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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 11:59:54

PS: Dragon Souls are the 'Currency' you spend to learn new words to add to your Shouts.

Fus Ro and Dah are the three words that comprise the 'Unrelenting Force' shout. If I remember right, you get 'Fus' from the first Dragon you defeat. The monks at High Hrothgar teach you 'Ro' and 'Dah.' Whenever you discover a Word of Power somewhere else in the world, you'll only get that one word, you have to spend a Dragon Soul to actually learn it, be it a new Shout altogether or a secondary or tertiary word (level) to an already existing Shout.

Go to 'Magic' in your Menu. Then go to 'Shout' under the Magic menu. The words you know, but haven't learned yet, will be darkened. I think you press the 'Square' button on the Dual Shock to actually 'purchase' or learn that word.

Edited: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 12:02:43
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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:37:46

I have the first word, I am talking to the greybeards to get the second and third ones now. I'll look again this morning.

I did not miss any in-game explanastions in the game right? I mean they never explain this...  I had to find online how to spend dragon soul gems, how to spend them, how to equip a shout and how to use it. The only thing the manual says is R2 -- lop sop doy!

I read somewhere else someone saying to press square (thich is not an option on the shouts screen), so I thought they meant use it before going into the menu (as you would to pull out a weapon).

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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 22:58:36
No idea what I did. I pressed square in the shouts menu. Nothing appeared to change. Exited and pressed R2 and it worked. Now the game won't shut up about how to use it.



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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:41:29

Yeah. You are right. It is R2 on the PS3. Well THAT'S awkward. The larger trigger is the 'Shout' button? I don't remember that at all, and it seems counter-intuitive.

Unless you have gotten more words of power, OTHER THAN the ones the GreyBeards gave you, there's no need to spend Dragon Souls just yet...

Here's a tip: Watch the bottom of the screen for Button Explanations. When you have an Enchanted Weapon, for example, that needs recharging, in the 'Items' screen under 'Weapons' when you move the cursor to an Enchanted Weapon the 'Shout' button becomes 'Recharge.' This is where you spend the contents of a full 'Soul Gem' to recharge the Enchantment. At least that is what it is on the 360... Point is... Watch for the guide at the bottom of the screen; sometimes the buttons become context sensitive.

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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:50:45
Thanks. Yeah it was just a strange, strange choice on the devs part (never explainjnh Shout until you use it).

I sm two levels higher now and back to loving the game.

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 00:10:30

If you have any general questions, except for button placement, ask away! I've had to decipher most of the game myself recently, as no one here is playing it presently and I've tried to avoid using the Wikis. There seems to be a lot that is either NOT there or is covered too briefly in the game when it comes to explanations.

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 01:13:45

I am still playing Skyrim on PS3, whats wrong with it Leo. The patches should have fixed everything minus a few freezes.

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 01:14:48

Aspro same thing happened to me, I had no clue how to shout for many many hours.

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 02:25:59
Dvader said:

I am still playing Skyrim on PS3, whats wrong with it Leo. The patches should have fixed everything minus a few freezes.

While I am pretty sure it is playable now, it left a very, very, very bad taste in my mouth. I'm not going to get into all the differences, but the 360 is absolutely the better and more stable version of the two. The fact that patches and updates are made for the 360 version first, also shows Bethesda system of choice. Besides having Dawnguard itself, you can fight while on horseback on the 360 version. You can get crossbows. I'm not sure if the cinematic kills are in the PS3 version or not yet... an aside: I just fought a Frost Dragon, and my killing blow turned into a VERY long and drawn out cut-scene where I slashed at the Dragon, Jumped on it's neck, stabbed it in its head and then slashed its mouth 'til it died... Does the PS3 version do that yet? I honestly am not sure!

Knowing what I know about the game now. Seeing that I have devoted 70 hours to it already and I DON'T WANT TO finish it yet is a testament to just how much I am enjoying it (and, no, I haven't even touched DawnGuard yet!)... The thought that the PS3 version almost made me miss out on this game makes me very angry!

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 02:32:37

Lady Aspro played 120 hours on 60 GB PS3 without problem. I've talked about that before.

So far, I ran into problems with it freezing when I went into the water (LAME), but by deleting the prior install and re-installing with a newer update it works without problem. (I am only 8 hours in though).


Clearly the wider problems experienced by PS3 owners with different hardware configurations cannot be ignored. But who is to blame for that? Not Sony.  There are countless games released for the PS3 that were made for 360 and PC that work fine.  Bethesda should have acknowledged their lack of ability in this area and released it for PC and 360 only. I would have happily bought it for the 360.  It would have been more of a hassle for me, given my situation*, but I would have done it.

