Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Massive Epic Thread of Spirit Tracks Hype
The Massive Epic Thread of Spirit Tracks Hype
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Tue, 27 Oct 2009 04:11:02
Dvader said:

gamingeek said:


There's nothing wrong with PH.

You telling me you cant tell the difference between a game like Alttp and PH.

I dont think PH is a bad game, its a great game, not a good Zelda game.

In a game that is focused on dungeons, which as you stated, "sucked major ass," I think this is an empty cop-out.  By what measure then is it a great game?  When compared to Drake of the 99 Dragons?


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Tue, 27 Oct 2009 09:38:28

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:


There's nothing wrong with PH.

You telling me you cant tell the difference between a game like Alttp and PH.

I dont think PH is a bad game, its a great game, not a good Zelda game.

Robio is God, he likes it and the discussion is ended Grinning

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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 06:06:53
Bumping this so that the next time I have impressions this is on the first page.
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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:19:32

Dvader said:
Bumping this so that the next time I have impressions this is on the first page.

There's this new feature that's included in every web browser called Bookmarks (or Favorites). They allow you to literally "bookmark" any page on teh internetz that you want (such as this very page!), so that you can always go right back to it anytime you want with just a simple click. No bumping required. Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:36:22

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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 08:38:10
Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:
Bumping this so that the next time I have impressions this is on the first page.

There's this new feature that's included in every web browser called Bookmarks (or Favorites). They allow you to literally "bookmark" any page on teh internetz that you want (such as this very page!), so that you can always go right back to it anytime you want with just a simple click. No bumping required. Nyaa

There's this new feature on The VG Press that allows you to Favourite forum posts when you click the Star in the upper right corner so you can always go right back to it anytime you want with a simple click. No bumping required.


Edited: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 08:41:19


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 08:51:50
I didnt want to waste a bookmark on this game...
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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 09:41:47

Yodariquo said:
Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:
Bumping this so that the next time I have impressions this is on the first page.

There's this new feature that's included in every web browser called Bookmarks (or Favorites). They allow you to literally "bookmark" any page on teh internetz that you want (such as this very page!), so that you can always go right back to it anytime you want with just a simple click. No bumping required. Nyaa

There's this new feature on The VG Press that allows you to Favourite forum posts when you click the Star in the upper right corner so you can always go right back to it anytime you want with a simple click. No bumping required.



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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 10:05:25
Latest impressions:  I think i'm on the last leg of the game (or getting there).  Predictably i'm back at the Tower of Spirits and i'm positively stuck.  this is the most devious dungeon section in a Zelda game for a very long time (or i'm thinking about it in a completely wrong way and missing something obvious).  I left the game at that point yesterday evening as i had to go to a friend's christmas get-together and i had a go at it this morning for about another hour without any real breakthrough.  this is spoiling my enjoyment a little bit.  I think at 35 odd (maybe more) levels the tower of spirits is a little too much of a good thing.

i have tests to mark, i have term reports to fill but i fuckin must play on.  i'm such a lousy teacher Sad


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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:32:31
i finished the game today and saw the ending.  however i feel i played this game sort of in a hurry as i feel i want to finish as many games as i can before the new year when i will be neck deep into university work (on top of job related work) and won't hardly get to play any games...

so while i feel i missed out on a lot of the side quests (most of which involved transporting people from place to place on the train, or buying cargo from one place and transporting it to somebody at another place) and right now feel i would very much love to enjoy the whole thing again at a more leisurely pace and do a lot more of those side quests.  however i feel that with most games i enjoy but i hardly ever get to play games twice these days.

so for now these are my final impressions (will try to sum them up into positives and negatives):

1.  Tried and true Zelda formula of an epic world/kingdom/princess saving story, doing quests for various curious peoples and solving great dungeons combining battles and environmental puzzles to great effect.
2.  Hefty quest.  5 elemental temples with all but the first one being fairly non-trivial.  Tower of spirits with 30 odd puzzle filled stealthy levels which altogether more than doubles the dungeon solving in the game.
3.  Good selection of items.  Some new ones some returning ones.  Great use of items throughout the game both for combat and for puzzles.  You don't just use an item in the temple where you find it, or just until you find the next one.
4.  Mostly great set of bosses.  With the exception of the unremarkable boss in the first temple the game has some great bosses.  Some of them are harder than the bosses we've seen in the last few Zelda games.
5.  Zelda as a sidekick is great.  Not only does it enhance the story with making the relation between her and link much more active and much more lively but in the tower of spirits it adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay when she occupies 4 different kinds of phantoms with varying properties to help Link solve all kinds of puzzles.
6.  The train concept is fun, at least at first.
7.  Nice collections to fill.  There is treasure to collect and many different kinds of it to find.  Also a book which you have to stamp a page at each individual place you visit.  Finding the stamp stations can be lots of fun and the stamps are very nice to look at.  There are many different train parts to modify the train with (same as the ship parts in Phantom Hourglass) but i did not bother with this aspect of the game at all.
8.  Game is challenging.  Combat at some places needs to be well thought out.  you need to strategise in terms of which items you need to do what with, and even what you need the phantom to do.  it is more puzzle-like, if you want, than before.  it is not a throwaway distraction between puzzles like in the last few games.
9.  Almost forgot to mention this.  The end credits are amazing and had me in big smiles.
10.  The controls are fantastic.  I almost didn't include this as it goes without saying for anyone who has played Phantom Hourglass.  They are almost identical to those of that game but they feel more refined more responsive and generally improved a good bit.
11.  Game makes great use of the unique features of the DS.  The touch screen is used for controlling everything in the game (as already mentioned) to great effect.  The second screen has the dungeon floor map, or the world map and you can write useful notes on it.  the mic is used a good bit.  i didn't mind this but apparently some find it annoying.  No snapping the DS shut puzzles this time around though and generally fewer gimmicks i think on the whole that in Phantom Hourglass.

