Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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gamingeek (5s)
Gonintendo has a section up where people are discussing how capcom are pretty pleased with themselves.
One of the guys has a good point: Marvelous Interactive is doing or has done: No More Heroes, Oboro, Arc Rise Fantasia, King Story, Rune factory wii. Original, unique, ground up titles. Meanwhile Capcom tries to pass off work from other developers like camelot or Harvy Birdman or Moto GP as great support. Otherwise it's all years late ports and one overtly childish looking game with PSP graphics.
But this is all part of a larger problem of third party support. I see companies like Activision doing a Wii version of COD5 using the COD4 360 engine and using DX9 shaders. I see SEGA doing a version of Sonic Unleashed on Wii as well as unique titles like MadWorld. If they can do it then capcom can. They are one of my favourite developers of the past and I just expect far better from them.
Accoring to vgchartz Zack and Wiki has sold 410'000 copies.
EA is positioning Wii as the lead sku on the new Harry Potter game. Another example of a publisher who can at least leverage some decent titles against the platform. In fact Boom Blox has been a success, I think it sold what was it? 590'000 or something? And now they are thinking about putting it on other platforms. They had the right mentality though, make something original, unique and importantly good. As well as making traditional games at the same time.
Wii owners will be happy to learn that Electronic Arts is situating the Nintendo version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as its lead SKU. That means the game is being developed with Wii controls in mind first, and then ported to other systems.
I seem to remember a similar drawn up design by you, and I'm not sure you should be pointing the finger.
But your writing is like a childish scrawl
And you called it Gayming Planet.
Ah you make me smile foolio.
Anyhow here is another example of a developer at least trying something on Wii:
It's kind of like Pikmin, except you control evil minions and wreak havoc upon the land.
by Matt Casamassina
US, August 13, 2008 - Publisher Codemasters on Wednesday revealed to IGN that is planning to release a new take on its popular Overlord franchise exclusively for Wii. The title, built from the ground up for Nintendo's system by Climax Studios, is called Overlord Dark Legend and is set for a 2009 release. Players control a young, new Overlord as he takes control of his evil minions. The "trainee tyrant" will, according to Codemasters, "be able to take his growing pains out on the local fairy tale inhabitants as he protects his castle and lands."
Dark Legend will feature an original tongue-in-cheek storyline penned by award-winning games author Rhianna Pratchett, and is set to include a host of old and new franchise-favorite characters, including Halflings, trolls, elves and dwarves, as well as new wicked witches, gingerbread men, and Lil' Red Riding Hood, "the seeming sweet girl with a very personal lupine secret."
Become the Overlord and control your minions with the Wii remote.
The Overlord franchise sparked to life on Xbox 360 in 2007 and immediately drew comparisons to Nintendo's own Pikmin because the main character, although very different from Captain Olimar, controlled his squad of minions around the world very similarly to the way Olimar did the Pikmin. Players used the second analog stick to move the Minions about like a wave.
Of course, Overlord Dark Legend will make full use of the Wii remote to further enhance the experience. According to Codemasters, the Wii remote enables "unprecedented control over the minions." Using the controller, gamers can pluck a minion from the horde, hold him by the neck and shake him around, "throttled to imbue him with some Overlordly power and turn him into a manic minion missile." Now charged with an explosive body, the in devilish critter can be guided into enemies with "hilarious, if rather fatal, consequences."
Pillage villages and kill anybody who crosses your path.
Overlord Dark Legend sounds very promising to us. For more details, we chatted with Codemasters' Dean Scott, who is serving as associate producer on the project. Here's what he had to say:
IGN: Will Overlord Dark Legend be a port or an all-new game for Wii?
Dean Scott: It's an all new game, designed especially for Wii. New story, new characters, new gameplay. It doesn't make sense to try and port the old version, when the Wii gives you an opportunity to make something that works very differently. The key difference is in how you play it. You point, and the minions go and break and kill things. It's a very literal connection for the player.
IGN: How is Overlord Dark Legend related to the first Overlord game?
Dean Scott: There are lots of subtle connections for Overlord-savvy gamers, but in the lineage of the series the events take place before the original game. So certain things you do set up events featured in the other games. It's not the same Overlord though. We're setting up the idea that there have been a series of Overlords throughout time.
IGN: What can you tell us about the story?
Dean Scott: It's part fairy tale, part classic fantasy, and all hilarious. Obviously we've twisted the fairy tale stuff around, because it wouldn't be an Overlord game without a load of black humor. So instead of helping Little Red Riding Hood find her grandma, you'd be helping the wolf shop for granny-friendly sauces. That's not actually in the game, but you get the idea.
IGN: Any new minions?
Dean Scott: It's the same four minion types, but we've given them new abilities. Some of these may be themed around bodily functions that childish folk like us find hilarious. We'll be revealing more from GC Leipzig.
As far as I can remember multiple people deemened your writing, so once again... >_>
Overlord like Pikmin, awesome!
I have been thinking about Pikmin. You are Olimar stranded on a planet, and to escape you enslave a whole species and start killing the local Fauna, to retrieve your ship parts. To return home you have led many pikmin to their death, enslave many more and anihilated the local fauna.
To make matters worse you do it again in Pikmin 2, but now you kill to for profit. You come kill all the local fauna again and steal all the planet's treasures.
This leads to only one conclusion: Olimar = EVIL
Didnt the pikmin willingly follow olimar?
The first Overlord was a very cool game so this new one definately has me interested in it.
Ah so someone other than edgecrusher did play it? What was it like exactly? Story and gameplay wise?
