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The Press Room Episode #80
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 07:02:34

Yodariquo and Aspro give first hand impressions of GoldenEye 007 (Wii), Dragon Quest IV (DS), Crackdown (360) and Too Human (360) before getting into the news of the week.


Edited: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 09:44:24

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:29:25

Ack, I keep forgetting to listen to these podcasts. Seriously for me, not seeing them on the main forum page has sort of hidden them away from where most of the activity on the site happens.

If a podcast is mentioned on the news page, it's quickly forgotten among all the comments and news items.

Here I just have to keep trying to remember to come here.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 13:29:41

Listening now, great to hear Aspro's voice again Happy

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 13:39:43

Oh Yoda, it didn't have the opening Bond jingle? LOL You are so picky on these things. I love it and you.

Train level, that is somewhat past midway I guess.

It seems your problems mostly stem from the game not being a carbon copy of the N64 game, with better visuals?

Yeah the defaults control settings aren't great, perhaps you should try out my controls I listed in the thread?

Smartphone settings controls are bunk, but you dont use them when there is action involved. I found finding parts to click was difficult at first, but on repeated play, the spots were instantly recognisable.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 13:43:53

I want my complementary Penis!!


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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 13:44:51

From the interviews it seems that Eurocom had just finished Quantum of Solace PS2 and then pitched the idea of a Goldeneye remake. So I'm not sure how much the success of COD Wii titles had in influencing it. COD Wii has sold about 3.7 million minimum probably 4 million or higher by now. Still not much compared to the HD versions but COD3 for instance was ported by 2 people from the PS2 version and WaW and COD4 had like 25 people working on it compared to hundreds on the HD versions.

Cost wise, it works out healthily for activision. They don't even bother promoting them anymore Hrm

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:00:21

Visuals are great in Goldeneye in general. Some of the character models have low poly bodies but detailed and well animated faces. I disagree with the grey and brown comment. The jungle level is green, the construction level has an orange like haze. The tank level is very colourful. The dam and facility are industrial complexes and those levels are set indoors or at night so the colour palette doesn't suprise me, but there was also some moody lighting and the office or lab sections were light blue or steel grey. The archives is green, orangey and have wood like colours, brown/yellowish tiling.

Yoda the first several levels are all one big level in the same location the dam is the entry point to the facility which leads to the escape from the facility - the airstrip. Of course they have the same combat uniforms. But there is a difference, some wear lab coats, some overalls, some wear blue berets and green shirts. Some are ski mask wearing etc.

I really don't get your problem with the alarm system. The enemies shout to each other that there is an intruder when they spot you which obviously leads to more combat troops joining the fray. Having played the single player extensively it is very rare for enemies to spawn from nowhere, they all enter from doors or slide down on wires, or smash through windows, or slide down rocks to join the fray.

Disagree with you on the time trials, you can move on, you don't have to clear out rooms, I just tried the time trial on the Archives last night. You can run straight past people, although the AI is aggressive and will shoot you in the back. When you get to a checkpoint they wont all follow you to that checkpoint and gang up on you either. You can run through pretty much all of the construction and club levels, even on Outpost and Bunker. The choice is up to you whether you want to run and gun or sneak about. Obviously for time trials you have to run and gun.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:02:13

What's with the classical music behind Aspro's DQ segment?

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:14:43

Interesting on Infamous/Crackdown.

I have a bad memory for these things, but I'm sure I have been in a situation where I later found earlier inspirational worlds.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:17:38

Aspro was banned from GAF? LOL over Too Human?

Edited: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:18:21

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:20:47

Video the destruction of Too Human. Doooooooooooooooo it.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:36:31
gamingeek said:

Aspro was banned from GAF? LOL over Too Human?

i think aspro was saying dennis dyack was banned.

Aspro - Destruction video = Yes please!


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:46:20

Dyack was banned? LOL

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:51:49

Aspro, you sexist pig.

Get in the kitchen and make me something.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:52:09

LOL! Racist stereotypes for the win.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 15:01:58

Yoda, I said in the blog that it was generalisations and that there were obvious examples to the contrary.

And I never said that other countries were not making good games.

And just like you and Canadian culture, as a Canadian you would obviously know more about that country, as I know more about UK culture than you do. What I was saying is that having read all the interviews for the particular games I mentioned, I could see how they approached the games development and gave some insight into why they were passionate about it.

I really don't get you sometimes, you seem to just block out some things, or mishear or misinterpret other things. Like saying that there is only one enemy type in the first 3 levels of Goldeneye when factually there are at least 4 maybe more so? What gives?

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 19:02:37
gamingeek said:

What's with the classical music behind Aspro's DQ segment?

That's the music from DQ.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:32:02

I was like, "why is this trhead so huge, none of the other podcasts got this many posts" Its all GGs fault. Go listen to the others. Nyaa

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 22:34:43
gamingeek said:

Ack, I keep forgetting to listen to these podcasts. Seriously for me, not seeing them on the main forum page has sort of hidden them away from where most of the activity on the site happens.

If a podcast is mentioned on the news page, it's quickly forgotten among all the comments and news items.

Here I just have to keep trying to remember to come here.

Maybe we could put something persistent on the front page when a new podcast is up.  Having each podcast have it's own thread has worked out better for community comments and feedback, that was the impetus for moving it here.

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Tue, 16 Nov 2010 00:52:31
gamingeek said:

It seems your problems mostly stem from the game not being a carbon copy of the N64 game, with better visuals?

No, it's for being a worse game with "worse" visuals.  The points in simplified text form here are

  • It disproportionately punishes not progressing through the levels stealthily.
  • Gameplay is devolved into either crawling to kill guys, or in a firefight, hiding behind a crate and slowly picking off enemies.
  • The visuals are uninspired and forgettable.
  • They mangled the story.
  • Enemies "appearing from nowhere" refers to enemies that aren't otherwise in the level entering it (for example, jumping through a window from the outside).
  • Generic enemies were meant to describe generic enemies.  I was not meaning to try and create a tally of character models.
gamingeek said:

Yoda, I said in the blog that it was generalisations and that there were obvious examples to the contrary.

And I never said that other countries were not making good games.

Your point was to explain how UK culture helped produce quality games.  My counter-point was that your description of UK culture was so generic it applies to any country.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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