1.  Riding the train everywhere gets old.  Even with the addition of trying to avoid the evil trains and however great the train tune is, it does get old.
2.  Overworld exploration is lacking.  You are not able to explore every nook and cranny of a large sprawling overworld like in past Zelda games.
3.  Catching the bunnies (a mini-game of sorts) is most aggravating.  Luckily it isn't necessary to bother with them.
4.  Some fetch quests before you can open your way to where you need to go next.  nothing terribly long or unpleasant though in my experience.
5.  The last few levels of the tower of spirits are pretty devious though this would be in the positive if it wasn't for one particular puzzle which had me randomly bombing parts of the wall ala NES Zelda.
6.  There is a very annoying train game before you face the last two bosses.  It took me many tries to do it and it pissed me off as i really wanted to get to the boss at that stage.
7.  The final boss is very easy.  It's a fun fight, but it was a little disappointing there wasn't more of a challenge (or perhaps the game's bosses had me spoilt until that point).  I could figure out exactly what i needed to do (and it was an easy thing to do) in all the different stages of the battle almost immediately.

overall:  9.2
game is great (which i think vader will agree with).  it is also a great zelda game (which i'm not sure vader will agree with).  i am at a stage where any game i feel compelled enough to complete has to be great by default, but this game was especially enjoyable for me.  it is a quality nintendo product through and through with production values through the roof which is a joy to behold and a joy to play throughout.
Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:00:44


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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:38:03
Nice review Bugs.

Is the whip one of the best Zelda items ever, yes.
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:40:40
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:45:57

Ravenprose said:
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

Yes, stupid evil trains with angry eyes that chase you around and if they touch your train you need to start the whole train ride over again.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:50:36

Ravenprose said:
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

tons of them!!  and it is instant death and start again upon collision with one.  that annoying bit i mentioned before the last boss involved having to deal with half a dozen of these evil trains. Also SPOILERS: There is an evil train boss before the end.  but that one is quite fun

Dvader said:
Nice review Bugs.

Is the whip one of the best Zelda items ever, yes.

it is great indeed.  i can see them doing the motion control version of the whip in the next wii zelda LOL  in general i loved how spirit tracks mixes and matches using different items (and even working with the phantom in certain instances) simultaneously for puzzles or even combat

Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:51:34


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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:52:35

Dvader said:

Ravenprose said:
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

Yes, stupid evil trains with angry eyes that chase you around and if they touch your train you need to start the whole train ride over again.


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Thu, 17 Dec 2009 10:57:55

Dvader said:

Ravenprose said:
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

Yes, stupid evil trains with angry eyes that chase you around and if they touch your train you need to start the whole train ride over again.

Is this some kind of metaphor?

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Fri, 18 Dec 2009 21:29:31
This game should be all dungeons cause they are fantastic. After you finish one you get sent back to your damn train, get me to the next dungeon! I think this game would have cracked my top 100 games of the decade, yeah its really good.
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Fri, 18 Dec 2009 22:12:38

Dvader said:
This game should be all dungeons cause they are fantastic. After you finish one you get sent back to your damn train, get me to the next dungeon! I think this game would have cracked my top 100 games of the decade, yeah its really good.

it was pretty much all dungeons for me.  that is if you consider the tower of spirits section as dungeon sections (which they are).  the fetch quests/overworld quests are minimal if you are just looking to progress the story, but i agree that the train rides do get wearisome by the end


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Fri, 18 Dec 2009 23:28:49

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

Ravenprose said:
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

Yes, stupid evil trains with angry eyes that chase you around and if they touch your train you need to start the whole train ride over again.

Is this some kind of metaphor?

All aboard the man-train! Who goes first?


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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:08:19

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

Ravenprose said:
There are "evil trains" in the game? LOL

Yes, stupid evil trains with angry eyes that chase you around and if they touch your train you need to start the whole train ride over again.

Is this some kind of metaphor?

All aboard the man-train! Who goes first?


Yay! Can I be the Caboose this time?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:37:08

bugsonglass said:

Dvader said:
This game should be all dungeons cause they are fantastic. After you finish one you get sent back to your damn train, get me to the next dungeon! I think this game would have cracked my top 100 games of the decade, yeah its really good.

it was pretty much all dungeons for me.  that is if you consider the tower of spirits section as dungeon sections (which they are).  the fetch quests/overworld quests are minimal if you are just looking to progress the story, but i agree that the train rides do get wearisome by the end

The tower is definetly a dungeon, that is the best part. I didn't like the PH one cause it made you replay it a few times, and it was focused to much on the hide from statue people type gameplay. It didn't feel Zelda enough. This does, these rooms all interconnect like a classic Zelda dungeons. The puzzles are so well done, making use of so many different items and every new section gives Zelda a brand new gameplay mechanic. The next console Zelda needs dungeons like this! You can still have the new item mechanic of each dungeon but make it where most puzzles are solved by using everything in your arsenal. And add new major gameplay elements with each dungeon.

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