*I have an NTSC PS3 and NTSC 360. MS locks NTSC content in my region, Sony does not, which means I can walk into any store and buy a PS3 game and play it, with MS it's a crap shoot.  I wanted Skyrim at launch and not have to import it, thus my platform choice.

Edited: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 02:33:39

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 02:43:44

It's kind of the same situation as Bayonetta. Play it on PS3 or 360, they are both playable...

...but one clearly outshines the other. If you only play one, it's not a problem. The state of the original, unpatched PS3 game made me play the 360 version instead, not so much by choice as necessity, and I am glad about it now. If that version is all fixed now, go for it; either version is just as deep as the other and offers the same storyline and gameplay, there's nothing wring with it in that regard.

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 02:46:55

This is probably an Elder Scrolls standard practice by now (I don't know, I didn't play the others NEARLY as much as this one!) --BUT-- on the PS3 version (or any version for that matter) DON'T LEAVE CRAP LAYING AROUND! Stow it in a barrel, or a chest, or put it / leave it on the body you are plundering if you don't want it! Leaving all those variables all over the world makes the game engine go all wonky! I am pretty sure this has been MOSTLY fixed on the PS3 version... Just don't chance it!

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Thu, 28 Jun 2012 02:56:43

Here's some other tips that seemed to have gone unexplained:

Pressing and Holding Left or Right on the directional pad while in your Favorites menu (the one you see when you press 'Up' on the pad) lets you assign Numer 1 or 2 to Weapons or Spells. Basically, it's Hot-Keys for your two most used Instruments of Destruction. It's implemeted kind of oddly though. Pressing Left once equips your Number 1 weapon or spell in your left hand. Pressing Left twice equips Number 1 in your Right hand too. Pressing Right once equips your Number 2 choice in your left hand... etc... Odd but quick.

The Compass is weird. You'll see a location outlined in Black on it, if there is something in your vicinity. Find it, approach it and it will turn White and you will be able to Fast Travel to it. Sometimes these Blacked Out locations appear on your Main Map, sometimes they do not. Once you get strong enough to venture out into the wild safely EXPLORE. A. LOT. Not only are there TONS of Optional Dungeons out there, it makes getting around that much faster. The Dragon Heads on the Map depict Dragon Mounds that typically hold a wall with a Word of Power in it.

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Sat, 30 Jun 2012 01:11:00
The jump from Oblivion to Skyrim within the generation is astounding.

Man I love video games.

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Sat, 30 Jun 2012 02:07:37

When you first made this topic a loooong time ago, I remember getting annoyed, thinking to myself: "Why is he posting concept art and renderings that will NEVER actually make it into the game?!" Then I realized it --WAS-- the game!  GASP

You managed to make me interested in a Bethesda game when I swore I never would care again...

...then I was shattered when the PS3 version started giving me problems...

...but I couldn't let it go...

...You hooked me back in 2010 and, come 2012, I couldn't resist any longer, I bought a new 360 and Skyrim and haven't had a single regret yet!

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Sat, 30 Jun 2012 02:22:53
aspro said:
The jump from Oblivion to Skyrim within the generation is astounding.

Man I love video games.

I hope this also applies to quality in design.

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Sat, 30 Jun 2012 04:55:24
Indeed it is open as Morrowind was, moreso. Compared to thr tunneled Obluvion.

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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 19:02:56

Oh My God! They killed Belethor!


"Some may call this junk. Me, I call them treasures!"

R.I.P. my favorite Breton Shopkeeper.

May Talos favor you in Sovngarde...

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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 19:15:12

The moment I added DawnGuard to my game, a Vampire attacked Whiterun. I arrived to see Belethor being run through right in front of my home. Before I could even TRY to use my Heal Others spell on him, the Vampire tried to raise his corpse. The guards then killed the Vampire, reducing Belethor to a pile of ashes. Now, there's no General Store in Whiterun and his Ash pile is NOT disappearing. I have a constant reminder of not being able to save him every time I walk out my door.


I am currently trying to find a new home. I am looking into Solitude, but the Steward doesn't seem to be offering me a house yet...

DAMN YOU, Vampires! I have since become a Werewolf and am now SQUARELY on Team Jacob!**

**If you get this reference, you are hereby dubbed 'Gay' but there's nothing wrong with that!**  wink

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Sun, 01 Jul 2012 19:24:09
LOL I got the Team Jacob reference. Nyaa I've always been a werewolf since first playing Skyrim so I'm guessing I'll automatically be with Team Jacob when I play Dawnguard.


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