Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
Order by:
Oh God no.
Sig get!
Neogaf is awesome:
Check this out:
Question by iketabs02:
How do sony/microsoft actually justify operating at such massive losses ?
Answer by Mama Robotnik:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
What the fuck is wrong with this site!! I can't connect 50% of the time.
I haven't been able to connect all morning until now. I got the two pages to come up earlier, but it was just a garbled mess.
^^Seems to be working now! Raven check out the gifs above!
Hotel Dusk - Well as I've said in previous posts Adventure games aren't a dead or dying genre. And I always see people praise the game highly or have it as their avatar.
King of Fighters - According to most fighting fans '98 (which is in this) is the best. I don't know if '98 Ultimate Match (the very recently enhanced edition) is in it though. Either way if you like fighters get it.
One of the site's forefathers.
^^Punk what's the point in buying these fighting collection, why not just buy 98 when they release it on the Virtual Console? Why should I play the "inferior" versions? Oh and want is considered the best Samurai Shodown game? I only played the first.
Nintendo = Ferengi
Yes, that's because for some people its a unique and memorable game that stands out. Like people who have killer 7 sigs or avatars, I used to have one, it doesn't mean that I think that K7 is the greatest game ever.
So people have had trouble connecting today? Huh. My internet was down all day today so I didn't notice. I was just about to finish off The Gaming Planet photoshop 2 when I had to leave.
And you know what? The Ferengi is beating both the Klingon and Romulan Empire.
About Daily Planet I need 3 things still
The next step is to gather all these ideas, than I shall make a new blog with different propositions based of you guys input. My blog has served is purpose wonderfully, we had a discussion and I can already see few ideas most of us will agree on.
Because you get 3 King of Fighters games for $20 (I think that's the privce) as well as possibly Ultimate Match (if it's in) which won't be on the VC. Also '98 won't be on the VC until like a year.
One of the site's forefathers.
If $20 is the price, than it would be a good deal, but what is the best version of Samurai Showdown? I must know!
Red Steel is quite possibly the best game ever made.
^^^Most experience plays say V: Special few which are usually unexperienced plays say II.
One of the site's forefathers.
Thanks Punk,
Will pick up V when it is ever released on the VC. Go, Hattori "Oni" Hanzo!!!
^^^^You mean V: Special (the last Neo Geo game ever released so see how long that takes to come to the VC).
One of the site's forefathers.
Better than killzone then?
Did you complete it?
Haha, I am still waiting since the SNES days for Chrono Trigger and Earthbound. So there