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The VG Press Video Thread! Movie, TV series, anime and cartoon discussion inside
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Sun, 31 Jan 2010 03:16:54

gamingeek said:

ah, the books are okay. My mother bought them to ship overseas to a cousin, I ended up reading the first book out of boredom and got into it. They capture that school yard spirit of being a kid. Not bad at all. The movies are okay, sometimes entertaining.

It's no lord of the rings though

Yup, they're better. Nyaa

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Sun, 31 Jan 2010 20:51:44

Okay Fringe is done for now in Holland. They showed whole of season 1 and the first episode of season 2. Poor Charlie Sad

But Supernatural is back. Yessssssssssss. Seriously I urge you all to watch this awesomeness of a series.

Right now I am watching the Vampire Diaries. Hmm, not sure what to think now. Kinda Twilight-ish. 

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 01:08:44
bugsonglass said:
This is one of my favourite heart-warming and uplifting films which I have often watched at times when I was down.  Special recommendation for yoda! Wilbur wants to kill himself

Well that was depressing.


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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 03:46:56

Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay Fringe is done for now in Holland. They showed whole of season 1 and the first episode of season 2. Poor Charlie Sad

But Supernatural is back. Yessssssssssss. Seriously I urge you all to watch this awesomeness of a series.

Right now I am watching the Vampire Diaries. Hmm, not sure what to think now. Kinda Twilight-ish.

They showed the first few episodes of Supernatural's latest series then took it off air here. Hrm

Edited: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 03:47:19

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 06:18:51

Foolz said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay Fringe is done for now in Holland. They showed whole of season 1 and the first episode of season 2. Poor Charlie Sad

But Supernatural is back. Yessssssssssss. Seriously I urge you all to watch this awesomeness of a series.

Right now I am watching the Vampire Diaries. Hmm, not sure what to think now. Kinda Twilight-ish.

They showed the first few episodes of Supernatural's latest series then took it off air here. Hrm

 Yet another reason why Australia sucks! We should make a thread about it!

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 07:39:29
I'm all for it!

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:07:31

Poor charlie. We are right in the mid-season break of Fringe season 2 here.

Anyway, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica prequel starts this week.

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:36:15

Yodariquo said:
bugsonglass said:
This is one of my favourite heart-warming and uplifting films which I have often watched at times when I was down.  Special recommendation for yoda! Wilbur wants to kill himself

Well that was depressing.

oh man, i'm sorry you thought so.  it has almost the exact opposite effect on me


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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 03:42:25
I found it to be somewhere in the middle. It was a little uplifting and a little depressing, but probably a bit more depressing than uplifting for me!

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 03:46:23
There are two themes to the movie:
1 - The nice guy loses
2 - Life sucks and then you die


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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 03:56:59

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 04:34:16
Best show on TV is back tomorrow!

Final season of LOST!!!!!!!!
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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 06:16:42
Still gotta wait for it in Aus I think! Sad

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:19:04

I'm still waiting for them to repeat the first series of lost godamnit.

Oh yeah Iga, been watching Wolverine and the X-men. It gets a lot better and eventually worthy of the 90s X-men series. This is like Silent Hill SHattered Memories as it has familiar characters, locations and names but re-jigs things.

It started off fairly episodic but now its better now its focusing on preventing the future war.

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Tue, 02 Feb 2010 14:07:31

Yodariquo said:
There are two themes to the movie:
1 - The nice guy loses
2 - Life sucks and then you die

it's true that the elder brother is the nice guy, and that the film is much more about him than it is about wilbur.  but i felt there was something to take from his life and his attitude which gave the film a positive vibe


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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 05:29:29
Late to the party, I saw Avatar last night.  In terms of the movie itself, bizarrely enough I think if anything it works best as a romantic plot; everything else was a mess.  Paper-thin depth of character, particularly in the political elements, and plausibility absurdities aside, the movie panders to the worst kind of naive idealism.

The alien race is very comparable in culture to Native Americans, in terms of a worship of nature and the whole "one with everything" concept.  Ultimately, the everything in the movie plays up to them having some sort of perfect society, and by learning their ways there's some kind of great insight into life.  It's nonsense.

