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Who are you? (Official Thread of Identity Theft!)
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Tue, 19 May 2009 11:38:16

I'm Travis and I'm 32.  I've lived in a small town in South Carolina my whole life and have a Bachelors degree in Art Education from the University of South Carolina.  I have been teaching art for ten years now and am currently at an elementary school. I love my job and enjoy going to work every day. I have been married for six years and have one son on the way in June.

I just recently bought a house and will be in debt forever.  We completely remodeled the house with new carpet, counter tops, painted the cabinets, installed central heat/air.  Guess I'm stuck in this town for a while.

Even though I teach art, I hardly ever find time enough to paint or draw. I usually do most of my work in the classroom.  I love gaming, movies and music.  I mostly love movies from the 70's and 80's and there are no movies that can top the Star Wars trilogy.

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Tue, 19 May 2009 13:25:28

travo said:

I have been married for six years and have one son on the way in June.


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Tue, 19 May 2009 14:55:30
this thread is great.  love getting to know you guys behind the handle/avatar of the gaming forum.  here's some of my info:

(photo of me with my best buddies clubbing)

my name is george.  was born in cyprus of greek parents and lived here until my late teens at which time i went to the UK to study.  i lived in london for nearly 10 years.  i obtained a degree in theoretical physics from imperial college in london.  about 5 years ago i moved back to cyprus where i have been working as a physics/science teacher in secondary schools.  i am currently undertaking a second degree part-time with the open university in the UK in pure mathematics and computer science.  i'm at the moment registered for courses in Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Analysis and a computing course called putting java to work.

i love eating fresh and i eat a lot of salad.  don't like to eat meat, though i enjoy fish.  my favourite food is sushi and the best i ever had was in san diego *mouth waters thinking about san diego sushi*

a few months ago i started training in brazilian jiujitzu and i have been really enjoying it for the most part.  i train three times a week normally.

my biggest passion is music.  my username is taken from words from a song by a Buffalo NY band called mercury rev.  i can appreciate music of most genres but in recent years i have gravitated heavily towards electronic music such as detroid techno, chicago house and many of their derivatives.  i also have a great passion for hiphop and reggae (especially dub).  i recently invested a good bit of money on a pair of technics, a mixer and a set of sehnheisers and i enjoy holding the odd house party for friends and mixing for them.  my sets normally include a healthy dosage of berlin and detroit techno goodness.

behold my gear:

i love movies.  mostly leftfield stuff.  i generally avoid big holywood productions.  if i had to pick my 3 favourite films of all time they would be:

1. La Haine

2. Cidade de Deus

3. Trainspotting

i also really enjoy watching nature documentaries, and other kinds of documentaries.

i love reading though lately i don't have much time for it besides text books.  when i do, i enjoy a great variety of stuff.  i especially enjoy science fiction of the "cyber-punk" variety and i love authors like william gibson and JG ballard.  

i really like street art and i try my hand at it making stencils.  some of my work (or vandalism) has been game related but most of it not. the next piece i'm planning is definitely game related and if it works out i will post some photos for you guys to see.  not yet saying what it will be though.

some of the stuff i really love which people think i'm weird for are: crane filled skylines, huge construction sites, massive bridges (especially suspension ones), railroad tracks, warehouses, cityscapes, motorways.  especially cranes, i fuckin love cranes.

picture of cranes i took from riverboat in koeln:

my sociopolitical stance (if not already evident) mainly revolves around three concepts:  (in order of importance) 1. Freedom, 2. Justice/equality, 3. Peace.  And i accept evolution, i reject creation.  i also believe the internet is great, and so is modern medicine (even if i generally avoid antibiotics) Nyaa

ps i suppose i ought to say something about gaming, this being a gaming site and all.  i currently have a wii, ps2, ds and psp for gaming as well as a 3 year old pc (which was never top of the range for gaming).  i plan on getting a ps3 in the summer and have started slowly collecting games for it.  i have far less time to devote to gaming than i would like to and as a result i end up buying a lot of games i'd like to play but never quite get around.  as a result i have a backlog which would take years to get through but i'm still very consumerist about games
Edited: Tue, 19 May 2009 17:10:39


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Tue, 19 May 2009 16:26:19

Hi there, I'm Rob.  Those of you who sort of knew me from other forums may have noticed my hair is much shorter.  Yes, the nordic metal hair is gone.  Well not entirely.  The hair still comes down to my shoulders, just not down to my back now.

Anyway I'm 31 and have been gaming since 1982 when my family got our Atari 2600.  I'm now married with nightmare. . . I mean children.  I have two main preoccupations in life outside of gaming.

1.  Booze

This is me holding up my packets of alcohol.  Allow me to explain.  In the carribean islands there are not really any big chains of liquor stores, and because of distances all the small stores can't really afford to buy lots of booze because of the shipping costs (bottles get heavy).  So some brilliant retailer figured out how to eliminate the extra cost. . . PUT THE BOOZE IN LITTLE PACKETS!!  Yes, inspired by ketchup and mustard packets we now have access to packets of gin, tequila, vodka, brandy and more!!

I actually attend special tradeshows for the industry and see a lot of up and coming products.  These packets will soon be in America.  They're single shot servings and perfect for the alcoholic who needs to keep liquor in his wallet.

2.  Conventions

I like going to comic and sci-fi conventions for three reasons.  First is booze but we've already covered that.

