Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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SupremeAC (4m)
New week
Last week was Fedor, Iwata, Hard Gay and Triangle week, what will this week be?
Who knows?
New week. So what did you guys actually play? I got to finish Mass Effect, and, besides its obvious design flaws, I found it to be a completely enjoyable experience. I didn't even mind the repetitive nature of the entire set of subquests. I'm quite hyped for the second installment.
I also got back to Lost Odyssey, having left my game file at about 8 hours, and although it has a very different flow, it is ten times as moving and powerful. I'll be putting a good couple hours more tonight.
Hye where's my post? Dammit.
Hey Steel....could you scratch my balls?
Yeah sure. Why not?
I've been playing Persona 3: FES. Holy crap is this game long; I haven't even gotten to the bonus content and it's been 82 hours.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePlayed Civilization Revolution to the point of being SICK of it and traded it in. I just don't have the patience to sit around for three hours at a time anymore to play through a game like that, especially online.
Finished another game... Speaking of sitting around for 3 hours at a time! That Crystal Tower/Dark World stretch with like 6 bosses and no save point was H-A-R-S-H ! ! ! I climbed into bed around 11PM. I finished the game around 2:30-ish. Yeah. Buh-Bye, Final Fantasy 3!
Still Chokin' the Chocobo!
I guess that's the Japanese Translation for: "Kweh!"
Finally (no pun intended), I popped this game in for a few minutes. Wow! Between the Cut-Scenes, Graphics, the new Map and the Voice Overs, this has got to be one of THE most impressive DS titles out there! If it wasn't for my three hour stint with "3" this weekend, Final Fantasy 4 definitely would have gotten A LOT more attention from me. There's always NEXT weekend!
Yeah. Final Fantasy? Who am I kidding? Next weekend I'll be playing (un)dress up with the Men and Women of Soul Calibur IV.
Good God! I can't imagine how in the world I am going to be able to stay focused on ANY fight with Ivy with those things bouncin' around in my face!?
...and just WHEN am I going to get a fighting game with massive, bouncy wangs?!?
Nevermind! I just answered my own queery (lol!)... Apparently there'll be plenty of huge packages, taint biting and mid-round, fisting involved in Street Fighter 4!
Voldo desu! Hooooo!
Holy shit at those Ivy...assets. They might as well show her naked with tiny stars on her nipples.
Gotta love a man in a Spiky Codpiece and Metal, Golden, Pointy Elf-Shoes...!
[Hmmm... that reminds me. Where are my elf-shoes and codpiece? Did I ever get them back from GodMode...?]
Besides Fedor, I mean.
You know the first thing I am going to do is make Hard Gay and Fedor characters in SC IV, right...?
I mean, isn't that what everyone's gonna do?
new week woot!!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
how much more bondage and s&m could they make voldo? i hate his fighting style though, he's like the eddy of soul calibur
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Silence Fool! Taki has teh hottest pixels, and in the right hands (mine) she dominates Ivy...Oooh Taki dominating Ivy, Good Lord, that'd be pixel heaven.
I think he's got a few places not used yet. His anus, maybe. Or his buttcheeks.
Now that is one expensive Wii!
I feel bad for the seller.
EDIT: It seems that Ebay has fixed this guy's auction now. Last night, a couple idiots got into a fake bidding war and jacked the price up to over 2 million dollars.
Please people, THESE are the fighting games that you all should be excited about!
One of the site's forefathers.