Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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SupremeAC (1m)
The second and third pics look fantastic; I really like how they show the detail in the aliens skin. The rest of the pics don't seem to have that same level of detail, though. But the game does look loads better than it did a few months ago. Hopefully, it'll be shown off at Nintendo's press conference tomarrow.
No Perfect Dark 2.... fuck you Microsoft! Give Rare back to Nintendo. Banjo still looks good though. No interest in Banjo 1 on XboxLive. I'll just keep my N64 copy that I haven't played in 8 years.
FF13 on 360....I don't care. I have a PS3. Wow have a multi-platform game.
MS are such corporate jackasses.....they suck all the funand passion out of everything.
Nah, keep you expectations low. I am however curious about the tech inside motionplus, but mostly from an academic perspective. Most developers do not use the full capabilities if the standard wiimote, so I do not expect it here either. No technology in the world will save it from lazyness. I actally have to check out what tech is in the current wiimote also.
Ok. I've been out today. What did I miss?
Something about XBox and a few games...?
Just as long as Nintendo does some cool stuff with it, then I'll be happy.
Totally Edge. Totally.
Xbox full game install feature:
"Play from hard drive. Copy your games from the game disc and play directly from the hard drive. Not only will the drive not spin, but load times are quicker, as well. Of course, you will still need the disc in the tray to prove you own the game. "
Hmm, I'm a little confused about this. Will it work with all 360 games, or just new ones?
Is it just me, or did they say absolutely nothing about Too Human? I know the demo is up, but you'd think they would have talked the game up a bit at E3. At one point this is supposed to be one of the major reasons to get a 360.
I think Silicon Knights relationship with MS may be waning. They thought it would be better for them than Nintendo, but has it been?
If they've done it correctly, it should be for all games. What (should) be happening is that the data is copied from the disc, then it is loaded into a virtual drive that functions exactly like an optical drive, only it loads from the harddisk. The only thing you'd have to do is switch which drive to load from.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThe biggest annoucement was a game going multiplatform, nothing to see here.
One of the site's forefathers.
That would make the most sense. Just as long as they don't make this a mandatory requirement to play future 360 games, then I'm fine.
The whole loading the game from the disc to the HDD sounds very cool. I'm definately going to have to pick up the 120GB one soon.
I've played a little of the Too Human demo and I love it. This game is a definite purchase for me, can't wait until it comes out. I really enjoy the Diablo-esque type of games with weapon and armour customisations, skill tree character development, and of course the loot.
Who broke the GGD?
GGD works fine for me Steel
Holy crap posting news during E3 sucks. I cant wait till its someone elses turn.
Saw the Resident Evil 5 trailer and yeah it's awesome. Fantastic explosion, fire, and smoke effects. I can't wait for March 13th to roll around. Thankfully there will be a ton of awesome stuff to keep me occupied until then. Hopefully they'll put out a demo before then, the sooner the better.
No Kid Icarus Tommarow - Good that means that Nintendo has another surprise under their sleeve. They'll probably due to Kid Icarus to what they did with Brawl at E3 '06.
One of the site's forefathers.
Damn, I was hoping to see Kid Icarus tomarrow with 1:1 sword controls!
I guess I can wait a while longer.
I wonder what surprises Nintendo will be showing, though. Man, I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!
EDIT: Whoa, everyone on NeoGaf is bashing Matt for this news. Yeah, like it's his fault when Nintendo decides not to show something.
It better not cost a lot. The wii-remote+nunchuk is already ridiculously expensive.
The combined efforts of Square-Enix and Microsoft, no doubt.
Capcom, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Sony and Activision all tomorrow - I predict a shitstorm of epic proportions...
I don't know what the international shipping costs are on a PS3, but I do know that there are a some bad ebay sellers that try and charge 2-3 times more than actual the shipping price; they do this to make their items appear to be cheaper. I personally never do business with those kinds of sellers.
I'm not sure about the auctions ending early. I've never seen that mysef.
PS3's are in abundance here in Colorado, so they shouldn't be going higher than RRP on ebay or anywhere else in America.
EDIT: Here's a link to the UPS International shipping calculator. This may help you figure out what your shipping costs should be. According to Amazon, a 40gig PS3 shipping weight is 27.5 lbs.