Overlord 2 images
I so wish we were going the satirical exaggerated news right now
Parents fear GTA more than porn = Gunshots vs Cumshots: Parental Climax
On second thought, maybe it's better we aren't
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileJust kidding guys^ that was me.
OMG. It should read:
The major 3rd-parties have been pretty fucking average on Wii, and continue to be. Like someone else said, they clearly put all their eggs in the Sony/Microsoft basket and expected the Wii to tank (but I honestly think Nintendo did too...not expect much success on Wii) so at this point they're running around like headless chickens not knowing WHAT the fuck to do.
One thing the Wii should show though, is just how hard it is for Nintendo to get solid support up against these mega-corporations, and lose the stigma of Nintendo platforms not being a good place for 3rd-parties, even when they have an incredibly successful machine. Obviously the Gamecube never stood a chance.
Hell, in the middle of the Cube's life, when they were really neck and neck with MS, you saw 3rd-parties just going from actually supporting the Cube, to outright dropping support. Jedi Knight 2 on Gamecube actually outsold the Xbox version, then Lucasarts dropped Cube support and only released Jedi Knight 3 on Xbox.
Imagine if the PS3 was selling how the Wii is? Every damn game under the sun would probably be PS3 exclusive right now. Its like Nintendo needs to have astronomical success and Sony/Microsoft need to have astronomical failure, for 3rd-parties to change their ways of doing things.
I just wonder how much longer the Wii can go on the way it is, without having the major support. Sooner or Later you'd think people would start going 'Hmmm, the Wii's cool, but the other machine's have all the games'. Then 3rd-parties will do the 'See, we KNEW Wii wouldn't last...that's why we never gave it much support' song and dance that they gave the Cube.
I think its going to be vital to the future of Wii that indie games like Conduit, Madworld, Deadly Creatures, etc...turn out to be really amazing. That's the one thing that could turn it around from a publisher standpoint, as the greatness/success of Nintendo's own games just don't matter to them.
Yeah thats perfectly fine, and is actually what I was going to suggest, but then I thought that by now it would have already been done.
Riccitiello: We Should Have Bet On Wii
""One thing that's different is we typically figured out who the market leader was going to be before the start of the cycle and bet with our development resources on that platform.
"We made the wrong call there [by betting on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360], which made this transition harder than it would otherwise be. But now we're catching up, and I think we're fine.
"We've got some incredibly innovative Wii titles, incredibly innovative DS titles coming. And so I think that issue's sort of behind us."
There's more at the link but you get the idea. I'm with you on what you're saying. I think burnout 2 if you totalled europe and america sold equal or more on GC over Xbox but everyone ditched the cube like it was a pile of dung even though it lost the console race by a couple of million compared to the Xbox 1.
You are totally spot on, it's like a self fufilling prophecy. It's like 3rd parties actively want the wii to fail so they don't put any decent games or effort into their games, they're just standing around waiting for the bubble to burst. Well of course it's going to burst if you keep pumping it full of crap. And then they're going to turn around with a knowing wink and say I told you so. What makes it so infuriating is that the market has chosen Wii, damn thing is outselling the competition combined and then the content makers are ignoring it. I said it before, but it's like the market choosing VHS over BETAMAX then everyone continuing to make BETAMAX format videos and ignoring VHS.
Nintendo have done their duty as a platform holder by getting this damn thing into as many households as possible and now because third parties are so off the ball with all their pre-generation bets and ingrained thinking, the machine has had to survive and thrive even, on Nintendo's efforts alone.
Meanwhile consumers are sitting around twiddling their thumbs thinking "I bought this damn thing, it's a really sucessful platform, so where are the great games please? Oh what's that? Another port? Oh Neopets? Ehhhhhh."
Consumers are so desperate for content that they are grabbing hold of a game like the conduit by average developers simply because it suits their tastes over things like carnival games and actually looks like it has some effort behind it. It's ridiculous. I can't wait to see Factor 5's Icarus game, even if the gameplay is crap it should technically show other developers what they should be doing.
You know what? You could also ask the question how long can the 3rd party ignore the Wii, until the shareholders start complaining. They are leaving money on the table and in the mean time smaller companies are not standing still. If the big 3rd parties are waiting to long, than the smaller ones can take a sizeble share. So it's not just Nintendo at risk here.
I thought you might have been sick or had a family emergency and I really wanted you back and posting. So I waited.
I don't think it will happen, a board runs a company and unless the company starts having negative results, shareholders will be happy. Otherwise someone has to table a motion or a director or board has to be replaced. None of this is really feasible unless a company is on the skids and the low budget options i.e wii is the only platform their budgets will support.
But like that EA article I posted on page 10, it shows that despite their being a major platform dominating, they are reaping viable sales from the other platforms and have no reason to change. Like Edgecrusher said, it's not enough for nintendo to be successful because they can dream up a millions reasons to ignore it. The sales on other systems have to tank too so they almost have no choice in the matter.
I'm really disappointed in SE, after the phenomenal support they have shown DS, their Wii efforts are Soul Eater which looks like dung and the Crystal Bearers which has been stuck in development hell for years. I thought they would have at least thrown a bone to wii with kingdom hearts or something. 360 has done jack all in Japan and SE are all too eager to cosy up to MS, hell JRPG makers in general are doing that. Meanwhile you have a system that in japan is outselling PS3 3:1 some months and the 360 barely registers as a dot on the radar and they are humping MS's leg like rabbid dogs. Where is the sense in that?