Then there's costuming which is always a blast and a little hobby of mine, though lately that's been on sabatical (if you think gaming is an expensive hobby try making elaborate costumes like this).  Of course I still find cheap ways around like this costume:

But the best reason to go to conventions is for the women. Beautiful women in costumes and/or revealing attire.  Please note me and the hot asian chick at my "Rock of Love" Party.

See, something good did come out of that show.  My theme party. Happy

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Tue, 19 May 2009 16:48:46

travo said:

I'm Travis and I'm 32.  I've lived in a small town in South Carolina my whole life and have a Bachelors degree in Art Education from the University of South Carolina.  I have been teaching art for ten years now and am currently at an elementary school. I love my job and enjoy going to work every day.

 Sweet.  My best friend is an art teacher too.  He is just finishing up his first year and he loves it.  From time to time I've toyed with the idea of going back to school and getting a teaching degree, with the goal of being a history teacher, but I'll probably stay at my dead end job for a few more years.Nyaa  I used to be a linguistics major, but there isn't a whole lot you can do with a linguistics degree, so I sorta stopped going to school and became a lazy man-child.

Now Playing: King's Bounty, Demon's Souls, BF1943
Now Listening: Karl Blau- Zebra, Atlas Sound- Logos
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Tue, 19 May 2009 16:56:29

bugsonglass said:

1. La Haine

This movie is excellent.  I need to watch it again soon.
Now Playing: King's Bounty, Demon's Souls, BF1943
Now Listening: Karl Blau- Zebra, Atlas Sound- Logos
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Wed, 20 May 2009 03:04:18

bugsonglass said:

some of the stuff i really love which people think i'm weird for are: crane filled skylines, huge construction sites, massive bridges (especially suspension ones), railroad tracks, warehouses, cityscapes, motorways.  especially cranes, i fuckin love cranes.

picture of cranes i took from riverboat in koeln:

 Hell yes. I'd love to walka round a construction site, and just down the road there was a huge factory warehouse and they usually had the doors open and you coudl look in while they were weilding. it was awesome. I should go and break into it now that it's empty and before it gets pulled down. Plus it's covered in vandalism. Nyaa There's also a huge train junction in the city, which just HAS to be invaded one day...

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Wed, 20 May 2009 13:32:54
Foolz said:
Hell yes. I'd love to walka round a construction site, and just down the road there was a huge factory warehouse and they usually had the doors open and you coudl look in while they were weilding. it was awesome. I should go and break into it now that it's empty and before it gets pulled down. Plus it's covered in vandalism. Nyaa There's also a huge train junction in the city, which just HAS to be invaded one day...

 Per your request


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Wed, 20 May 2009 16:18:18

Name: Trevor

Alias: Tre, Coopersville, Rogue

DOB: June 1, 1987

Nationality: Canadian

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Religion: N/A

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Favourite Movie: Labyrinth

Favourite TV Series: Kenny vs. Spenny

Favourite Video Game: Doom

Favourite Band: Iced Earth

Favourite Book(s): The Doom novels by Dafydd ab Hugh and Brad Linaweaver

I take nothing seriously. Nothing. Because of this, I often give off the impression that I'm some sort of racist, chauvinistic, holocaust-denying, perverted, elitist forum troll, when in reality, I'm more of a parody of everything I despise.

My occupation used to be over-the-phone tech support for BestBuy's Geek Squad division, but that call centre was terribly run by a bunch of incompetent coke addicts, and I quit my job before they went under. Now I'm unemployed. I justify my existance by enrolling in school, though they're dicking me around, and I'm probably going to call them after this post to see if they've sorted out my paperwork yet. I'm also in the middle of filming a documentry; its subject, I'm not at liberty to say, but I'm having fun doing it. I'm also an artist. I don't practice as much as I used to, and I mostly just doodle, but I can do just about anything.

Unsurprisingly, I have a strong passion for video games. Some of my earliest memories are of playing Pac-man and Defender when I was three. When I was growing up, I wanted to make video games, but now I'm content with just playing them. I own a PS3 and Xbox 360, as well as most major consoles going back to the third gen. I don't really have a favourite console; I'm more of a fan of the games themselves. Lack of games I like will cause me to dislike certain consoles, though. I'm not really into PC gaming, but I do play a lot of Doom over Skulltag and Zdaemon. I enjoy Doom so much, I try to make it a part of my daily life, and thus I moderate the forums for the Doomworld website.

XBL: MisshapenRogue

PSN: Coopersville

I notice that I may be the second youngest user on these forums, which makes me feel kind of immature in light of my few blatant trolling feats.

Edited: Wed, 20 May 2009 16:25:56

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Wed, 20 May 2009 16:31:13
Coopersville said:

I notice that I may be the second youngest user on these forums, which makes me feel kind of immature in light of my few blatant trolling feats.

 Third, in fact.


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Wed, 20 May 2009 16:35:10
Am I the youngest? <3
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Thu, 21 May 2009 03:26:40

Yodariquo said:
Foolz said:
Hell yes. I'd love to walka round a construction site, and just down the road there was a huge factory warehouse and they usually had the doors open and you coudl look in while they were weilding. it was awesome. I should go and break into it now that it's empty and before it gets pulled down. Plus it's covered in vandalism. Nyaa There's also a huge train junction in the city, which just HAS to be invaded one day...

 Per your request.


Thank you! Correction added. 

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Thu, 21 May 2009 03:45:36
I found a picture that pretty well summarizes myself:

Manga Guide to Databases


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Thu, 21 May 2009 12:06:17

SteelAttack said:
Am I the youngest? <3

 You're the Grandmother of the site. 

Or more accurately, the blister on the Grandmothers bottom. 

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