Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
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When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
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Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
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gamingeek (1m)
So Iwata apoligized for Nintendo's lame E3 showing, saying Mario and Zelda tke a long time and weren't ready.
Doesn't he get it? Its not that people are mad because they didn't show another Mario or Zelda. People are mad because they wanted to see new games of the same ilk AS Mario and Zelda. New games for the serious gamer.
They probably could have gotten by not even showing hardly anything out of Nintendo Japan too. They could have blown out The Conduit, had a big spotlight on MadWorld, some de-Blob, Deadly Creatures. To have 3rd-parties making these great looking games for your console and choose to show nothing but the multi-platform Call of Duty, is pretty stupid. A short video on whatever Retro is doing....maybe Factor 5, some RPG's, etc. It seriously worries me that Nintendo truly think people just want Mario and Zelda.
Like Matt C. said in his writeup of E3....if Nintendo want to go for impressing the ultra-casual crword so badly that they don't even throw a bone to the more serious players, they may as well just go on the Oprah show and have her throwing virtual frizbees at dogs with a big smile on her face, as that would reach a hell of a lot more of these people than E3.
Agreed Nintendo has a solid line up this six months, but they did not show it in their press conference. They need to do 3 things. Shut the Cammy girl up, more time for Iwata (Iwata is awesome) and show more games. Their presentation was not really bad in the style of presenting (except for Cammy), they just lacked games.
Or alternatively cancel E3 all together. What is the point of E3 anyway? It's seesm such a waste of time
This was adressed by an IGN editor. The future looks grim for the ailing show.
The sad thing didn't have to be this way. There's no reason why it should be grim.
As I've said before, they should have never changed it. EVERYBODY wants the old E3 back, everyone from us, all the way to the developers. What it is now is just stupid....not to mention the fact that nobody waits until July to show off games coming out by the end of the year.
It was a shock to me when they did this to E3. Like one of those things where you're just baffled why they'd go and butcher something awesome for no reason at all. Pointless.
The spectacle and magic of old E3 was just ripped out, along with all the boobies. *honk honk*
How can you not like this face???
Oh God. She looked way hotter on that pic that GG posted. Here she looks like a cackling witch. I call bullshot.
@Edge: Totally, man. That IGN guy said that E3 could benefit from the German Games Conference, in which they let people in only after the first day, which is reserved for press, devs and publishers. That way, everyone is happy, and we get all megatons in one day.
Repair E3 or die! (literally)
Seriously WTF happened. Yeah it was death for the people who did coverages but that could've EASILY been answered from the change towards Germany's format.
No Nintendo showing 3rd party games wouldn't have met E3 expectations nor would Microsoft showing Allen Wake or other stuff. E3 was the place where Megatons happened. Twilight Princess, Resident Evil 4, Wii Blowout of '06, Fable 2, Halo 3, Half-Life 2, PS3 and 360 Blowout of '05, SSBB reveal, Little Big Planet, etc. Now remember all of these E3's and just try and compare them to the E3 of current. What was the biggest thing to come out of this E3? Final Fantasy XIII coming to 360? WTF? I don't remember even the Xbox fans talking about GTA 4 coming to the 360 during E3 '06. No they were talking about far bigger and better things at that time.
It's pretty care that people don' ttake E3 as serously anymore. Us consumers get dissapointed and lower our expectations, the presenters don't care as Microsoft only showed multiplats, Nintendo did a casual ass suck, and SONY was just well also ass, and the press just feels that they are waisting their time there. E3 must change or die!
One of the site's forefathers.
:lol My work here is done.
Guys XBL is now free on Games for Windows, no gold no silver, just complete free service, everything the 360 gets, with cross play, all for free. Why cause PC owners are smart and don't pay for crap that should be free.
i'm pretty well fixed for nintendo controllers too i think with a couple of wavebirds, 2 original controllers and my trusted classic controller but as gg said this kind patent lawsuits are really annoying since it is obvious that there was obviously no ripping off and they are hindering innovation and progress for the sake of everybody. intellectual property laws need some serious reform not just in the case of video game related gizmos but also more serious stuff.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
He looks like a wax model to me. If I give him a moustache can I behead him?
It looks like he has the exact same expression, no matter what.
Iwata's a badass. Nothing fazes him. He always remains cool and collected.
It's a little early for my shift, but I'm bored, so I'm going to do some news updates.
SEGA's President Casually Mentions Resident Evil 5's Wii Release
Just a slip of the tongue? Or does he know something we don't . . .
Iwata = Fedor Emelianenko
GG posted? Hoi, I posted her picture, plus the Iwata pictures, the triangle choke picture and the braveheart picture. Some quality spam from me.
Yeah I love you too, GG.