model? I've seen a few of these silly announcements over the years, but have never actually seen any of these models afterwards. Do they show up at shopping malls or something?
No, they the usual procedure is that they get famous among nerds, than they make a naughty video to try to get rich and than they get fired.
Thanks. It is an interactive novel.
I'm applying for the website not the newly launched mag. I haven't read the new mag yet.
I've never hated them
Can we keep the strong swearwords out of the actual news updates guys?
I hate you both. Godmode and me like it. I never claimed that it's the greatest game of all time, haven't seen many others doing that. But it's definetely up there among the best/most memorable DS games out there. It has a great atmosphere, setting and story. In an age where graphic adventures are almost non-existant this is a delightful game for fans of the genre. Read my review over on gamespot to see why I love it.
Just downloaded and played a bit of the Strong Bad demo.
I love it. Makes me want to get back into Homestar Runner...
Is AOL Messenger good for recording audio? I'm legitimately curious - I use a combination of programs to record my one, and I don't use AOL myself.
Though if you guys need tech help in regards to that area, let me know. Remember - I produce/record and sometimes edit a podcast.
The Game informer review 2 leads to that page with a ton of pop ups. DELETE that crap!
Fixed it, no need to delete it man!
Read it, it is Gaf at its best