The one part that irritated me most was when the character who knows the group the best says "We have nothing to offer them."  Really?  An entire race whose sum-total of technology is the ability to make hammocks is completely without need of anything the modern world can provide?  No medicine, shelter, climatology, chemistry, mathematics, educational systems, plumbing, nothing?!  They get away with this by never showing anyone needing medical attention (until near the end where their mystical crap fails), and never showing any inclimate weather.

Humanity has progressed technologically for a reason.  Of course there are harmful environmental practices, but the entire movie demonizes technological and social progress.  Just because something's "the way it's always been done" does not make it better, insightful or even useful.  Somehow I don't like choosing sides between war-mongering incompetent management and xenophobic intolerant mystics.

Beyond the movie itself, the day gaming goes 3D is the day I quit gaming.


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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:20:50
i haven't watched avatar.  i've been meaning to do so, just for the spectacle and the special FX (as my take on the message would be much the same as yoda's) but the theatre ticket costs 12 euro here and a friend told me that they didn't even increase the brightness at the cinema to compensate for the tint of the 3D goggles


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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:36:20

Yodariquo said:
Late to the party, I saw Avatar last night.  In terms of the movie itself, bizarrely enough I think if anything it works best as a romantic plot; everything else was a mess.  Paper-thin depth of character, particularly in the political elements, and plausibility absurdities aside, the movie panders to the worst kind of naive idealism.

The alien race is very comparable in culture to Native Americans, in terms of a worship of nature and the whole "one with everything" concept.  Ultimately, the everything in the movie plays up to them having some sort of perfect society, and by learning their ways there's some kind of great insight into life.  It's nonsense.

The one part that irritated me most was when the character who knows the group the best says "We have nothing to offer them."  Really?  An entire race whose sum-total of technology is the ability to make hammocks is completely without need of anything the modern world can provide?  No medicine, shelter, climatology, chemistry, mathematics, educational systems, plumbing, nothing?!  They get away with this by never showing anyone needing medical attention (until near the end where their mystical crap fails), and never showing any inclimate weather.

Humanity has progressed technologically for a reason.  Of course there are harmful environmental practices, but the entire movie demonizes technological and social progress.  Just because something's "the way it's always been done" does not make it better, insightful or even useful.  Somehow I don't like choosing sides between war-mongering incompetent management and xenophobic intolerant mystics.

Beyond the movie itself, the day gaming goes 3D is the day I quit gaming.

What the hell at the last sentence, the 3D was incredible, it is the future and I want it here in my house NOW!

Anyway I don't think the movie was trying to say that by learning their ways you get some insight into life. The movie was trying to show that the planet of Pandora itself was alive, that the Navi can communicate with it as if it were a computer. It wasn't so much about learning to become a better person or anything, that aspect just came from accepting and respecting a different society rather than come in and blow it up for material gain.

I agree about them not needing any modern tech, understandably they don't want anything that can harm the planet but stuff like medicine and education will be beneficial but they show that in the movie. That is what the Avatar program was trying to do, it was giving them education, it was helping them grow while respecting them and of course the humans got something in return, to study the planet.

Yes the movie plays heavily on the whole nature versus tech plot but in the end I felt it was more about greed and power trying to take over a foreign land.  It wasn't just that the humans used technology, it was that they literally blew their home to bits. They killed many of their people. That is why they fought back. There is a take care of nature message in there as well but I didn't feel there was an anti-technology message, there was an anti-invade other land message.

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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:57:56
I watched Avatar a week ago, and the 3D aspect sucked. Everything was blurry and weird looking, which gave me eyestrain and a headache. If I hadn't seen it with my sister, I would have walked out within the first hour.

Also, the story was weak. I hate it when Hollywood puts most of their effort into the visuals, and very little into the story. Who do they think they are? The video game industry?

Edited: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:06:00

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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 21:00:18
Ravenprose said:
Everything was blurry and weird looking, which gave me eyestrain and a headache. If I hadn't seen it with my sister, I would have walked out within the first hour.



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